Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Match Type: Smother

Elizabeth would be in her dressing room, getting prepared for her match. It was a smother match she was told and it would be someone way smaller than her. She was overconfident that she can win against her opponent. Staff working on her attire would hear a door knock with another staff member telling her that she’s up next.

Elizabeth would stand up and push all the staff to the side. She then posed in the mirror before walking out and towards the show curtain.

“I’m gonna smother her under me and I’ll basically get the win. This is pretty much child’s play.”
Once her music started playing, she came out of the show curtains and was met with boos and mean chants about her. She shushed them as she made her way down the ramp and up the steel steps. The referee would lift up the rope for her to get in and once she got in, she stood in the middle of the ring, waiting for her opponent to arrive.
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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It had been a long time since Michiko Shimizu was back in a LAW ring. The lilac-haired heroine had other business to attend to - but tonight was set to be her grand return. And not a moment too soon, either. Even if Michiko hadn't been active in LAW, she had still been following the state of affairs in the promotion, and she was up to date about what big names had established themselves among the roster in her absence. In particular, she was well aware of Princess Elizabeth. Though the Maltese heavyweight hadn't had the most spectacular career in LAW so far, Michiko had no love for what she'd seen of her - how she saw her wealth and status as a cudgel she was at liberty to beat others with, and how everyone less fortunate than her was free for her to abuse. Michiko might have been respectably well-off herself, but she was humble about it. She understood the plight of the common people, and she wanted to support them and stand for them. To her, anyone who felt entitled to treat others as worthless just because they had power over them might as well have been the lowest of the low. And tonight, she was going to teach Elizabeth a lesson. Her return to the ring wouldn't be wasted!
As soon as Michiko's music started playing, the fans burst into cheers, and as the middleweight came running down the ramp, she was followed by blasts of streamers and chants of "WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK!" Just as everyone had shown nothing but scorn for Elizabeth, they were more proud than ever to have Michiko here to stand up to her and ensure that justice would be served! Michiko waved to everyone on the way down, her face beaming with a grin. But she was even more ready to back herself up - and, as she came to the ring, she sprung inside with a vault over the top rope, landing on her feet and facing Elizabeth with pride.

Despite Elizabeth's larger size, Michiko wasn't the least bit intimidated. Not even by the thought of being smothered by her, something that the princess's weight could only work toward. She looked her dead in the eye, putting her hands on her hips and thrusting out her own generous chest to show she wasn't about to be deterred. "You know, you're awfully confident about how superior you are to everyone, for someone who keeps getting shown up!" she snapped, garnering a few cries of "Ooooh!" from the fans. "Maybe I'll be the one to teach you a lesson!"
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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While her opponent was making her entrance, she would be yelling at the crowd for cheering for her opponent, telling them to shut up when they were doing the “Welcome Back” chants. As her opponent made her way to the ring, Elizabeth checked her out and she scoffed at what her opponent was wearing.

When her opponent stood face to face, or in Elizabeth’s case, face to chest with her, she would smile at her opponent’s small stature. Her opponent then thrusted her chest at her as she said something pretty good to where a few “oohs” from the crowd could be heard. Elizabeth shouted at the crowd again to shut up after that sick burn. She then nodded at her opponent’s determination of her teaching Elizabeth a lesson.

“Oh you really think you can teach me a lesson?” Elizabeth haughtily laughed in her face. “Trust me, commoner. You wouldn’t be able to take me down, even in your stupid outfit. Which btw, makes you look real tacky.” The crowd started a “Michiko’s gonna kill you” chant to the annoyance of Elizabeth as she turned her attention towards the crowd. “You all shut the fuck up! A princess is talking here. Don’t you commoners know how to give royalty some respect?” She then turned back to her opponent. “Well, anyways, what I was gonna say was that I’m big, you’re little. I’m royalty and your not. And I’m ready to kick your ass!” Princess Elizabeth would hit Michiko with a double axe handle as the bell would ring for the match to start.
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Elizabeth was doing her best to cut an imposing presence, both literally and figuratively looking down on Michiko despite the lilac-haired girl's defiant stance. The crowd was firmly behind Michiko, and that only made her feel all the more energized and ready to give the people what they so desperately wanted - and Elizabeth, by contrast, wanted to tear her down. But no matter how threatening Elizabeth might have been, Michiko already knew that her in-ring career did little to back up her claims. She was already convinced that justice would be served!

"Go ahead and tell yourself that all you like," Michiko cut back with a shake of her head. "I'll give you a dose of reality!" A call of "Ooooh" echoed from the crowd at the sight of Michiko's defiance, which would no doubt only wear down further on Elizabeth's patience. But Michiko already knew that if Elizabeth was really as confident in her victory as she had claimed, she wouldn't need to take her insecurities out on the crowd. The princess's outburst only told her that she was hopelessly outmatched, and she knew it. And what was more, it bought her some time to prepare her counter-attack.


With the sound of the bell, Elizabeth brought down a double axe handle aimed right at Michiko's head - but the heroine was ready! Just then, Michiko reached up to grab hold of Elizabeth's wrists as the were about to descend, halting her in midair. "I don't think so!" she called back. "You sure do talk a lot for someone who seems so convinced, you know. If you were really so good, wouldn't your actions speak for themselves?" Hopefully, that jab would distract Elizabeth enough that she wouldn't notice what was next up Michiko's sleeve - she would proceed to kick her knee up, aiming a blow right at the heavyweight's abs!
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Elizabeth was wide eyed by how Michiko caught her wrists when she went for the double axe handle as soon as the bell rung. In Elizabeth’s experience, which isn’t that long, a double axe handle soon after the bell rung would help her get a victory on her opponent. Even if she actually got that move off, it wouldn’t really hurt Michiko was canonically weak towards her opponents

As she was thinking of how Michiko managed to stop her, she would get pissed at a jab at Elizabeth. She didn’t like people who treated her like how she treats commoners back home. She then went into a fit of rage as she screamed a very war cry like scream.

Elizabeth then took a huge knee to the abdomen and would let out an audible scream of pain. Elizabeth never really trained for matches as she basically had her dad try to bribe everyone who saw or was part of what happened. She got more angry with more quips from Michiko as she then went to beat the shit out of her. “I’m gonna destroy your face for disrespecting the princess like that.” She then tried to strangle Michiko to the referee’s count ti let go.
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Michiko might not have faced Elizabeth in person before, but she knew exactly what she was dealing with. She knew the Princess's type - cocky, stuck-up, unable to accept defeat, and already assured of the inevitability of victory. She knew that when Elizabeth threw the axe-handle right at her head, she was all but convinced that Michiko wouldn't see it coming. But Michiko was out to prove her wrong. And when she reached out to grab hold of Elizabeth's wrists, it was as much a psychological manuever as it was a physical counter - she was here to show her she wasn't playing by her game! Just as Michiko had planned, Elizabeth was so shocked by how her attack had been parried that it caused her to let down her guard - and that let Michiko whip her knee upward, burying the point into her opponent's gut!

The strike landed with a loud smack, and cheers echoed through the crowd. But Elizabeth wasn't going to take that lying down, either - and she quickly grabbed for the lilac-haired girl's throat, putting her in a chokehold! Michiko coughed and gagged against the crushing pressure; her face began to grow red as she leaned back from Elizabeth's grip, and her knees began to buckle and waver. Just as the fans had cheered Michiko for her promised comeback, now they were booing Elizabeth for cutting it short - not to mention her dirty tactics. Michiko tried grabbing for Elizabeth's wrists to pry them off, but ultimately, it would be the referee's count that would force Elizabeth to release her under the threat of a DQ.

As soon as Elizabeth let go, Michiko doubled over forward, reaching up to rub the soreness out of her throat. She panted and gasped, her chest heaving with each breath, and her face was red and slick with sweat. But even still, she managed to look back up at Elizabeth - and there, her eyes narrowed in a glare. "That was against the rules, you know," she said in between pants. "Doing that around me...is a big mistake!"

Michiko was about to make good on her promise to uphold order! She was bending a little low as she buckled at the knees - but she would use that to her advantage, as she lunged closer to grab for one of Elizabeth's legs, moving to pull it out from under her to send her to the mat with a single-leg takedown!
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Elizabeth was being ruthless with Michiko as she wanted to tear her to bits. When she saw her struggling to breathe, Elizabeth smiled while she looked at her opponent. She then taunted her as she was oblivious to what Michiko told her.

As Elizabeth wasn’t paying attention, she would have her leg get grabbed as she fell on her back. She hit her head hard on the mat as she was now vulnerable to any attack Michiko was gonna do to her.

Elizabeth pleaded with her that she didn’t mean it but obviously, that wouldn’t work for her. “Please. I won’t do it again. Just let me go and we’ll wrestle fairly.”
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Seeing her handiwork, Elizabeth couldn't help but be smug at the thought that she had brought Michiko so low. But that smugness couldn't save her. Michiko knew about Elizabeth and her rotten reputation - a reputation, she was quickly finding, that had been well-earned - but never had she truly understood just how bad she was until she was confronting the Princess herself face to face. She showed nothing but contempt toward the lilac-haired girl; if anything, she was proud to have taken her down, no matter what dirty tricks she'd had to use to get there. But when Michiko looked back at her, her eyes were narrowed into a glare of pure hatred. Elizabeth was someone who needed to be punished - and Michiko was ready to do just that, letting her belief in justice give her the strength she needed!

In an instant, Michiko snatched the heavyweight's leg out from under her, bringing her to the mat! The two of them landed with a thud, drawing some cheers from the crowd to see the Princess get her comeuppance. But Michiko wasn't done - not even as she heard Elizabeth beg for mercy. The glare on her face didn't waver a moment as she stared back at her foe, and her fingers would only squeeze tighter at her leg. "Oh, I'm not done just yet!" she shouted back. "You have to earn your escape! If you're so good at wrestling...let's see you get out of THIS one!"

Now that Elizabeth was down, with her leg still in Michiko's clutches, the heroine was going to press her advantage! She jumped back to her feet, where she would twist Elizabeth's leg inward, putting on the pressure of a spinning toehold! It was a fairly basic move, but one that could be devastating in the right hands. And now, Michiko was watching her opponent all the more closely to see how she might respond - that would tell her whether or not she deserved mercy!
Last edited by CaptainL on Sat Aug 05, 2023 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Elizabeth continued to plead for mercy as Michiko was holding onto her leg. She then felt her leg in pain as it was pushed inwards towards her before Michiko then placed her in a spinning toehold.

Elizabeth would be screaming in pain as she tried to get out of the hold. She repeatedly tried to push Michiko off of her toe before suddenly tapping out. The referee would just watch her rapidly tapping out as this was a smother match and there aren’t any tap outs in smother matches.

“What are you doing referee! I’m tapping out! Tell her to release the hold!” The referee placed his hands in the air as he couldn’t really do that. Elizabeth continued to scream in pain and repeatedly slap her hands on the mat.
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Re: Heroism against the Princess - Michiko Shimizu vs Princess Elizabeth

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Michiko had a feeling, based on the less than impressive record she had seen from Elizabeth so far, that the spinning toehold might deal some damage. But she couldn't say she was expecting it to prove as effective as it did! As she held tighter to the princess's leg, twisting it inward and forcing the muscles and tendons to stretch further and further, eventually Elizabeth couldn't bear it any more - and she tapped out then and there! At first, Michiko looked on with her eyes wide and her expression blank - she was shocked that Elizabeth could possibly be this incompetent. But a moment later...a sly, satisfied smirk spread its way across her face.

Elizabeth had surrendered. But nothing happened. The bell didn't ring, and the referee didn't break them up, or signal that Michiko was the winner. Because the match wasn't over! It seemed that in her panic, Elizabeth had forgotten this was a smother match. And as long as no one had been smothered out...the match was still on!

"I think you forgot about something!" Michiko said, letting go of Elizabeth's leg and letting it drop to the mat. With a grin, she planted a foot triumphantly on Elizabeth's back, as though she was posing atop a vanquished foe. Even if the match wasn't over, Michiko figured she could get away with a little gloating. "This is a smother match! Meaning it's not going to end until someone gets smothered! I don't know how you could have forgotten...I can only imagine it was your idea, when it's probably the only way you can win!" Michiko gestured to her own generous bosom, and a few laughs broke through the bleachers at Michiko's not-too-subtle dig at what many fans were already suspecting was the only reason anyone at LAW tolerated Elizabeth's presence.

"Of course, not to brag, but...I'm not too shabby in that department, either!" Michiko stepped off of Elizabeth, turning to stand beside her with her hands on her hips and her chest thrust out forward. "So in the interests of fairness...I'm letting you get up. Let's put this to the test, shall we? How about we see whose chest is the strongest?"
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