Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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It have been a rough time for Yuzuha, having the rivalry turning her into more of a loner. Straining her friendship with her Dojo friends and then losing her respect towards her idol and teacher Kanata. Most often giving others a cold shoulder or even a rough shove. And even with her and Kanata registered as a tag team. They of course have worked on their teamwork and everything. But after that one rivalry, it just seemed like it would fall apart any time.

Though this match would be a test for them to see if all that hard work before this would mean something or it was all for naught. The cold air between the two was visible as the two warmed up in quite a distance in the locker room. Kanata have tried to reach out but she was always given the cold shoulder by her student. She continued to watch on Yuzuha as she does her stretches. Until the staff came over to the locker room telling them that their match is starting soon and they should make their entrance.

"Let's do this, remember our training together alright?" Kanata let out to Yuzuha. "... Just don't get in my way sensei." Yuzuha replied as she walked out of the locker room, passing her teacher coldly. "Fine..." Kanata sighed out as she then followed to walk out of the locker room and head to the entrance stage.
As their theme played through the arena, the crowd booed out Yuzuha as she emerges out first. She was already walking down the ramp as Kanata then walked out. Just in time to see Yuzuha gazing to a front row crowd that heckled at her. Knowing her next action, Kanata immediately ran up to Yuzuha. Yuzuha then approached that one heckler and was about to swing her fist into them before she found her wrist was held strongly by Kanata. Stopping her from hurting them. Kanata shook her head lightly as she think punching the spectator isn't helping at all.

Yuzuha clicked her tongue in annoyance as she then shoved Kanata off and broke free before continuing her walk to the ring. Kanata just sighed out as she watches on, though she looked over to the heckler and gave them a killer stare to not stir the pot even further. Which helped silenced that heckler before she continue to make her walk to the ring.

Inside the ring, Kanata rested herself at the corner as Yuzuha make laps around the ropes as the ring announcer introduced them. "Introducing fi--- Hey!" Yuzuha snatched the mic away from the ring announcer as she then gazed around the crowd. "You damn know well who we are! The fucking troublemaking daredevil Yuzuha and the Yamato herself Kanata! And we're Rough House... The FUTURE!" She let out loudly as she then gazed over to the entrance ramp. "I ain't got all day here, so get your asses over here real quick so we can get on with the ass kicking that we got for you!" She shouted out before tossing the mic back to the ring announcer.

Kanata was visibly disturbed with how Yuzuha acted. Glaring at Yuzuha as she made her way to her corner. "That was unnecessary, calm yourself down." Kanata let out sternly, though Yuzuha rolled her eyes away as she was scolded. "Since when did you get this soft sensei?" She replied as the two then stood side by side awaiting for their opponent to make their entrance. Kanata laid her arm across Yuzuha so that she wouldn't act out again. "Seriously? I'm not going to hit them before the bell ring you know... I have some decency." Yuzuha let out as she noticed her teacher's gesture.
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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When it came to the two teams scheduled to compete tonight, Rough House the FUTURE and the Idol Dragons were like night and day. While Yuzuha and Kanata were brash, rough, and ruthless, the Idol Dragons held onto the bright, cheerful pop idol image they had cultivated through their singing career, even as they developed their strength and prowess in the ring. While Yuzuha and Kanata were booed by the crowd as they made their way down to the ring, Nashi and Yukino were long-standing fan favorites - many had come out tonight specifically at the promise of seeing them in action, and there were a great many signs and t-shirts celebrating the idols visible in the crowd. And while tensions between Yuzuha and Kanata were more strained now than ever, the idols were best friends first, tag partners second, and bandmates third. They had sworn to do everything together, and to always have each others' back, whether that was in the ring or just to provide emotional support. Their friendship was strong enough to withstand any challenge, and there was no obstacle great enough to drive a wedge between them. Both of them knew how formidable their opponents would be - but they were confident that with each other, they could handle it!

When the Idol Dragons made their entrance, all of those things were on full display. The ramp was bathed in lights and the upbeat tones of their theme song played over the speakers, and even before the two girls made their entrance, the fans were already crying out with cheers and applause. Yukino would step through the curtains arm in arm with Nashi, both of them waving their hands to the crowd, and she leaned her head in closer to her partner to whisper a few final words of encouragement. "Ready for this, Nashi? I know I am..." she said with a confident nod. Then, squeezing harder at Nashi's hand, Yukino went to twirl her around so that the two of them could take their position back to back, their arms folded for their trademark team pose!
The Idol Dragons were happy to soak up the attention, and their theatrics were met with cheers, claps, and camera flashes. But as soon as they stepped down the ramp, they were ready for business. Yukino's eyes glanced up toward Yuzuha, narrowed in a glare as she planted her hands on her hips. To Yukino, the lightweight's outburst could only be a show of the utmost disrespect and contempt for all the people who had come out to see them. She might not have cared for the fans, but to Yukino, they meant everything - and if she was going to have to stand up for them, so be it! Even more prominently, she had shown that same scorn toward Yukino herself, and to her best friend - and the white-haired girl would stand up for them both!

"They know who you are, all right," Yukino shouted back. "That's why they're booing you from the moment you show your faces! You think you're so tough making a scene like that...well, that'll just make everyone even hungrier to see the beatdown Nashi and I are going to unleash!" She looked back at her partner, squeezing her hand and watching her for her response. Their opponents certainly looked like they would be tough - both had reputations that preceded them, and it was hard not to feel uneasy around a menacing, scarred woman of Kanata's size. But as long as Yukino had Nashi, she was sure she could handle it!
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Nashi was excited for tonight’s match. While they were going against some brutal opponent’s, the rough house aren’t exactly on the best of terms whereas the Idol dragons are in perfect sync with each other! She was confident that tonight they would score a win for sure. The fiery idol was doing some last minute stretches before the tag team was called out. She smacked her cheeks as a wake up slap from the stretch and said”You ready partner!?” She called out to Yukino as she put her arm out. Once Yukino interlock hers with Nashi’s the idol dragons were on their way to the ring.
Right as the curtains the dragons were opening Nashi waved to the fans and even pointed at some who were wearing t-shirts and holding up signs with the light shining on them. Nashi then leaned to Yukino before whispering back”Off course and seeing you more confident makes me know this is our night partner” She gave her best friend a cheeky smile before looking back to the audience. The lights were shining on them with a mixture of white, Blue, pink and idol as their theme was blasting from the speakers. As they stepped out to the top ramp the two partaken a tango of sorts which showed off their dance skills. For the finale, Yukino twirled Nashi to the other side so they can stand back to back with her putting her arms underneath her busts.

Once they were finished the idol dragons interlocked their arms back as they went down to the ring. It was time to get serious after the team was insulting them in their entrance. Nashi could tell Yukino was mad and the fact that we’re able to make her mad, made Nashi want to rough them up even more.

As they stepped into the ring Nashi gestured a mic and gave it to Yukino before putting her hands on her hips. The crowd was in shock of what the winter idol had to say, normally she was laid back but tonight she had a hatred that would burn any ice in her way. Nashi listen too and it gave her a cocky smile, she knew how nervous Yukino was and seeing her act like this and coming out of her shell showing how far she had come as a person. She gave her friend a pat on the shoulder before putting her hand out for the mic”couldn’t have said it better myself Yukino, tonight isn’t the start of youre future it’s the start of ours!” The crowd cheered before Nashi turned her back to Yukino”let me go first okay?” She offered before turning her attention to their opponents wondering who will start on their team.
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Kanata watches on as the Idol Dragons made their entrance. Frowning slightly as their unity is quite admirable. One that Kanata felt she and Yuzuha could have when Yuzuha pitched the idea for them to tag together. But currently, with how reckless Yuzuha behaved in following that former image of Kanata. One that was her prime in the deathmatch circuit. Kanata felt Yuzuha needs to dial it down and not to make any unnecessary beef with anyone else. She felt responsible for turning Yuzuha this way as she was her idol after all. She doesn't want Yuzuha to go down like her.

Kanata crossed her arms as she heard what their opponents had to say. She was hesitant to let go of Yuzuha afraid in her making a rough start immediately, but to her surprise, Yuzuha was true to her words. She didn't even move an inch, though at a glance... Kanata could see her wanting to lash back out. Sighing out, Kanata glared to Nashi. "Heh, maybe it isn't my future, but her future is important to me." She let out, it was clear that the booing was more towards Yuzuha than Kanata, as she had wisened up and have been making more works to elevating younger talents to the next level compared to Yuzuha who had bitter hatred feuds where she ends up looking like the villain almost every time.

Kanata then turned to face Yuzuha and grabbed her shoulders. "I'll start, get a clear head first okay? I don't want to see you going too recklessly." Kanata said to Yuzuha, Yuzuha rolled her eyes away and clicked her tongue. "Fine." Was the only word Yuzuha let out as she then walked to the ropes and stood by the corner on the ring apron. Kanata cracked her neck and shoulders as she saw Nashi starting out for the opposing team. "Oh? You're first?" Kanata let out, the referee stood at the neutral corner watching on the two teams readying up. "Better bring everything you got to us then. May the best women win." She added on shortly after, at the very least. Kanata wanted to make sure there's no ill hatred between her and the Idol Dragons. She then assumed her ready stance. And shortly after, the referee saw both are ready to start the match and signals for the bell to ring!


Kanata took a step forward approaching Nashi but... Yuzuha suddenly gave Kanata a rough tap on the back of her head! Halting her movement in shock as the referee saw what Yuzuha did, Yuzuha vaulted over the ropes and makes a mad dash towards Nashi as Kanata stood there, still surprised at the stunt that Yuzuha pulled. "YOUR FUTURE MY ASS!!!" Yuzuha shouted out in anger. Almost together with the referee announcing that the tag was made almost immediately as the match started. As she gets in enough range, Yuzuha leapt forward onto Nashi and lean her body back mid air. Intending to start with a swift, sudden attack as her feet aligns with Nashi's chest before thrusting her feet down! Starting with a missile dropkick to kick off the match!
Last edited by LowDefinition on Sun Jun 18, 2023 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Nashi would watch her opponents and notice that something was going on with them. Compared to her and Yukino they weren’t on the best of terms but it seems as if it was slowly mellowing out between them. As Kanata approached Nashi, she raised her arms up in a defensive stance to prepare for the match.”don’t worry, i always give my all no matter what” She said with a determined smirk on her face.

Then the bell had finally rang. Nashi would keep her eyes focused on Kanata as she was approaching her but then something happened. Yuzuha forced a tag to get into the ring”Wait you didn’t tag her hand you cheat AHHH!” Nashi said before screaming in pain as she was hit by a powerful missile dropkick! The idol was send flying back in pain hitting the floor hard”That was a dirty cheat…” She groaned as she caressing her head in pain as she began to push herself back up in a standing postion.
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Yuzuha landed on her back as she landed the dropkick on Nashi. She quickly rolled back and hops up to her two feet. "Was that cheating HUH!?" She shouted out as she spread her arms in a taunting manner. Kanata who stood behind her on their corner shook her head. She knew that her tag was still within the rules. Sighing out, Kanata then goes out between the ropes and stands idle at the corner. She knew that if she were to have her way with the match. She have to force it when Yuzuha gets to their corner. And so, Kanata bides her time for a tag in.

It is certainly a very unorthodox to tag a partner that way but... Yuzuha was currently not on the best of terms with her teacher. And she did make sure to keep herself within the rules as she held the rope on the corner post when she forced the tag. Yuzuha then walked approaching Nashi and raise her foot up when she gets close. "Ya really think your future is now?" She let out as she then presses the sole of her boot onto Nashi's cheek. Pushing her off with a foot shove. "Huh? You think idols like you can stand against us? HUH!?" She continued with her mockery. Now also giving Nashi's face a rough tap with her boot. Clearly she showed no respect at all towards her opponents unlike her teacher.
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Nashi getting up groaning from the surprise tag in dropkick from Yuzuha. As the idol was on her knees aiming to go to fully stand up, she heard her opponent’s taunts”it was a dirty trick and this is still our future!” She fired back at her muscular opponent before feeling a shove to her head. It caused the idol to bend down her body, as she went to for the next, Nashi raised her arms to to grab her leg”we do have a way of fighting back against you two jerks!” Nashi said with a determined look on her face as she went to pull her opponent down by yanking on her leg. If the idol was successful, she would go to sit ontop of her opponents stomach and send punches to her face!
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Watching from the corner as the action unfolded, Yukino could tell the tension was thick in the air. After the little stunt Yuzuha had pulled, everyone was watching to be sure she wouldn't cause any trouble...and that included her own tag partner. Certainly, Yukino was aware of how brutal and reckless Yuzuha had been, even if she hadn't had the chance to share a ring with her yet - her reputation had preceded her. But for now, at least, it looked as though she was going to behave herself. She was even going to let Kanata enter the ring first, so hopefully things wouldn't get out of hand right off the bat...

But whatever Yukino might have hoped, her expectations were just as soon crushed - as Yuzuha tagged herself in at the very start of the match, catching both Nashi and Kanata off-guard! Letting out a gasp, Yukino reeled back from the sight of her sprinting across the ring, and before she even had a chance to warn Nashi about the incoming collision, Yuzuha had already met her with a hard-hitting dropkick, taking her down! Now, she knew, all bets were off. Yuzuha had some tricks up her sleeve after all, and she wasn't afraid to use them!

When Yukino saw her friend go down under Yuzuha's assault, a shudder ran through her body, and she squeezed the ropes tighter to try and keep herself steady. Fortunately, Nashi was still trying to fight back, as she tried to pull her opponent's footing out from under her to get on top. Yukino knew she wouldn't take this lying down, and she was sure she was ready to pay Yuzuha back!

"That's it, Nashi..." she cheered from the sidelines. "Go get her! Show her what you think of that!!" Then, she looked back up at Kanata, checking her reaction. She could already tell things were strained between their two opponents - she could only hope Kanata would be able to keep things under control. But when she saw the heavyweight made no effort to hold Yuzuha back, she sucked in a gulp. That didn't exactly bode well...
Last edited by CaptainL on Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Kanata looked on worried that Yuzuha already bring her uncontrollable anger this early. She felt the glimpse of her past in Yuzuha, not in a good way. Clutching the ropes, Kanata then sees Yuzuha having her foot grabbed by Nashi. She then leaned forward against the ropes and reached her hand outwards. "Yuzuha! That's enough! Tag me back in!" She yelled out with her hand reaching out towards Yuzuha who was still quite far away from reach.

Yuzuha meanwhile, she immediately rise her arms up and put up a guard over her face as the tide turned against her, now that she's laying against the canvas and Nashi mounting her belly. She endured barrages of punches from Nashi, taking the blows to her arms, some slipped through her guard. She could hear it, the crowd cheering over her getting beaten down... Kanata calling for a tag... The Idol Dragons spitting back against her hatred fuel.

"Shut up..." She let out as she then opened her guard after finding the rhythm of Nashi's punches. She took a few more punches to her face before she then tries to catch Nashi's punches by grabbing her wrist as she swings her fist down. Following that, she also reaches up to grab the back of Nashi's neck. If she was successful with her attempt, she would then utilizes the momentum of the punch and the momentary loss of balance to roll them to the side. Turning the position upside down with her on top and Nashi's back against the canvas. And to prevent Nashi from fighting back from this position, Yuzuha then swung her head in to give a harsh headbutt onto Nashi's face!
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Re: Rough House the FUTURE vs Idol Dragons

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Nashi had succeeded in grabbing Yuzuha and was able to mount her and start making a comeback! Then Kanata would start calling for a tag in, for Nashi this could've been better as while Kanata was more built, she did have common sense. However, that thought threw her off her game as Yuzuha as able to grab her wrist and roll them to the side. "WOAH!" Nashi exclaimed as she rolled over with Yuzuha on top now. Before she could let it all sink it THACK!!! "AHHH" The idol screamed as her unhinged opponent gave her a powerful headbutt which made Nashis head connect with the mat with a loud thud. Nashi was in a dazed state now trying now to regain conciousness before things go from bad to worst!
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