The End of The LAW Apex Event

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The End of The LAW Apex Event

Unread post by winner3 »

While I have you here, I'd like to take some time to announce that I've taken time to rewrite the rules surrounding championship contention and titles on LAW. Please be advised that some of those rules have been changed in the hopes of improving the title scene. Please be mindful of them going forward.

Regarding the actual announcement. I'd like to tell everyone that with the LAW Apex event wrapping up, I've chosen a character to be crowned our Inaugural World Openweight Champion. I plan to update the front page after we launch the upcoming We Are LAW 6 PPV. And it is at that PPV that a new champion will be crowned.

I've had some users express concern to me over the nature of Apex, with it coming down to a selection made by myself. But one aspect of the event that I don't think gets enough focus is that I have next to nothing to do with the pool of characters that can be selected as our Inaugural Champion. And I believe that's well worth looking at and discussing.

Below is the list of characters/Apex matches that, to the best of my ability, were all completed within the designated timeframe for the event. I know it's probably late to say this, but please let me know if I've missed anyone. People have generally pinged me and let me know when they've finished.

Please note that at this point in time, I have made a decision and chosen a user from this pool. I have reached out to them and confirmed their willingness to have their character be crowned Inaugural World Openweight Champion, as well as their PPV plans concerning the belt for We Are LAW 6.

But I still think it's important and fun to consider the eligible characters from this group and speculate on the character that will be awarded the World Openweight Championship in a thread at the upcoming We Are LAW.
Pool of Possible Inaugural Champs from Apex
Piper Sherwood by defeating "Galaxy Cat" Aurora Estrella
Vanessa I. Price by defeating Amber Skye
Korra the Enforcer by defeating Amy "The Lion" Evans
Gil by defeating Karen Starring
Astrid Arvidsson by defeating Diana Accera
Clara GASTER by defeating "The Baroness" Stephanie Renaud
Doctor Fabulous by defeating Vera Sapphire
Charlotte Ravel by defeating Grace Kenning
Sophia Wolfe by defeating Brynhild Ederne
Eileen Sommers by defeating Selket
Nerissa Labong by defeating Alice GASTER
Akari Ito by defeating Wisteria Khan
Alizeh Midori by defeating Mindy Midnight
Yukino Fuyumi by defeating Nashi Dragneel
Sanae Saitou by defeating Toshimi Minami
Lyra Heartfield by defeating Peggy McIntyre
Antonia A. Aunt by defeating Cassandra Selinofoto
Tiki Lowell by defeating Raina Jaeger
Kira Kusanagi by defeating Hikaru Sawazaki

Additionally, even though not all the matches finished before the end of June, I still think it's worthwhile for the community to be aware of the other matches that are taking place/finishing at the LAW Apex Event. The goal with Apex was not just to crown an inaugural world champion, but also to provide an event in which we could build out a proper world title scene for LAW together as a community through storytelling and writing, and I feel we've done an amazing job of doing that together. I've said it many times now, but there are very many characters that participated in Apex that can and will serve as credible, believable, and quite frankly awesome future contenders and champions as a result of Apex. And we see many more of them in the table below.
Matches still in progress at Apex
Eirina Makishima vs Miranda Tomi
Misaki Toyoda vs. Cheryl Williams
Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku
"The Smiling Demon" Dana Ashford vs "Super Kitty" Kat Hart
"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs "LAW's Greatest E-Girl" Jem Holland
Angelina Tarrant vs Shimmerlace
Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters
Honie B. Bea vs. Anastasia Akira
Ana Akira vs Lauren Fredericks
Skylar Jones vs. Cecilia Lombard
I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone for bearing with me throughout this year-long event and throughout the fallout from it. I'm sorry for taking a while with working things out towards the end of the event. There were a lot of threads for me to read.

If you have feedback for how the event, if you would like to see more things like this, fewer things like this, etc. Please let me know.
Last edited by winner3 on Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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