Duck, Duck, Goat...!

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Duck, Duck, Goat...!

Unread post by Arista »

Gil sat cross-legged in the middle of a ring, set in a private area of the gym, she was supposed to be meeting her idol-turned-friend, Ducky Williams here! She was excited as she could get! The pair had quickly became pals after their match together, and spent time together on a few occasions, but this would be their first joint training session...!

She had thought over the many, many things the could practice, Gil was ready to share what she knew with Ducky, and Ducky could show her what she knew, there was plenty to bounce off each-other, so much to learn, so much to do, she could hardly wait...! She looked up toward the clock, she was about 10 minutes early, she had time to kill...!
Gil scrolled mindlessly through her phone as she waited, she fell back to lay flat to get more comfortable. "...Hmm, Sky's been quiet lately, I wonder if she's doing alright..." Gil thought out loud. "...Eiji too, I haven't seen him at the offices in a long time... I wonder if he's avoiding me..."

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

While Gil had arrived early to the gymnasium, Ducky and Daph, the Williams sisters, were running somewhat late, with Ducky having had to drag Daph along to make sure that they got there on time, with the younger sister lagging behind as she tried to continue browsing her phone while walking! Ducky led them through the backstage area before she would finally arrive at the gym and push the door open, grabbing her sister to ensure the phone browsing blonde didn't hit the door frame and steer her inside, as she stepped in afterwards to greet the waiting brunette!

"Hey there Gil! Sorry we're late!" Ducky called out with a wave to the goat themed gal, with Daphnee eventually looking up from her phone and flashing Gil a peace sign!


I dunno if you've ever met her before, but this is my sister Daph! She's gonna help us train today! As long as you're okay with that, of course!" Ducky said, as she and Daphnee approached the ring, ready to slip inside and begin their training session!

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

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"...Oh!" Gil sat up, sitting criss-cross in the middle of the ring, her eyes shot to the door as a pair of blonds entered...! "...Hey hey, Ducky! No worries, I just got here not too long ago...!" She stood up, curiosity piqued by the second blond, eyes glued to her phone...!

"...YOU HAVE A SISTER!?" Gil shouted admittedly a bit too loud... "...I had no idea! Of course, the more the merrier, right!" She chirped, setting her phone down ring-side, leaning against the ropes as the pair got ready.

"...Is she younger or older? She looks younger, only a couple years though, she has the ball cap like you do! Does she wrestle in L.A.W too? Is she new? What's her star sign? Does she like-" Gil flooded the poor girl with a million questions, despite how disinterested in even being here she looked, either that, or that phone had something magical going on...!

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

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Once Ducky and Daph had entered the gym, Gil greeted them both warmly, along with a slight bit of surprise at the fact that she had not known about Ducky's younger sister, the brunette woman exploding in a myriad of different questions for the two women! Ducky smiled with a cheeky grin as Gil asked so many things, while Daph raised her eyebrows as the questions flowed out, trying to keep track of them before abandoning that task all together and would eventually just let Gil get all her questions in! Ducky looked quite amused as her sister opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it once more before responding to everything that she had been asked!

"I uh... yes. Yes to all of it I think."

"Sorry Gil, she's not quite the talkative type! But she is here to help train! And I was thinking that you two should do some training with each other!" Ducky proposed, happily pushing her sister towards Gil, while she slipped a hand around to grab hold of Daph's phone and get her to focus, the younger Williams sister sighing and rolling her shoulders as she ceased her social media browsing and got ready to wrestle!

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

Unread post by Arista »

Ducky was by now used to the never-ending flow that was Gil once she got going, getting her to shut up was a difficult task, especially when she got excited...! Daph was a bit taken aback by it all, by managed to answer the questions none the less...!

"...Ooooh! I like that idea, if I can't beat the great ducky in the ring, why not try my hand at her little sister...!" Gil chuckled, beginning to stretch as Daph had her phone yanked from her hands...!

"...What are you looking at on your phone, pictures of butts?" Gil snickered like a child, sticking her tongue out at the younger woman...! "...Don't worry, I get it...!" Gil cupped her hand to the side of her mouth as she spoke. "...Alrighty! Show me what you got, Daph...!"

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

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Once Ducky had laid out her idea for how this training session was going to go today, she would reach out and snag Daph's phone, with the youngest Williams sister now unable to continue browsing social media, leaving her to focus on the task at hand, which was now wrestling Gil! Daph would remain stone faced at Gil's teasing, as the blonde generally did, though Ducky would chuckle from ringside, amused at how the hyperactive Gil and her very lackadaisical sister's personalities clashed! But of course, that didn't matter when the both of them had gotten in the ring, and so Daph would put her hands up and face off with Gil as she did so, looking only a slight bit more prepared than when she was on her phone!

"Alright... but uh, you first." Daph said as she began a light stretch, with Ducky groaning and putting her head in her hands, before leaning over the edge of the ring and calling out to Gil!

"Just go ahead and go at her Gil! You'll have to wake her up, otherwise she might try to curl up and take a nap!" Ducky called, trying to get Gil to do her a solid and make sure her sister was taking this training seriously!

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

Unread post by Arista »

There was a true sisterly love between these two, Daph seemed at first to have little interest in being here, but maybe it was something else, maybe Ducky was trying to get her into the the world of L.A.W, that Gil would love to help with...!

Gil chuckled at Ducky's comments! Gil assumed Daph was just a bit shy, and maybe once they got rolling, she would be a bit more comfortable...! "...That I can do, Commander Ducky!" Gil saluted outside the ring, then readying herself for the opening move...!

"...Here it comes..." Gil charged, quickly reaching a good speed before leaping, straightening her body, closing her arms close to her sides and soaring head first toward Daph, horns ready to pierce that tummy...! "...GOAT SPEAR...!"

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With her phone taken away from her by her older sister in order to keep her focused on her sparring, Daphnee would turn and face Gil, the brunette clearly quite excited and looking ready to go, while Daph looked like she was relatively unprepared! And so it seemed that Gil would take it upon herself to wake the blonde up, as she suddenly would rush across the ring towards where Daph stood, lowering her head and hollering her plan aloud as she looked to throw herself right into Daph's stomach with a big spear! However, Daph wasn't nearly as asleep as she might have looked, and as Gil drew near, her decision to cry out her move ahead of time might have been a big mistake!

"Nnnnope." Daph said, as she kept her cool, and suddenly leaped up and planted her hands on Gil's back, using it as a springboard as she deftly jumped directly over the charging brunette! Daph would land behind Gil, and depending on how fast Gil was going or how much Daph surprised her, the goat gal might find a nasty impact with a turnbuckle awaiting if she couldn't stop!

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

Unread post by Arista »

Gil took Ducky's advice to make the first move, she was ready to land a heavy-hitter too, calling out her shot before she took it, forming herself straight as a board as she soared to ram her horns into the tummy of her opponent, but despite the speed, it was too easy to dodge, Daph simply leapt up and even used Gil for leverage in doing so, leaving Gil to break form as to not take such a nasty hit in the corner, but even still, it was less that graceful...!

"...H-huh!?" Gil curled more into a ball, but her impact was still heard throughout the gym and reverberated, shaking the practice ring as she smashed the side of her face into the turnbuckles, slumping down a bit, her hips slightly turned upward with her cheeks pressed into the corner, letting out a little groan. "...Ugh... H-how did you do that, I thought you were like, new to wrestling...!" Gil's eyes flicked, though her body stayed put, slowly she got to her knees, shaking her head from the stars that swirled around it...!

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Re: Duck, Duck, Goat...!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

While Gil had all the energy in the world, it didn't help her accuracy as she flung herself headlong at the younger Williams sister, Daphnee deftly jumping into the air as Gil soared underneath her, eventually meeting the turnbuckle hard as Daph got entirely out of her way! Once Gil had collided with the turnbuckle, sinking down to the mat beneath her after the heavy impact, Daph would turn around and fix Gil with a steady gaze, looking unmoved by her heavy impact, which had made even Ducky wince! The blonde would approach her downed foe, before reaching down and grabbing Gil's ankles, aiming to tug her right back towards the center of the ring as she answered the stunned brunette's question!

"Well, wrestling in LAW for only a short time. Ducky's my sister though, so I've been wrestling wrestling for a lot longer than that." Daph explained, all while she casually moved to sit down on Gil's back, before grabbing her arms and pulling them backwards, up and over her legs! She would conclude her explanation as she laced her fingers together underneath Gil's chin, before wrenching backwards to suddenly lock the goat themed wrestler into a camel clutch, looking to take advantage and work over her training partner!

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