Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

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Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by dddybee »

Standard Tag Match: Victory Attained When at Least One Member of the Opposing Team is Pinfall-ed, Submitted, or K.O'ed.

Since the fans heard that the next match of tonight would involve the Battle Bugs, they wondered which pair of them would be fighting this time. Honie & Antonia? Honie & Arachne? Arachne & Antonia? Each of these pairs had fought together in LAW Arena before, but tonight their fans were in for a special treat. Once they were announced and there entrance them came on, the audience was excited to see the Heroine of the Beehive, the General of the Anthill, and the Villainess of the Spiderweb all on the entrance ramp! Tonight, all three members of their tag team stable would be fighting together!
Full Team Entrance Theme
Between the three, Honie had the most fan influence. So there were more cheers than anything else, as the Battle Bugs made their way to the ring. On the way, Honie also interacted with fans the most, waving, fist bumping them, and hugging a few quite a bit too tight. Antonia ambled down the ramp with her typical smug smile, head prideful tilted up. While Arachne made childish, mocking faces at the fans. And was about to up the ante by throwing a water balloon at one, only for Honie to grab the spider's arm in time to stop her, before yanking her to keep moving.

Once at the ring, Honie would still enter it in her signature way, leaping right off the bottom floor, clean over the top ropes, and onto the canvas. The heavyweight highflyer making the ring shake a bit on landing. Meanwhile, Arachne would scale up the ring, like the spider she was, laying out and relaxing on the top ropes like it was nothing. Antonia was the only one would didn't do anything fancy, stepping up into the ring in a traditional matter. Honie would be the first one to speak up and address the entire stadium.

"If ya'll are excited to see all three Battle Bugs battle together for the first time, then make some noise!!!" Honie buzzed, prompting the audience to blow the roof off! "BUZZ YEAH!"

"Yep! Now that there's THREE of us here, we can 'Triple T' our victims even more brutally." Arachne added, before going through each meaning on three of her fingers. "That's Torment, Torture, and of course Terrorize them. Mwahahahahaaaa!"

"Psssssh! Oh there'll be none of that. Haha."

"What if they're PURE EVIL like Arachne though?"

"Oh that would be justice not torture, proper discipline ya know."

"Honie out here with the EUPHEMISMS tonight!"

"REGARDLESS, what matters is that we effectively cement our stable's unquestionable dominance even further." Antonia spoke up, before upholstering her swagger stick and pointing it at the opposing entrance ramp. "Let's see if our adversaries even have the VALOR to get their posteriors down here and face THE Masters of the Swarm!"

"Yeah! Yeah!"
The Battle Bugs

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by Lederface »

After what had been an epic comeback for her team, now with reinforcements and more support, Botan was in the locker room looking at her teammates, since she didn't fight, she shouldn't be there, but she was the team leader, and motivation should be something she should be giving, so giving them a little explanation of who they are and what they learned from the fight Gwen had against one of them, so then giving them all the support, soon the team theme would start to ring out
Once with the theme playing loudly, you would see the group finally entering the fight, being Tashido, Fenrir and Susumaru who would enter, the cobra, the Wolf and the rabbit, greeting the crowd each in their own style, Tashido with kisses and smiles, Fenrir would give them a fist bump and Susumaru simply high-fiving the fans, thus finally each would climb into the ring from under the ropes, looking at their Opponents they would all go to the center of the ring, showing their confidence.

Well, it looks like I'll have to see if I can get the honey out of this little bee... Tashido would say with a sweet smile on her face.
You stay with that bee..... I already need some hardcore action and what better than squashing an insect. Fenrir would shout smiling mischievously.
Well..... I guess nothing will stop me from a good move leaving them in a bad way Susumaru would say sweetly, though clearly she wouldn't let him simple anything.
So being in front of her Opponents, she would wait to see what her Opponents would do, ready to adapt her fight plan depending on which one would fight first.

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

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It didn't take long for three members of LAW's Animal Kingdom stable to make their appearance. This time it would be Fenrir, Susumaru, and Tashido, who were a heel, tweener, and face respectively, all of varying weight classes. The exact same was of course true of the Battle Bugs! So to say this bout would be a bit of a clash of different wrestling tactics, alignments, and personalities was an understatement! Soon both teams were in the ring together, facing each other down!

"Oh, so they do have the valor to get in the ring with us." Antonia noted. "Now let us test if they are able to at least provide us with a challenge. I hate to disappoint you, canis lupus. But THESE bugs are known for preforming the squashing you so speak of." Antonia pointed at Fenrir, referring to the wolf girl but calling her by a wolf's scientific name.

"Awww! Your bunny ears are so buzzing cute!" Honie would compliment Tashido. "Let's have a great match, you guys!"

"If a great match means our foes begging us for mercy, then you can count Arachne in!" The spider snickered, before sticking her tongue out at Susumaru in particular.

The Battle Bugs went to the ring apron, before deciding who would be fighting first. "Arachne, stand by for battle!" Antonia would declare, leading their stable and pointing at their opponents. "BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Arachne would eagerly spring back into the ring, getting into a fighting stance. She waited to see who Animal Kingdom would send to face the Villainess of the Spiderweb, the chaotic heel member being up first!

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by Lederface »

Clearly each one took the comment much better than the other, being Fenrir clearly the one who was more eager to enter and play with that ant, but soon they realized who would be their first fighter, so then the 3 looked at each other, smiling and so bumping elbows, Fenrir and Susumaru would run and jump out of the ring, leaving Tashido against Arachne, who did not hesitate to move forward to where her opponent was.

Hehe.... I've never faced a Spider before, I hope I don't end up crushing you with my body, it wouldn't be fun for my partners .... Good luck

Tashido would say offering her hand to Arachne so that she won't take his comment badly.
Last edited by Lederface on Tue Aug 01, 2023 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by dddybee »

The heavyweight face bunny was up first against the lightweight heel spider! When Tashido offered Arachne a handshake, the villainess would mess with her opponent by pretending to accept it. Only to snap her hand up to flick Tashido in the nose last second! "Don't worry now." Arachne snickered. "You won't crush Arachne. But Arachne WILL crush your body, mind, and spirit in this ring! Don't need any luck to take down a dumb bunny. Mwahahahaaa..."

Arachne considered attacking before the bell rang. But opted not to annoy her more honorable partner Honie by jumping straight to cheating, especially when Animal Kingdom hadn't yet shown any signs of dishonor. But once the bell rang, Arachne would immediately go on the attack! The speedy spider would aim to zoom right behind Tashido, before attempting to pounce on her back. So she could wrap her thighs around the bunny's neck and go for a headscissors!

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by Lederface »

Tashido kept that smile throughout, something she thought would at least be useful for a friendly response, but all she got was a little tap on her nose, and soon message to understand that she messed with a hard head, but that was okay, she would just have to give her opponent some manners to let her know what happened if she messed with her opponent like that.

When the bell rang Tashido would see that if she was the heavyweight, clearly the speed could be a problem, seeing how Arachne was running fast, and seeing that she seemed to take clear her target, Tashido would try to avoid it, blocking to end up seeing how she jumped from behind and would take it, so while trying to get Arachne off him, Tashido would see what she was up to in that position, so seeing how she wrapped her legs around his neck, Tashido would stop grabbing to try with one hand to firmly grab one of her thighs, in his attempt to stop Arachne's plan, if he failed, not only would she be trapped, but her arm would be inside the grip, making her unable to use that arm.

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by dddybee »

Arachne managed to use her speed to her advantage, pouncing on the back of Tashido! And despite the bunny's efforts to resist, the spider managed to secure two of her eight legs around her furry foe's neck! "Hahaha! Gotcha now!" Arachne boasted. "Let's see how your goofy behind deals with this! The web spinning has only just begun!"

Tashido's response was to use one of her hands to grab one of Arachne's thighs, attempting to yank it away. Had the bunny used both of her hands, she may have had better luck. But one hand simply wouldn't be enough to match the lightweight's surprising thigh strength. Tashido only ended up getting her hand stuck between Arachne's legs. There was a sliver lining to this however, as it would at least reduce the pressure on her neck a bit. Realizing this, Arachne would simply use her thighs to squeeze even harder, fully committing to the mounted headscissors!

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by Lederface »

Tashido didn't expect how strong the thigh muscles could be to squeeze her, but the bunny wasn't planning to go down with just those thighs, so starting to force herself, she realized that at least that hand she put on Arachne's grip would have been useful to stop air locks, but the situation had to change, so starting to move around the ring, she would try to break the grip on Arachne's thighs, pulling the grip off her neck as she tried to get to the ropes, where she would lean on it to put as much weight as she could on it to break the grip!

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Re: Battle Bugs Vs. Animal Kingdom - Clash of Alignments

Unread post by dddybee »

With Arachne's thighs wrapped tightly around her prey's neck, things were quickly turning into a battle of endurance for Tashido! However, it seemed the heavyweight had a plan. She would approach and lean on the ring ropes, doing everything in her power to break the spider's grip. With this position becoming increasingly uncomfortable for her, Arachne finally opted to let the bunny go. She pounced off of her in annoyance. But just because the larger woman foiled that move, didn't mean Arachne should let up with the attacks! Trying something else, Arachne would scale up the ropes they were near, before springing off of them. She would bounce straight at Tashido and extend her legs for an attempted dropkick!

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