W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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Standard Match: Victory to be awarded via pinfall, submission, knockout, count out, or disqualification

This was it. The months of teasing and silliness leading up to this match on Twitter were one thing, but today it was finally time for "Circus Cat" Tracy Canon to meet the cold, calculating, unpredictable W Y V E R N in the ring!
Entrance Theme
Circus Cat - Tracy Canon
When Tracy's music hit, the crowd came alive! The Circus Cat burst onto the scene! She jumped through the curtain and posed triumphantly at the top of the entrance ramp, tag team title belt in hand! Tracy raised it high above her head with both hands before winking at the cameras and slung the title belt over her shoulder before skipping down the ramp!

Tracy had a huge grin on her face! The curvy, redheaded luchadora was animated. She was bubbly. It was clear that she had been looking forward to this contest for some time! Tracy high-fived a few fans along the way. She stopped to shine the tune of her theme music with one of the girls in the crowd. But after a few seconds, the masked gal took off!

Fans gasped as Tracy vaulted onto the apron with one jump and then immediately over the top rope with another! She showed off her background as a circus acrobat when she made it look like one, big, fluid motion! Tracy would roll forward onto the canvas and then pop up to her feet with both hands in the air! After getting a few more cheers for "sticking the landing", she'd ask the announcer for the mic for a moment. Normally, this would be the point before a match where the staff would introduce both wrestlers. But it seemed that this time around, The Circus Cat had something she wanted to get off her sizable chest.

"I love you guys!" Canon would declare loudly, much to the crowd's delight.

"But there's someone else I want to announce my love for, too! See, tonight I'd like to dedicate this contest....to my opponent!" Tracy perked up and held her mic in both hands.

"My one and only work wife, Wyvern!" Tracy would wink here.

"I've been looking forward to this! Not just because you're fun to tease, but because you're fun to butt heads with! Fun to challenge! You said that anyone that tries to smother you will find out that meat's back on the menu! For months now, you've imparted us with many a wisdom both online and in person, I'm sure!" Tracy began to pace about the ring.

"But I've been doing this for quite a few years now! And Mama Tracy Canon thinks she's got a few nuggets of wisdom that she wants to share with you!" Tracy's eyes would light up as she turned her attention to the entrance ramp in anticipation of her opponent's arrival!

"Ahem..." Tracy cleared her throat for a second. With her free hand, she put the fingertips of her index finger and thumb together as she pretended to pen this next quote.

"If the cheeks are slappable then they're clappable...! And Wyvern, once you get inside this ring with me, you best believe your booty cheeks are gonna be in slapping range!" With that, Tracy tossed her microphone aside. The crowd ate it up and The Circus Cat drank in their reactions!

Tracy was renowned the world over for her ability to work a crowd. The tag team champion had cemented herself among the top brass at LAW. And as she scaled the ropes and appealed to the fans, Canon got ready to show her opponent and the world exactly why she was among the very best in the company!
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PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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As is customary for her, Wyvern waits outside of the Gorilla position in the minutes leading up to her match, having even less desire to see her opponent outside of the ring than usual. Normally, this was simply a matter of social disinterest; Wyvern hated it when her opponents tried to be friendly or competitive before a match, having never really learned how to respond to how personally other wrestlers sometimes took these contests. She showed up, she fought, she went home. It was a job, and historically, she had no interest in making friends or enemies. This time, however, was an entirely different beast. Tracy had demonstrated an astonishing talent for getting under her skin, and that had been solely through Twitter exchanges. This was the biggest opponent of her career. She couldn't afford to be thrown off balance by the flippantly flirtatious Circus Cat ahead of the match.

Once she hears Tracy's music through the walls, Wyvern steps into the position itself. Lifting a water bottle out of a prepared cooler, the Irish wrestler moves up to the curtain in front of the entrance ramp and begins loosening up a bit prior to the upcoming confrontation. She pauses midway through as she hears Tracy's projected voice from inside the stadium itself, however. A few of the nearby members of the backstage crew take an involuntary step back as an icy aura seems to radiate out of the stoic woman. A few mishaps early on had taught them to tread lightly around Wyvern, and even without the instincts of a fighter they can sense danger from her. During Tracy's speech, the only visible sign of Wyvern's rising aggravation is her increasingly tight grip on the bottle, culminating loud pop as the lid is blown off from the pressure, spilling much of the bottle's contents on the floor. Looking at the twisted plastic in her hand, Wyvern takes a deep breath.

This is as much part of the match as the fight. Don't let her get under your skin.

Emptying the remaining water over her head to cool off, Wyvern flips the loost droplets free from her hair before turning to one of the nearby techs. She extends a hand.

* * *
Wyvern's Entrance Theme
Out in the arena, there are a few moments of deafening silence following the conclusion of Tracy's speech before the lights in the arena go dark barring a spotlight over the ring itself. As her music begins, the titantron spells out Wyvern's name at several different angles in time with the beat before the arena erupts into a blaze of crimson strobe lights. As the screens flash through brief scenes of Wyvern brutalizing various opponents, the woman herself paces out of the back with a controlled, deliberate gate. As the lyrics begin, the Irish wrestler crosses her arms over her torso.

You make me wanna break you, no matter who you are...

Wyvern whips her thumbs across her neck and belly to mime them being split open before pointing at Tracy. A chorus of boos rises from the crowd as the disliked wrestler challenges the beloved champion, but it's still a reaction, far more than she would have gotten even a few months ago. Her silent message delivered, Wyvern's entrance music and lighting fades out as she stands on the stage, the microphone in her grip now visible. Bringing it to her mouth, Wyvern takes a moment to close her eyes and center herself before speaking.

"Alright, Buns Tzu, but don't say I didn't warn you."

A longer exchange would only play to her opponent's advantage. Casually tossing the microphone to the side, Wyvern strides down the ramp, her measured steps contrasting with Tracy's previous, energetic display. She locks an intense gaze onto Tracy, absorbing every detail she can about her opponent's stance, bearing, and anything else that might give her an advantage in the match. Reaching the ring, Wyvern rolls under the bottom rope before rising to her feet, moving quickly to stand opposite the champion.

"Anything else you have to say? Or are you finally ready to take this seriously?"
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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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Tracy knew full well what she was doing. Her antics online carried over to irl well. If anything, she was even more boisterous, more vivacious, and more erotic in person. The Circus Cat was a big personality. And seeing that personality contrasted by Wyvern's calm, brooding, methodical demeanor made for the sort of juxtaposition that made so many people in the arena and around the world look forward to this matchup!

The reality was that few understood the woman that wrestled under the ring name Wyvern. Even Tracy, for all her teasing and all her talents for throwing this girl off her game, Tracy didn't know much of anything about her. What she did know was that tilting Wyvern was fun. And what was confident about was that she had the skills to give her opponent a run for her money in the ring while also learning more about her as the two of them wrestled tonight.

Wyvern emerged from the back and made her entrance. The lights nearly went out as darkness filled the arena. The entrance theme wasn't something catchy that the audience could sing or dance along with like they did with Tracy's. The chilling aura emanating from the brunette could be felt by fans in the front row, even as she set foot at the top of the ramp. The water she poured on herself was still dripping down from her hair and head. She wasted no time letting the cameras take all this in or allowing the fans to react. Wyvern gestured to make her intentions clear, right from the start. Instantly, the boos would rain down from the audience. Her message was indeed delivered.

The cold woman uncrossed her arms. The music and the lighting faded. She took in a deep breath before addressing the luchadora in the ring. Tracy, was, of course, still all smiles. Flirtatious/mischievous smiles but smiles nonetheless. The Circus Cat actually leaned over the top rope. Her big, pale bust was accentuated by the rope pushing it up. Her blue eyes were wide as ever as she listened intently to what Wyvern was about to say.

"Heheheh~" Tracy giggled to herself visibly over the Bun Tzu comment.

When Wyvern began to make her way down to the ring, Tracy sat on the middle rope and pushed up on the top rope to create a gap to help usher Wyvern in. Naturally, Wyvern rolled under the bottom rope instead. The two contrasted each other like night and day. Tracy could feel Wyvern's gaze. She could feel the girl's focus. No matter how cold she came across, none could deny that she was carrying herself with purpose.

Tracy met her in the center of the ring. The two were nearly equal in height. As they stared one another down, despite knowing full well that a longer pre-match exchange favored Tracy, Wyvern invited the luchadora to offer any last words before the bell rang. Her words were audible. Her gaze steely. Wyvern looked into Tracy's eyes and asked if Tracy was finally ready to take this little rivalry seriously. To which, Tracy seemed taken aback.

"Gasp!" The luchadora breathed sharply in response to this! She placed a hand on her bosom! Her mouth went agape! It was hard to tell at first ether or not Canon was being serious or if she was being sincere here. It came across like it could have been a combination of the two, but Tracy was being earnest here. Her eyes went wide. She composed herself quickly and leaned forward. The redhead wagged her finger at her soon-to-be opponent.

"Wyvern, you know I had to move our dinner reservations to tonight, right? And that if I smother you and then pin you or tap you out, I expect you to eat Italian food with me! And...you know...maybe come to my place for dessert after, heheh~" Tracy finished with repeated eyebrow raises. She knew that none of this was what Wyvern wanted to hear. The tag team champion would take a moment to change gears after her laughter petered out.

"Listen. I'm here tonight to accept your challenge. I want this match but you're the one that said that no one would be able to get away with smothering you, let alone beating you. I'm here because serious or not, Mama Tracy KNOWS that she can do both!"

"Matter of fact..." Tracy would walk towards the ropes and call for the staff at the announce desk.

"If you think I'm not up to the task, why don't you check this!?"

"Jim! Announcer-man! Hit her with the resume!" Canon beckoned him.

"The whole thing?!" The man at the announce table asked.

"Hit her with the FULL resume!" Tracy would confirm and command.

As the announcement was made, Tracy would leap her way up the turnbuckles and set foot on the top rope before playing the crowd, gesturing for them to pour on the love! And as they did, the announcer's speech only got more impassioned!

"Introducing first! In this corner! Standing in at 5-foot-5!"

"She is a former number one contender for the LAW Middleweight Championship! She has main evented The Fight The LAW pay-per-view! She is one of the reigning and defending LAW World! Tag! Team! Chaaaaampions!!!!! Representing The SSSSWWAAAAAAT Cats! She is The Circus Cat....!"


Tracy would squat down and then slowly rise up as her name was called out! The crowd went nuts for her! The luchadora would show off more of her circus acrobat background and vault off the top ropes with a backflip, landing a very short distance near Wyvern. Tracy would take a bow and turn around. The redhead would wink at her rival.

"Serious enough for ya, babe?" Canon leaned forward and placed her hands on her hips, showing off her curvy figure. The toothy grin on her face was ever-present, even seconds away from this contest starting!
Last edited by winner3 on Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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As Wyvern stalks down towards the ring, she remains so laser focused on scoping Tracy up that she doesn't even notice the Circus Cat expanding the ropes to let her through until after she has already rolled under them. While she's no stranger to rudeness leading up to a match (from either direction), she at least prefers it to be intentional on her part. The lapse is a wake-up call. Whether she realized it or not, the entire situation had rattled her. Tracy's efforts to unbalance her are already bearing fruit, it would seem. Or maybe it was the thought of standing in the ring with a champion. The last year has been an extended lesson for Wyvern in her own flaws, showing her just how far down she was in the world her opponent stood at the top of.

And she really didn't want to lose this fight.

Aiming to recover herself a bit before the bell rings, Wyvern extends the conversation. It hadn't been her original intention, but she needs to center herself before the match begins. She knows that she'll be on the back foot if things start from here. Further dialogue was a gamble, and being sent into a full rage would likely be disastrous, but it would give her a moment to try to get back her mental footing. Unfortunately, Tracy's response is...less than helpful.

That would be a no, then.

Wyvern's eyes narrow almost imperceptibly at Tracy's theatrical outrage over her accusation of not taking the situation seriously. After a moment, though, her observations finally bear fruit.

She knows what she's doing.

She knew that her statements would imbalance her younger opponent. She wasn't just randomly blathering. At the same time, though, it was far different from what Wyvern did. For the Irishwoman, every act was pure calculation or pure instinct. Most of the time, every motion and every word held a purpose, intended to prise more information out of her opponents by seeing their reactions. When her emotions boiled over, conversely, there was no thought of the future or the results. Only the here and now. Tracy, by contrast, had married the two. She was simply herself, and that came with a knowledge of how she affected the people around her. She might lean her actions or words in certain directions to provoke Wyvern, but she was still genuine in her behavior. There was no knot to untangle here. Tracy Canon was Tracy Canon. No more, no less.

The revelation is a troublesome one for Wyvern. Getting into her opponent's head would be difficult for one so diametrically opposed. The reverse, from what she'd seen, would not be true.

Wyvern herself, unusually, is actually quite easy to read during Tracy's short speech. The Circus Cat can practically see a cluster of veins standing out on the younger wrestler's forehead as the champion suggestively reminds her of their bet for dinner...and the potential implications for what might follow. The Irishwoman actually blushes a bit when Tracy waggles her eyebrows, breaking eye contact for the first time. The cameras likely wouldn't catch anything, but her embarrassment is laid plain at such a short distance. It's almost adorable, although pointing that out would be ill-advised at best. Immature or not, easily flustered though she may be, Wyvern's skill as a fighter is the real deal.

Once Tracy's introduction begins, however, Wyvern regains herself. The list of accomplishments isn't so long as to lose impact or frivolous enough to include inflactions, and each one represents the achievements of one of the very best the industry has to offer. Contender. Main eventer. Champion. It was an intimidating array of titles, and were the circumstances any different, Wyvern might have actually backed down a bit. Tracy's facetious behavior made it easy to forget exactly who she was and what she'd done. But. This was a fight, and in that context all Wyvern feels is desire. Titles and championships didn't mean much to her, but the challenges they represented were what gave her life meaning. In Tracy, she can see the struggles and battles she hopes will define her future. Tracy had won and lost, but time and again, she had fought at the top. This was Wyvern's chance to prove that she deserved to stand at the same level. Or that she couldn't. Either way, this was her chance.

As Tracy completes her full introduction and turns to face Wyvern, the Irish wrestler has a faint hint of a smile twisting one corner of her lips.

"It'll do."

Noting a pause before her own introduction begins, Wyvern glances to the side to see the announcer desperately trying to come up with any possible way to make her announcement equally impressive, concerned about the response from the unpredictable young wrestler if it seemed like he was snubbing her. Briefly making eye contact, she gives a slight shake of her head to dispel his concerns. She had little tolerance for disrespect, but she wasn't going to blame him for this. She didn't even have a nickname or epithet, let alone a list of accomplishments. Reassured, he continues.

"And her opponent! Standing at 5' 6" and weighing in at 137 lbs...WYYYYYYYYYYYYYVERN!"

Wyvern cracks her neck and rolls her shoulders as her brief introduction was completed. Following Tracy's, the crowd response is anemic at best. A decent round of jeers emerging from the audience, but Wyvern doesn't even hear them. The watchers didn't matter much to her, and with the stakes this high they can't even rouse her usual surge of annoyance.

Sliding into a forward-leaning kickboxing stance, Wyvern sets hungry eyes on her opponent.

"Don't hold back."

The bell rings.
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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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There was a very interesting, layered dynamic that the two had. It spoke to just how much range this sport and the wrestlers within it had. Someone that could match Wyvern's energy could put on a display of violence with her that would make most viewers shut their eyes or look away. And a charismatic and beloved showman like The Circus Cat could put on a spectacle of a match on any given night!

All eyes were focused on the two women in the ring as they readied themselves to start this thing off. The fans and the commentators watched with bated breath as the official called for the bell. The stage had been set. A very perky and confident Tracy interlocked her fingers and straightened her arms to stretch. Normally, the redheaded luchadora's antics and big personality drew just as many charged reactions from her opponents as they did from fans. But not Wyvern,
at least right now in the heat of the moment. Underneath the jokes and the flirting and the brief instances of disarmament and being thrown off-kilter- past all of that was the story of one girl with a burning desire to test herself against one of the very best wrestlers at LAW, and one girl who was eager to see how far she could push the envelope with her rival just by being herself!

The crowd's cheers and jeers faded. The sound of the bell ringing filled the void. Tracy leaned forward and kept her legs straight. She placed her hands on her knees to get in one last stretch. The cameras and the audience got a full view of her thicc, pale cheeks as Tracy finished up. But as she moved and warmed herself up, The Circus Cat never took her eyes off of her opponent! She eyed Wyvern's stance. It was solid. It communicated her intentions. Most LAW wrestlers would give heed or caution if they were in Tracy's shoes standing across the ring from Wyvern, especially if they knew what Wyvern was capable of. But as she proved time and time again, Tracy Canon was a different kind of animal.

With the sound of the bell, these two ladies had finally made the jump from odd couple to rivals! Wyvern certainly acted accordingly. But Tracy seemingly had other ideas. The luchadora brought her slowly palms up to her own face before kissing them and blowing Wyvern a kiss.

"Mwwwaaaahhh~" Tracy began before quickly offering her opponent a proper response.

"Hold back? For you, babe? Never!" The Circus Cat would flash a very driven and excited smile her opponent's way! And just as quickly as Tracy's expression shifted, she left her corner!

True to her nature as a showman, Tracy's style in the ring saw her make use of her acrobatics background and her coordination to pull off rather flashy offense to enthrall the fans and confound opponents. But every bit as impressive as her aerial feats were The Circus Cat's speed! In just a couple of blinks, Tracy looked to stun the audience and her foe by clearing the distance between herself and Wyvern by suddenly breaking out into a sprint! The low stance she took while stretching earlier was a cover for her to get into a good position to sprint! For all of her shenanigans, when Tracy flipped the switch when she got momentum behind her, she was more than most could handle in the ring! And she drove that point home by trying to take Wyvern by surprise!

The smile on her face widened when she was just steps away from the cold Irish lass! Tracy would turn around mid-sprint and kick off the canvas to try for a sudden and impactful Running Hip Attack to start things off!

It went without saying that there was plenty of substance behind Tracy's style! The accolades and achievements behind her name and her team's name were hardly for show! Though she tried to take Wyvern by surprise, even this was a feint! Even with the sudden burst of speed, Tracy was coming at her opponent with, she fully expected Wyvern to have the reaction time and the speed to dodge! In fact, the rambunctious luchadora was counting on it! If Wyvern moved out of the way, Tracy's famed rear would make contact with the turnbuckles! But instead of crashing and burning in the corner, Tracy would show off some of her in-ring ability by finding her footing in the middle ropes to her right and left and leaping so that she could throw herself at Wyvern once more! This time, she'd wait for her opponent to turn around so that she could hook her legs over Wyvern's shoulders in midair and attempt to throw towards this same corner with a Hurricanrana!
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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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The banter ends. The announcements of names and titles completes. As the two wrestlers are sent back to the corners to separate before the bell is rung, Wyvern's movement begins to shift from controlled, careful movements to a smooth, predatory gait. To the onlooking crowd, she almost bears more resemblance to a starving beast pacing in its cage than a human. As she turns back around to face her opponent, Wyvern's mind flashes through dozens of possible openings to the fight. How to attack. How to defend. How to counter. She's seen recordings of Tracy's matches, but those could only tell her so much. Now that she was in the ring, she would finally get to see what her opponent was truly capable of.

In contrast to Tracy's more elaborate pre-match stretching routine, Wyvern's is simple and does nothing to benefit the cameras or the audience. She loosens and rolls her shoulders, then her neck, eliciting a pair of loud cracks from it before apparently being satisfied and entering an aggressive, forward-leaning kickboxing stance. She fights down a surge of annoyance at Tracy's blown kiss, forcing herself not to get distracted.

As the bell rings, Wyvern tenses and begins to push forward, but halts her movement mid-motion. Some unnoticed clue in Tracy's stance or demeanor sets her on guard, instinct warning her where conscious thought has failed. Rather than rush straight in, the Irish wrestler leans back on her heel, moving into a defensive, back-weighted stance not a moment to soon. The moment the match starts, Tracy erupts out of what seemed to be another stretch, instantly hitting a sprint that sees her crossing the ring in moments. Wyvern barely has time to process what has happened before she finds one of the Circus Cat's considerable hips mere inches from her face!

She's fast!

Only a slight widening of the eyes betrays Wyvern's shock at Tracy's speed. Surprised or not, though, she recovers just in time to respond to the attack, ensuring that it won't hit her while she's defenseless. Instantly deciding her course of action, she begins moving. Thus far, everything had aligned with Tracy's expectations. She had taken the offensive, forcing Wyvern to react and preventing her from controlling the pace of the match. The younger wrestler had still managed to come up with a response, but Tracy already has a plan for that. For a veteran of her skill, one would expect no less. It is at this last moment, however, that things begin to deviate.

Rather than the firm padding of the turnbuckles, Tracy can feel herself striking flesh as Wyvern brings her forearms up and together, taking the momentous impact head-on without flinching. A combination of her firm stance and bracing herself against the corner of the ring prevents Wyvern from being pushed back. The maneuver was most likely painful, but the younger wrestler doesn't shown any sign of discomfort. In the split instant after the force fades, but before Tracy can land on the ground, Wyvern pushes out of the corner with all of her strength, intending to send the Circus Cat flying onto her back.

For someone with Tracy's acrobatic skill that wouldn't be much more than a momentary obstacle, and Wyvern fully expects her opponent to roll through and immediately find her feet afterwards. In fact, it's what she's counting on. In the same motion that shoves Tracy back, Wyvern launches herself forward, picking up a brief burst of speed before dropping into a Basement Drop Kick intended to strike Tracy in the moment she regains her balance!
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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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Despite Tracy's antics, despite all the jokes and the verbal exchanges between both women leading up to be very second the bell rang, somehow the fact that this was a huge match was lost on absolutely no one. It was perhaps the biggest test of Wyvern's LAW career. It was a match that Tracy had been teasing and manifesting into existence for months. The moment the bell rang, The Circus Cat channeled all that excitement and vigor into an explosive start to kick things off!

The crowd reacted with shock when the pink and white luchadora found a way to bolt out of her corner without telegraphing it! Tracy hadn't studied Wyvern's matches anywhere near as much as Wyvern had studied hers! But she knew the cold, terse Irish lass to be a capable woman in the ring! Capable enough to avoid getting outwardly flustered and distracted seconds into the match! Capable enough to react to her sudden dash and subsequent Hip Attack!

"Oho~?" The tag team champion laughed curiously as her leap toward the corner drove her into her raven-haired opponent! The Circus Cat was impressed with Wyvern's reaction speed! Most wrestlers couldn't even bring themselves to guard when Tracy took the initiative at the onset of the match like this! What's more, Wyvern held her ground! The stoic woman's back never met the turnbuckles! Instead, the girl steeled herself and repelled Tracy with considerable strength for a girl her size!

"Not bad!" Canon would smirk as she was pushed back! The moment the soles of her pink boots met the canvas, she rolled through, exactly per Wyvern's expectations!

Tracy rolled forward and gripped the canvas with her fingertips! From a position that was somewhere between kneeling and sitting, the redhead spun around in place, just in time to catch Wyvern jumping at her to hit a Basement Dropkick aimed at her face!

Tracy had no time to react with words or antics! The both of them were still fresh and at the top of their game! Relying on instinct and experience in much the same way Wyvern did, Tracy leaned back! All the way back, into a supine position!

The Circus Cat would count on Wyvern's moment to carry her forward, over her curvy frame! And the moment it did, Tracy would sit up and promptly scooch back by pressing the heels of her boots and the palms of her hands against the canvas! Tracy counted on the fact that Wyvern would likely want to find a way up to her feet after the Dropkick attempt! And she intended to catch her foe by getting back to back with her, with the both of them in seated positions! Should Tracy read this correctly, she'd look to employ the technical in-ring ability that each of The SWAT Cats had honed and hook her arms underneath Wyvern's! If Tracy got her way here, she'd rush to bring her knees under her before bringing her arms upward and overhead in an attempt to pull Wyvern overhead into a Backslide for a quick pin!

Tracy was unsure of how much this quick pin attempt would or wouldn't surprise Wyvern! But she was sure that the cold-blooded, serious fighter would kick out quickly! And when she did, Tracy would get on her hands and knees and look Wyvern in the eye! She'd take this chance to lift a hand from the canvas and blow a kiss to her foe!


A loud, sudden cheer would erupt from the audience! The commentary team at ringside would praise both women's abilities! Viewers and fans were digging the action they saw playing out here! The moment came across like a momentary stalemate, with both women vying for the upper hand in a skillful display! As a showboat at heart, this was precisely the type of limelight and attention that Tracy lived for! If there was indeed a brief pause here as the two wrestlers took time to feel one another out, Canon would slowly rise up to her feet while keeping her eyes locked on Wyvern. She expected Wyvern to do the same!

"Make all the Buns Tsu jokes you like, but I know part of you is enjoying this every bit as much as I am." The voluptuous luchadora would boast to her opponent before sticking her tongue out at Wyvern and following it up with a wink as the two looked ladies looked to find their rhythm once more!
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General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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Despite her constant efforts to remind herself that she was facing a veteran and champion, months of dealing with Tracy's clownish antics had worn down Wyvern's ability to properly respect her. The Circus Cat was a larger than life entertainer, certainly more skilled at that end of the business than Wyvern would ever be, but it was easy to forget that some people could be good at both when Wyvern had long since abandoned trying to balance her skillset. The moment of underestimation at the start of the match nearly costs Wyvern, but her desperate counter attack proves effective and repulses her long-anticipated opponent with some effort. It was clear from the start that the two matched up as expected; Wyvern had the edge in raw power and most likely durability, but Tracy's speed, agility, and flexibility would make any attempt to create a punch-out futile. This match would be decided by Wyvern's ability to adapt to Tracy's outstanding quickness before she was worn down.

Seizing the momentary initiative her counter push bought her, Wyvern surges forward, aiming to keep Tracy from taking back control of the match. She's only vaguely aware of the redheaded acrobat speaking to her, but cannot afford to spare even the slightest amount of focus on anything other than the match. The moment after recovery was a favored time for Wyvern to attack; few people could react to a fist or boot to the face immediately as they came to a halt from a roll, and Wyvern had ended more than one match just by landing a single direct hit with her overwhelming strength. Again, though, Tracy surprises her.


A partial dodge could have been predicted, but Wyvern can't help but exclaim in shock when her boots meet only air. The amount of flexibility required to pull off the evasion far exceeds anything she's seen before in an opponent, and she lands heavily on her back as a result, nearly knocking the wind out of her. Wasting no time to baffle over the surprising turn of events, Wyvern hurls herself up to a seated position...only to find that Tracy has already moved to meet her, turning her own tactic against her! Before she can do anything to stop it, Wyvern finds herself locked at the arms and flipped over her opponent into a surprise backslide pin!


The sheer audacity of the attempt is the only thing that allows the referee's hand to strike the canvas even a single time. With a low growl of irritation, Wyvern snaps her entire body like a whip, shattering Tracy's hold on her and separating the two before the count can progress any further. The Irish wrestler lands belly down on the ground, using her momentum to bounce up into a kneeling position, one arm on her raised knee and one braced against the ground. She looks around for her opponent. She finds Tracy already posed on her hands and knees, wasting no time in blowing a kiss to the younger wrestler. Instinctively dropping her face towards the mat to avoid showing the inevitable blush that accompanied any kind of flirtation, this time she's in a prime position to hear Tracy's banter despite the crowd's delighted roars of approval.

"Make all the Buns Tsu jokes you like, but I know part of you is enjoying this every bit as much as I am."

Her face still mostly hidden by a curtain of her hair, the only initial response Wyvern provides is a shaking of her shoulders. Is she trembling with rage? Crying from frustration? Already heaving for air? The commentary team speculates energetically, but out of all the thousands watching, only one person can see the truth.


From her low angle, Tracy alone can see Wyvern's lips curve and split into a wide, true smile at her prompting. The unpleasant showing of teeth and the quiet chuckling are perhaps not the most cheerful expression of happiness, but they are entirely authentic, devoid of Wyvern's usual efforts to mask her oft-dull emotions. Putting her arm to her forehead, the Irishwoman sweeps her hair back, finally raising her head to meet Tracy's gaze once more.

"Of course I am."

Wyvern's eyes are often the most expressive part of her body, and this proves no less true now.

"This is exactly what I've been looking for."

Pushing herself to her feet, she shakes her head to clear it before locking eyes with Tracy once more. She waits for her opponent to get to her feet before taking any action, but keeps speaking in the interim.

"No hard feelings. I don't care what happens after. Give me everything you have!"

Leaning forward, Wyvern pushes off and rushes towards Tracy, unleashing a swift combination of vicious punches and elbow strikes at the older wrestler. Anticipating the Circus Cat to try to create some distance and prevent a slug-out, Wyvern waits until she makes the attempt before rearing up and lashing out with a brutal teep kick aimed at Tracy's abdomen!
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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

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A clash in styles was as old a story in a wrestling rivalry as you could find. Wyvern's killer instinct and aura of dread were so tangible and so heavy that even the viewers watching at home could feel the woman's intent emanating from her through the screen. And yet Tracy might be the one and only wrestler in LAW or in the world as a whole that could meet the stoic raven-haired girl at every corner and every turn in a match with whimsy and style, all while looking good and making a spectacle! It was no mean feat! Narrowly avoiding Wyvern's strikes thus far gave Tracy all the experience she needed to know that the girl was the real deal. And yet, The Circus Cat didn't just relish in that danger, she didn't just tease Wyvern for kicks. She thrived on this! Her talents in these exact situations were what made her such a hit with crowds the world over when it came to wrestling!

After wrestling to something of a stalemate in the early goings, with Tracy's pin attempt broken up and with both wrestlers on their hands and knees, the curvy luchadora continues her teasing and taunting with a quip and a wink. As Wyvern lowers her head, Tracy straightens her back and holds her head up high with a smile. The Circus Cat places her hands on her knees for a moment while the crowd takes all of this in and cheers! Tracy extends her arms to them and turns her hands such that her palms are skyward! She raises her hands over and over again to invite the audience to cheer more! And all the while, Wyvern, with her face obscured by her own hair hanging in front of her, appears to tremble!

"Huh?" Upon observing this, Canon's smiling expression quickly shifts into one of curiosity and concern. Her eyebrows raised high. Tracy barely makes out that subtle smirk past the veil of black locks of hair.

After seeing that smile, for just a moment Tracy felt like she and Wyvern were on the same wavelength. It was the first time she and likely countless others had ever seen Wyvern looking like she was genuinely enjoying herself! Tracy took pride in her ability to draw that out of this particular rival. But that victory was very short-lived!

Tracy slowly rose up to her feet. Her eyes met Wyvern's focused, chilling gaze. A younger Tracy Canon would give pause before Wyvern's icy, menacing stare. But today's Circus Cat had seen enough big matches and driven opponents to know exactly what this change in demeanor from Wyvern meant. A wide, fervent grin formed on the perky tag team champion's face. Her blue eyes widen and meet Wyvern's own as her opponent rises up to her feet!

"Ohhhh, I know those eyes! Mama's got you excited!" Tracy's grin widened that much further when she heard Wyvern's words! The crowd chewed as the air of tension and competition between both women filled the arena!

Tracy doubles up her fists and hops in place. She readies herself to pick things up where they left off! And this time Wyvern charges her and takes the initiative!

"Ooop!" Tracy coos in surprise. With her blood pumping and her fighting spirit kindled, Wyvern closes the gap between them so quickly, it surprised everyone, The Circus Cat included!

The girl unloads on Tracy with a torrent of strikes! Tracy raises her elbows to protect her face and her torso! The sound of Wyvern's fists and elbows hitting Tracy's forearms and upper body echo out! The curvy redhead grits her teeth as she struggles to shield herself! Just as Wyvern's instincts anticipate, the blows force Tracy to take many steps back. During the brief second that it takes for Wyvern to step back and prepare to put an exclamation point on her combination of hard, quick strikes, Tracy shakes her hands and forearms, no doubt feeling the effects despite making her best efforts to block. But the blow that came next wasn't one that the luchadora could stave off so readily!

"AH!" Wyvern's lunging kick caught Canon flush on her midsection! No amount of tensing or bracing changed the fact that it had to hurt! Tracy's mouth formed an o-shape as the wind was forced out of her! The force of the blow sent her staggering many steps until she fell between the middle and bottom ropes! The crowd reacted with shock seeking Tracy get handled like this! But that shocked reaction would soon be followed by another!

Tracy gripped the bottom rope as she fell! Instead of falling to the thinly padded concrete floors at ringside, Tracy would grip the bottom rope with both hands and swing her legs upwards, artfully threading her pink boots between the ropes to find her way back into the ring! And she'd used that momentum to find her way up to her feet spin around, and leap upwards to try and return fire with a leaping Enzuigiri Kick!

Regardless of whether or not the blow connected, The Circus Cat would stay down for a moment, clutching her core with one hand while trying to replenish her lungs with the oxygen Wyvern kicked out of her!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Re: W Y V E R N vs Tracy Canon - The Serious and The Sensual

Unread post by Hills »

In Wyvern's entire career, this match had been truly unique. While certainly no veteran, particularly when it came to opponents skilled enough to stand on a global stage like this, the Irish wrestler had fought a good variety of styles and personalities in the time since she had first stepped foot into the squared circle. She'd seen people who were playful. Who were entertainers. And others who were dedicated fighters, individuals who took every match seriously and put their all into every attack and defense. She'd even seen people who were both...but Tracy was a unique beast. Wyvern had never met someone who could be both at the same time. Every movement called attention, brought the audience's eye and drew them further into the fight, but there was real substance behind them as well. She hit hard enough that Wyvern was already starting to feel it and fast enough that the younger wrestler was unable to keep up except at point blank, where she thrived. All that lead to a simple fact: if she couldn't get control of Tracy's movements, she would never be able to win. She had to put the Circus Cat off-balance to stand a chance.

As soon as both wrestlers are standing, Wyvern surges forward to close the gap before Tracy can resume her hit-and-run tactics. Her combo is orthodox, a simple combination of strikes with the fists and elbows, keeping her feet firmly on the ground to maintain balance while she unloads. Simple, with none of Tracy's showmanship, but while she may have lacked the veteran's experience, she wouldn't lose when it came to practice. She's practiced every strike of the barrage a thousand times, learned how to chain each one and when to vary her order to prevent predictability. Her conscious thought fades away, her body going through the familiar motions as she narrows her focus onto her opponent. Waiting for that one moment of vulnerability. Her strikes were good, but she knew Tracy would be able to block them. It was all a setup.

The second she has an instant of reprieve, Tracy begins to disengage, trying to put distance between her and the ferocious up-and-comer. With her entire body on edge waiting for this moment, Wyvern doesn't miss her chance. Instantly, both of her arms snap to her sides, making way as she coils her leg up in front of her and fires it out like a cannon (canon?), driving the ball of her foot into Tracy's xiphoid process. The Irishwoman smirks and gets a moment of dark satisfaction as the solid hit sends the Circus Cat flying back and through the ropes. Knowing she won't have much time to capitalize, Wyvern suppresses the urge to gloat and looks behind her to line up before throwing herself back into the ropes to pick up speed, intending to slingshot off and follow Tracy into the outside. But she makes a critical mistake in doing so.

She takes her eyes off of Tracy Canon.

Already committed to the charge, Wyvern is shocked to find Tracy already back in the ring and leaping towards her when she turns her gaze forward again, unable to slow down enough in time to avoid or block the incoming strike. Instinct and practice make her bring her arms up in a defensive guard; useful against any frontal assault, and against a more direct opponent it might have been enough to save her. Tracy, however, is anything but linear. Wyvern's tight forward guard does nothing to block the incoming enzuigiri, which slams home along the back of the overextended fighter's neck. Caught off-guard and off-balance, the kick leaves Wyvern seeing stars as she's sent careening off course, staggering away at a slant before colliding headfirst with one of the turnbuckles. Unsteady on her feet, the young wrestler grabs the ropes to slow herself as she half sits and half falls down onto the mat, landing ungracefully on her rear. Putting her back up against the bottom turnbuckle, Wyvern grips the ropes to either side of her to keep herself upright while the world spins. The pause in the fight gives the exertion from her earlier series of raging attacks a chance to catch up with her, leaving her breathing heavily while she tries to will herself to recover her balance.

Unfortunately, the flesh has limits the mind does not, and in Wyvern's current state, even with Tracy's own need to take a moment to recover, the Tag Team Champion will have the chance to act before her opponent can rise again.
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