Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Match type: Standard

Alaina was stretching while wearing a one piece tiger print swimsuit, kneepads and boots backstage. She was the LAW heavyweight champion even if that bratty rat Kennedy stole the physical title belt. Seriously does theft somehow not make Alaina a champion or lead to Kennedy having any valid claim to anything?

Alaina shook her head and came strutting out with confidence as her music played. She had a non-title match right before her PPV title match with Kennedy and she was not going to disappoint. She was a strong, tough driven champion who was going to demonstrate to the Greek grappler why she was who she was between the ropes.

Alaina climbed up ontonthe apron and through the ropes flexing and posing for the crowd before settling into a corner to wait for her opponent.

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Drasna took a deep breath from backstage, holding her leg over a bench and leaning forward, attempting to limber up in preparation for the match ahead tonight. Thus far in LAW she was undefeated, granted she had taken a small hiatus from the ring to focus on training a student, but that didn't mean she didn't keep the ring rust off, nor did it devalue her win streak.

In fact it was being rewarded with her return match being against none other than the heavyweight champion, a dream opponent of hers in the form of Alaina Sanders-Haines. "It may be non title... but after I win, the next one will be." Drasna said to herself before pulling her leg back and standing straight, smiling in preparation as she finished adjusting her white and blue ring gear.
"Lets do this." She said to herself before heading out of the locker room and down the hall, walking proudly with her shoulders back in preparation as she walked down the hall before making it to the entrance ramp, taking a deep breath before the music sounded, starting the entrance for her.

Coming out from behind the curtain Drasna would smile out at the crowd, throwing her arms up as the crowd cheered in response for her. Strutting down the ramp she would wear a confident grin all the way down until she hit made it to the ring. Walking across the steel steps and sliding between the ropes Drasna would smile at Alaina and approach the center of the ring while holding her hand out to the woman for a handshake.

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Alaina was shorter than Drasna but the amazons muscle mass and definition seemed to be a bit greater. She kept an eye on Drasna as she climbed into the ring and stood up offering her hand for a handshake. Alaina stepped right up to her and shook it, looking up at here to stare her in the eye. "All right, I hope you are ready. Lets have a good match." Alaina said as she shook her opponents hand.

The bell rang soon after and Alaina circled and lunged in for a grapple! Alaina wanted to force Drasna back while maneuvering herself in to pull down and grab Drasna by the head to apply a side headlock to the taller woman.

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Drasna was focused solely on her opponent. Alaina was a beast of a woman in more ways than one, boasting quite a lot of muscle and raw power, not to mention in terms of personality, living up to her nickname of Amazon quite well. Suffice to say Drasna knew that beating her would be a difficult challenge to say the least... and that excited her to no end, as shown by the proud smile on her face.

"That I am, let's show these youngsters what we vets can do." Drasna said right back to Alaina with a nod before darting forward, locking up with the woman and began to get pushed backwards while Alaina suddenly pushed her down, locking a in head lock! "Ngh!" Drasna grunted out, planing her feet into the mat to stall the push back.

Then if she was successful Drasna would join her hands together beneath her before swinging it up, right into Alaina's abs! If the blow connected and stunned her for even a moment then Drasna would place her hands on the woman's hips and dropping down slightly, trying to pull her head free from Alaina's biceps while moving to get behind the champion in an attempt to reverse into a waist lock!

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Things had started off well for Alaina when...

"Oomph! Ugh!" Alaina found herself smashed in the abdomen and grabbed from behind! Alaina immediately reached down and grabbed at Drasna's hands and began to pull, trying to use her raw power to pull her opponents hands off her. Alaina didn't want to be held from behind or sent crashing to the mat so she was giving this her all as she tried to escape.

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Managing to get out from under Alaina's arm and behind the woman, grabbing her waist in a waist lock it wasn't long before the Amazon began grabbing and pulling at Drasna's arms to try and pull them away from her. "Ngh!" Knowing she wouldn't have long Drasna knew she had to move fast as she suddenly released Alaina's waist and went lower, grabbing at the woman's legs and pulling up, trying to knock Alaina down to the mat!

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Alaina was powering out but the tall Greek grappler changed tactics! Alaina's legs were pulled and upended sending the amazon falling down to the mat face first! "UGH!" Alaina groaned as she hit the ground and rubbed her face, trying to scramble forward to get back up to her feet before Drasna could completely take the momentum!

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Recognizing the danger poised by Alaina's powering through her hold Drasna wouldn't let the woman do so. Instead she would reach low, grasping Alaina's legs to pull up, knocking the woman down! Smirking as she did so Drasna knew Alaina would be quick to try and get back up to her feet. Something she'd take advantage of since, the moment Alaina started to stand she would rush forward, raising her arm up in a effort to try and club it into the Amazon's chest with a running clothesline to the champion!

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Alaina saw the tall Greek running at her and Alaina used her height against her as she ducked and stayed low while she was being rushed dodging to clothesline!

Alaina smiled and wanted to try one of her own, running to the ropes and bouncing off looking to smash into Drasna as hard as she could!

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Re: Drasna Selinofoto vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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Managing to successfully take Alaina down to the mat Drasna was looking to take advantage as she as she charged forward, arm raised to deliver a clothesline! However Alaina was quick on her feet just as she expected and ducked under her blow! Knowing that Alaina wouldn't simply retreat Drasna would continue her run towards the ropes, turning to bounce off them and add to her speed, in turn watching as Alaina raised her own arm up for a clothesline of her own!

Instinctively Drasna would once again raise her arm, intending to cause a cross impact collision, with both Drasna and Alaina's arms crashing into each others chests at the same time! "UGH!" Drasna cried out, getting knocked off her feet and clutching her chest from the impact, silently hoping that Alaina would get taken down as well...

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