The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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The last match had wrapped up, and soon, another event would commence. The audience started wondering among themselves what would happen next. The announcers began recounting the recent events that happened, including the outcome of the Lightweight Classic Tournament, which was won by Morgan Frey. With her winning the tournament, she was granted the opportunity to face the current lightweight champion, Rose Gold.

And then, a montage of the tournament began playing, displaying the highlights of the matches. The most featured match was the final match of the tournament between Morgan Frey and Ryori Bleck, including the parts where Morgan had to use not one, but two piledrivers just to take her out. The montage ended with Morgan standing triumphantly as she was declared the new number one contender for the lightweight title.

Once the montage ended, Morgan's music was played before she made her entrance. The crowd cheered for her, and the quiet girl waved her hand, smiling as she made her way to the ring. Ever since her impressive display in the tournament, she had garnered quite a following despite her not being a talker. Well, since she was coming out to the ring, there was a chance that she might be doing some talking in the ring.
Morgan Frey
Soon, Morgan entered the ring and stood in the middle of it. In her hand was a microphone, and the audience waited in anticipation for whatever Morgan was going to talk about. She looked around, waiting for the cheers to die down before she brought the microphone to her lips and started speaking.

"Um... hello?"

There was a pause. Morgan bashfully scratched her cheek before she continued.

"Well, you see... I'm not really a good talker, but after what I accomplished, I believe I need to do this." Morgan said. "First of all, thank you. Thank you for showing your faith in me and cheering for me. It means a lot to me." She displayed a sincere smile, and the crowd reacted by cheering her more. "For those who know me, or at least follow my career, you know that my mother is also a wrestler. I've been wrestling since I was young. I still remember when I first made my in-ring debut a the age of sixteen. I lost, of course, but that match taught me a lot about wrestling, and... about how much I love wrestling."

Morgan then looked at one direction. Some of the cameras focused on that direction, and the giant screen showed an older woman with the same hair color as Morgan's. Those who recognized her cheered. It was Petra Thompson, Morgan's mother and a veteran wrestler. It seemed that she was here to watch her daughter make her speech. She even waved her hand as her image was displayed on the screen.

"I suppose you can say I am lucky. Lucky to be born in an environment where I can fall in love with wrestling. But my luck can only bring me so far." Morgan continued. "I worked hard. I trained myself. Bit by bit, I built myself up, putting my body through the wringer due to my love for wrestling. And now, I guess my hard works pay off. I won the tournament and got myself an opportunity to face the champion, and I'm not going to waste this opportunity by losing!"

Morgan was aware of how dangerous Rose Gold was. Still, she knew the risk, and she was willing to go through it. "Everyone, I have been given this opportunity to become someone I can be proud of, to be someone worth cheering for. I promise that I will not let you down. I will beat Rose Gold and become the new lightweight champion! In We Are LAW!!" Morgan declared. The crowd cheered, and she looked a little overwhelmed, though she seemed happy as she smiled.

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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"WE are LAW?" The disembodied voice was immediately recognizable. "Don't be -ridiculous-!" However, for the uninitiated, its owner emerged onto the stage mid-sentence.

"-I- AM LAW!" The Sinister Siren, Rose Gold; stood under the giant screen with a microphone in hand. Her attire tonight was leisurely and athletic. It was a stark contrast to her typically provocative and tight wrestling attire. A sports bra and athletic shorts clung to her figure instead of the inner thigh-revealing high-leg leotard that she'd worn against Aurora Estrella. And completing the outfit was the LAW Lightweight Championship Belt slung over her shoulder.
Casual Attire
The crowd erupted. It was a cacophony of cheers, boos, and dueling crowd chants. Everyone was screaming, regardless of their opinion of the current Lightweight Champion. "That's right simps. Welcome your ACE!" She spread her arms, fingers splayed and palms up. She looked towards the heavens, closing her eyes and indulging in the sound as if it were a fresh spring rainfall. After all, it was all worship to her.

Once she'd had her fill she brought the microphone to her lips. "Enough." She cut off the crowd. Which briefly made them get louder. All the while her lips curled into a sinister, self-satisfied grin. She played them like a fiddle!

Morgan's mother was still on the big screen above her. "So this is the woman we have to thank for such a meek, pitiful wrestler huh?" The crowd reacted. But surely none more intensely than Petra herself. "Lucky is how I would describe your whole family." She smirked as she looked up and over her shoulder at the big screen. "You're lucky to have won that tournament. And your mom is lucky she's retired. Oh, the things I would do to her." She licked her lips and paused to allow both Morgan, her mom, and the crowd to ponder on what -exactly- Rose would have liked to have done to Petra's mother in the ring.

"Luck is all you've got, Morgan-chan. And do you think so little of this belt!" She lifted her championship on high. "That luck is all it takes to be champion? Is that how you wager I've gone undefeated for over 900 days? -Luck-?" She spoke as if she were educating a child. Equal parts patronizing and condescending.
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:02 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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When Rose Gold appeared, Morgan braced herself. She was aware of the infamous lightweight champion, having seen most of her matches before. She could see arrogance oozing from her very being as she made her presence known. And when she appeared, she wasted no time disparaging Morgan and her mother, who seemed to keep her calm, at least outwardly. Morgan also kept her cool while inside the ring, listening to every word of the vicious champion as she spoke.

Unlike Morgan, Rose was a much better speaker, whose words seemed to elicit reactions from the audience. Glancing at her mother, who was still among the audience, Morgan sighed before she brought the microphone to her lips as she would respond to Rose's words. "I am not making such assumption, Miss Rose." Morgan said coolly. "I have seen your fights to defend that title, and it is true that you successfully prevailed against all the challengers."

Looking straight at Rose, her eyes filed with determination, Morgan continued, "I care not about how you won. Many people said you fought dirtily, you pulled underhanded tricks to get yourself your wins, and I don't care. But you're not going to keep that title forever, Miss Rose." Confidently, Morgan held out her hand and pointed at Rose. To be more specific, at the lightweight championship belt that she was currently holding. "I'm not counting on my luck alone, you know? At We Are LAW, I will will make that title mine!"

Hearing Morgan's declaration, the audience cheered for her. Even for someone who rarely spoke, she seemed to generate enough pop from the crowd. Even her mother, Petra, was impressed by her as she nodded approvingly. Still, how would Rose respond to those words.

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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Rose Gold was content to stand at the top of the ramp with little more than her microphone and a shit eating grin to keep her company. However, Morgan had the gall to talk back to her. Her expression shifted to one of irritation as Morgan called her Miss Rose. Her family name.

"Miss Rose?" She spat the words as she neared the ring. She climbed up the steps and slipped between the ropes. Morgan wanted her attention. She'd gotten it.

"Miss Rose is my mother." She stepped to the center of the ring to square up with Morgan. "-I- am Rose Gold."

"You know. You and my mother have a lot in common. The only thing that makes either one of you relevant." Her grin shifted to something impish and malicious. "Is me!" She pressed an extended thumb against her own chest as a visual aide to help Morgan understand.

"That goes for you AND the rest of this division! I put this weight class on the map! I inspired an entire generation of wannabes and copy cats! I'm the Lightweight Revolutionary! If it wasn't for me, you'd be wrestling at a YMCA. Do you understand me? Little Morgan Frey?" Her grin shifted again. Her expression becoming serious. Contemptuous.

"The only reason -anyone- cares about the Lightweight Division is ME! The Ace of LAW! The Undeniable Rose Gold!" Her golden eyes had gone molten with anger.

"And I am going to hold this belt forever! Because there's nobody better than me! I've proved it time and time again. Noone in the history of this league has defended their belt more times than me! Hell! I've beaten so many girls that they ran out of contenders! Even DeFranco's pet kitten!" She paused to force her detractors to swallow that!

"They had to hold a tournament just to try and dredge up someone new for me to break! For -me-! This division doesn't just need me. It IS me!" Her anger simmered in the wake of her self-agrandizing monologue.

"So what the hell do you think makes -you- the one to take MY division from me?"

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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Morgan narrowed her eyes as Rose started her grandstanding. She wasn't one to get angry that easily, but even she could tell that Rose Gold was quite prickly. That fact was never a secret because she had been making it clear for the world to see.

"Is that so? My apologies, Miss Rose Gold." It was hard to tell if there was really an emphasis in Rose's name when she said that. "To answer your question... yes, someone has to." Morgan said with resolute tone as she looked into those malicious eyes of the lightweight champion.

"Lightweight division isn't all about you, Miss Rose Gold." Morgan said, her tone calm and even. "And you've held that title long enough that it's about time for it to change hands." Morgan then pointed at herself. "I won the tournament, so it's only fair that I am the best that the division has to offer to challenge you for the title."

Staring straight into Rose's eyes, Morgan added, "So, if you have problem with me being your challenger, please just deal with it. Or do you have this desperate need to boast about all your achievements? About all the girls you have beaten? Those you have ruined? Those you have fucked?!" Somehow, her voice became tenser, and the crowd seemed taken aback by Morgan's choice of words.

Perhaps Morgan really did have problem with Rose Gold being the lightweight champion, the representative of their division, after all. She had seen her fights, where she humiliated those she defeated. In the end, Morgan could not really accept Rose Gold to be the one to represent their division because she could not agree with her vision.

"I will face you in We Are LAW, Miss Rose Gold. Either I win and get your title, or I lose and you keep that title. And that's all that matters." Morgan said, her voice became much calmer again.

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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"That's where you're wrong, Little Morgan Frey! The Lightweight Division -is- all about me!" Her attention narrowed tightly on Morgan. Their eyes met, and each of their respective fires was reflected in the pupils of the other. "Because -LAW- is about me." She spoke the words with the conviction of a Royal Decree!

"You're -right-. You're -earned- this opportunity. You pinned Dawn Wilder." She paused to gesture to the Titantron. "You beat Xiomara Tempest!" The image changed. "And finally, you nearly broke Ryori Bleck's neck with a piledriver!" a final image appeared on the screen. "To claim your place as the Winner of the Lightweight Classic Tournament." She gently clapped her hands.

"Bravo. Little Morgan Frey. You did all of that for the -opportunity- to stand in the ring with me at We Are LAW. Don't be shy. Go on. Take it in." She opened up both of her hands palm up, allowing the audience to celebrate her. For her mother to cheer for her.

"Do you understand the point I am making now?" Her expression softened as if she were speaking to a child. "Eight women fought tooth and nail. For me." And that gentle expression hardened into her signature serpent's grin. "You put your career on the line. Trained and performed for the singular opportunity to have your name next to mine on the marquee!"

She drew in a breath and closed her eyes. Sinking into her own mind in an act of self-worship so vulgar it was practically masturbatory. And when her eyes opened up, she stepped into Morgan, pressing her modest perky breasts into the other girls. She pressed her forehead against Morgan's as if to force her head back. The microphone slid between their faces so that she could speak into it.

"I'm the Champion. I am what you so desperately want to be! I am your -God-! And you've got me in a wrathful kind of mood! I want you to tell the doctors at the hospital that you've never seen -violence- so singularly personified as you did in the hands of the woman who sent you there! My name is Rose Gold! And for the crime of daring to steal from -me-. I am going to make sure you watch the Main Event of We Are LAW naked, in the back of an ambulance, with your helpless mother grasping your hand and swearing to you that she's proud of you for doing your -best-!"

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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Morgan steeled her expression and resolve, not wavering even as she listened more to Rose's words. When the champion stepped closer to her and pressed herself against her, their breasts mashing and their foreheads pressing, Morgan glared into Rose's eyes, showing her defiance. She could feel venom in Rose's words, though she could not afford to show fear here. She knew that the champion would relish in her fear, and she would not show it to her.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take..." Morgan said coolly, pressing her own forehead against Rose's in her display of defiance. "Whatever you say won't change anything. I do not fear you." Morgan told her. "I will face you in We Are LAW, and I will not squander this chance by losing to someone like you." For someone who hadn't shown much emotions, she was pretty emotive here, perhaps due to the prospect of actually winning the belt as well as the risk of facing someone as cruel as Rose.

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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Rose Gold was pressed so tightly against Morgan that it was difficult to tell where one of their bodies started, and the other ended. Her eyes were narrowed and locked onto Morgan's. And Morgan showed a similar fire. Neither girl was willing to back down... And that lack of fear infuriated the Lightweight Champion. She bristled, her nose scrunched up and her fist balled. Her shoulders tensed. Even those in the nosebleeds could tell that she was preparing to take a swing!

"Someone like me?" She barked the words... And all of the tension melted away. With a twist of her hips, she turned her back on Morgan and began to march towards the ropes.

"I have been this division's Atlas for longer than you've been in the company! I am -so- tired of carrying women like you!" She brushed back her bangs and drew in a deep breath. "After everything I've done." She turned to face Morgan again. "You want me to be the villain? So you can play hero?" She laughed at that. A short, mocking sound. "You got it, honey!" She rolled her eyes and waved and gave a stage bow.

"I'll be your Wicked Witch of Professional Wrestling. But you're far more Toto than Dorothy." She smirked shaking her head in disbelief. She slipped through the ropes then, apparently done with the conversation. "At We Are LAW 6 I'm going to put you through hell until you beg me for Mercy! And then you and the whole world will know that you, holding -my- belt... Really was just a dream!" She disappeared behind the curtain. But a maddened cackle came over the speaker as she continued to speak through the house sound.

"I'll get you my pretty!! And in front of your little mom too!" And then there was a crackle followed by the faint buzz of an abandoned mic.

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Re: The Quietest Voice is Often the Loudest

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Morgan glared into Rose's eyes as they pressed against one another. When Rose spoke and then named the stipulation of their upcoming match, Morgan narrowed her eyes, knowing that she was wholly unfamiliar with that kind of match. Still, she accepted it regardless, knowing that it was just another hurdle for her to reach the title.

She watched the champion leave, listening to her words. She wordlessly stared at her as she left, and when Rose finally disappeared and left her final words, she let out a sigh as her shoulders relaxed. She still had a serious look on her face as she looked a the audience cheering for her, looking at the direction of her mother, who showed a concerned look, though she nodded as their eyes met.

Morgan dropped her own mic as she then raised her arm, getting the crowd to cheer for her. She was ready to face Rose Gold in the upcoming title match, and while she knew how disadvantageous it was for her to face the champion in this kind of match, she would not falter. Stepping out of the ring, she returned backstage, filled with grim determination.


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