Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Usually Amano's arrival would come in the form of black fog and yellow lights, a dark arena only to be lit up in ominous shades of black, yellow, and white. However, this time the lights only dimmed, and the Demon meandered out onto the ramp in an almost easy-going stride with an equally dim yellow spotlight on her. The audience was more confused than anything, a murmur of hushed whispers and hisses as Amano's visage got closer and closer to the stage. Truly an anomaly for them, as no match had been scheduled for this specific time nor any announcement, much less on involving the Demon. It seemed Amano had just wondered onto the scene before the show of the night started proper.

For the Demon, she merely walked down the ramp to the tune of her theme, in her usually kimono top and wild pigtails, bare feet gliding along the floor of the ramp in rather whimsical steps. Amano gave a sly grin to the few she passed, flipping the hem of her kimono and flashing them with her black panties as she made her way down. And as she walked down a few audience members seemed to notice something different about the Demon.

Namely, the microphone hooked to the back of her sash.

Now seeing the Demon's full body and what was on her, the crowd's volume increased, buzzing at what was to come. All the while the Demon's toothy grin widened, the walk to the ring finally ending as she stepped into the ring. The referee came to try and convince her to leave, only getting a harsh shove in response that got a few hisses from the crowd. And, once she finally reached the center of the ring, she pull the mic from behind her and spoke.

"Sooooo..." She started, waiting for the crowd's fervor to die down a little. "Y'know... it's been awhile since I've been in the ring. Kinda' boring just helping Makishima-sensei whip the Young Lioness into shape and beat down the dorks in LAW's dorms when they annoy me." That got a small hiss from the crowd. "But then... I remembered something. I remembered that I wanted to do something big with the Kimodameshi matches." The crowd was silent a moment, and Amano's grin widened. "I mean, I'm getting bored of LAW throwing newbies at me that don't know how to throw a decent punch. Seriously, only two people beat me in them, and that was BEFORE I handicapped myself. Like, is every rookie now just that pathetic? I know some of you came from a decent dojo or gym, but you guys still can't take a hit?" The crowd hissed venom at that, and Amano shrugged.

"Don't blame me, half the rookies here just know how to flail their arms and scream a little even when I'm handicapped." She shot at the crowd. "Well, maybe you're all right. Maybe there is a rookie back there that can give me a fight worth having." She twirled the mic in her hand, her eyes lighting up at the stage and ramp ahead of her. "Alright, let's see then! Let's see if one of you newbie's can actually fight worth a damn!" She puffed up her chest, grinning at the stage. "C'mon! I know someone in there wants to do more than eat free food and laze away in LAW's dressing room staring at half-naked girls!"
Last edited by dlamp on Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Rinne was in the audience, wanting to watch wrestling matches after losing her first few matches. She thinks she can learn a lot of things thanks to that but it irritates her even more, why her shots were ineffective in this sport? Rinne had her own style and she liked to fight that way, fighting in another style wouldn't be her style, or so she thought.
The first match of the evening was about to begin but the introduction to this match was too long, far too long for Rinne who just wanted to see some fight. Were all wrestlers like that? Seeking to stage rather than show what they were capable of.
She still listened to what the young woman in the ring had to say and could hear small whispers from the spectators around her, saying that the woman in front was called the demoness. Rinne, a bit out of impatience, half-understood the demon's situation, understanding that she was having fun beating rookies and rookies and bragging about her victories. Rinne hated this kind of person, when the wrestler in the ring proposed to a rookie to participate in a handicap match for her, Rinne could not help but respond to this proposal.

"ME !"

Rinne found herself blinded by the light that was pointed at her. She got up and came out of the stands to arrive on the stage and then to climb into the ring, wearing a simple white dress and gloves. She was looking at the woman in front of her with a rather cold expression, Rinne didn't feel like sympathizing with a wrestler who loves to beat newcomers. It reminded her of the bullies at her school, people she hated with all her being. She grabbed a microphone and pointed to the woman in the kimono.
"No submission for you. We'll see if you are also one of theses beginner wrestlers who can't take a hit."

Rinne let go of the mic and quickly got into a fighting stance, raising both arms close to her face as if preparing for boxing. Her legs were also placed in such a way that they could move quickly and even be able to kick their knees. If Rinne had asked for this rule it was only to be sure to have a balanced fight, she did not know any submission holds and only knew how to hit, in this way she was sure to be able to give a beating to the demon in front of her. 'She.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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"Oh?" Amano's eyes went not to the stage, but to the audience, seeing a young woman in a surprisingly ornate outfit for an audience member. Huh... Amano canted her head, glancing over at the ref who seemed equally surprised. Apparently Amano got the attention of a rookie spectating things, her taunt getting on the girl's last nerve before she marched down the ring in all her regalia.

Actually, I think I've seen her on the LAW roster once or twice. Something about the white hair sent a flash of memory in Amano's mind. She wasn't one to look too deeply into people's profiles or scan the roster since she liked the surprise of what she'd face, but her Kimodameshi matches did make her skim through the rookies just to see who she might be training with the others in LAW's gym. This girl's face reminded her of a similar looking photo, one with an equally cold expression on it.

It reminded her of Kazikura, and that thought made the Demon's eye twitch some.

The mysterious rookie walked forward, snatching the mic from the Demon's hands once she entered the ring and barked out her stipulations. No submissions for this match, and given the immediate stance she took Amano instantly figured the girl for a striker of some kind. Not an exact copy of Kazikura at least. Though this might be the first time the Demon faced off against an honest striker with a boxing background. Her punch-outs with Rose and Kazikura weren't exactly the same as taking on someone trained for dealing and taking punches, so this might be fun. It had been awhile since she had to use her karate skills outside of sneaky, well-aimed punches. Her first honest fist fight outside the dojo in a while.

The idea had her grinning.

"Oh? You wanna' do this fist-to-fist then?" Despite her words, Amano rose her hands with open palms, one out forward and the out slightly stretched forward, a karate stance contrasting the boxer-like position of her opponent. "Bring it, Boxer-chan~" She then turned to the referee, her black eyes flashing.

"Well? Go on ref, ring the bell!"


The match was christened and underway, a no-submission match with a focus on striking. And Amano's plastered grin widened. "Well~? Challengers first~ Let's see what a beginner's fists can do, Kyu-chan~"
Last edited by dlamp on Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Rinne was in position and ready to fight but the match didn't look like it had started. A long silence reigned in the ring and among the spectators who wondered how it was going to go, Rine did not seem to fit the standards of this kind of match. But the demon in front of her was amused by this situation, the rules seemed to please her and Rinne seemed to be considered a beginner in the eyes of her opponent.
Seeing her wife so confident and authoritative made Rinne frown, who was now glaring menacingly at her opponent, clenching her fists a little tighter than at first.

"Boxer-chan? Hmmm... It's true that I didn't introduce myself..."


The bell rings, now launching the start of this match. The French wasted no time, running towards her opponent at full speed. Her speed was slightly above average but Rinne's greatest was in her punches, she could hit hard and fast. She was now one step away from her opponent, it was the perfect time to deliver her first strike, letting her arm gain momentum before stepping forward, leaning her body forward to add more strength to her blow, executing her most powerful direct punch in the direction of the face of the demoness.

"My name is Rinne! Rinne Berlinetta!"

Rinne groaned following this blow and her words, staying on guard and taking advantage of the next few seconds to calm down, trying to find a stable rhythm of breathing so as not to exhaust herself too quickly because of the lack of cold blood. She did not take her eyes off her opponent and hoped to be taken seriously after this blow.
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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Rinne's punch came fast and quick, way faster than Amano expected. She sucked in a breath, trying to take a step back for distance and-


A second too late. Amano didn't take the full brunt of the hit, but Rinne clipped her right near the eye, and the sting of the boxer's gloved fist already throbbed as the Demon gritted her teeth. The audience let out a short cheer at the impact to celebrate, but the Amano only scowled. Her taunt aside, that was definitely not the punch of some beginner flailing their fists around. This Rinne girl had some combat experience at least.

"Okay Rinne-chan," Amano said, her eyes flashing. "My turn!" She stepped forward, her hand following behind as she closed it into a fist, thrusting it forward as she twisted her hips and side into the motion for a hard and solid strike to Rinne's stomach.

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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Even if Rinne was quite powerful, it would be useless if her opponent was able to dodge her blows. Her first punch grazed her opponent's eye, her punch was barely dodged and that meant both wrestlers had similar speed.
The Frenchwoman expected her opponent to take her seriously or to stop feeling confident in this match, but it didn't seem to work. On the contrary, the demon seemed excited to see delighted to fight against a striker like Rinne.


She clicked her tongue and crossed her arms, watching her opponent's shoulders carefully so she could protect herself as soon as her opponent's punch was about to land. Rinne could see the blow coming and was barely quick enough to shield herself with both arms, getting knocked back despite managing to block the blow.

"Shit !.."

Rinne didn't expect that, she was sure she was excellent in her style and few people could match her. She gritted her teeth as her arms felt numb and ran towards her opponent once again, jumping at the last moment to slam her knees to her jaw as her arms shielded both sides of her face. Rinne didn't only know how to punch with her fists, she also knew how to use her legs.
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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Amano's grin widened on her fist's contact, watching the newbie stagger back against the force of the blow. It wasn't exactly the fast, clever punch of a boxer, but karate was no slouch in a fist fight either, and it seemed her opponent was starting to learn the Aiki Demon wasn't just a submission fighter. The crowd gasped upon the impact and some even tried encouraging the young fighter despite the hit she took. It was tempting to push forward and rush in, to give this girl a proper LAW initiation and give her some hard hits, but Amano was also curious. She wasn't about to just lay into her, there'd be no fun in that. Instead the Demon simply kept her arms up in her stance and waited, her nonchalant smile almost a taunt in itself as she waited for Rinne to make her move.

And make a move Rinne did, charging right for Amano in what seemed to be a mad charge. At first, the Demon only rolled her eyes, readying herself for some wild punch to come her way and counter it.

Only... Rinne didn't punch her. No, she took the air and lunged right for the demon with a jumping knee.


One that slammed right into her taunting, cheeky jawline. Immediately she staggered back, her body tipping back and losing balance. Once she lost her footing on the ground Amano's instincts and training took over, immediately rolling before hitting the ground to soften the blow and quickly bounce back onto her knees with her hands raised in front of her for defense. A dark bruise started to show on her face, right under her chin, and the crowd roared its approval of their underdog's surprise blow.

Okay, so she wasn't dealing with a boxer, but a kickboxer. Noted.

"Kehehe~"And yet, despite the hard hit, the Demon smiled at her opponent, slowly rising back to her feet. "That all~?"

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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Rinne threw herself towards her adversary, still clenching her fists to make it look like a punch, however it was not a punch that awaited Amano but a knee strike! Rinne thought she could impress her opponent with this move, but it didn't seem to work, she was perhaps in pain, but not in the fists to change her look on the French.
The public meanwhile was impressed, Rinne managed to strike a powerful blow against the demon. The public took her seriously and cheered her on but that was not what Rinne wanted, the only thing that mattered to her was her opponent in front of her who was openly mocking her, trying to provoke Rinne by telling her that her blows were ineffective.

Yet, RInne was one of the best lightweight strikers, her strength and speed were impressive enough for her division and her punches were powerful enough to force her opponent to dodge them or sigh in pain if she took them... Was she just trying to annoy Rinne? Because it worked!
Rinne's fists clenched harder than before, her eyebrows furrowed and she threw herself at her opponent again, this time looking to deliver a series of blows rather than a single blow.

"Shut up !"

She started with a simple straight punch to her opponent's face, if that punch connected she would do the same with her left fist. If this direct punch sequence worked, she would follow up with a high-kick on the right cheek of her opponent, this combo was surely powerful enough to be able to put her opponent on the ground, if all her punches managed to hit the face of the demon .
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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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Oh, it was just impossible to not tease this girl. Her scowls, her snappy tone, and eating a knee only made the Demon want to dig even deeper under Rinne's skin. Her snickering only continued at the girl's shout, watching her body and movements as she rushed forward with clenched fists and spite in her heart, all things Amano was more than happy to take advantage of. The first to blows she took, almost deliberately. Wild fists were simple for the Demon to dodge and avoid, but there was no fun in just bullying a newcomer like that. No, she took the hits, pretty decent ones too as each blow forced her head to bob a little left and right. A greener opponent might had been dazed by it, but Amano was far from her rookie days.

The incoming kick, however...


No, that was a little too obvious, and the Aiki-Demon wasn't cocky enough to take that head on. No, instead she ducked right under Rinne's leg and a short motion, pushing her hands up to meet the kick right at Rinne's ankle to outright slam her to the mat with her own lack of balance.

After all, submissions were out, but that didn't mean the aikidoka couldn't use her counters.

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Re: Gem Hunting (Amano vs...)

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The fight between the two lightweights was in full swing and the spectators were rather impressed with Rinne's shots, even if the public was obviously in favor of the demoness. Rinne, in anger, threw herself on her adversary who remained motionless in front of her, not trying to dodge Rinne's blows. Was it because she found the blows of the French too light and weak? Nobody will know because Rinne was not going to miss this chance to execute her combo, a sequence of right and left before kicking. Her fists strike her opponent's face perfectly while her kick is easily dodged, even worse, the demon manages to throw her off balance and fall to the ground.

"Gh...! How?!"

Rinne groaned keeping her eyebrows furrowed, she looked down at her opponent because she had just lost her balance. How could this woman be able to take her blows without consequence? Her head was made of concrete?
She groaned softly and remained on the ground for a few seconds, exchanging a defiant and still hostile look towards her opponent before jumping back up, not wanting to be attacked during her recovery. If all went as Rinne had planned, she would stay back and on guard, waiting for her opponent to attack her to counter her, if she could.
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