Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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Match Type: Domination Cage Match
Rules: No DQ
Victory Condition: Only by pinning the opponent inside the cage for a full 10-count.

LAW has had some... curious... decisions in its booking over the years, between venues and stipulations. Especially where hentai was concerned. But this? This wasn't a thinly-veiled, if not out-in-the-open effort to set up a pornographic shoot. This was, for all intents and purposes, meant to be a knockdown, drag-out bloodbath between two of LAW's feistiest females. The main site is a rather large warehouse on the edge of Tokyo Bay, repurposed into a spartan bar. The bar counter spans the majority of the wall on one side, tended by surly and not easily impressed staff, often having to work double duty as bouncers. The opposite wall sports a flight of steps leading up to the second floor catwalk, mostly offering additional seating in a more private setting. It wraps along the wall of the interior, but doesn't extend out much over the central floor space down below. Because that area is usually taken up by whatever is meant to be the bar's main attraction for the evening.

And that main attraction is typically pit fighting.

Tonight would be only marginally different from their standard fare. Overwhelming the central space of the warehouse is a 10'-tall chain-link cage that's seen better days, the wear and tear of bodies colliding against the sides leaving various dents and protrusions throughout. Metal poles are interspersed throughout, particularly at each of the four corners to disperse said impacts... but have also been used for impacts almost just as often. Only one entrance to and from the cage is readily available - at least until a match gets underway. After a fight begins, a padlock comes into play. The top is left open-air, allowing an unobstructed view of the fights from the second floor, while the base of the cage is lined in a thin, black mat - it helps to avoid injuries. Mostly.

What makes tonight different is that the fight isn't unsanctioned. LAW has coordinated with the bar's owner (that is to say, paid them well) to make use of this grungy arena. Fights normally go until knockout. Tonight? It goes until a pin-count of ten; which is basically the same as fighting until knockout. But perhaps what the rowdy crowd is most concerned with is who the fight will be between. Women fighters aren't too rare, if a bit of a novelty in a setting like this. But two severely attractive female fighters, in ring gear; that'll turn some heads.

And not entirely in the best way, as Katsumi is quickly finding out.

The television screens all change in unison to her intro video, her music blaring through the bar's loudspeakers.
Her actual intro video.
There are no pyros, no sparks, no laserlights this time. No, tonight, the music and the television screens are all the pomp and circumstance the wrestlers are getting. But the thing that stands out the most to Katsumi is the crowd. There are no barricades, no barriers between them and her. They press in all around her, showering her in snide remarks and insults, shouting inches from her ears. She's used to being booed, but this... this is different.

"Try not to break a nail, sweetheart!"

"We came for a real fight, not to see a bitches slap each other!"

"Go back to your own prissy sport!"

Her hands have balled into fists beside her, the tension building within. It's a good thing she's wearing her entrance attire, lest they catch her eye twitching in anger. This may, in fact, be the first time she's considered her makeover a mistake. The revamp made her too pretty to be taken seriously. But fuck these people, they don't know her! She looks forward to simultaneously shocking them and pissing them off.
Katsumi's Entrance Attire
The thing is, however, it doesn't actually matter how Katsumi would've looked tonight. The sad reality is, this collection of roughnecks has very little respect for professional wrestlers, viewing it as weak, fragile prima-donnas rolling around on a nice, cushy mat. They have no idea how thin the normal mat is, nor the authenticity of the fights. They're predisposed against the glamor of the sport, and tonight, to them, feels like an invasion. They have zero expectation that either of these girls will come even close to the fights they're used to here.

The door is held open for her, the official waiting on the inside. Katsumi ascends the flight of steps onto the platformed ring, entering the cage. And from there, she begins to march dutifully around the ring's perimeter with a stoic frown, both hands raised, firing off a double-barrel birds to the crowd. This does absolutely nothing to cool the heat, especially as she begins to smirk at them by about the halfway point. "That's right, bitches!," she finally shouts back at the deafening crowd. "You think I care what you got to say!? This is my turf now, so fucking zip it!"

As the hate reaches a fever pitch, Katsumi smugly turns to pluck her arms through the sleeves of her jacket to shrug it off. The shades are plucked from her eyes, neatly folded, and tucked away into the jacket. She passes her ensemble over to the officiator, who then passes it to the bouncer guarding the cage entrance. Meanwhile, Katsumi tosses her silky tresses in a deliberately theatric way, emphasizing her femininity. And then, she's pacing the ring, waiting for her opponent giving her shoulders a roll, her hands a shimmy-shake to loosen the joints.
Without the shades and jacket!
Her music fades from the loudspeakers, her video ending on the screens. It's time.

She's wrestled Alexia before. That was a wild, rough, bizarre match. But she's ready for the harlequin tonight. Ready and eager to prove herself to this crowd, and everyone who catches the match. Vibrant emerald eyes scan the throng of onlookers for her blonde opponent, trying to remember exactly what she looked like.. admittedly, besides the attire. She remembers the attire distinctly.
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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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The dirty atmosphere in the air, the stank of the seedy nature of the bar situated near the Tokyo Bay was all the right kind of elements that Alexia found her thrills at. She had been slotted in for a fight that emphasized all the down and dirty fights that she enjoyed taking part of and the crowd chanting from within the warehouse packed a different feel from the arena. There, people were excited to see the fights, here people lusted to see violence inside of the chain link cage to house the no holds barred fight.

Anything goes in search of who could pin the other for a full 10 seconds. It was set to be a long and drawn affair of violence that sent shivers throughout the Harlequin’s body that left her giddy beyond belief, dressed in her skimpy barely passing for a corset, hot pants that might of well have been panties, and calf socks while rocking out in barefoot. Her foot stepped across the grime of the concrete floors as she made her way to the exit of the locker room and into the main event room.
Her entrance theme would play as she exited out into the warehouse, there was no barricades or dividers keeping the rowdy and alcohol fueled crowd as Alexia made her way through the sea of humanity. Her eyes were wide and her smile was twisted as ever, the crowd shouting obscenities at Alexia with no care of anything other than the violence that they were promised. Some even blocked her path, their eyes hooked on her scantily clad body and hoping to cop a feel on her. Not interested at all in being held up from her own promised fight, she snapped her jaw and snarled at the the bar goers, quickly parting as Alexia let out a laugh as she passed them by, keeping her eyes locked on them in wild and wide frenzy before twirling back towards the cage at the center.

She soon saw who was waiting for her, an old friend that she hadn’t seen in a while. The last time they met Alexia met defeat, but this night wasn’t about avenging old losses. All Alexia remembered was the fun she had with her. Her eyes widened with even more glee as she locked her focus on Katsumi, heading towards the open door and stepping into the dirty cage. The state of the cage fell past Alexia’s interest, only focused on Katsumi as she moved quickly to the center as the cage door was slammed behind her. The padlock was sealed and the cage rattled as Alexia stood across of Katsumi, barely able to contain her excitement as she was bobbing from foot to foot, practically salivating at the mouth at the thought of locking up Katsumi once again!

“Heheheheheheh! Lookie here! Lookie here! Look whose come back to fight me!”
Last edited by TheManVan on Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

The crowd's focus turned from Katsumi to someone she can only catch an occasional glimpse of. Red and black ponytails dipping and bobbing through the sea of noticeably larger bodies, like two shark fins moving in tandem. That would, of course, be Alexia. But she could've sworn she had blonde hair. Giving her head a quick shake to clear the false memory, she waits expectantly at the far end of the cage.

When Alexia steps into clear view, ascending into the cage, Katsumi's gaze dips over her. She recalls her being fit, toned, and lean; rather like herself. And she can tell she hasn't lost that edge. And the attire is exactly as she recalls, that harlequin ensemble covering just enough to be stylish underwear with stockings. What she didn't remember is just how bright those blue eyes of hers were. She did recall that... unhinged intensity behind them, though. Frankly, whatever else, this wild chick would be the perfect one for her to wrestle tonight for this crowd.

Katsumi lifts a hand to whisk through her hair, ensuring it's behind her shoulder and out of the way. As it turned out, her hair is rather voluminous when allowed to grow out. But as soon as it's done, she begins her approach to the center of the ring.

"I remember you," she drawls slowly. "You're a whole bag of crazy. And I remember pinning you down on the commentator's table, too." Her vivid greens lock onto those bright blues, a wicked smile curving the corners of her lips. "I am so looking forward to this..."

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!," shouts the officiator standing center ring, voice raised enough to be heard over the crowd. "We have Katsumi Oshiro versus Alexia... whatever-the-fuck, who cares! This is a domination match! That means there are no disqualifications! This fight only ends when one of them pins the other, in this cage, flat on their back, for a full ten-count! What happens outside the cage doesn't matter! And lastly, that door-," he points sharply to the locked door, "-which dumbass over there locked already, does not open again until the fight's over! No matter what! Capiche?"

"Ring the bell already," replies Katsumi, her eyes remaining transfixed to the girl in front of her. The two are practically even stat-wise, able to stand nose to nose, eyes to eye, with Alexia only slightly heavier than her.

"We don't have a bell." The officiator moves between them to the door, promptly kicking it to rattle the cage. "Open the door, dipshit!"

The bouncer awkwardly unlocks the cage, and the officiator slips out, only to re-lock it. "Now, FIGHT!"
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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Hunched over and swaying from side to side, the announcers voice cut through the ravenous crowd’s cheering, their voice fell completely on deaf ears to Alexia as her eyes and complete focus remained on Katsumi. “Hahahahahahah! Yeah you did, yeah you did! It was a lot of fun I had! This time I’m going to be the one who pins your ass down, here, there, or maybe right here!” She ranted, licking her lips as she took in the sight of Katsumi, she was much different than the last time they had met almost to the point Alexia wouldn’t have recognize her.

But there was one defining trait that made her instantly remember her the moment she laid eyes on her. Those eyes. The same eyes that had a wild look to them, one that Alexia found to be similar to hers where Katsumi reveled in violence like her. Soon her lips curled into a smile, almost as twisted as Alexia’s or perhaps a different flavor.

It mattered not to the Harlequin, she was here for a fight and she knew that she was going to get it with Katsumi!

Once the officiator had left the cage, slamming the door behind them, there was only two left in the cage and signaling the fight had begun! Alexia wasted little time, there was no point of her testing the waters to see how Katsumi had changed since their last encounter. If she was going to find out anything, it was going to be in the teeth of Katsumi as she bolted across the cage and cutting the distance between them as she charged at her opponent, looking for a full body tackle to slam into Katsumi and kept pushing to try and force her back to the cage wall!

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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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It's almost feral, the way the two seemed to recognize something in the other. It's an innate instinct, a thing that drew them both to combat sports. There could be other factors, like fame, fortune, and whatever else. But the main thing? The two had a penchant for violence. They reveled in the competition, the struggle, vying for dominance over each other. As far as that went, the crowd was practically meaningless. These were two untamed animals locked in a cage together, both predators, prodded into mortal combat.

Alexia surges forward, not taking the approach Katsumi might have expected. She shifts her right foot back to brace for impact, rapidly looking for a way to counter, but ultimately - it's one body slamming into another, the force of the bodycheck bringing the Punk Princess to stagger back several steps. One arm hooks her waist, the other snaking behind her back to snap onto her shoulder. It's not an attempt to gain distance, but rather, an effort to keep the two close together. Though Katsumi is losing ground quickly! The momentum sees Alexia pushing the punkette back more and more, until she feels the links of the cage pressing into her skin.


Her hips twist, a knee pushing forward to try to roll the two over as they clench together. If she can just put Alexia's back against the cage, she can get the upperhand. But something about the initial, reckless abandon with which they've begun their fight has her blood pumping in all the right ways, fully embracing the savagery with her opponent, the two practically face to face.

"Last time... you... licked me.. to start our fight!," Katsumi reminds as she strains against her, smirking despite the struggle.
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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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The loud clap of bodies rang out as the two women clashed, breasts mashing into breasts and stomachs digging into stomachs with arms tying the pair together. Alexia’s arm swung around the arm around her waist, securing an under hook while the other wrapped around Katsumi’s back to hold her close as they bashed into the wall!

The rattling of rusted steel creaked out, the impact also shaking the binds of the chain link as some even snapped off, letting the cage sag with the two of them clinched up against the wall as Alexia waisted little time in utilizing dirty boxing to send quick hooks into Katsumi’s exposed sides, pulling up on her undertook to maintain a level of control in grinding down Katsumi against the cage.

But Katsumi was no slouch, she used her own tactics of close quarters to twist her hips and pulled Alexia with her to roll along the cage, now trapping the Harlequin in the flesh-steel sandwich that had the chain link fence pressing into her skin!

Her lips curled as she was reminded of her little gesture of tasting her meal while she was eating it, even letting her tongue hang out to show Katsumi the exact tongue that had licked her before it quickly slithered back into her mouth. “What? Are you going to lick me back?” She sneered, twisting and jostling, smacking their bodies together and grinding their breasts as they were locked in the clinch, neither one willing to let go as they were nose to nose

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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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"Ungh! Unf!" The low rib-shots against her waist land, peppering the girl's fair flesh. But she keeps with her, not entirely sure where she's going with the wrap-up and struggle, but playing it entirely by ear. Finally rotating the two bodies over, she pressures onto the toes of her boots to grind her body into Alexia's, blindly hoping the chain links will cause some kind of pain. Unlikely, given the amount of give they have. Still, pressed as forcefully together as they are, Alexia is sure to feel the pounding of the Japanese girl's heart against her chest.

The tongue snakes out, and Katsumi gives it a quick look before returning her focus to those bright, blazing eyes. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?," she growls back to her. Her head tilts forward, touching temple to temple, cheekbone to cheekbone. Her arms flex, pulling in against the other girl's trapped body, seizing her hard into herself.

The audience can't make heads or tails of the display. They didn't come in swinging with punches, like theyr'e used to seeing. But there's no denying the level of ferocity going on.

Suddenly, Katsumi makes a gamble. She tries to pull back with Alexia still gripped to her body, pushing up with her prey only to twist over and hit the mat with her in a belly-to-belly suplex!
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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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The chain links digging into her back was stinging but to Alexia it was but a light breeze on her skin, inconsequential as she had much more pressing matters to focus on with Katsumi bearing down on her. Their barely covered bodies squished nice and tight against one another, breasts barely able to maintain their forms as the beating of their hearts, rapid and wild like their fight pounding between them.

She would give Katsumi a smile hearing her, she would very much so enjoy that if Katsumi had returned the favor. But all was not to be for Alexia, the hope dwindling into ash as Katsumi nuzzled up against her, their heads side by side as they tossed and thrashed on the cage,

Her sky blue eyes would suddenly widened as she felt Katsumi’s weight shifting low before exploding back upwards, dragging Alexia’s back on the chain link before ripping her off of it for a hard slam on the thin mat!

The loud smack rang out, even in the wild environment of the warehouse that was soon flooded with cheers as Alexia’s lungs were deprived of air. Gasping and coughing, her arms quickly locked together behind Katsumi, holding her tight to her body and refusing to let her go as she gritted her teeth!

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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi had plans, she did. They began with suplexing Alexia to the mat, then starting things proper to wear her down. Maybe beat on that surprisingly pretty face. But it's cut short when Alexia's arms redoubled around her, preventing her from rising off off of her.

"Can't.. get enough of me, huh..?," she murmurs to her.

Her own arms remain steadfastly wound around the other girl, and her lower half scrambles for a bit more leverage before finding herself lying directly atop her. Hips nuzzled up against hips, abdominals flush with abdominals, skin to skin, breasts mashed into breasts. Her head tilts, pressing her brow against Alexia's, those eyes locking again.

"Come.. on.."

She tries to pull back, slowly working her way towards her knees - or trying to! And likely hauling Alexia along the way, with the ultimate goal of getting the two to a vertical base again.

The intensity of the exchange from the very start is almost unspeakable. Both wanted to collide and grapple, and both certainly have. Both vying for the dominant position, unwilling to break apart, resulting in two strong wills urging each other into the contest. It's incredibly exciting, even if it's lost on some of the audience out there. They can't feel the tension between the two. But Katsumi certainly can; she can feel every twitch, every squirm, every flex of Alexia's body, the way her heart pounds against her excitedly, the smoothness of her skin, the tightness of her abs, every breath either of them takes causing their embrace to briefly tighten.
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Re: Caged Animals - Alexia vs Katsumi Oshiro

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Alexia’s breaths were short and curt due to Katsumi’s weight laying on top of her, she wasn’t able to get a full breath in with her breasts pinned down by Katsumi’s. But it was enough to work herself up back from being dumped on the mat, all of her body was sliding against Katsumi’s skin as they locked foreheads, their intense gaze never weakening for a second! “Ha! We…just began…” she murmured back as she reaffirmed her grip to keep her body lock intact!

Katsumi would begin to move, pushing herself up as Alexia held on tightly, making Katsumi bear both of their weights as she was lifted high enough to slide her knees underneath her. She would thank and reward Katsumi for her efforts by finally releasing the body lock, keeping one arm hooked around while the other snaked outward and snuck in a tight uppercut into her side!

“Ha! You come on…I feel like…I’m the only one who wants this!” She hissed back into Katsumi’s ear, planting a foot down as she rose up with Katsumi. Sweat was already beginning to form on Alexia’s barely covered body, the heat from their combined bodies in the warehouse along with the intense struggling quickly igniting the two as they rose to their feet, Alexia hunching into her opponent to continue their tight embrace!

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