Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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Standard Match for the LAW Middleweight Championship: Victory awarded via pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or disqualification. All standard match rules apply.
The winner will become or remain LAW Middleweight Champion

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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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Wyvern's Theme
The entire arena goes dark, the crowd dropping its volume to a hush as they wait to see the next match begin. For several seconds, there is nothing. No sound, no music, no light beyond the soft glow of a few recording phones. Murmurs grow more audible as the crowd grows more confused. Even the commentators are about to express uncertainty about the next match when, suddenly, a massive pair of red, ophidian eyes snap open on the titantron over the entrance. In the same instant, the music starts. Narrow red lights crisscross along the stage, forming a pattern reminiscent of a jail cell with diamond-shaped openings. As the drums kick in, they begin flashing on and off with seemingly random timing, granting only brief flashes of vision.

Finally, as the lyrics start, the challenger makes her appearance. Striding out of the entrance, Wyvern walks slowly to the top of the ramp, the flashing spotlights casting her body in an ever-shifting profile of crimson light. She looks straight forward, sparing not even a glance to the crowd. If she feels any excitement or nervousness at all over the biggest match of her career, she shows none of it on her face or in her body language; her movements are precise, smooth, and devoid of hesitation. Pausing, she closes her eyes. In that moment, two tremendous geysers of crimson pyrotechnics erupt to either side of her. The nearby crowd recoils or stares, but she doesn't even seem to notice, continuing her advance as soon as they die down. In that moment, the announcer begins speaking, trying to revive a crowd exhausted from the many incredible matches already put on during the night.

"The following match is set for one fall, and is for the LAW Middleweight Championship! Introducing first, the challenger! Now making her way to the ring! From Drogheda, Ireland, weighing in at 137 ibs..."

Reaching the ring, she hauls herself up to the apron before rolling under the ropes. Coming up into a kneel, she slowly rises to her feet.


Moving to the center of the ring, Wyvern finally diverts her gaze from straight ahead as she turns, facing back towards the entrance as she impassionately awaits her opponent. She stretches her arms, loosening her body in preparation of the battle to come.
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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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Once the challenger's music ended the fans were waiting for the champs to start, to start the first match with Kyoko Akan as the defending champion. Instead of her music, or the champion showing up the Young Lioness Kirie Kato, who Kyoko had taken under her wing who ran down the ramp after briefly waving at the LAW fans and running to give the announcer a piece of paper. The announcer looked at it and slowly unfolded the paper before looking back at Kirie who just gave them a thumbs up and then bounced off to the side to grab a chair and sit down outside the ring. The announcer shrugged and began reading over the paper as Kyoko's music finally hit.
And her opponent, from Kyoto, Japan and weighing in at 150 pounds! The true winner of Apex and the first handpicked champion in LAW history. She is the first and only dual champion and holder of the Belly Queen Championship and the LAW Middleweight Championship! The one and only Belly Queen, KYOKO AKAN!!! The announcer screamed as the lights started to dim as the music started to come to a halt after a brief build up, only for the music to pick back up just as Kyoko emerged from ramp with the return of the lights with both championships around her waist despite only the one LAW officially recognized being on the line.
Kyoko didn't care for that and happily carried both, all that mattered to her was how real the championships were to her, the Queen who defended both was going to start her defense of the other here and now. Her arms embraced the booing crowd as she started to arrogantly walk down to the ring. Kirie was golf clapping from her chair eager to see a championship match up close like this, and observe the kind of opponent Wyvern is. The Belly Queen's slow march ended at the apron and Kyoko would turn around and sit on it, before unbuckling and raising both title belts and holding them high into the air, then rolling into the ring to hand the ref the Middleweight belt. Kyoko kept the Belly Queen belt over her shoulder as she would get close to Wyvern with a cocky smirk. "How does it feel? This might be as good as it gets for you." Kyoko said gesturing to the big atmosphere for this high stakes title match, a first for both of them.
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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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Wyvern fixes Kirie with a withering, analytical stare as soon as she makes her appearance, vivisecting the Young Lioness's movements, appearance, how she carried herself; everything that could be relevant were she ever to find herself facing Wyvern as an opponent rather than a distraction. Wyvern was not one to allow opportunities such as this to pass her by, no matter how inconsequential they might seem at the time. She breaks her disquieting glower only when Kirie finally sits down, prioritizing her attention elsewhere but taking a mental note of Kirie's location in case the hanger-on intends to interfere with the match. As soon as the lights dim, Wyvern's gaze snaps to the stage, locking on to the champion as soon as she appears and never leaving her.

As Kyoko goes through the motions of her entrance, the challenger remains eerily still the entire time, as if frozen in place. The booing of the audience means nothing to her; she'd long learned to tune it out when it was directed at her. Impatience and discipline war with each other as Kyoko makes her way with agonizing slowness to the ring, the Irish wrestler unwilling to expose any sign of weakness now when the moment of the biggest match of her career is almost upon her. The burning fire at her core surges, demanding release, but contained, for now, within her stony exterior. She's waited years for this moment. She can wait a few more seconds.

Kyoko closing with Wyvern finally provokes her first movement since the champion's entrance started, tilting her head back a bit to maintain eye contact with the taller woman. None of the passion from their last exchange is visible now in Wyvern's body, but her eyes tell a different story, practically shining with anticipation even as she replies in an even, almost monotone, manner.

"...I feel that a queen who needs to dictate what others say about her is scared of what they'll say on their own. I feel that this is the beginning, not the end. And I feel like you still aren't taking this seriously enough."

Her eyes narrow into slits.

"In the first five seconds of the match, I'm going to take your full attention by force. You ever let it slip after're going to regret it."
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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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Kyoko got a warm reception from everyone, except Wyvern who was as cold as ice and still. Waiting for her and trying to see what Kyoko would do now that they were face to face again, ready for a fight this time. As the ref prepared to start the match, the Belly Queen tried to converse with Wyvern and was given more of the cold shoulder and a mockery of her entrance, which she only gestured towards the booing crowd around them. "Do they sound dictated? I don't fear anyone's opinions, but you keep looking at me like that and you'll get a reason to fear something." Kyoko said, warning Wyvern that she was the champion and if she thought she was taking this seriously it would be an even quicker end than Kyoko anticipated.

"I can tell you're excited, but don't forget that I've fought my way here too, all the wars you think you've been in will be nothing compared to what I give you. Got it?" Kyoko said staring down her first challenger as the ref stepped in and raised the Middleweight belt, letting them know how close the match was to beginning and how close they were to one of the biggest matches both of them had been in.

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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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"That's what I'm hoping for."

If Wyvern planned to say anything else, she's interrupted by the referee stepping forward to raise the middleweight belt and separate the two combatants before the start of the match. As impatient as she is to begin, she obeys the referee's instructions to move back and make ready. Wyvern had always respected the beginning and end of a match. The upstart wrestler doesn't spare so much as a glance at the prize she's supposedly fighting for; the belt was ultimately a means to an end, not a goal for her. She cracks her knuckles and neck before assuming her combat stance, waiting for the sweetest sound in the world.

*Ding ding ding*

There's no pause. No hesitation. No moment to scope the opponent out. Wyvern hits the throttle the instant the bell finishes, charging forward and closing the gap almost instantly. Her low stance and readied fist make her target clear: the powerful abs from which Kyoko derives much of her fame and reputation. Just as she reaches the champion and begins to extend the punch, however, she swerves! Stopping dead in her tracks, Wyvern redirects her momentum upwards, shifting what should have been a gut punch into a rising uppercut!

Despite the impressive execution, such a simple bluff is not, by itself, enough to fool a wrestler canny and skilled enough to be named Middleweight Champion. Although she'll no doubt feel the pressure of the displaced air as Wyvern's fist rockets upwards, the Belly Queen manages to avoid the strike by a hair's breadth! The Irish wrestler's opening gambit has failed!

Or so it would seem. Because the rising of that fist does not stop at the end of Wyvern's reach. It keeps going, propelled by a powerful jump fueled by the redirected momentum of the challenger's earlier charge! While she still has all the force of her jump behind her, Wyvern drives her knee up even further, aiming to slam it straight into Kyoko's chin!
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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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The ref didn't let the banter go on for too long, this was a high profile match and the fans had been kept waiting long enough. The Belly Queen listened and backed up to let it start, her primary goal was to prove herself here and now. Whatever Wyvern had planned Kyoko would cut it off and finish this match still the double champ and still LAW's greatest wrestler. The bell rang to start the match..and instead of a normal slow start Wyvern rushed the ring just like Kyoko did facing Aika a few weeks back, the way she moved in it seemed like she was going for her abs to start things off. Kyoko instinctively brought her hands up but then decided she could let this one go, afterall if she took the hit Wyvern would be close and open for a return shot, and she knew who would hurt the other more like that. Her complete confidence in her ability to endure ab blows was going to let her try to tank that hit...until she saw it was a feint when Wyvern tried to go for her head instead, an uppercut under the chin. Once again instinct kicked in and Kyoko had to move, this time she didn't fight her body and would lean back to let the fist graze past her doing no damage. She stopped herself and prepared to strike back when Wyvern jumped, her plan going beyond the punch! Instead it was a knee, aimed for the same spot that Wyvern planned to hit her with and Kyoko had already moved in, was unable to turn or block before the knee landed it's potentially knockout worthy connection.

"Gnnggh" Kyoko groaned, the sound of the impact carried itself a fair distance through the arena, the knee cap striking the jaw of the chin and Kyoko's body jerking backwards as she took a few steps back...before she stopped altogether. Kyoko was still on her feet, despite the devastating power from the knee, it could only make the champ stagger. Her hand checked her chin, made sure nothing was broken and then Kyoko looked at Wyvern angrily. "Clever. I hope that wasn't your best." Kyoko praised, lowered her stance and then rushed in to try and throw a right to Wyvern's face.

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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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The satisfying *CRACK* seems to echo through the arena as Wyvern's knee drives into Kyoko's chin, snapping the champion's head back and sending her reeling. Landing safely on her feet, the Irish wrestler hops back a step, returning to her stance as she takes a moment to admire her handiwork. Her lips twist into a pleased smirk on her face, one that remains unaffected when Kyoko shows that the blow had barely bothered her. While it hadn't decided the match, Wyvern had definitely made her point. She had predicted Kyoko's responses and outmaneuvered the Belly Queen. She was a threat. Despite Kyoko's advantage in size, weight, and experience, this match was still anyone's game. Contrary to her usual ruthlessness, she waits out the brief moments necessary for Kyoko to regain her bearings. Seizing the advantage like this would have been unsatisfying. She even lets the champion speak before saying anything of her own.

"My best? That was a warning shot."

The exchange is brief before the fight begins in earnest. Wyvern mirrors the champion's movement, leaning into another charge forward to meet the Middleweight Champion head-on. Quite literally, in fact, as the Irishwoman counters Kyoko's punch towards her face by headbutting the incoming fist. The collision is painful indeed, but Wyvern is hard-headed in every sense of the term and Kyoko's hand is unlikely to escape unscathed. Years of brutal training had hardened Wyvern's skull, and her own absurd pain-tolerance leant itself well to a strategy that could only charitably be called "insane." Keeping her arms coiled close to her torso, Wyvern continues to attack even as her head throbs with pain. Pushed back, she whips her right leg forward, looking to slam a low kick into Kyoko's thigh.
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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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The knee's connected force staggered the Queen, only failing to drop her and getting Wyvern something better to gloat about. But Kyoko wasn't going to stand there and laugh off the hit like it did nothing, she still had to bring the fight back and give Wyvern something in return for her troubles. She rushed her and would go for her head assuming Wyvern expected an attack to her abs first. The response was for Wyvern to bring her head low and headbutt the fist, stopping the worst of the punch even when it still connected. The move was almost absurd, something that researching her matches could've prepared her for. Kyoko winced from Wyvern's headbutt hurting her hand while the fighter would aim a kick to her thigh that connected.

"Ggg.." Kyoko groaned, her weight shifting from the kick while she tried to turn to the side and go for a punch to Wyvern's belly in response, the close proximity left her little to work with but even from this distance she could dish out punishment to anyone's body even someone this crazy.

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Re: Kyoko Akan (c) vs W Y V E R N for the LAW Middleweight Championship

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This was exactly what she had been waiting for. The Belly Queen wasn't exactly subtle about her focus in the ring, and Wyvern had prepared extensively to manage that when the time came. Once again, Wyvern's response to Kyoko's fist is closer to an attack than a defense, but it still does the job. As soon as the champion goes for one of her trademark belly punches, the challenger slams her elbow down into Kyoko's wrist and slams it away from its intended path. The blow only manages to graze past Wyvern's ribs, which does nothing to slow the near-indestructible wrestler. This accomplished, she actually steps in even further, leaving scant inches between herself and the Belly Queen.


Taking advantage of Kyoko's turned position, Wyvern attempts to drive her fist into the champion's ribcage. Despite their proximity, the Irish wrestler is somehow still able to pack substantial force behind her blow; this is clearly a specialization for her. If the first hit connects, she continues moving forward just past Kyoko, before whirling around and launching a knee strike intended to strike her ribs on the other side.

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