Well, the time had come. Jasmine C. Cake had been officially elevated from princess to the even more prestigious rank of queen of her kingdom. And such a change was now reflected in LAW as well, with this match being her first one since her latest upgrade! The woman with the honor to face such newly elevated royalty was none other than Edith Una. Jasmine didn't know her yet, having only seen a picture of the other woman. But Edith's raised knee and doubled up fists in said picture gave off the impression that she could really scrap. Jasmine had been planning to start her debut as a wrestling queen with a classic booty squashing, something that had been associated with her as a princess. But if Edith could get Jasmine's blood pumping in a competitive bout, than such a thought excited Jasmine as well. As long as she could fight, since she loved to fight!
Jasmine's Entrance Theme
Jasmine's fun, chaotic bop of an entrance theme sounded, as the extra thicc monarch made her appearance. Clad in emerald forearm wraps, orange stirrups, and of course her cake-themed leotard, Chocolate eagerly made her way down the ramp. But she'd still make sure to interact with the fans she sincerely loved, waving at, fist bumping, hugging, and high-fiving them. Soon she'd grab a nearby mike and climb right into the ring, ready to address the fans even more!
"YOOOOOO! WHAT'S GOIN' OOOOONNNN?!" Jasmine yelled, getting the crowd fired up. "Never mind, I'll tell you guys. Your FAVORITE booty-squashing wrestler has recently risen from a princess to a QUEEN! And this actual QUEEN needs a brand new THRONE to sit THIS CAKE right on!" Jasmine bent to slap and shake her rather massive, plump and intimidating backside. Which, despite it's firmness, also had a visible jiggle. Straightening back up again, Jasmine continued. "So let's get my opponent out here to serve that purpose! Edith Una: The Hidden Gem, let's get ready to RUMBLE!" The crowd cheered, as Jasmine pointed to the area Edith would soon appear from!