Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Match Type: Strip Pinfall Match
Victory Conditions: Pinfall AFTER stripping the opponent naked
Ring: A pool filled with ankle deep water
Attire: Bikinis

With summer in full effect, the heat wave had many wanting a cooling experience to beat the heat. But instead of that, they were all drawn to an event hosted by LAW of two cute girls wrestling inside of a pool and even more so knowing that bikinis were gonna be flying off of their bodies as the first to arrive out on stage was Noelle Eclair Osborne. Dressed in a simple but tight white bikini the crowd was excited to see her lithe barely clad self!
Armed with her parasol, she completed the image of summer’s day at the beach, which they were not at, making her way down the ramp towards the battlefield of the match. Instead of the normal squared ring, it had been replaced by a large inflatable pool with a decent amount of water for her and her opponent to tussle in, leading for a cold encounter waiting to happen!

Noelle made her half lap around the pool before she had finally stopped, closing her parasol as she waited for her opponent to arrive and stand across of her of the pool!

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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Peeking out from backstage, Suzume watched Noelle circle the pool much to the enjoyment of the crowd. All eyes were locked on her as she put her parasail away to show off her tight white outfit. Suzume couldn't help but admire just how graceful and composed Noelle appeared to her in the moment. Meanwhile the brunette was all nerves as usual. One would have thought that after a few matches that feeling would go away, but it didn't. Especially not when it came to the conditions of this match. She certainly wasn't looking forward to the prospect being stripped in front of a crowd, but that of course shouldn't be an issue if she went out there and put on a dominating performance. "Alright Suzu. You can do this! You've won once, you can do it again!"

Soon it was time for Suzume to make her entrance. Clad in a dark blue bikini, the lightweight scurried out from backstage towards the pool while flashing the crowd a little smile and a few waves. Suzume had wanted to start feeling more comfortable in her own skin, which is why she accepted this match, but perhaps she should have started with baby steps. She could already feel her cheeks flushing ever so slightly red as all eyes were focused on her barely covered body.
Swimsuit Suzu
Finally Suzume reached the pool and stood on it's edge. Her eyes quickly focused on Noelle. "Don't be intimidated Suzu. Try to imagine her in her underwear." She mumbled to herself. Of course she hadn't taken into account that Noelle was already basically there. "Oh no...she's hot!" Suzume thought to herself in a bit of a panic.

It didn't take too long for Suzume to compose herself though. She'd step forward, causing a bit of a splash in the pool as she entered. "Alright!" She finally spoke out loud. "Hope you weren't planning on winning. Cause you're about to end up another...Tally! Another tally in my wins column!" The brunette declared as she tried to put on her best tough girl Suzu act.
Last edited by Noob on Tue Aug 01, 2023 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Her opponent would soon arrive on stage, dressed similarly in the scantily clad in a bikini her demeanor had small hints to Noelle that she was uncomfortable in this environment. A small smirk curled on her lips as she stepped over the pool’s wall and stepping into the water. The rush of cold shot up her body as her foot was swallowed by the clear water, reaching up to above her ankle as she kicked through the water to reach the center where she met Suzume.

She looked up to her opponent, being smaller than her by a couple of inches but not losing any of her swagger as they were barely an inch apart. Noelle’s only response to the boisterous words as with no words at all. She kept her hand on her hips, narrowing her eyes as her smirk widened, Noelle herself didn’t believe that and she wanted Suzume to doubt that with a cold hard stare.

The referee girl, also dressed in swimsuit attire, moved into separate the two of them to ensure that there would be a fair start to this fight. Noelle obliged as she stepped back through the water, not taking her eyes off of Suzume as she waited for the bell to ring!

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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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The two bikini clad wrestlers both stepped in the pool to meet each other. They were pretty close now, standing almost chest to chest as they both stared each other down. Luckily Suzume had a small height advantage over Noelle. It wasn't much but it at least reassured the lightweight a bit that she was definitely in her league. Although with the confidence Noelle was exuding, Suzume certainly didn't feel any taller.

Suzume was a bit puzzled by Noelle's lack of response. Her head tilted slightly as she tried to figure out what to make of it. "Umm...Nothing to say? Did I leave you speechless?" She'd ask, halfway between a taunt an a genuine question. She didn't believe for a second that was the case though. Suzume quickly averted her gaze. The silent stare made her feel like she was being scolded. She was more than happy to be separated by the referee.

After stepping back, all that was left was to start the match. And with the ring of the bell and a cheer from the crowd, everything was quickly underway. "Well whatever. I'll leave you way more than speechless!" Suzume finally blurted out as she readied herself. With hands raised she'd invite Noelle in for a test of strength.
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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Noelle could see doubt washing through Suzume’s face with her lack of response, playing mind games already as she prepared for the start of the match. The bell shortly rang as Noelle made her way back to Suzume, splashing water about as she sized her opponent up while the crowd had began their rumbling of excitement!

“Heh…” Noelle let out a scoff, looking up at the hands that Suzume raised as she decided to humor her opponent, raising her hands up to interlace their fingers together. Taking a second to reaffirm her grasp, Noelle would be the first to strike as she would lunge forward, slapping their shoulders and ramming their breasts together!

Noelle wasn’t the strongest, even in the lightweight division, but she didn’t have to match strength all the time. She just needed to see how tough Suzume was instead of the cutebean demeanor that she had!

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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Neither fighter was exactly a powerhouse, but they both went for it! Their hands were soon interlocked as the two pushed up against each other in an attempt to overpower the other. "Nnng...just...m-move" Suzume groaned as she strained her body to shove Noelle back. Suddenly though Noelle made her move, thrusting their chest forward and smacking right into the other wrestler. "Aahhh!" The brunette gasped as her perky chest smacked against Noelle's. The impact caused her breasts to bounce a bit while she'd stumbled back two steps.

Now on the back foot, Suzume would try to press herself forward to prevent a forced retreat. Still gripping Noelle's hands, she'd pull them slightly to the side as she shoved her chest forward against theirs. "Nnnng!" Suzume let out a little groan as their bodies mashed together, her top now straining a bit to keep her chest from spilling out. Neither one of them seemed willing giving an inch just yet much to the crowd's excitement.
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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Although she wasn’t the strongest, Noelle showed how she made that up with her craftiness as she slammed her breasts into Suzume. She forced her opponent backwards through the water, splashing them about as their modest chest squished together. A red tint flushed across of her face as she pressed into Suzume, but her opponent had settled her weight and now was turning back against her!

“Nnngh!” Noelle gasped out, clutching her hands tightly on Suzume’s as they were forced outwards, along with their breasts squishing into each other. Throwing herself into Suzume time and time again, trying to unbalance Suzume, she was found that she wasn’t making any progress in forcing her back. So she took another avenue, locking herself in place to balance on one foot to swing out her other, wrapping around Suzume’s to try and twist and trip Suzume down with her into the water!

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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Each time Noelle threw herself forward, Suzume let out a little squeak as their chests mashed together. "Quit...thaaat!" She mumbled, refusing to back down even as she was jostled around. "Just...aahhh!!" Before she could retort, Noelle followed up with a quick trip. Suzume yelped as she felt herself falling backwards, almost in slow motion.

Suzume's arms flailed as she tried to latch on to whatever she could. The only thing she could grab was Noelle's top. She'd pull the other fighter right down with her as she fell until...SPLASH!! The two girls hit the water. "Nnfff! Gugh!!!" Suzume splashed around. It took her a few moments to realize that the water wasn't all that deep. All she really needed to do was push up and grab the edge of the pool. "Ughhhh..." Suzume groaned as she pulled her head out of the water.

Of course Suzume knew she was going to get wet, but that didn't mean she was happy about it. She'd aim a frustrated splash towards Noelle before shaking her head to at least get rid of the water dripping onto her face from her hair.
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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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Their barely covered breasts mashed together, Noelle pressed forward as their feet swished through the water, splashing it about with Noelle chasing after Suzume with their bodies not having an inch of space between them before she sprung the trap on Suzume, lashing her leg out to wrap around Suzume's leg before she managed to settle her weight and swept the leg right out from underneath her!

Shoving her weight forward now that she had Suzume's leg as the two went barreling down into the water, not that Noelle would've had a choice as Suzume's hands remained locked on hers! The cool water gushed upwards with the scantily clad bodies falling into it, Noelle taking her place on top of Suzume with the assistance of gravity to lay upon her opponent, their hands unlatching as her opponent thrashed about.

Suzume's hands batted into the water, more droplets and waves flying all over the place as if she thought that the waters was deeper. Noelle took advantage of the confusion as she wrapped her arms around Suzume, trying to worm her way to Suzume's back to start working her over with submission holds but her opponent managed to push her off and forcing them to return to neutral as Noelle rolled through the water, barely shielding herself from a splash of water flying into her face. She let out a scowl as she rose up out of the water, the sheen of it rolling down her body as she gestured Suzume to come at her and to get off of the edge!

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Re: Stripping for Summer (Noelle vs Suzume)

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There was a bit of a struggle in the water, with Noelle trying to catch Suzume from behind. But luckily for the brunette, she managed to flail her way out of a Noelle follow up and pull herself back up to her feet. After a bit of an embarrassing display, Suzume's face was flushed a light red. She tried to push that out of her mind though. She wasn't going to let herself get distracted today. Instead of waiting to fall victim to another attack, Suzume knew she needed to get on the offensive. It seemed her foe was even encouraging it and gesturing her forth.

"You asked for it!" Suzume cried out, in stark contrast to her silent foe, before pushing herself forward from the edge of the pool. It looked like she might be trying to just ram herself into Noelle, but Suzume was aiming to swiftly wrap an arm around their neck to grab them in a brief headlock. She wanted to take Noelle down fast. She'd quickly twist, trying to pull them right back to the pool. This time Suzume was going to get on top, with the added benefit of submerging Noelle.
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