Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Match type: Iron women match
Match rules: The winner is decided by whoever has the most pins, knockouts, submissions, and hentai points by the end of an hour long match.

Yuki waited nervously backstage, waiting for her queue to make her entrance. She had a match against a new woman tonight, named Loretta Dominique Haywood. Yuki hadn't been told much about her opponent but had been told that she was a heavyweight. That made Yuki quite nervous yet slightly excited. While she thought about the upcoming match, she would be surprised by the stagehand who told her it was time for her entrance.

Her music would start playing and the curtains would open, showing her to the crowd who would let out cheers, both fans of Yuki and those who just appreciated her outfit. She was wearing a lacy white lingerie set that complimented her slim yet curvy body along her hair in cute buns, calf high stalkings and long lace gloves.
She would make her way down the ramp, waving and smiling innocently, getting plenty of cheers from the crowd. She would make her way to the ring, climbing up onto the apron and rolling underneath the ropes. She would go to the center and strike a cute pose before making her way to her corner, standing there nervously as she waited to see who her opponent was.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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"Now remember Loretta... You represent me when you go out there." the smaller blue hair woman would say, Ana would cross her arms and smirk looking at the woman in front of her that is built like a brick house.

Ana would even slap Loretta across the face to get the big woman pumped up for the match before pushing her towards the curtains. "Also I got your theme and such covered your outfit should be coming soon until then crush her."

Loretta would smirk and make her way out on stage for everyone to see.

A woman built like a dark skinned Amazon with the backside to rival the biggest butts in the company, as the woman would make her way down to the ring smirking knowing what she has planned for her smaller opponent.

As she slides underneath the ring ropes and keeps her focus on the smaller woman in front of her just waiting for the bell to ring.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Yuki continued to wait in her corner, watching the entrance nervously. She would then see her opponent making her entrance. Yuki's mouth fell open and her eyes went wide as she saw who her opponent was. A beautiful dark skinned amazon with curves that were some of the biggest Yuki had ever seen. This was a complete mismatch! Was there some type of mistake? Or were the higher ups just enjoying watching Yuki get dominated by women nearly twice her size!

Yuki trembled as she watched her opponent get closer to the ring, making her way down the ramp. Every step emphasizing the size difference. She watched as her opponent climbed up the apron and slid underneath the ropes. Once Loretta was in the ring, it was like David and Goliath on steroids. Loretta was over a foot taller then Yuki and over 100 pounds heavier. All of that weight coming from her curves and muscle of course, making her look absolutely stunning.

The ref would start to describe the rules. All of them went over Yuki's head as she was too focused on her opponent. She looked at Loretta's feet. They were beautiful and large. Her eyes slowly scaled up Loretta's body, up to the tree trunk sized thighs that looked like they could crush metal, up to her toned stomach, up to her massive globe sized breasts before up to her beautiful face. Yuki was hypnotized. In a trance. All the words the ref said were jumbled nonsense. All of a sudden the bell would ring, snapping Yuki out of it, Yuki would reach her hand out for a friendly handshake. "Mmy... Name.... I..is.. Yuki... L..lets hav..a fun... match..." She said, her words trembling nervously, waiting to see how her opponent responded. With the bell already rung, Yuki was wide open for any attack Loretta wanted to do.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Loretta was feeling some kind of way looking at the smaller woman in front of her.

Standing across from the smaller woman really showed the size difference between the two of them and the advantage that she had over Yuki which was a massive gap in size and height between them, but if someone at the top is making matches of her crushing smaller opponents then who is she to say no and don't do it... as they say "Do what makes money and if they want to see smaller women getting crushed then so be it.".

Seeing that her opponent went for a hand shake... Loretta would grab the offering hand and yank the smaller woman forward. Right into the big woman arms before turning her body sideways and slamming the poor woman to the mat with a belly to belly slam to start the match off.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Yuki continued to offer the handshake, looking at the massive woman standing in front of her. Her opponent seemed to be hesitant at first, just staring down at her. Yuki stared back up nervously before looking away, blushing and feeling quite nervous.

Just as Yuki looked away, Loretta accepted the handshake. Yuki's small hand nearly disappearing in Loretta's much larger hand. The bell rang and Yuki's hand was still in her opponents. What happened next caught the small Japanese girl completely off guard but she should have known better. Suddenly, she was pulled right into Loretta's arms. She hit the larger woman's body. Due to the height difference, Yuki's face landed right in her opponent's breasts. She didn't stay there long as she was quickly lifted up and turned horizontally.

Before Yuki knew it, She felt immense pain in her back and the rest of her body as she was slammed down to the mat for a belly to belly slam, not only getting smashed against the mat, but crushed between it and Loretta's much larger body. Yuki let out a loud cry as all the air was forced out of her. The sound of the two crashing against the ring echoed throughout the arena as some fans winced while others cheered for the brutality. Yuki meanwhile was already in a helpless and vulnerable state, completely open to whatever move Loretta had planned next.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Seeing her opponent already in trouble after just one move, to Loretta it feels like Ana hiring the best trainer for her is helping out as the big woman would get to her feet.

"Alright little girl time to give you a taste of what your going to be in all night. "
the big woman would say.

Before running to the ring ropes and bounces off of them, before running back and leaves her feet... Showing off her hops before coming crashing down with a massive leg drop right across Yuki neck area.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Yuki continued to lay there, completely incapacitated by the first move of the match. She would then hear Loretta calling her little girl and telling her that she was about to get a taste for what was going to be happening for the rest of the night.

She would lay there, still recovering from the move as she felt the ring vibrating and shaking from each heavy step from her opponent. She still stared up at the lights before a shadow would be casted over her small body. She saw Loretta's massive thigh block the light before coming down heavily against her neck and chest, causing the entirety of her lower body to fold upwards before flopping back down.

Loretta's massive thigh was thick enough to not only crush Yuki's neck, causing a coughing fit but also flatten her breasts as they were crushed beneath the tree trunk sized thigh of her opponent. Yuki laid there, breathing heavily. She would try to push Loretta's thigh off of her neck and chest but it was like trying to move a mountain. Yuki was stuck.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Pushing herself up to her feet, Loretta could have gone for the pin and was sure to get an easy pin victory. But she has always been a woman who enjoys playing with her food and seeing how easy it is to just keep Yuki down with a few moves, Loretta can't help but smirk at how much of an advantage she has over the smaller woman as she would place one foot on her opponent chest... and step over her using her body weight to drive the air out of the younger smaller woman body.

But that was not all the big bad woman had planned as Loretta would run to the ring ropes again and rebound off of them and goes for another jumping leg drop, at the same spot wanting to crush poor Yuki body some more with her thick legs.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Yuki laid there, stuck under Loretta's tree trunk sized thigh weakly attempting and failing to push the giant limb off of her. She grunted cutely as she continued to fail before giving up, looking at Loretta who had a smirk on her face. She would finally be relieved of the heavy weight on her chest and neck but it was about to get a whole lot worse.

Yuki laid there, recovering before she felt Loretta's foot plant on her chest, flattening her breasts. Suddenly, Yuki's eyes widened and she had a coughing fit as all of Loretta's weight was focused on her chest. This was what Yuki imagined a heart attack may feel like as she coughed and wheezed, struggling to breathe. Loretta only stayed on her for a second, simply using her as a stepping stone before taking off towards the ropes, rebounding off of them before landing another brutal and crushing leg drop. Yuki's entire lower body flew off the mat before coming crashing down.

The move was already brutal but It was even worse after Loretta seemed to be targeting the smaller girl's chest and neck with her massive leg drops. Yuki tried to yell out a submission but her voice was gone. She was aware that this was an iron woman match and that she wouldn't be required to get a break but hopefully out of the kindness of Loretta's heart, she would get a moment, however all the air being knocked out of her body didn't allow her to make any audible noise so the ref was unable to hear it, leaving her still completely at Loretta's mercy.

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Re: Yuki Oringang vs Loretta Dominique Haywood (D) Iron woman match

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Loretta is just toying with Yuki as she keeps her leg on the smaller woman's chest, even starting to taunt the small woman... 'Aww what wrong Yuki, too much weight on your little tits. Come on, try to push my big thick leg off your little bites and I might let you try to do a move on me... if next I am going to toy with you some more and make you see stars,' she says.

Giving the smaller woman some time to even push or move her leg off of her chest, but seeing that the other woman can't even do that she decided that her game was to continue but in a more painful manner as she would roll her leg off Yuki chest before crawling over the smaller woman body and smirks at the position she is in. "Now where what going to happen... I am going to squeeze your little head until you scream... or pass out whichever comes first." Loretta would say.

As the big woman would scoot back and trap Yuki's head in between her massive thighs and start to squeeze, using one of her signature moves called Coconut Crusher, on the smaller woman. Just to make it more fun for the big woman, she grabs Yuki's hands so that the smaller woman can not tap out or let the ref know she submits as she starts to really put the squeeze on the smaller woman's head.

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