Elimination Chamber Match
The Match Will Begin With Two Wrestlers Active
Every 5 Minutes, A Chamber Pod Opens, With The Wrestler Inside Joining The Match
Eliminations Are Made Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO
The Pods Are Constructed From One-Sided Flexiglass, With Participants Hidden Inside Prior To The Match.
Participants Can See Out, But Not Vice-Versa
With the crowd appropriately going ballistic at their discovery that this very particular and very brutal match was making its debut tonight - here and now without advertisement ahead of it - the LAW officials had taken advantage of the moment beautifully. With nigh every member of the audience on their feet - and screaming - four individuals would be escorted seamlessly from various points backstage. Covered in a black garp that hid them from head to toe, all four individuals would be brought without problem to each of the specially crafted chamber pods.
Only when they were being sealed inside did the audience suddenly stop roaring. For it had just become apparent that four entrants to the match had been slyly put in place - all right in front of them!
With their identities fully hidden as the chamber doors closed, the unique construction of the pods would now become apparent. For anyone trying to gaze in would be rewarded with nothing but a reflection of themselves, as the chamber pods were constructed to provide a one way view! The match was to be as mysterious as it was brutal, as the LAW ring announcer took to the entrance of the chamber with microphone to hand!
"Ladies and gentleman!" His mere greeting of the crowd would once more earn their loud approval, given what was now fated to occur before them.
"This, is the elimination chammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmber match!" Once more they would roar, with the volumes of the arena speakers adjusted appropriately!
"Four entrants will be sealed inside of their pods - with pods being released at random at five minute intervals. Once their pods are opened, the participant inside will join the match. Eliminations will occur via pinfall, submission ANNNNNNNNND knockout, until only one of the six ladies are left standing!"
Those in attendance would give one more cry of approval, before finally seats were taken.
"And now, introducing first, from the two remaining ladies to enter the chamber!.."