Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Genevieve’s first assignment as a Young Lioness was to cut a simple promo. However, she wouldn’t be able to actually cut a promo. Genevieve was a very closed off person so her cutting a promo would not be an easy task. She entered the gym and entered the ring. She then held up an invisible microphone and would just be trembling in the middle of it.

“Uhh… Bonjour…” She was struggling to get the words out of her mouth. “Mon… nom est… Mon nom est…” Genevieve also didn’t speak a word of English or Japanese so the pressure of her imaginary audience understanding her piled onto her and she crumbled under the pressure. “Oh qu'est-ce que je vais faire ? Grand-père a toujours fait en sorte qu'il soit facile de couper ces discussions comme ça.” (“ Oh what am I gonna do? Grandpapa always made it look easy to cut these talks like this.) She said that to herself as she looked around the empty gym.
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Lexi was walking through the hall and stopped in the doorway of the gym to see a woman trying to practice a promo looking very nervous and seemed to be struggling. Lexi continued to watch and lean in the doorway before walking down to the ring to get a better listen to the girl noticing she crumbled under the pressure. The cowgirl decided she would help the girl out as she stepped inside the ring. "Salut, je suppose que vous faites partie du programme des jeunes lionnes?" (Hi, I'm guessing your from the young lioness program?) Lexi greeted the woman.
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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Genevieve would jump when she heard Lexi. "Oh! Tu m'as fait peur. Mais oui. Je fais partie du programme Young Lionesses de LAW. Ma première tâche est de couper une promo et comme vous pouvez le voir, je ne suis pas très doué pour couper les promos.” ("“Oh! You scared me. But yes. I’m apart of the Young Lionesses program at LAW. My first assignment is to cut a promo and as you can see, I’m not very good at cutting promos.”). Genevieve would have her head down as she looked ashamed to what she was assuming to be a veteran of LAW. "Je suis un peu nerveux à l'idée qu'ils me comprennent, sans parler de moi." (“I’m kinda nervous about them understanding me, let alone me speaking.”)
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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Lexi smiled. "Désolé pour ça je ne voulais pas te faire peur" (Sorry about that I didn't mean to scare you) Lexi said leaning on the ropes. "Eh bien, la première chose que vous devez faire est de déterminer de quoi va parler votre promo et ensuite ce que vous allez dire pendant votre promo" (Well first thing you have to do is figure out what your promo is going to be about and then what you are going to say during your promo) Lexi said trying to give the young lioness some advice."Essayez également d'être confiant lorsque vous parlez, ne vous inquiétez pas que les gens ne vous comprennent pas, soyez simplement confiant dans ce que vous dites. Maintenant, faites comme si j'étais le public" (Also try to be confident when you speak, don't worry about people not understanding you, just be confident in what you say. Now pretend I'm the audience) Lexi added.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:38 am, edited 5 times in total.


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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Genevieve took a moment to think about what she was gonna do the promo about. She then took a deep breath and would start speaking a bit more confidently.

"Bonjour les fans de LAW. Je m'appelle Geneviève DuPont. Je suis venu de France pour lutter contre les meilleurs des meilleurs dans ce programme des Jeunes Lionnes.” (“Hello LAW fans. My name is Genevieve DuPont. I came all the way from France to wrestle the best of the best within this Young Lionesses program.”) Genevieve was speaking like a true veteran. She had the passion of making a great promo. “Je suis ici pour lutter en l'honneur de mon grand-père, qui a été assassiné sur le ring quand j'étais très jeune. Je cherche aussi l'assassin de mon grand-père et je ne m'arrêterai pas tant que je ne l'aurai pas attrapé, battu, puis arrêté et mis en prison. Mais de toute façon, j'espère vous divertir tous et gagner pour moi, les fans et mon grand-père là-haut.” (“I’m here to wrestle in the honor of my grandpa, who was murdered in the ring when I was very young. I also am looking for my grandfather’s killer and I won’t stop until I catch them, beat them up, and then have them arrested and put them under the jail. But anyways, I’m hoping to entertain all of you and win for me, the fans, and my grandpa up there.”)

Genevieve would look at Lexi for her approval and opinion on how she did. "Ai-je bien fait?" (“Did I do that right?”)
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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Lexi listened and smiled to the French girl's improved promo. "C'était bien mieux" (It was much better) Lexi said with a nod. "Je m'appelle Lexi Morgan au fait" (My name is Lexi Morgan by the way) The cowgirl said finally introducing herself.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Genevieve shook her hand. “Genevieve DuPont” She would release her hand. « Alors, maintenant que j'ai terminé mon devoir de la journée. J'ai besoin de trouver un mentor ou quelqu'un avec qui lutter pour apprendre à lutter. (“So now that I finished with my assignment for the day. I need to find a mentor or someone to wrestle with so that I can learn how to wrestle.”) Genevieve would look at Lexi Morgan. "Vous ne formez personne dans le programme Young Lioness pour le moment, n'est-ce pas ?" (“You don’t happen to be training anyone in the Young Lioness program at the moment, right?”) She was hoping Lexi would say no.
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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Lexi was caught off guard by Genevieve's question. Lexi never really taught anyone before. "Tu me veux vraiment comme professeur?" (Do you really want me as your teacher?) Lexi asked. Lexi was opening to teaching Genevieve she just wanted to make sure the girl wanted Lexi as a teacher and a mentor considering Lexi had never taught anyone anything before.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Jul 22, 2023 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

« Eh bien, vous semblez savoir ce que vous faites. Cela ne ferait pas de mal d'être encadré par vous. (“Well you seem like you know what you’re doing. It wouldn’t hurt to be mentored by you.”) Genevieve would walk up to her and had those innocent eyes as she looked at her. "En plus, tu es la seule personne que je connaisse ici qui parle et comprenne le français." (“Plus you’re the only person I know here that speaks and understands French.”)
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Sat Jul 22, 2023 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lexi’s guide on cutting a promo

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Lexi looked into Genevieve's innocent eyes. "D'accord petit, je t'apprendrai tout ce que je peux" (Alright kid, I'll teach you everything I can) Lexi said with a smirked agreeing to take Genevieve under her wing.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Jul 22, 2023 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.


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