Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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"Veridian Death" Kazuko Ito vs. "The Baltic Knightess" Triin Liiv
Match Type:
Knockout Match
Rules: The winner must knock out her opponent out to win.

The arena dimmed before an erratic spotlight display of green and white flashed onto the stage as Kingslayer by Bring Me The Horizon & BABYMETAL roared over the arena. Relative newcomer Kazuko Ito would step out onto the stage with both of her arms out, and a green bo staff held out in one hand as she looked up at the ceiling, the metal music playing over her. The African-Asian girl wore a green mask over her mouth and a rather revealing leotard over her well-sculpted body as she stood tall. And more than anything, she seemed as confident as any veteran wrestler in the league, completely undeterred by the crowd or anyone watching her now.

As Kazuko made her way to the ring, her Cataclysm stable mates began to follow. Mikasa Takeuchi, sporting her revealing professional attire and jacket was looking confident as well, but did take the time to urge on the other member of the group and Kazuko's half-sister Toshiko Ito onward. Toshiko, by all means, did not seem interested in joining the pair to the ring. In fact, she looked as though she'd rather be anywhere else as she was in her blue, standard wrestling attire.

But Kazuko Ito paid them no mind, instead simply ignoring the crowd before she got to the foot of the ring and leaped up to the apron with bo staff in hand, holding the weapon in front of her. Behind that mask, she seemed excited--thrilled even. And ready to compete. She lived for this sort of thing. After a few moments, Kazuko would then enter the ring as both Toshiko and Mikasa took their place outside by her corner. And then the elder Ito sister would begin to do an elaborate and very well-trained showcase of her bo staff skills, twirling the weapon around and using it to swing and leap around. It would end when she went up and then slammed it down onto the mat after gripping it towards the bottom, letting the full length of it rest in front of her. After a brief pose, she would step back and make her way back into her corner, handing the bo staff out to Mikasa on the outside as her good friend and agent applauded her and cheered.

Kazuko Ito was in a Knockout Match-- something which certainly favored the life-long martial artist and fighter. And she was looking to absolutely make a statement against the girl unfortunate enough to face off against her. The Veridian Death would stretch in the corner, squatting low and making sure her strong, luscious legs were limber and ready for the fight ahead. And she was certain to make sure it was a fight in every sense of the word.
Last edited by Dubski on Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Triin Liiv was really looking forward to this match tonight. Admittedly somewhat anxiously, but looking forward nonetheless. This was only her second match in LAW after the management had decided to place her in a Handicap match for her debut... And while Triin had appreciated it as a signal of their confidence towards the Baltic Knightess, it had proved a bit too much for the rookie heroine to handle. So, tonight was an opportunity for a fresh start... And Triin knew that her opponent was only going to be debuting tonight! Surely she had much better prospects to reign victorious tonight!

There was just one catch though. This was going to be a Knockout match. It wasn't necessarily bad per se. If anything, swift and speedy strikes should have been some of Triin's core strengths! Surely she would be capable of knocking out some debuting opponent! But still, there was something ominous in the air around the match type in her head, that the Estonian could not quite explain...

Her thoughts became interrupted though as soon as the screens started showing her opponent's entrance. First, it was the music... Triin had to admit, it sounded like a banger. But not only that, it also sounded like the entrance theme of a villain as well... That was always exciting! A proper hero vs villain -setup always spiced things up. And then she heard the word "Kingslayer"... So, she was expected to be the knightess protecting the king from the death tonight? What could have been more perfect!

Second, as soon as the cameras zoomed in on her debuting opponent, Triin had all those suspicions confirmed. This woman clearly was a goregeous-looking, confident, dangerous villain...with a bo staff! On the other hand, seeing all that making its way towards the ring was making Triin even more excited... They were surely a perfect pairing to pit against each other! But she couldn't deny that the fact that the woman appeared anything but an inexperienced rookie did make her a little more nervous...

And third, what were those figures tracing behind her towards the ring?!? Well, there was only one way to find out...

Triin Liiv - The Baltic Knightess

As https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_sBOsh-vyI began blaring throughout the LAW arena, Triin began promptly making her way towards the ring. As usual, her face was serious and her steps were determined and stern, the knightess showing little if any emotion as her hips subtly swayed with each step she took. Sure, she was a heroine, but she was one that meant business, and did not spend time engaging with the crowds. That kind of thing would have contributed nothing towards her mission...

Reaching the ringside, Triin took out her (mock) sword, and began making a circle around the ring before climbing up the apron and into the ring. Firstly, it was a good look to get a first glance at her opponent from each side of her, and second, to find out who exactly were the women hanging by the villain's corner. And Triin had to admit that what she saw made her immediately more nervous... She wasn't displaying it at all, but it got her really to second question whether the setup for this match really was as favorable towards her as it had sounded on paper... Sure, the other woman looked like a manager of sorts, but when she passed the other woman... She was an exact copy of the woman she was supposed to face in the ring, but just clad in blue! Was this going to turn out to be another handicap match for the heroine once again?!?

As Triin had completed her circle, she closed her eyes for a moment to refocus her thoughts. Yes, her heart had just sunk. But on the other hand, she still had to remember her role! A valiant heroine would always enter the battle, no matter what dangers laid ahead! Opening her eyes, the Baltic Knightess then climbed up by her corner turnbuckle to stand on the top ropes, showing off some flashy moves for the crowds and her opponent with her sword before jumping down and planting her sword upright against the mat in front of her, while giving a stern and confident stare at her opponent... Accompanied by subtle glances at the other two women as well. Her green-clad foe appeared strong and dangerous indeed, and those legs... Well, the heroine had to admit that her own pair couldn't really compete. At least she knew what she had to beware then...

After her brief period of observation, the knightess then retreated to her corner to leave her sword resting by it. Part of her wanted to go meet the villain in the middle of the ring, but the other part of her wanted to stay in her corner waiting for the bell to ring...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains


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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Kazuko Ito watched her opponent come down to the ring, eyeing her up with a narrow glance before softening them. She let out a soft chuckle and then pulled the top of her mask down, looking out to Mikasa on the outside. "She's cute. An adorable little punching bag," said Kazuko.

"Well, I guess she'll just be a good showcase for you. Don't tell me I don't always hook you up, K," answered Mikasa with a big grin.

Kazuko let out a laugh, then looked over at her half-sister, Toshiko. She stopped laughing, giving her a flat look and said, "Would it kill you to look even a little bit excited for your sister's match?" Rolling her eyes, the elder Ito would then pull her mask back up and stand up out of the corner. Toshiko scowled at her behind her mask as Mikasa shrugged, looking amused at the interaction.

Leaning against the corner with her arms crossed, she resumed watching Triin Liiv's entrance, looking utterly unimpressed. Her expression that could be seen over her mask said it all. She didn't care for her little theatrics. The attempts to look confident, betrayed by those glances towards her other Cataclysm teammates. Kazuko Ito would allow Triin to go through her entire entrance, tilting her head towards her as the blonde stared at her. She returned the look with one suggesting that Triin was treading dangerous waters looking at her like that.

However, when the bell rang, the Veridian Death simply pushed out of her corner and then walked towards the middle of the ring. "You shouldn't be paying attention to them out there," remarked Kazuko before pointed at herself, tapping her fingers on her own chest. "The most dangerous thing in this arena right now is in front of you. And if you give me another cross look, that is a full invitation for me to make sure you don't see straight for a week."

Then, Kazuko Ito would raise her voice, gesturing to Triin to come towards her. "Now come here and take your loss with what little dignity you have left after that ridiculous entrance," commanded the emerald fighter, abruptly adopting a martial arts stance as she narrowed her gaze, watching Liiv closely. She was ready to get this match started--eager for it. Excited at the prospect of running this girl through the ground.

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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Triin tried hard to assess the situation and the match ahead, and trying to come up with a strategy to handle the situation... But in reality, she couldn't really come up with anything else than her usual game plan - trying to rely on her strengths and see how it goes! Granted, it didn't always go well for her, but she couldn't just suddenly transform into something that she wasn't...

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the bell ringing which seemed to wake her opponent alive. And apparently, she had observed Triin's entrance well enough to have picked up on any possible sign of insecurity from the blonde... Which did not make Triin feel any easier at all. Although what she was saying though should have been a positive message - the knightess certainly did not want to have the need to pay attention to anyone other than the green-clad fighter approaching the center of the ring! But then she was also telling her how not to look at her, and that was something the heroine wasn't going to just take without a response...

Gesturing towards Triin to come face her, the villain's words only became more condescending towards the blonde. That got the heroine's blood boiling just enough to get her confidence spiking up, and starting to determinedly approaching her opponent as well. "I don't think you're in a position to tell me who to look and how. And I'd really suggest you'd take an honest look at your entrance another time once I'm done with you..." The Baltic Knightess trying to sound as confident as she could as she was approaching Kazuko in the middle of the ring.

But despite her apparent confidence, Triin knew that maintaining the initiative in this match was going to be crucial for her success. And her opponent had already said enough to make a definite conclusion of her being just a mean, evil villain... This meant that Triin held no qualms with trying to open up the match with a rough attack of her own. As she kept on approaching Kazuko, it looked like the knightess was going to meet her in the middle of the ring, but instead, as soon as she was within suitable reach, the blonde tried to swirl around and hit the villain with a strong Roundhouse Kick!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains


Jaystar's Quests

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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Kazuko maintained her readied martial arts stance, keeping a narrow eyed look on Triin Liiv. The girl continued to be confident, even in the face of Ito's very clear confidence as well. She had made her position clear, and Liiv was already talking back to her--something that Kazuko very much did not care for. With a scoff, she slightly shook her head. "I will teach you to mind your tongue, little girl," replied the Veridian Death bluntly, clenching her fists in position and being prepared to strike.

Her opponent's attitude didn't matter, overall. It would be for naught when Kazuko Ito would strike out to win this match. That was what was most important here--but Kazuko did certainly love to have fun with her impudent opponents, and was happy to take them down a peg and let them feel her power.

Triin Liiv was the first one to make a move however. She was quick to--she wanted that advantage, but Kazuko was more than ready to deal with it. She was more than ready to duck down under that strike, used to a simple spinning roundhouse kick. It was a maneuver that was not good for opening up matches. Amateurish, thought Kazuko, as the leg soared over her head. As Liiv went high with her move, Ito would perform a spin too while she was low, looking to sweep that leg with a flourish of her own, wanting to just take Triin down to the mat and assert that she was not someone that could match strikes with her. These games would not work with Kazuko Ito.

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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Triin had to admit that everything she was seeing in front of her eyes were telling her that she was probably not facing your average upstart rookie tonight. Kazuko looked strong, dangerous and ready, and the stance she had taken was very telling of a fighter ready to tackle anything that would be coming at her... It didn't make the Baltic Knightess feel any easier at all, but Triin still knew that she couldn't just retreat or hand the initiative to her opponent... She had to face her strongly in any case, and even if Kazuko managed to intimidate her, it was still best to make the first move!

The Estonian decided to go for the Roundhouse kick - and quickly learned that such a move wasn't going to catch a fighter like Kazuko off guard. The green-clad fighter dodged showcasing some impressive flexibility... Which became even more impressive as suddenly Triin's legs were swept from beneath her, sending the knightess crashing into the mat!

Luckily the fall wasn't very painful though, with the most impacts affecting Triin's confidence though. This kind of start surely wasn't a good sign... But it wasn't a reason to become hopeless either! Now she just had to get Kazuko down as well... And with that in mind, the blonde heroine tried to pull off a leg sweep of her own for her towering opponent, and should it turn out to be successful, try to get quickly back up herself again in hopes of trying to avoid getting caught up in any grappling game!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains


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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Kazuko Ito had sent the sweep directly to Triin's legs, aiming to send her down low when she went high. A pretty standard strike, and one that Kazuko had employed expertly. To get into a match of strikes with Kazuko would be foolish, something that Liiv would learn soon enough. And while the sweep wouldn't be inherently painful, Ito was planning on not wasting time with making sure there would be pain to come.

And after sweeping Triin Liiv, it seemed like the blonde was ready to come up with a sweep of her own while she was low. The sweep was successful, and the Blasian girl fell back, but fell with her hands back behind her head. So as soon as she fell, Kazuko was immediately pushing off the mat to kip back up to her feet, beating Triin as she started to stand herself!

Confident as ever, Kazuko planned to act swiftly as she was standing. And then while Liiv stood, Kazuko would attempt to beat her to it and go for a stiff kick directly towards the blonde's chest as she shouted out, "Foolish!" Ito was not about to tolerate anyone trying to match her strike for strike, let alone this would-be knightess.

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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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The debuting wrestler of the night had seemed to arrive with ample confidence into the LAW ring, and Triin tried her best with matching it with her own... Which was easier said than done, considering that this was only her second match in the promotion as well. But at least momentarily the Estonian's confidence got a boost, as she could feel her leg sweep connecting, and Kazuko's body tumbling in front of her eyes...

Now it was time to get up again herself, and make sure that she was keeping herself out of harm's way. Pushing her body up, the heroine was getting back onto her feet when... "What?!? How is she back up already?!?" The look of alerted confusion took momentarily over the blonde's face, before the green-clad fighter's foot suddenly connected with her chest! "Aghh!"

The force of the strike caused the Baltic Knightess to tumble over backwards, ending up with sitting on her ass on the mat in front of her foe. She could see Kazuko's thick thighs in front of her face, and the blonde's fleeing instincts kicked quickly in. Trying to scramble backwards, Triin really wanted to somehow get back up again as soon as possible, but at the same time her back was closing in to a corner at an alarming rate...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains


Jaystar's Quests

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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Kazuko Ito was swift to immediately fire a bit kick to Triin's chest, sending her opponent back down to the mat before she could even get back up entirely. She was down, and Ito was standing still, staring down at her, shaking her head. She watched her backing up towards the corner and scoffed out loud. "And now you cower! Have some respect!" taunted Kazuko.

The Blasian girl heard applause on the outside from Mikasa, who seemed to be enjoying Kazuko's attack thusfar. Kazuko, indeed, was enjoying it too. She felt confident in combat, and something that exuded from every motion she made. Almost like it was completely natural for her to hit a strike on another woman. And it would be natural still.

As Liiv was getting towards the corner, Kazuko would then turn and make a charge towards her opponent. As she got close, she would then leap forward and send a knee directly towards her foe's face! A quick and devastating move that would not doubt rattle her opponent, and one that would have expert force thrown behind it. And it would show that Kazuko wasn't about to hold back on Triin Liiv either, and very clearly any other opponent she'd have too.

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Re: Kazuko Ito vs. Triin Liiv - Knockout Match

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Triin certainly wasn't happy about the way Kazuko began taunting her and accusing her of acting cowardly... To her, making a retreat and gaining some distance to her foe was only the sensible thing to do in this kind of situation! Did the green-clad fighter really expect her to just stay as easy prey in front of her? But the Baltic Knightess wasn't a heroine of many words, and she would have considered voicing out a reply simply useless at this point.

She could hear the newcomer gaining some applause though, both from the crowds and by the ringside. It wasn't really a big deal, it was the heroine's own task anyway to change that. She just had to gain some distance now to get a chance to form up a proper plan how to tackle the seemingly rather mighty newcomer...

But before Triin could do that, Kazuko was already charging at her! The blonde was just about to get back up, and expected the green-clad fighter to target her chest once again. So the Knightess decided to protect it... But at the same time, left her face wide open for a devastating knee strike! "GAHHH!!!" The impact sent the blonde fighter down to the mat, rolling over by the ropes and left to a prone position beneath them, covering her hurt face with her hands...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains


Jaystar's Quests

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2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication

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