Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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Isa - The Angel Of Ice vs Roni Mancini
Standard Match
Victory via pinfall, submission, KO, count-out, or disqualification
Location: Standard ring on a beach
Outfit: Bikini

Now this sucked.

Sure, on paper this had been a decent idea. It was July. The middle of the summer. The beaches were the hotspots of the season. The LAW arena's air conditioning bills were surely out of the roof. So why not take a ring into the middle of one of Tokyo's most popular beaches for a Bikini wrestling event?

Well, a couple of days ago a typhoon had passed near Osaka, and it brought quite some rains with it. Lots of rains. And even if Tokyo hadn't been on the direct path of the storm, it was still rather windy and raining here. No, the weather wasn't dangerous. It was simply unpleasant. But was that a reason to cancel or postpone the event? Apparently not.

Isa let out a sigh as a member of the crew gave her the signal to enter the ring. No, she wasn't really happy about this. But was that something she should have expressed to the audience? Certainly not! This was just a bullet she had to bite, and put on as good of a show for them as possible. The rain wasn't their fault.

Besides, she was from Iceland. This weather wasn't unheard of. And it wasn't that cold.

Isa's Attire (without the cape)

Appearing from beneath the shelter of the canvas, Isa made her way as gracefully as she could down the rubbered "ramp" towards the ring. And damn, it was even windier and wetter than she had thought. She couldn't even make out any of her music from the loudspeakers - if they were even palying it at all. All the sound was muffled, so it could have been something completely else as well... At first, she hadn't been too bothered about a bikini match - when leaving her cape behind, her wrestling attire surely fulfilled the requirements anyway - but she immediately started questioning her line of thinking when feeling the cold rain on her skin.

Climbing up gracefully inside the ring, Isa proceeded to make her usual entrance procedure, climbing on opposite sides of the ring to sit gracefully on the top rope and wave at the crowds - who werent' really there. Sure, there were some individuals, and a couple of groups who had taken out their rain gear and braved their way into the rain to watch the match live, but Isa was fairly sure that had this event not been recorded and televized, it surely would have gotten cancelled.

Despite the low number of audience, Isa proceeded normally towards her corner. Settling there, it was finally time to shift her thoughts towards who would she be facing today... The Icelandic blonde actually didn't know, and the fact hadn't even appeared that relevant to her so far considering the peculiar setup for today's match. And she was going to find out soon enough anyway...

For a moment, Isa stayed still in her corner... But soon she had to start pacing between her own corner and the one next to her, simply for the sake of trying to stay warm in all the wind and the rain. And it was a good way to notice that the mat was getting soaked and rather slippery as well...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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There were some days where Roni Mancini felt that LAW was playing one giant prank on her. That they simply tried to line up everything to piss her off the most. And certainly, the Hitwoman was easy to piss off. But to set her off above and beyond the normal level of being pissed off? It took a special amount from LAW producers and agents to do that to her. And today was one such day.

A bikini match, on the beach. Already the Italian Powerhouse was pissed off by that idea alone. She wasn't one of those prissy hentai enthusiast who just wanted to giggle and fuck--she was a fighter and a brawler, and she was far more suited to tearing apart whoever was across the ring from her, not for bouncing around. Certainly, Roni enjoyed the beach. And she knew she looked positively stunning in a bikini. But those were two things she much more preferred to enjoy outside of a ring.

And then she took note they were in the rain. A downpour that had lessened, but still there was rain. And the Hitwoman instantly went to those in charge and told them to call off the match and get this nonsense thrown out--or at the very least give them a regular match. And yet, they continued to go the path. A beach match in the rain. And despite all of her yelling about it, they weren't listening to Roni Mancini. And that just pissed her off even more as she was ready ready to blow a gasket.

And it was cold to boot. She had stepped outside before, gotten rain on her, and she was already chilly. She was threatening to get pneumonia or something from this. A stupid bikini match. And soon, all of it just sent Roni Mancini to a state where she was just an embodiment of rage. She saw rain drops in red now. And it was being channeled into wanting to completely tear apart her opponent.

Some big blonde chick. She looked great in a bikini too. In normal circumstances on a normal beach and not in a fight, Roni probably would have had a lewd come on for her. Maybe a smack on the ass if she was feeling so inclined. But instead, Roni Mancini was looked to just thrash her relentlessly until a win was given to her so she could escape this hell.

And after Isa got to the ring, the Hitwoman would follow soon after, simmering with rage. If her body was any more warm with anger, there would be steam coming off of her from the rain. The Italian Bruiser just entered the ring with a death glare at Isa staring her down as she went to the ring and walked up the ring steps. She wore a white bikini top--a terrible choice for not letting her nipples be on prominent display when soaked now, and fully erect from the chilling rain. And her briefs were black and white, but barely covered her enough to keep her warm.

Roni Mancini would step into the ring though. And then the moment she did, the Italian made a wild charge directly towards Isa, not hesitating. And she moved to rush at her with a full body splash, looking to collide with the blonde and smash her into the corner. She didn't wait for the bell, any instruction from the referee. She just wanted to instantly start letting go of all of that anger and frustration and start beating the daylights out of her opponent. If there was one thing that could make the Hitwoman feel better in this match, it would certainly be that.
Last edited by Dubski on Tue Jul 25, 2023 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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For a moment Isa had to pace along the side of the ring to keep herself warm, but as soon as she could detect a figure approaching the ring, the Angel of Ice remained in her corner frozen in place. It was just her way of respecting her opponent and giving her space, no matter the weather. And also, she just wanted to really focus on examining and evaluating as closely and carefully as possible the wrestler who would be entering the ring to face her... The better idea you would get before the bell rang, the better you were equipped to handle them.

And boy, her opponent really did not seem very happy. She couldn't really see all that clearly all that far away with all the rain, but by the time the woman was climbing up into the ring, Isa was already getting a good idea. She appeared angry as hell, and honestly, with all this weather, Isa couldn't blame her. Well, maybe she could somehow lighten up her mood a bit before the match would begin!

Then the blonde's gaze shifted towards the statuesque woman's sculpted body. Assessing it from head to toe, Isa could clearly tell why this woman was in this wrestling league. She was gorgeous, about the same height as her, curves in all the right places, every inch of her body toned and strong... She must have loved to be in a bikini match to show off that body! But on the other hand, Isa could already tell that the woman was probably going to be by no means an easy opponent... But she felt up for the challenge!

As her opponent started taking steps towards her, Isa's focus shifted now into her legs. The Angel of Ice considered her own legs her best weapon, and she was keen to figure out how they would measure up against those... But they looked quite mighty and thick as well - and strangely getting all the time thicker... "H-hey! She's charging towards me already!"

"UGHHHH!!!" Isa only had time to take one step forward away from her corner before the two well-built bodies crashed into each other. But it was only one of them that reigned supreme... The momentum of her foe was way too much for Isa to respond to, and the splash sent Isa's body smashing hard against her corner. The Angel of Ice slumped lower from the impact, her arms getting draped over the top ropes on each side of the corner and partly supporting her, while her mighty legs spread wide struggling to keep herself upright.

"H-hey! What are you doing?!? And who are you?!?" the blonde began protesting, her tone revealing that she was clearly reeling from the impact, but still having air in her lungs. And immediately after her words, she could faintly hear the bell ring to officially get the match going... How could the referee allow the match to start out like this?!? And now that she thought of it - was there even a ref?!? Isa realized that she actually hadn't seen one yet... Had the official not even bothered to come out in the rain themselves?!?
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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The Hitwoman had already crushed Isa's firm body against the turnbuckle, leaving the girl barely standing. She only had the ropes and corner holding her up. Roni Mancini was bitter and angry already, scowling at Isa and shaking her head. "I'm your opponent, you fucking idiot," said Mancini. Taking a step back and glancing back to see if there was a referee or not. As it turned out, the referee hadn't made it into the ring yet. Roni beat her out, somehow, which she was willing to take full advantage of.

Roni would then glare at Isa and say, "And if I'm going to be in this ridiculous match in the rain, I'm going to make sure to have fun beating the everloving shit out of you." She said the words with venom, staring Isa in the face so she knew just how deathly serious she was. Her lip furled briefly before she glanced over to see the referee once more making her way to the ring gingerly.

And that gave the Hitwoman the opportunity to unleash some more dirty offense on her already shocked opponent. Without wasting another moment, the Italian Powerhouse would step forward and throw a knee directly towards Isa's crotch. Then, she would swing with a closed fist directly towards her face, throwing quite a bit of strength behind it. If she could get away with a few dirty moves, she was happy to. Especially if they would hurt her opponent so much. Her pain would be a solace to having to wrestle out in the rain in a god damn bikini of all things.

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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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For some reason or another, when Isa had heard the idea of a Bikini Beach Match, she had immediately assumed that it would turn out to be all fun and games. Still wrestling, sure, but in a kind of good-spirited, fun-loving way. A healthy tussle to find out who would be coming out on top, and maybe posing together all smiles for the crowds after the conclusion.

The rain should have really been already the first hint that such a scenario couldn't have been further away from the truth. The weather threw already the "fun" out of the window. The second hint should have been the death stare that her opponent had been giving her when entering the ring... But to Isa's defense, the blonde had had minimal time to consider that at all before the woman had already launched her attack.

The price to pay for such daydreaming was due for the Angel of Ice before the bell had even rung. Isa's body took a huge smash from the Hitwoman's body and the cornerpost, and was already visibly weakened and shaken in front of the towering Hitwoman. Plus, she had to listen to her condescending replies... "Well, I could figure that one out..." the blonde muttered under her breath in response to Roni simply introducing herself as "her opponent". But what she said next was far more alarming, and prompted Isa to start trying to get her body straight up again...

"AAAGHHHH!!!" Before she could do so though, Roni had already launched a vicious knee strike to the blonde's crotch! The Icelander closed her legs immediately to protect her crotch, which caused her form to slump only further. But before she could think any further, the blonde suffered another huge blow when Roni's fist hit her face! Another, extremely pained "AGHH!" followed, with the Angel of Ice now jolting her arms off the top ropes eliminating her own support, but instead using her hands to cover her face while her body slumped down on the soaked mat, kneeling and reeling in front of the sculpted Italian.

"This can't be true..." Isa thought desperately to herself, as it appeared that she was stuck in this ring with an evil, brutal and strong opponent with no referee in sight!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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Roni's devastating right hook nailed Isa across the face, which is to say nothing about the nasty knee to her crotch as well. A cheap one-two combo that was bound to keep Isa reeling for a while, and keeping Mancini with a commanding lead at the start. The referee finally got into the ring, which meant that sort of dirty fun was going to be done. But at least the Hitwoman got enough to tide herself over. At the very least, it would be better for Isa onward. Or so she might think.

It didn't help the Italian Powerhouse's already miserable mood with this, and she would then lean down, grabbing hold of Isa and then tossed her back upright in the corner. "Go on and keep talking. See how far that gets you, you drowned rat," said Roni Mancini bitterly. Her lip was furled as she glared directly at her. She wanted to devastate Isa beyond what she could imagine now--and she was going to send a message to LAW as well about how she felt about getting put in these kind of matches.

But then, this might have been the reaction they wanted. Nevertheless, the Hitwoman would be glad to harm Isa either way. And then next moves came in the form of shoulder strikes. With Isa pinned in the corner, she would then begin to thrust her shoulder deep into the midsection of Isa, repeatedly, trying to crush that midsection and leave her beyond winded in the early going. One after another, Roni would continue until it was clear she got her blonde opponent in a sufficient amount of pain.

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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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Isa had gotten an absolute nightmare of a start for this match with her crotch and face already burning with pain as she was kneeling against the soaked mat. The blonde could only hope that it could grant her a moment of respite from her apparently rather vicious opponent, but more unsurprisingly, that wasn't about to happen as she could feel her body pulled back up again and tossed back against the corner... This time though she kept her legs firmly closed and face as far away from any fists as possible, but the blonde's statuesque body still appeared like having been set up as Roni's own punching bag.

The only glimmer of hope for the blonde arrived in the form of what she was seeing behind Roni's shoulders... The raincoat and rubber boots -clad referee was finally making their way into the ring, which surely had to be a good sign! A completely other question though was whether it was going to have any kind of effect on the woman's actions and behavior that she had to be dealing with on this soaked, cold day...

Isa's thoughts became suddenly interrupted though as Roni's shoulder dug deep into her midsection. It was painful, but not as painful as the two previous strikes that she had had to endure! Or, that's what the blonde thought, before the shoulder dug even deeper on the next thrust... And then again, and again... Little by little, all air was getting driven out of Isa's lungs, as the blonde punching bag's legs were giving in to the pain and the Icelander's form was gradually slumping closer and closer to the soaked mat once again.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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Roni Mancini's well-toned shoulders were being put to tremendous use as she kept laying in shoulder thrusts into those cut abs of Isa. The blonde was soon slumping down in pain, struggling to breathe. And when Isa got low enough, The Hitwoman would stop that assault. "One of us are going to have a lot worse day than we've already had by wrestling in this disaster of a match... and I promise you, it won't be me," said Mancini with a scoff and a scowl.

Taking her soaking wet opponent by her head and under her arm, she would abruptly yank her back out of the corner. The Italian Powerhouse intended to make good on her threat, and she wasn't about to waste time doing so. The rain was cold, and she was growing more and more pissed off with each passing moment she engaged in this ridiculous match. The chiseled Hitwoman would then hold Isa close for a moment.

And then she would pop her hips, looking to heave her up and high in a huge Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex that would surely end in a giant splat! Mancini was ready to show off her strength, even against a fellow heavyweight. And she'd make sure that Isa felt every bit of that strength with the impressive throw!

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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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Isa's midsection was taking a huge beating from the Hitwoman's toned shoulders which were quite literally softening the blonde wrestler's core rapidly. Water was practically splashing off of her abs with each thrust, which appeared quite descriptive with how the blonde's state was deteriorating by each new crushing hit she was taking... But it seemed that Roni had only just smelled blood, and was only about to get started.

Isa wasn't necessarily always the one to get put off by some smack talk from her opponents, but this time Roni's words were really getting into her - mainly due to the fact that she could already tell that they were probably true. The Angel of Ice was really having a moment of despair and discouragement now... Not only from the pain, but for the sheer amount of trouble that she was already in! The blonde had trained her body hard and was proud of it, and it wasn't like she wouldn't have had any success with wrestling in the past, but it seemed that this kind of situation was happening just so often lately... Another heavyweight coming in to the ring to face her, and immediately putting the blonde helplessly in deep trouble! As was the case now... With the way that she was already getting pummeled, Isa had no idea how she could even defend herself now from the onslaught!

Those thoughts were soon interrupted by Roni pulling Isa away from the corner, but if anything, what happened next was just underlining Isa's point. The Italian went off to put on a magnificent display of power at Isa's expense, as she proceeded to lift the blonde's statuesque body up and throw it back down with the overhead suplex! "Aghhh!" Isa's resulting cry of pain was still muffled by the shoulder strikes, but the resulting splat sent water splashing high and leaving the ragdolled blonde reeling against the soaked canvas...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Isa - The Angel of Ice vs Roni Mancini - Hitting the Icy Beach

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Roni Mancini sat back up after sending Isa up and over her and into the mat hard. Scowling still, she wiped some of the wet hair against her face back. She'd need to hurt Isa a lot more than that to feel better about this entire debacle. Taking a deep breath, she went over to Isa. She had a very toned body, and she took care of it. Plenty of muscle behind it. But it wouldn't do her much good when the Hitwoman was done with her.

Roni turned and pulled herself up, the rain pattering on top of her and dripping down her own chiseled form. "You got a strong little body for someone who is going to get absolutely rocked in this ring," stated Mancini menacingly. She would reach down, grabbing hold of Isa's hair and roughly pull her back up by it. "And you're not going to get a second's rest until I decide it," added the Italian Powerhouse.

Then, she would grab hold of Isa and lift her up high before throwing her body down with a simple Body Slam! She wanted to just simply punish Isa. She wanted to just show off her power and overwhelm the blonde. Show her that there was nothing that Roni wouldn't be able to do to her. And that more would be coming from there.

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