Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

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Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

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This was a joke... right? I mean, come on, THE Ducky Williams going up against Karbon!?!? Was upper management trying to punish the poor guy here? Or... Was this an opportunity in the making? Karbon couldn't make heads or tails on why this match was booked. Ducky is a living legend around these parts and wrestling her is considered on honor. So, why was someone with the win loss record that Karbon has get to go up against her? The knight didn't know, but the match was book and it was next. Karbon let out a sigh and said, "Man... If I can get a win off of her, my stock in this company will skyrocket!" Confusion quickly turned into ambition from the thought of taking a legend down.

As the lights went black in the arena, Karbon would make his way out to his usual flair as he timed his movements to the beat of his entrance music. Once he made it to the ring, he would roll underneath the bottom rope and kneel down in the center of the ring. A red spotlight would shine upon him before raising his head towards the ceiling and shouting, "NNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!" In time with the song. After that, the lights would return back to normal and the knight would get back up into a standing position.

Taking a few steps back, he rested his body on the ropes as he looked towards the rampway. His heart was beating fast as both nervousness and excitement washed over him. Does he have what it takes to take down Ducky Williams!?

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

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Karbon Mannering was certainly a very... interesting wrestler. Ducky knew of him, and knew of the things he'd done in LAW in a roundabout sort of way. A male wrestler often faced against women opponents, seemingly endlessly cocky and willing to play the heel, but then... there was the matter of his win and loss record. To put it plainly, Karbon seemed to have a run of poor luck, not winning very much at all. And as for the method of each loss? It seemed that no matter how it happened, it could largely be attributed to plentiful amounts of ass on the face! He seemed to be a butt magnet, and against a wrestler like Ducky... well, it was safe to say that the fans had already decided how this match was going to end ahead of time!

Ducky herself felt awfully confident as well, and as soon as Karbon was finished with his entrance, the blonde bombshell would follow behind, stepping through onto the entrance ramp to make her own entrance! The crowd cheered for the busty blonde, and Ducky, popular as she was, would draw one hell of a reaction as she began to walk towards the ring, stopping now and then to greet the fans in response! But eventually, before too long, she would reach the ring and climb onto the apron, pausing one more time to turn and pose for the fans on the apron, always eager to play to the crowd!
Once her preening for the fans was mostly over, Ducky would turn back around and slowly bend over to slip between the ropes, her very famous round rear end wiggling slightly as she did so, before she slipped inside and stood back up! And, her entrance finished, she would finally turn her eyes over to the man who awaited her and was to be her opponent, flashing a smile and waving at him from across the squared circle!

"Well hey there Karbon. Heard a loooooooooot about you. You're gonna take it easy on little old me, do I have that right?" Ducky teased, batting her eyelashes at Karbon as she called out to him in a singsong voice! It seemed that the blonde bombshell was already looking to have some fun at the expense of the male, and all that remained to be seen was how he handled it!

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

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As the knight waited in the ring, he secretly hoped that he was just dreaming right now and that he would wake up at any moment. But, when Ducky's music hit and she made her entrance, it became quite clear that this wasn't a dream at all. Unfortunately for Karbon, this was reality and the deafening roar from the crowd really cemented the superstar he was about to go up against. Ducky would then make her way into the ring and his gaze would meet hers across the way, "Y-you heard about me?" He asked back as he pointed to himself. This was a huge surprise to him as he thought someone of her status wouldn't even give someone like him a second thought.

The other thing she said to him was if he was going to take it easy on her or not, "Um... Well... Heh O-of course not! I-I'm going all out on you!" The knight said back to her, but you could really tell that just her presence alone was really making him doubt his abilities. "Come on man! You can't let her get to you like this! You can do this... You can do this!" He told himself. If he was already like this at the start... What hope does he have when the match officially begins!?

The referee would see that both wrestlers were now in the ring and ready to go. Or, at least, as ready as he could possibly be. The referee motioned them to come together in the middle of the ring and explained the rules of the match. It's going to be your standard one on one wrestling match with your only way is to win by submission or pinfall. After their explanation was done, the referee looked at Karbon and asked if he was ready. A nervous nod would indicate that he was and then they asked if Ducky was ready.

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

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Once Ducky had made her way down the ramp and onto the apron of the ring, the blonde bombshell would slip herself between the top and middle ropes, entering the squared circle with her nervous looking opponent, drawing a smile from the blonde! And once she said that she had heard about Karbon, he seemed to balk for just a moment, questioning it with a point to himself, as if Ducky could have been talking about anyone else, before quickly stumbling through a follow-up comment! Of course, showing this to the blonde was definitely not in his favor, as Ducky already was aware that she could easily get under his skin, and so when the referee called them together, it let her get nice and personal!

Ducky had been in many a wrestling match before, and so the explanation of the match was something that she mostly glossed over, simply looking up at Karbon with a wry smile on her face the entire time! She'd give a very slight nod in response to the question of if she was ready as well, but her next words were once more directed at Karbon, instead of the referee talking to her!

"I've definitely heard about you of course... I heard that you have a bad habit of ending up as a human chair. You know that kinda thing is what I do to people a lot, yeah? Don't you think this kinda makes this a bad matchup for you?" Ducky teased, leaning in slightly and closing the distance between them even more, allowing a better view of her cleavage at the same time! "But don't worry big guy, I can guarantee you a top notch experience here... a lot of people would pay top dollar for what you're about to get!"

Ducky concluded her teasing with a sly wink in Karbon's direction, very much looking to see just how flustered he would get! But once done, the blonde would turn and make her way back to her corner, walking slowly and with a sway of the hips... one that just couldn't help but cause her large rear to slay and shake slightly from the movement, all for Karbon's viewing pleasure! It was clear Ducky had turned her devious teasing up to eleven for this on this one, even looking over her shoulder to hopefully catch him red handed, gazing at her thick rear end!

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

Not only was Ducky's wrestling ability off the charts, but it appears as though her talking game is too. The words that she said hit Karbon to the bone since it looks as though Ducky has been studying his previous matches as well! She knew his weakness already and any hope of getting an advantage over her seems lost. She then concluded that he was going to get a top notch service from her and the knight could only gulp at the sound of that, "H-hell no! I don't want that kind of experience from you!" He said back to her, but again, his voice was wavering, showing Ducky just how rattled he already was.

Once that was over, Miss Williams retreated back to her corner of the ring and really made sure to shake her hips at his direction. Karbon couldn't even hide the fact that he was looking right at them, completely entranced by the swiveling motion. Once she made it to her corner and turned around was when the knight snapped out of it. He was already completely wrapped around her finger and even the audience began to realize this. All of their cheering and jeers towards him made him even more flustered than he already was.

The bell would then ring, signaling the start of the match. Karbon slowly made his way out of his corner and got to the middle of the ring. Maybe, just maybe, he could win a test of strength against her? The knight would raise his arms upwards and spread out his fingers, showing her that he wanted to go for it. Will Ducky reply in kind to his gesture? Or did she have something else planned for the poor knight?

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

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With Karbon and Ducky moving close together in the center of the ring before the match started, it offered the chance to both of them for some pre-match talk, and Ducky was certainly not going to waste the opportunity to rile her foe up! And it proved to be even easier than she had thought, with Karbon's reputation for ending up with a faceful of butt being the perfect kind of ammunition that Ducky could use, and the best part was that Karbon was well aware of this fact as well! He stumbled and stuttered, and Ducky was content to leave him there as she walked back to her corner, her hips swaying and her thick ass shaking, with Ducky looking over her shoulder and making eye contact with Karbon, letting him know that she knows he's staring!

Once the pair had moved out of the middle of the ring, they would get a quick moment to prepare in the corner, before the bell would ring and re-summon them to the center of the squared circle! Karbon looked awfully nervous, but he would step out and raise up his hands to ask for a test of strength, and Ducky, mind working quickly, had already developed an idea to further push the mental advantage!

"Alright Karbon, remember to take it easy on me..." Ducky teased once more, before reaching out to grab hold of Karbon's hands, seemingly accepting his test of strength, with the two set to push against one another! But as soon as Karbon would begin pushing, Ducky would reciprocate, but would push her hands out to the side, forcing Karbon to do the same, and would step in close, to press her body up against his as she shoved back! And this, of course, meant that her hefty breasts would squish up against his chest, giving him quite the distracting feeling as she looked to shove him backwards!

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

Both of them would move to the center of the ring with Karbon looking to go in for a test of strength. To his surprise, Ducky seemed to oblige with his request! "Alright! I might be able to get the upper hand here!" He said to himself as he believed his strength to be superior to hers. When they were just about to lock up, Miss Williams would remind Karbon to take it easy on her. Those words would have a bit of an effect on him as he could feel his throat go dry. They would then lock hands and the knight began to push, but Ducky's plan was now in action!

As they pushed, Ducky swung her arms out to the side and pressed her body up against his. Her boobs would squish upon his chest and caused enough of a distraction to make it so she could take the advantage! Karbon tried to hold his ground, but found that he was starting to get pushed backwards by the blonde bombshell, "H-hey! That isn't fair!" The knight said to her as she was using her assets to gain the advantage over him. Sweat began to form on his forehead as he tried to fight back, but it was just no use. Now that Ducky had the momentum of pushing him backwards, all he could do was go with the flow.

The only saving grace from all of this was that he could only get pushed back so far. The downside though? That she was able to push him right into the turnbuckle that he started the match out at. Once his back finally hit the post, Karbon would lift up his head and stare into Ducky's eyes, "Errr... Can't you find it in your heart to let me go?" He asked her as innocently as he could.

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Once the bell had begin, Ducky and Karbon would meet one another in the center of the ring, the male wrestler extending his hands to offer a test of strength, one that Ducky would happily accept as she joined hands with the taller wrestler! However, it soon became clear to Karbon and the audience in tandem that Ducky's plan wasn't really to test her strength against him, but rather to pull his hands apart and press her hefty breasts against his chest, making him quite flustered at the fact! So flustered that he hardly pushed back against her, and she was soon pressing up against him as he bumped into the corner, pushed against the buckles as she looked up at him with a smirk, quite pleased with herself!

Karbon's subsequent pleas for mercy were humorous enough, but even with him asking her to take it easy and free him from the corner, the blonde had no such intention of doing anything like that! In fact, what she planned on doing was likely far more devious than he might have thought, and only further cause him to panic and become even more flustered than he already was!

"You really wanna be let go? I dunno, I'm pretty fun to be around in the corner... lots of stuff like this after all!" Ducky teased, before suddenly spinning around to face away from Karbon and reaching out to grab the ropes on either side! And once that was done, the blonde would suddenly bend over, pressing her rear against Karbon and wiggling it side to side, her large and soft cheeks squishing against his body as she teased him!

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

Well, it didn't hurt to ask. It seemed at first that she was going to let him go by her words, but what she said after that made it crystal clear that she wasn't, "I don't believe that at all! I prefer to be as far away from the corner as possible." He said in return to her. But, his words wouldn't reach her as she turned around and grabbed the ropes, pinning the poor man in. Her hair would breeze past his face as the scent of her shampoo would leave a lovely fragrance on his nose. That little sensation though would be cut short as Ducky would then bend over and place her ass right on his crotch!

She then began to wiggle it from side to side, playing with his member and making it stand up on end. Karbon tried to squirm his way out, but Ducky had him trapped! "Ggguh... Uuuughh..." The knight would moan out in pleasure from her assault. Sweat began to form on his forehead as his body temperature would begin to rise. All the teasing that she is doing to him is really working him over! No matter what he tried to do, it was all just ineffective.

That is, except for one route that he could try. It was risky, but he needed to do something to escape! The only possible way out that he could see right now was trying to duck underneath her and crawl out from under her legs. The thing is though, if she perceived this, he would be face to face with her ass and getting a stinkface from Ducky usually spells the end for anyone that she faces! Well, it was either that or just stand there and let her have her way... Karbon could only do one thing. So, the knight would try to duck downwards to see if he could escape from in between her legs.

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Re: Ducky Williams vs. Karbon Mannering: A Quacktastrophe of Epic Proportions!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Once she had turned around and pressed her hips backwards, Ducky had Karbon pinned up against the corner post, and the buxom blonde knew that her nervous male opponent was already looking lost as she began to shift her hips left and right, up and down, grinding up against him! His excitement was quite easily felt through his shorts, sliding between Ducky's cheeks in erotic fashion as she continued to tease him, knowing that every single second of this was making Karbon weak in the knees, and he was doing nothing much to fight back! But that didn't mean that he was completely without a way to get away from her, as the blonde began to realize, the male beginning to enact a plot to slip away from her!

Karbon attempted to slip downwards, Ducky feeling her rear end against his stomach, and then his chest, but as he lowered down even more, Ducky would raise an eyebrow as if confused by his actions. And that was because she would swing her hips forwards just a bit, and as Karbon lowered himself down to face level with her ass, she'd swing them right back, and slam her thick, round rear end directly into his face!

The hip attack would hopefully slam Karbon and stun him to where his thoughts of escape were gone, and Ducky would pull her behind away for long enough to look over her shoulder, and fix Karbon with an unamused look!

"...Really? THAT was how you wanted to get out of the corner? You know what, I'll cut you a deal. If you can explain to me why you thought that was a good idea, and make it make sense, I will not do what we both know I'm about to do. Okay?" Ducky offered, a light smirk reappearing on her face as she wiggled her hips in front of him, giving him a chance to save himself, though he'd have to ignore her soft booty jiggling inches away while he formulated a response!

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