Since the fans heard that the next match of tonight would involve the Battle Bugs, they wondered which pair of them would be fighting this time. Honie & Antonia? Honie & Arachne? Arachne & Antonia? Each of these pairs had fought together in LAW Arena before, but tonight their fans were in for a special treat. Once they were announced and there entrance them came on, the audience was excited to see the Heroine of the Beehive, the General of the Anthill, and the Villainess of the Spiderweb all on the entrance ramp! Tonight, all three members of their tag team stable would be fighting together!
Full Team Entrance Theme
Once at the ring, Honie would still enter it in her signature way, leaping right off the bottom floor, clean over the top ropes, and onto the canvas. The heavyweight highflyer making the ring shake a bit on landing. Meanwhile, Arachne would scale up the ring, like the spider she was, laying out and relaxing on the top ropes like it was nothing. Antonia was the only one would didn't do anything fancy, stepping up into the ring in a traditional matter. Honie would be the first one to speak up and address the entire stadium.
"If ya'll are excited to see all three Battle Bugs battle together for the first time, then make some noise!!!" Honie buzzed, prompting the audience to blow the roof off! "BUZZ YEAH!"
"Yep! Now that there's THREE of us here, we can 'Triple T' our victims even more brutally." Arachne added, before going through each meaning on three of her fingers. "That's Torment, Torture, and of course Terrorize them. Mwahahahahaaaa!"
"Psssssh! Oh there'll be none of that. Haha."
"What if they're PURE EVIL like Arachne though?"
"Oh that would be justice not torture, proper discipline ya know."
"Honie out here with the EUPHEMISMS tonight!"
"REGARDLESS, what matters is that we effectively cement our stable's unquestionable dominance even further." Antonia spoke up, before upholstering her swagger stick and pointing it at the opposing entrance ramp. "Let's see if our adversaries even have the VALOR to get their posteriors down here and face THE Masters of the Swarm!"
"Yeah! Yeah!"
The Battle Bugs