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Re: Fan Service

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Gracie tried to make her way on top of her opponent as her hands battled with hers. She'd grab onto Fubuki's hands and pin them beside her head, she smiled down on her. Just when the cowgirl thought she had the upper hand, Fubuki placed her legs underneath her belly and send her off with a double kick! She landed on her back, oil splashed every where till she slowly slid back. "Gagh!" She cried.

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Re: Fan Service

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Fubuki was advancing towards the cowgirl after pushing her away with a double kick to her stomach. She got up with a long sigh, fatigue and pain began to be felt in her while her opponent clearly seemed to be in pain. Fubuki wasn't going to bother her opponent more than that, she intended to finish this match now. She lay down next to the cowgirl and grabbed her arms before laying her on top of her. Within seconds, she wrapped her legs around her and lifted her to apply a surfboard.
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Re: Fan Service

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With the cowgirl down on her back, Fubuki got back on her feet and approached her. Despite it being a slow walk, Gracie couldn't move since her body was also sore as her arms and legs felt heavy to move. With Fubuki just in range, she decided to finish the match off in the most complicated way Gracie can see. The Japanese woman wrapped her legs around the troubled cowgirl's, Fubuki's hands grabbed her wrist and lifting her up in the air in a surfboard! "Gagh!" She cried. "Dammit, let me go!"

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Re: Fan Service

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Fubuki gently licked her lips putting her idol in a very complicated position. She had had a good match and now had to finish it in a nice way to honor the cowgirl.

"I can't... Not until you say you gave up~"

Fubuki licking her lips, she would never have imagined putting the cowgirl in this position. This was a dream come true.
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Re: Fan Service

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With the lack of actual pro wrestling experience, Gracie found herself in a pretty tight position to even more her arms and legs. Not to mention her naked body being shown in display in front of the nonexistent crowd. If this were a real match then her face would be bright red from all of the humiliation. After realizing it was not worth the money, she had no choice but to submit, making the whole session free. "O-okay, okay... I give, I give," she gasped, "Put me down already!"

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Re: Fan Service

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Fubuki gently let go of her opponent and gently laid her on the ground next to her, leaving her lying down while Fubuki stood up stretching and sighing in pleasure. She had won her sparring, which made this session completely free. She approached the cowgirl and held out her hand smiling, happy to have been able to spend a pleasant match in her company.

"It was a great session, I'd love to have another sparring or something~"
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Re: Fan Service

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Gracie was a bit sad that the long and steamy session was free but at least she had fun. With Fubuki letting her go, she remain on the ground with her body glistening of sweat and oil. Her chest expanding and contracting with each breath she take. While she was resting, her client offered her a hand which Gracie accepted, shaking on it. "Sure, call me again whenever you feel like having another match~" She smiled back.

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Re: Fan Service

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Fubuki smirked and walked out of the ring after lifting the cowgirl. She grabbed a towel, putting it around to wipe the oil off her body. She watched the cowgirl with a small smile as she toweled her hair.

"You can use the shower, I promise you'll get your revenge~"
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Re: Fan Service

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Gracie followed Fubuki out of the ring to grab herself a towel as well, wiping the mix of oil and sweat off of her body. She then wrapped the towel around her body, covering half of her breasts while barely covering her crotch. "Thank you- And trust me, I will~" She winked.

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