Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Five little pieces of plastic. That's all they were, but their pitter-patter fell like gunshots on the table's felt cover. Now those chips had value, to the tune of fifty thousand yen. Murmurs fell, half impressed by the newcomer's gumption and half bemused at naivety. Did Yuki know? The crowd seemed divided.

Satsuki herself let out a low whistle, eyebrows raised not at Yuki's extravagance but at the situation they'd played themselves into. She had the quirks of normalcy, sure, but even her little slice of suburbia didn't exactly scream "pissing away money." In all likelihood, Yuki didn't know how much each denomination was worth, and now they were in it together for a real chunk of change.

Small blessings, though: It would make this teaching moment even more poignant.

Satsuki stood back for a moment, letting the first-timer wallow in the sorts of oohs and aahs that might make a newbie think she'd done something wrong. A little social torture, just as payback. Then she sidled up behind her prison warden once more, bailing her out from the spotlight. "Lesson Two," she whispered, just as the final bets were collected and the croupier spun the wheel. "Round and round the wheel of fate goes, am I right? Does it remind you of anything?"

"Let me give you a hint." She jabbed her elbow into Yuki's side, beckoning her to turn towards her. Then she rubbed at the top of her cheekbone, wiping away an ever-so-slight amount of makeup to reveal the brown beneath. A bruise, courtesy of Yuki herself. Meanwhile, the ball was dropped. "Every time you step into that ring, you put something on the line. Maybe not as literally as last night, but your health, your pride, your status as a wrestler. All wagered against whoever you're fighting." The wheel spun and spun, the anticipatory thrill of the crowd building by the second. "Even against someone half your skill, one bad punch can send you tumbling down. But you play the odds. When you can, you tip the scales. You do all you can to make it go your way." In this case, the ball continued to roll around the track unimpeded. It slowed along with the wheel of fortune, barely starting to lean into the slots. "You fail sometimes, in the end. Things might not fall the way you'd like. But when they do?"

The ball bounced. Once, then twice. It teetered on the edge between two wells before finally making its choice. Sixteen. Red. A win for Yuki.

At once the crowd erupted, applauding Yuki's beginner's luck. They were genuinely happy to see her win, even if it had come at expense to some of them. Her fifty-thousand was quickly palmed into her hand -- and then some. She'd doubled her earnings, and perhaps quadrupled her status at this table.

"You can afford to let it feel good. Let yourself feel good. Like a winner."
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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Yuki could definitely tell that every set of eyes in the room was resting on her - and she didn't know whether to be flattered or terrified. When she heard the whistle coming from Satsuki, and the interested gasps of the onlookers, she winced a little, gritting her teeth as her body stiffened and she shrunk a little closer to the table. Was she making a mistake? Was it hopelessly obvious to anyone watching that she really didn't belong here? She could only hope that Satsuki wouldn't be embarrassed by her presence - and she stole a quick glance in the pink-haired woman's direction to gauge her reactions, only to quickly look back when she realized that the more anxious she was and the more nerves she showed, it would only make things that much more obvious that she was in over her head. Stay calm. Stay confident, she told herself. As long as no one knew, no one would have to judge.

When Satsuki drew closer to her, however, Yuki's gaze was turned in her direction as she watched anxiously for what she might have to say. At least now that the wheel was spinning, drawing everyone's attention, she didn't need to worry about anyone judging her. She could tell that the gambler had something to tell her - something that was personal; something that cut to the core of her being. But she still wasn't quite sure what she was getting at, and she raised an eyebrow to Satsuki curiously - that was, until she saw her wipe away the makeup that was covering her bruise. That told Yuki what this was all about. And she had to ask herself; had she done that?

Satsuki continued her speech, but Yuki was silent. She thought over every word that she said, and every word left her heart beating faster; she squeezed her hands into fists at her sides as she tried to keep them from trembling. Before her, she watched the roulette wheel go around and around, the ball rattling with every turn it took. Everyone was holding their breath, waiting with rapt anticipation of where it might land. Yuki was watching it, too. But it wasn't the bet she'd made that made her nervous. It was what Satsuki told her - that, as a wrestler, she really was risking everything.

Yuki thought she was handling things well enough. She had managed to get this far - she was successful in her career; she had to be. Anyone who had gone from doing independent spot shows in her late teens to headlining a major promotion just a few years later had to be some kind of wrestling prodigy. She felt she was stable enough. Wrestling was all about skill, she thought, and she had the skills to stay competitive. But did she? Was that all truly it?

Yuki had known the sting of an unexpected defeat more than once. She'd been in matches where everything was going her way, up until one last moment - one fatal mistake, one slip-up, one move that slipped past her guard - that cost her everything, and sent everything toppling down. As much as she'd hate to admit it, luck had just as much room in the squared circle as know-how and determination. Maybe, then, she hadn't really been the guaranteed future champion she thought she was - maybe she had just gotten lucky. Maybe all of this was just a fluke, and here she was waiting for the next shoe to drop.

And if that was the case...then where would Yuki go next? As Satsuki had reminded her, what she was doing wasn't without its dangers. Every time Yuki got in the ring was a throw of the dice. She'd seen that more than once, with the grievous injuries she'd suffered, and the blows to her pride that hurt her to this day. One bad move could cost her everything - not just the match, but her career, or worse. Just thinking about it made Yuki go rigid, sucking in a breath and holding her teeth in a grimace. If she didn't have wrestling, what did she have? She'd never prepared anything like a backup plan, or a second choice. She wasn't going to college or looking for jobs. If something went wrong, and her career ended - which could well have been tomorrow - she was left without a safety net. Maybe Satsuki was right. Maybe she really was a gambler at heart. And that thought chilled her to the bone...

...but it also emboldened her. She ran the risk of facing ruin...but she also had a shot at glory. As Satsuki went on, Yuki began to stand a little straighter, and she nodded her head with confidence. Despite all the risks, despite all the losses and the injuries and the shame of defeat, and the fear of letting everyone down, Yuki was still going after the gold, and she was still putting everything into her success, no matter the cost if it all failed. Perhaps that meant Yuki was brave, after all - braver than she'd ever thought she was. She had seen everything that could go wrong, yet she was willing to take that gamble anyway, because of the opportunities on the other side.

And then...the ball settled into place. It teetered on its edge for a moment, and Yuki watched with tense anticipation - more because that was what everyone else was doing, rather than her actually knowing what it meant - before it dropped into red. The same spot Yuki had bet on.

The dark-haired girl took in a gasp, lifting her hands to her mouth as she jumped up in place. She didn't know exactly what that meant, but she knew she'd won something. Everyone else burst into cheers - eager to celebrate the winnings of someone who had to be so skilled, so bold, and yes, so lucky as to be able to take down the great Satsuki Hayano. And Yuki found their energy was infectious - she knew, deep in her heart, that she had won. When she spun back around to Satsuki to accept her chips, it was with a big, bright grin on her face, and she could hardly sit still with how much she fidgeted with excitement. "I WON! I won!! I actually did it-! I..!" At first, Yuki blushed when she realized how immature and out of place she must have looked, getting this worked up. But before she could say anything, she bit the inside of her cheek to suck that impulse back down. No, Satsuki was right. Yuki deserved to be happy about this.

...though, it would help if she had a better idea of the implications. Leaning closer to Satsuki, she whispered in her ear, afraid to give away her inexperience. "Uh...what did I win, exactly..?"
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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Satsuki applauded as well, of course. It was worth celebrating. Both the win, and the gears that had clearly just turned in Yuki Kazikura's head. She pulled Yuki in for a side-hug to disguise her naivete, then listened close to the girl's question. Satsuki laughed. "You won about... one hundred thousand yen," she said. "That's one with five zeroes after it -- and double what you bet." She ran a finger along the chips she'd placed in Yuki's hand. "Not life-changing money for either of us, but it's more than what you walked in tonight with, right?"

The man from earlier, a burly but silent one in a suit, swooped back in with the briefcase. He firmly swam his way through the cheering crowd then opened the box of poker chips back up. Satsuki politely covered Yuki's hand with a wink, then pulled the chips out and slid them back into the case. Finally, she drew one golden chip, labeled with the casino's logo, and palmed it to the night's victor. "And a 100k poker chip for your troubles. Easier to carry than that big mess, but also easier to lose..." She paused for a moment in thought, then giggled to Yuki. "Not my intent, but I guess you could turn that into Lesson 3 if you wanted! Victory in the palm of your hands. You can hold onto it for as long as it brings you joy, but it's also something that can slip right through your fingers. Something like that."

"Now... There's a lot of other games here that I could teach you. Poker. Blackjack. Pai gow, mahjong, craps, all the rest." She shrugged. "They won't lend themselves to anymore witty lessons of mine, but if you want, I'm game to keep dicking around up here. Or..." She tilted her forehead forward and pulled on a wide, devilish grin. "We could get to the real fun of a place like this. What do you say?"

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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Yuki was starting to adjust - with no small amount of prompting and coaching by Satsuki, of course - but nothing could change the fact that she was woefully out of her element. She barely knew what was going on, and she couldn't help but worry that her inexperience was showing through. But it seemed like luck was in her favor. Not only in the game she'd just won, but in how she was, slowly but surely, building confidence. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all - after all, she was just doing what she thought was natural, and it was winning her success. Satsuki was proud of her, too - and that made a smile grow wider across her face. If someone as glamorous and wealthy and accomplished as Satsuki was could still admire Yuki's efforts, she couldn't have been that bad.

But even then, Yuki didn't quite understand how much she had won - not until Satsuki revealed her winnings. And at that, the girl jumped back in her seat with a gasp, her eyes wide and her hands clasped to her mouth. "I won WHAT!?" Sure, it wasn't that much, all things considered - it was surely a drop in the ocean compared to what such an opulent building had to be worth. But it was more money than Yuki had ever expected to make so quickly. Only a second later, she realized that such an outburst would surely draw the attention of the other casino-goers, and a blush spread across her face as she sank back in her seat. At the very least, she thought to herself, she could trust Satsuki to handle things if she was causing too much of a stir.

And when the golden chip was set in her hand, Yuki's eyes went wide. That was it. A physical representation of how much she had won, and how much her victory meant. How she had taken a risk, and how it had all paid off. She nodded her head to what Satsuki had to say, even through the blush that colored her face as she continued to try desperately to process the rush of emotions that were hitting her all at once. "Yeah, actually...I think I'm going to hold onto this one. I'd like to let it stand..." Yuki needed to get used to taking pride in her successes, and holding onto those feelings. This would be a start.

When Satsuki named off a few other games, Yuki looked back up at her. "I'm not really sure what some of those are, but I could always learn," she whispered. But she hadn't really intended to play a lot of games, anyway. She was just putting her trust in Satsuki to give her what she had earned, and to introduce her to this new world, no matter how strange and unfamiliar it was. And certainly, the next words out of Satsuki's mouth would only make Yuki jump up in her seat with an even harder blush.

"W-Whaaa..!? you mean, 'real fun'? This isn't gonna get...weird, is it?" Once again, she bit the inside of her cheek, silently cursing herself for letting herself look this embarrassing. But after a while, she took in a deep breath, then looked back at Satsuki with a nod of her head. She was looking to take a step outside of her comfort zone, and she entrusted Satsuki with being her guide. If that was the case...she'd go ahead.

" know what? Show me the real fun."
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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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"I thought you'd never ask." Satsuki's Cheshire grin grew toothier. The crowd, of course, still had eyes on the Queen of Clubs and her excitable newcomer, but it wasn't every day that a master of escape got to flex her muscles in Japan's first legal casino. Satsuki was on Yuki in an instant. One hand laid on the small of Yuki's back, turning the Dynamite Schoolgirl's posture subtly squat. The other locked around her elbow, pulling her along like a chaperone. A spin, a duck, and a stepthrough was all it took to escape from there.

Their dangerous dance done, Satsuki guided Yuki to the carpet path then let go. Her almost-manic smile turned into a lazy grin, and she hunched herself over coolly. Yet another night-and-day, hot-and-cold shift. Leaving the frying pan and skipping the fire was always a way to cool down for Satsuki. This part of the casino, comparatively clear and free of tourists, let Satsuki guide her companion more casually. Though it didn't seem there was much to see or do around here, save a nondescript elevator set into the far wall. Where was the Queen of Clubs leading Yuki?

"Sorry for the sudden whisk-away," she said. "I really am glad you decided to get a move on. This place, up here... it's pretty, but it's way too..." She gestured airily with her free hand. "Legal, you know? Too above-board. All wasted tourists and watered-down, comped drinks. Slots, too. Can you believe it? Actual slot machines." She sighed. "Not the place I'd normally be proud to associate myself with. Maybe I should tell them to keep my name out of their- Wait."

She'd forgotten about Yuki's... background. Suburbia looked good on her, but upgrading to glitz and glamour was only one kind of culture shock. What Satsuki had in mind for the rest of their night? That was another entirely. She turned on her heels to look Yuki up and down with a frown. "Have you ever run into a Yakuza before?"

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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Yuki had no idea what she was getting into. Yes, that applied for this entire casino visit in general, but she especially felt it here. When she thought of a casino, this was what she thought of. Dice, cards, roulette, well-dressed people sitting around wagering large amounts of money. It was still unfamiliar to her, but with Satsuki's help, she was at least able to get a foot in the door. At least, it was what she could expect. But now? Satsuki had offered to show her something even more, something she had no way of expecting or anticipating. All she had to go off of was her notions of how the aftermath of a POW match seemed to typically go, and the way Satsuki was hinting at things wasn't doing much to convince Yuki otherwise. When she felt the pink-haired girl's hand on her back, Yuki tensed, a shudder going down her spine. A blush came to her cheeks, and it only grew deeper at the thought of how woefully unprepared she must have looked.

But she hooked arms with Satsuki nonetheless, leaning in at her side. Yuki might not have been prepared...but she was curious. As Satsuki led her across the casino, she glanced back and forth, trying to figure out what might await her. She felt like she was getting to the bottom of something, and that things would only be revealed with time...

But even then, when Satsuki revealed the true nature of what Yuki was about to see, it still was enough to take her by surprise. It didn't seem like anything lewd would happen after was worse.

"Legal!?" Yuki jumped in place, her jaw dropping into a gasp. Everything that Satsuki was saying was far beyond even her wildest expectations. What went on in the underbelly of this casino - and what was Satsuki bringing her into? Sweat began to bead on her forehead as she fidgeted nervously on her feet, only stopping when she threatened to lose her balance on the heels she still wasn't quite used to wearing. She was still curious - if anything, this added that alluring appeal of danger to the whole proceedings - but her better instincts were blaring sirens in her head. The last thing she wanted was for this whole thing to land herself in jail. And Satsuki's comments about the Yakuza most definitely weren't helping.

At once, her train of thought came to a screeching halt. The color drained away from Yuki's face as she looked back up at Satsuki with wide eyes. She swallowed a gulp down her throat, but it was a few seconds that passed before she said anything. " At least, I don't think so..." Another pause came, as she tilted her head to examine Satsuki closer. "W-Wait,'re not, are you..?"
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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Professional wrestling was full of these types, she knew, but she originally thought they were hamming it up for the camera. It wasn't until she'd joined LAW's ostentatious little band that Satsuki realized that, like many of the varied personalities in this locker room, they were serious. The Boy and Girl Scouts filled those halls, which was surprising for a promotion that doubled as the world's premier sexfighting ring.

At least Yuki had an excuse for her naivete. Hers was a blissful ignorance born of, well, presumably her parents. Whoever had done the work to put her in that house of cookie-cutter beauty and master-planned stability. Ironically, Yakuza operated more in those neighborhoods than ever before by way of modern real estate, but it wasn't surprising that they were more of a myth to the young Kazikura.

"No," Satsuki chuckled, "no, I'm not a Yakuza... Not really, anyway." She shrugged as she searched for the words. "More of a... Repeat customer. You've seen how they treat high rollers in a legitimate casino. Imagine the goodwill a decade's worth of poker games can get you underground." If that was too much of a stretch for Yuki, then she'd experience it firsthand soon enough.

An arm, swept out, guided Yuki towards the elevator. It was inset into the wall, nondescript and clad in the most beige shade of red money could buy. "You'll be safe. Even if you weren't with me, you'd still be the best fighter in the room." Satsuki led her former opponent towards the elevator, which was manned only by a large, bald man in sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. Without even a pause to consider the total stranger next to Satsuki, he gave the Queen of Clubs a firm nod and opened the door.

She stepped in. If Yuki followed, she would no doubt be crossing into a world she'd never even thought of before. She'd gone from comfortably upper middle class to gaudy luxury in the span of a limo ride, but at least that made sense. People like Yuki knew how country club kings and executive suite queens lived; they saw it every day at the top of the salaryman's ladder. Down this shaft, though, was a whole different kind of money.

"Last chance, Kazikura," she said with a smirk. "In or out?"
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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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Yuki was a modest person. She hadn't pursued wrestling for the sake of money or fame, but for her own self-betterment; for the pursuit of mastery of her art. She was perfectly content with her unassuming lifestyle; if anything, it pleased her to know that she was someone the fans could consider one of them - a wrestler they could believe in, relate to, and stand by. She had no intentions of changing that any time soon. But when Satsuki brought up how great a fortune she could make on the underground gambling den, even Yuki couldn't help but be intrigued. She thought back on everything Satsuki had shown her - the limousine in all its luxuries and amenities; the ornate edifice of the casino; the company of the rich and powerful who she had been exposed to merely by association. Was Satsuki able to pin all of that on gambling with the right people? If so, Yuki could only imagine where she could go if luck was in her favor. But if that was the case...had Satsuki, she asked herself, come from a situation not too dissimilar from Yuki's own? And did that mean that life was achievable for her?

With wide and curious eyes, Yuki slowly turned to face the pink-haired girl. She strayed a little closer to her side, and her voice grew soft - in the back of her head, she asked herself if what she was about to ask would be too gauche for the company of someone like Satsuki. If the other casino-goers would only see her as hopelessly optimistic, or naive, or far outside of her means. But she knew that Satsuki wouldn't judge. And she was curious. "So, that where you made all of your money?"

She bit her lip, however - she had to remind herself that this was still a world that wasn't her own. She couldn't lose sight of what really mattered, or why she was here, no matter how seductive it might have seemed. Besides, her conscience was warning her about going in too deep, and exposing herself to contacts she would rather avoid...though, as Satsuki reminded her, she still had the combat training to handle herself if anything went south. If their match had been any indication, those skills were enough to dwarf her own. "Heh...I guess you're right," she muttered with a blush. It still felt so strange to think of herself as a winner.

It was all up to this, now - with Satsuki watching her from the elevator, Yuki had a decision to make. She could turn back and live her comfortable life like this was any other day...or she could take Satsuki's offer, and have a taste of what living on the edge was really like. She could see the other side. The reward for all its risks. She took in a slow, deep breath as she thought it over. She was in control, she reminded herself - she'd won the match, and she wouldn't have to do anything she didn't want to. Satsuki had been accepting enough that she knew she wouldn't fault her. In fact, she and Satsuki might well have had more in common than she had taken for granted, and that left Yuki trusting her more. But...Yuki knew she was standing just before a closed door, and she had no idea what lay on the other side. It was right there, waiting for her. If she wanted to sate her curiosity, no one could stop her. This was a chance she might never have again.

And, at last, she took another breath - and stepped into the elevator after Satsuki. "In," she said, nodding her head without a note of hesitation in her voice. Satsuki wanted her to see the high life - all of the high life. And Yuki wanted her questions answered.
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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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"Yeah," Satsuki shrugged, "versions of it, anyway, mostly across Asia." Not exactly a lie. Granted, they weren't always above-board, and they weren't always pretty, either. But that, perhaps, was a story for another day. At least it wasn't the thrilling tales of an alter ego even more famous than the two of them combined. Satsuki bit her lip at the image of Yuki going into conniptions hearing about Satsuki's "friend." That was enough to entertain her as the duo descended. Down, down went the lift, seconds yawning into years as its pulley churned. Finally, it stopped. Clicked in place. And sat. Another delay, this one enough for Satsuki to take a deep breath. She smirked. "Well," Satsuki said. "You've seen the high life. Now. Welcome. To the-"

The elevator opened.

Bass thumped into the chamber. Like a heartbeat, low and deep as it pulsed its way into both women's bones. It shook the elevator and its occupants at regular intervals. The electronic melody -- three or four notes played in synthetic sequence -- was just as loud. Its sharp cries pierced the bass, pierced the very air, second by second. Chatter provided a backdrop to the din. Hoots and hollers here, ecstatic shrieks there.

Past the cheap gild and stained hardwood of the elevator, the mellow fluorescent lights that had been their companion on the way down were snuffed out. Inky black filled the space beyond their elevator. But then -- there! A flash of white. A purple beam. A curl of neon flaring in the dark. Glimpses of what lay past this very first step.

"C'mon," Satsuki yelled, though she could barely hear herself over the ruckus. An excited smile on her face, she offered a hand. "Just so you don't get lost! Different kind of crowd here!" That, certainly, was part of it. The social currency of a partner in a nightclub -- would Yuki know that language? -- went unspoken, as much as Yuki would benefit from it. Either way, she wouldn't wait long.

Satsuki walked out, however Yuki wished to be brought in tow. It quickly became evident that the elevator led to a small hall outside the heart of the club. This private little antechamber, like the bowels of a stadium concourse, was meant for quick ingress and egress about the real action.

It wouldn't take but three steps until an usher moved into view. A man, same as before, though far more sturdy in both build and posture. The curlings of a neon dragon filtered up his neck -- a tattoo, clad in ultraviolet. Irezumi. Before he could even click on his flashlight, the Yakuza halted. "Hayano-sama."

Satsuki nodded. "The usual spot, if you would." She glanced at Yuki. "Seating for two, this time."

"Right away. If you'll follow me?"

Satsuki moved to take Yuki along. As they passed one solitary, exceedingly normal pendant lamp, Satsuki turned to Yuki and gave her a visible wink. Soon, the full club was in view: Purples and blues and pinks, as far as the eye could see. A throng of people in dresses and button-downs and neon wristbands, all moving to the rhythm with fervor. White countertops at each corner of the dance floor, from which countless drinks were shaken and stirred.

The usher led them up a flight of metal stairs just beside the entrance to the main chamber. They ascended, up and up until they reached a pretty tiled catwalk. In the center, there was a balcony. A low table, with a lower railing just in front and an ice-filled bucket upon its surface. Satsuki pulled one chair back for Yuki before stepping over and sitting down herself.

Here, the music was quieter, and the din of the crowd melted into a human sea below. Both seats were tilted towards the balcony, so they could overlook the world below. A throne on high for the Queen of Clubs -- and her liege lord for the evening. "The speakers are directional," she said. "Lets us hear the music without being swallowed by it. Perfect for a conversation, don't you think?" Satsuki barked out a laugh. "I'll admit, I'm curious about you, Yuki. Got a lot of questions. But I'll let you catch your breath for a second. Maybe-" She nodded her head towards a nearby waiter, far off to the corner but within distance to wave over. "Order a drink? And I'll leave you with just one for now: What do you think? First impressions?"

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Re: Now What? Satsuki & Yuki POW Aftermath

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In a few words, Satsuki had confirmed what Yuki had asked herself. And as she turned those words over in her head, the dark-haired girl found herself staring out into space, her jaw hanging ever so slightly agape, but whatever words began to rise in her throat died there before she had a chance to give them voice. Nothing could do her feelings justice. It seemed like something beyond her wildest dreams. All this wealth, this glamor, this luxury - it was all at Satsuki's fingertips, and what had she done to attain it? Merely being lucky? All her life, Yuki had been a firm believer in the values of hard work and determination to get to where she was, and she never made an accomplishment - be it in wrestling or academics - that she hadn't worked for. And yet, Satsuki had eclipsed everything Yuki had ever done by mere chance, and her willingness to take risks and live on the wild side. A part of Yuki felt like she should've taken offense to that. It wasn't fair - it should've been another reminder that she wasn't good enough, if Satsuki could eclipse her without even trying. And yet, she couldn't. Not when she felt something tug at her - something that was too alluring, too enticing, for her to ignore. If Satsuki had won all of this...perhaps, with enough time, and enough bravery, Yuki might one day see the same.

It was a thought she didn't know if she was ready for, but a thought that sent a shudder through her spine nonetheless just thinking about it. But whatever the case might have been, Yuki wouldn't have time to contemplate it for long. At last, the elevator stopped, and the jerk of the cab against its cables as it slowed to a halt brought her back to reality. It was only a second later, when she heard Satsuki call out to her, that Yuki cleared her throat and shook herself back to her senses, hurrying off after the pink-haired girl. "R-Right..! Right-!"

As they stopped in front of the usher, the tattoos peering out from the collar of his suit were not lost on Yuki. For a moment, she sucked in a breath, and her heart slowed. This was a man, she knew, who could make sure she disappeared if she was unfortunate enough to catch the disfavor of him and his allies. Merely being around him was dangerous, and no matter how many grueling and painful matches she'd been through, Yuki had never felt closer to danger than she did now. And despite it all...Satsuki was, undoubtedly, the one in control. Everything this man did, from the tone of his voice to the honorifics he used, indicated that he was showing deference to Satsuki here, and she didn't betray a moment of uncertainty. Yuki was nervous, yes. She stood a little straighter, her body stiffening as her arm wrapped itself more firmly against Satsuki's own for support. But she knew she could trust Satsuki to be her guide in this strange new world. And if Satsuki could command such a world, and make it look so easy, then she was looking even more impressive than she already did.

When the doors open, and that world asserted itself in the tapestry of colors and textures, sights and smells and sounds, that unfolded like a kaleidoscope all around was almost overwhelming. Yuki had never seen anything quite like this before. Certainly she hadn't been in the very heart of it! She could hardly believe she was here at all, and for a moment she stared off into space, eyes wide and mouth agape. Her eyes ran back and forth across the room, scanning all of its splendors, but also hearing the clinking of glasses and the rumblings of laughter, the beat of distant music. This was a place of hedonism, of joy and ecstasy. All the comforts Yuki had denied herself in the pursuit of being just another girl - of being one of them. This wasn't her world. This was Satsuki's. This was...Rose Gold's, even. It was ironic; when it came to wrestling, Yuki had been cool, collected, and confident that she knew what she was doing. Now, though, everything was flipped on its head. This was something she knew nothing about - and she had to rely on Satsuki for guidance.

A few times, her gaze stopped to linger as Satsuki took her down aisles and around tables, gawking at the strange sights she was seeing - though she quickly bit her lip and turned aside, not wanting to stare, and especially not when she knew that the yakuza were here. And at the end of it all, Satsuki led her up the stairs to one such sight. A private box. As she took to the balcony, Yuki could see the whole club fan out around her like a panorama, and she stared a little longer, her eyes going wide as she took in the whole tableau. But Satsuki overlooked it all, too. As her domain - her kingdom. And now, Yuki had an invitation to join her.

Struck by the excitement and the exhilaration, it took Yuki a moment to collect herself - she was paralyzed right where she stood, looking off into the bowels of the building. But she soon took a step forward and settled into the seat Satsuki had pulled aside. Even still, her gaze didn't settle on Satsuki; it wandered back and forth over the view below. There was just too much on her mind, and too much to take in.

"" A blush lit up across Yuki's cheeks as she looked back in Satsuki's direction; for a moment, she glanced away. "Er, I don't know. I've never been anywhere quite like this before. I doubt I'll be very interesting..." She giggled to that, but it was a nervous, awkward giggle more than it was laughter at her own joke. She cleared her throat, sitting a little straighter as Satsuki brought up ordering a drink...something that Yuki had barely any frame of reference for.

"A...drink? Uhh..." Her fingers drummed against the table as she thought it over. "I guess I'll have...maybe a glass of wine? Or...I don't know. Do you have a menu or something? What can I get?" Another anxious grimace came to her face; she could only hope it wouldn't be so blisteringly obvious she was in over her head and barely knew what she was doing. And when it came to her first impressions, she felt much the same. After all she'd seen, she didn't even know if she could put it into words.

"My...first impressions?" She grimaced again. "I mean, it' Do you..." She scooted closer, her voice soft so as to only be audible to Satsuki, even if the design of the box blocked out any sounds anyway. "Do you do this stuff often? Is this...what life looks like for you?" Yuki blushed again just thinking about it. It was a stupid question, that was without a doubt. But this place was like nothing she'd ever seen before.
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