Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel groaned and was weak as she was pulled up to her feet, telling as her hair was pulled. She reached down to pull at Katsumi's arm woth one hand and weakly tried to push against her chest with her forearm to escape her grip.

It was all for naught, Raquel couldn't stand on her own let alone power her way out of anything at this juncture.

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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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Katsumi easily weathers Raquel’s weak struggles. And though she attempts to make eye contact with her, it isn’t satisfying. She just needs to end this and put Raquel out of her misery. Poor girl.

The arms tighten and pull, attempting to heft the girl an inch or two off her boots. This would give Katsumi even more complete physical control over her opponent while also squeezing the other gorl’s body to herself. It doesn’t reach bearhug levels of tightness, but she’s ensuring Raquel isn’t slipping anywhere, their bodies more evenly mashed together.

The Punkette turns with her, marching in a slow stalk around the ring to show off Raquel’s helpless body to the roaring audience, stirring hype for the inevitable finish. The message would be clear - this is what you get when you mess with Katsumi.

At last, she stops at the center of the ring. Her back arches, and she throws herself down with Raquel to smash the girl into the mat on her back, while she herself falls directly on top of her for the Shutdown finisher!
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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel kept struggling ineffectively as she was shown like some sort of trophy. "D-damn it..." she groaned, her best efforts falling short again.

Raquel was thrown up and brought crashing down to the mat, screaming on pain and laying lifeless underneath Katsumi in the aftermath of her finisher. Her humiliation and embarrassment hurt even more after being dominated so much at the tail end, looking every bit as powerless as she felt. Raquel couldn't even move, not even to cover up her red face as she gasped for breath.

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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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In this position, Katsumi's mind immediately turns towards visual dominance; something for the audience to frenzy over, a shot for the highlight reel, an image for social media to buzz about. And not only that, but for her own personal satisfaction. As a modern age gladiator, the moment of dominance is purely euphoric. The more decisive, the more confident, and the more forceful, the better.

Katsumi doesn't raise off of her or adjust her position. Still lying face to face over her, Katsumi lightly grapevines their legs together, thighs brushing against thighs. Her hips press securely against Raquel's, her trim stomach pushed hard into her opponent's belly, her modest breasts mashing to Raquel's bosom. Her right hand sets over Raquel's bicep to hold the arm down, while her left forearm presses against Raquel's cheek to turn her head aside, pressing her face away.

Katsumi's back arches inwards, pushing her slender body hard against Raquel's. The audience goes wild. The referee drops beside them and raises her hand...

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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel couldn't move. She laid there covered in sweat, her tear tracks mostly gone. She was embarrassed and pissed off at herself for letting this loudmouth showboating woman take the fight to her for most of the match with a few bright spots in Raquels favor. She was motionless, making no noise at all as the referee's hand crashed down once again.


Raquel wanted to punch Katsumi in the face over and over, she wanted to tell her off... but Katsumi just beat her and somewhat soundly at that. Raquel most of all wanted to bury her head in the sand and disappear.

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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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At the third hit, Katsumi's back arches deeper to raise her face more to the audience, poised in - what else - dominant fashion over her most recent prey. Her music begins to pump in the speakers and she removes her forearm from Raquel's face to flick a two-fingers salute from her brow with a confident, easy smile. The referee moves in beside her and is saying something, but she can never really hear them after that bell rings. It's almost always urging her to get off her downed opponent, or in the case of submissions, let them go. She rarely listens immediately. Instead, she tilts her head to look back down at Raquel. She leans back enough to only sit beneath her hips, surveying the girl for a moment.

Last time she beat someone and felt inclined to say something encouraging, it was thrown back in her face and ticked her off. So maybe she should just let Raquel be. She takes a heavy breath to try and relax, then pushes up to her feet. The referee grabs her by the wrist, and her arms swing into the air, soaking in the wave of cheer and scorn alike from the audience. She meets both sides of the proverbial aisle with that same confident, cocky smile, but those expressive eyes are bright and shining.

"Your winner by pinfall!," declares the announcer. "Katsumi Oshiro!"
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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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There it was, another match in the books with Raquel laid out. She groaned and rolled to her side, her hands covering her face as she laid there. The crowd was cheering her opponent again, and Raquel was at a loss. What else did she need to do? She was at the gym as much or more than anyone else. She tried to be smart and watch tapes of her matches to learn what she did wrong. She just seemed to make brand new mistakes each time.

Raquel got up to try to walk to the ropes but her abdomen was in such agony that she stumbled and fell forward, landing on her hands and knees. Raquel crawled the rest of the way to the ropes, rolling underneath and landing on the outside. She was again on her hands and knees looking down and shaking her head. She could already see it and hear her brothers voices in her head. "Good but not good enough, why don't ya do something else that you are better at?"

Most people had more supportive families. Raquel had wrestlers in her family all right, and they seemed more concerned about some family legacy than their sister being happy. Raquel hobbled up and stumbled limp legged, one hand cradling her abdomen as she lurched forward hunched over, her other hand in front of her almost as if leading her along. The walk up the ramp was a long, lonely one for the losing wrestler and it was a walk Raquel was becoming increasingly acquainted with.

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Re: Challenge Accepted Katsumi Oshiro vs. Raquel Masters

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As Raquel deals with a crushing defeat, Katsumi is savoring a sweet victory. She strides to a corner of the ring to climb the turnbuckle and throw her arms into the air, giving the cameras plenty to snap. Then she rushes down and moves across the ring to do the same in the opposite corner.

It’s in that second corner that she spots Raquel slinking towards the backstage area. Poor girl. Usually people try to stay innocuous after losing and wait for the winner to leave first. She, on the other hand, seems to be pretty desperate to get away. Katsumi knows she hasn’t remained down long enough for her strength to start coming back.

Unfortunately, it opens Raquel up to a parting bit of ridicule from the Punk Princess. Despite her body being lightly aglisten with sweat and disheveled from the fight, she can’t pass up the opportunity for showmanship from her lofty turnbuckle perch. With an impish smile and saccharine squint of the eyes, she twiddles her fingers in a girlish wave of farewell to the beaten-up Raquel. Salt on the wound, some audience members laugh at the visual.

Finally, Katsumi hops down from the turnbuckle and slips between the ropes. She drops to the floor and sashays her way up the ramp, hands raised and palms outturned in coy acknowledgment of the audience’s continued cheer.

Winner by pinfall: Katsumi Oshiro
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