Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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The Ominous Future
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Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Standard Match
Victory by pinfall, KO, Submission Or DQ

Anna Harris was center of the ring with a huge grin to her face as per the norm following her lively entrances, but there was a notable factor missing from the green haired beauties appearance today. Two in fact. And they had names.

Bea and Mizaki!

Whilst still on good terms with her patient stable mates, Anna today appeared without them in tow for reasons yet unknown. The lack of her stablemates in her corner didn't seem to dishearten her in the slightest as she began to sway, with her wide hips and strong curves jiggling as she did.

As usual prior to the match, or on this occasion prior to her very entrance, Anna had been instructed by Mizaki to go all out on her foe. With a notable victory still alluding her, Anna was specifically told to ignore the moniker of the woman she was set to face tonight.

Quiet Beast? Nay, Anna was to treat this woman like a wild animal - and put her down in an attempt to impress the rest of Top Heavy!

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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”Mary Clarison”
Mary had no idea what kind of opponent she was facing tonight as she did her routine stretches before a match. Already clad in her leotard, Mary’s mind raced through all the options her opponent could be, especially the scariest option of it being some giant heel wrestler that was just going to bully her. That thought definitely caused Mary to gulp, there was even thoughts of backing out of the match, but Mary knew she could not do that or she will disappoint herself, LAW, her friends and her fans. The best thing she could do was wrestle the best match she can. It worked well for her so far, hopefully it would continue working.

Before Mary knew it, the door opened, and the League of Anime Wrestling official let her know that the match was about to start, and Mary would have to make her way down to the ring. Mary took a deep breath, and let the official know “Yes. I promise I will be there.” before nodding to the official who then left.

It was time to Mary to put all that doubt about herself behind, and time to go out there and wrestle as she made her way to the guerilla position.

The arena became covered in blue spotlights as Mary came out onto the stage, her theme blasting through the speakers. It was time to show LAW once again what she was made of. She took a deep breath, before walking down the ramp, slapping hands with a few fans and then making her way towards the steel steps. Taking another deep breath, she walked up the steel steps and then went underneath the middle rope into the ring. And then she headed to her corner, getting a first look at her opponent.

Needless to say, Mary was a little scared, her opponent definitely had a lot more size on her compared to Mary who was on the lesser side of Middleweight. And considering her past experiences with larger size wrestlers, Mary felt like this was not gonna be a pleasant experience.

Mary took a huge gulp, before heading to the middle of the ring and holding her hand out. “Umm, my name is… Mary Clairson and I hope to not disappoint you in our match today.” Mary said, visibly shaking as she waited for her opponent to respond.

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Anna watched with a big grin as Mary joined her in the ring. The blue haired gal had a nice nature to her - a smile that whilst genuine, was delivered by someone filled to the brim with nerves. Anna herself had yet to find success in the world of wrestling with a win under her belt, but she was notably more confident than the lighter gal soon joining her in the ring. Though she could relate, with how she used to be!

Smiling more so as Mary introduced herself, Anna took a step forward with intent to offer a handshake when Mizaki's words ran through her mind. She'd already enough problems under her, Mizaki said. Being overly friendly and hesitant to hurt your foes should not add to that!

Nodding to the memory of Mizaki's advice, Anna slapped her own hips in something of a warmup as she instead took a step back.

"I hope you don't either!" She'd nod, though that would be it in terms of greetings from the stacked Anna. Now was the time for seriousness - with nothing held back until the first win of her career was acquired!

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Mary nodded as she received the handshake and comments from Anna. Seemed like she was a nice enough girl and not a massive heel who was going to make an example of the blue haired lady. Mary headed back to her corner as she took a deep breath and waited for the bell to ring.




Mary once again took a deep breath, and headed to the center of the ring, and took a grappling stance. She wanted to see what Anna would do, knowing that there was no way she was winning a contest of strength between the two and getting close to her could easily result in her getting annihilated. Best thing to do was to wait.

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Anna looked but one time to the rafters and then the entrance ramp, imagining her stable mates cheering her on. More than likely, Bea was the one doing all the cheering whilst Mizaki remained silent. If not without a few mumblings under her breath directed at the woman Anna was now set to tangle with.

"Alright..!" She'd roar to herself as she slapped her own thighs in tandem, with her hands then coming high!

Anna had a lot to prove here and now, what with her stablemates not in her corner to cheer her on and undoubtedly include themselves in her matches, but Anna felt she was up to the task. Even despite the fact she had yet to find a win within this company!

Though it could all change here and now, as she stepped to Mary with both hands high. She wanted to lock hands with this blue haired gal, and immediately put forth her massive reserves of strength to overpower her!

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Mary could easily tell that Anna had her clearly outmatched in strength, winning a test of strength was an immediate no go. But Mary was smart, and she sensed a clear opening in Anna’s offsense. The main problem was hoping she was fast enough.

When Anna attempted to engage with Mary, Marey attempted to quickly dodge out of the way, before circling herself to Anna’s back.

And before Anna noticed, Mary would quickly approach her from the back, and attempt to wrap her arms around Anna’s neck. Going for a sleeper hold that she can eventually turn into the Silencer.

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Raising those hands high, Anna would look rather cutely as she shuffled forward. Her goal being to latch onto Mary and exhibit her colossal strength, Anna's efforts would be for nought as her more agile foe had little intent on meeting her head on. In fact, Mary had absolutely no issue with attacking straight upon Anna's rear side!

With the arms of the blue haired girl still high!

Yelping out as she caught nothing but air, Anna would try and fail to turn to face her foe only to be met with a strong pair of mitts around her neck. Mitts that wasted little time in squeezing away, as the busty greenette found her strong hands being used to save herself. Not pain Mary!

With her gags now filling the ring, as her hands quickly came to pry at Mary's biceps and quite literally peel them from her!

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Somehow Mary’s swerve worked, as the usually slower wrestler managed to get right behind the much bigger Anna, and successfully lock in a sleeperhold. Mary grip and squeezed on Anna’s neck with all her might, taking her down was a lot harder then the usual smaller wrestlers she has applied this on. It was a bit of a struggle.

Mary could feel Anna’s arms trying to pry away her arms from the neck, letting the Bluenette know she only had a limited amount of time before Anna would try to get loose. “I won’t let you.” Mary said in a subtle and quiet voice.

Mary then jumped onto Anna’s back, and wrapped her legs around Anna’s thighs, attempting to use her weight to gain leverage on Anna. It was all or nothing from here.

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

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Anna most certainly had the strength to power Mary off of her, but what use was that strength when she couldn't get the leverage?

Mary on the other hand had leverage for days, which she was using to brutal effect. So much so that Anna found herself turning all the dizzier by the second!

And that was without the blue haired beauty jumping on her! For once she did, Anna would be in the outright worst position yet, given that Mary had quickly dragged her to the canvas even if Anna was atop of her!

For the flailing of the greenette would grow all the livelier and more desperate if for a moment, before it began to rapidly die down! With the cheeks of Anna turning strawberry, given her absolutely poor state!

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Re: Anna H. Vs. Mary C. - The Quiet Shock

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Mary still had Anna locked in the Silencer, wrapping her legs around and attempting to bring Anna down to the mat, she knew if she could get Anna down on the mat it was all over.

So Mary just tightened her grip, and to make sure the submission is captured, Mary gave a nod to the ref to make sure they check on the condition of Anna, cause she might be going out soon.

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