Rules: No DQ
Victory Condition: Only by pinning the opponent inside the cage for a full 10-count.
LAW has had some... curious... decisions in its booking over the years, between venues and stipulations. Especially where hentai was concerned. But this? This wasn't a thinly-veiled, if not out-in-the-open effort to set up a pornographic shoot. This was, for all intents and purposes, meant to be a knockdown, drag-out bloodbath between two of LAW's feistiest females. The main site is a rather large warehouse on the edge of Tokyo Bay, repurposed into a spartan bar. The bar counter spans the majority of the wall on one side, tended by surly and not easily impressed staff, often having to work double duty as bouncers. The opposite wall sports a flight of steps leading up to the second floor catwalk, mostly offering additional seating in a more private setting. It wraps along the wall of the interior, but doesn't extend out much over the central floor space down below. Because that area is usually taken up by whatever is meant to be the bar's main attraction for the evening.
And that main attraction is typically pit fighting.
Tonight would be only marginally different from their standard fare. Overwhelming the central space of the warehouse is a 10'-tall chain-link cage that's seen better days, the wear and tear of bodies colliding against the sides leaving various dents and protrusions throughout. Metal poles are interspersed throughout, particularly at each of the four corners to disperse said impacts... but have also been used for impacts almost just as often. Only one entrance to and from the cage is readily available - at least until a match gets underway. After a fight begins, a padlock comes into play. The top is left open-air, allowing an unobstructed view of the fights from the second floor, while the base of the cage is lined in a thin, black mat - it helps to avoid injuries. Mostly.
What makes tonight different is that the fight isn't unsanctioned. LAW has coordinated with the bar's owner (that is to say, paid them well) to make use of this grungy arena. Fights normally go until knockout. Tonight? It goes until a pin-count of ten; which is basically the same as fighting until knockout. But perhaps what the rowdy crowd is most concerned with is who the fight will be between. Women fighters aren't too rare, if a bit of a novelty in a setting like this. But two severely attractive female fighters, in ring gear; that'll turn some heads.
And not entirely in the best way, as Katsumi is quickly finding out.
The television screens all change in unison to her intro video, her music blaring through the bar's loudspeakers.
Her actual intro video.
"Try not to break a nail, sweetheart!"
"We came for a real fight, not to see a bitches slap each other!"
"Go back to your own prissy sport!"
Her hands have balled into fists beside her, the tension building within. It's a good thing she's wearing her entrance attire, lest they catch her eye twitching in anger. This may, in fact, be the first time she's considered her makeover a mistake. The revamp made her too pretty to be taken seriously. But fuck these people, they don't know her! She looks forward to simultaneously shocking them and pissing them off.
Katsumi's Entrance Attire

The door is held open for her, the official waiting on the inside. Katsumi ascends the flight of steps onto the platformed ring, entering the cage. And from there, she begins to march dutifully around the ring's perimeter with a stoic frown, both hands raised, firing off a double-barrel birds to the crowd. This does absolutely nothing to cool the heat, especially as she begins to smirk at them by about the halfway point. "That's right, bitches!," she finally shouts back at the deafening crowd. "You think I care what you got to say!? This is my turf now, so fucking zip it!"
As the hate reaches a fever pitch, Katsumi smugly turns to pluck her arms through the sleeves of her jacket to shrug it off. The shades are plucked from her eyes, neatly folded, and tucked away into the jacket. She passes her ensemble over to the officiator, who then passes it to the bouncer guarding the cage entrance. Meanwhile, Katsumi tosses her silky tresses in a deliberately theatric way, emphasizing her femininity. And then, she's pacing the ring, waiting for her opponent giving her shoulders a roll, her hands a shimmy-shake to loosen the joints.
Without the shades and jacket!

She's wrestled Alexia before. That was a wild, rough, bizarre match. But she's ready for the harlequin tonight. Ready and eager to prove herself to this crowd, and everyone who catches the match. Vibrant emerald eyes scan the throng of onlookers for her blonde opponent, trying to remember exactly what she looked like.. admittedly, besides the attire. She remembers the attire distinctly.