Pressure makes Rubies

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Pressure makes Rubies

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Ruby Rose got off to a hot start in Law, or at least thats what she thought. Sure the rookie leagues and smaller promotions were fine, but this was the big leagues. It wasn’t like what worked before didn’t work now. Ruby would be doing all of these death defying moves and dazzling offense. Just for her opponents to literally muscle her way out of them. Just in her last Apex match against Alizeh Midori. Ruby wasn’t one to think about dwell on things, but in that match. Ruby had Alizeh dead to rights so many times. Yet because she was so light and had a petite body. Alizeh was able to look like an absolute muscle man and slam Ruby out of several holds.

Looking at the photogenic and the photos of the match didn’t help either. While not exactly depressed about the match. Ruby didn’t necessarily feel good about it either. At least now she would have something else to work on piled on the mountain of things already. Usually when Ruby needed advice on this sort of thing. The easiest thing would be to go to her sister Yang or Pyrrha. But Yang’s approach is not something Ruby was looking for. And to be honest, Ruby didn’t think she could match up to Pyrrha’s perfect approach at all. The woman was the closest thing to perfect in Ruby’s eyes. Whether she liked it or not, Ruby needed to find her own way.

Now in the gym, a place Ruby has been in more often as of late. Before Ruby would be a nervous mess coming into a gym. Now she’s at least able to function like a normal human being. The gym she was in didn’t have too many people in the gym. So it made her social anxiety easier to work with. That being said, the one thing she wanted to solve first and foremost was her body. Too many times her petite size was an issue. So best way to do that is to pump some iron. Thankfully Ruby has gotten some great help and advice from Ms.Brynhild and her new friend Alicja. Some results were already showing. But for Ruby she felt like it wasn’t fast enough. Though if her time with Alicja was something she was remembering. Taking things too fast would hurt her. Ms.Brynhild would teach Ruby the hard way that stamina and endurance helps with everything she wanted to do.

(Ugh…This is too slow!! But at least I can easily lift heavier weights now. I think Ms.Brynhild would be proud. Ruby said as she was finishing a normal workout with her weights. Dropping them near her, Ruby elected to do some light stretching before moving on. Lets see, what was the next thing Alicja had for me. Ruby said as she finished her stretches, grabbing her phone to look at the plan her friend Alicja gave her.

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Walking into the gym and stretching out a bit Alizeh hummed softly in thought before wincing. The Apex match she had against Mindy was only a short two weeks ago, and she was still massively feeling the effects of it, especially the brutal beatdown the woman had given her abs. In fact today was actually the first day she had been allowed to even step foot near a gym or anything physical beyond a run around the neighborhood. Naturally as a result Alizeh had a lot of pent up energy to get out and this was the perfect opportunity.

After stowing away her stuff and walking a bit towards the weights Alizeh couldn't help but spot a familiar mop of black and red hair not too far off while on her phone. 'Well I'll be.' Alizeh thought, recognizing the girl as Ruby Rose, one of the people she had fought in an apex qualifier against and beaten, though not without some close calls, largely created by Alizeh being a bit too generous towards the rookie.

Regardless though Alizeh felt the two were on pretty decent terms and it looked like the younger girl was trying to figure some stuff so Alizeh started to approach with a smile on her face. "Hey Ruby long time no see!" Alizeh said while waving to try and get Ruby's attention as she approached.

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Going through her phone to go over the next steps in her workout plan. Ruby was planning step by step how she was going to approach these things. Sure she had a base outline of what to do, but luckily for Ruby, she had been doing this long enough to spice things up in her own way. She’s always had an issue of going to fast and maybe taking more dangerous risks. Ruby’s workout friends can attest to this first hand. Focused on her phone Ruby wouldn’t notice the people coming in and out of the gym.

Alizeh Midori had entered the gym, a very well known wrestler within the same promotion as Ruby. Adding more to that, the two had a match before. One where Ruby…didn’t necessarily get the outcome she wanted. Alizeh showing how experience was a big game changer in that match. That and using the physical difference between them like an expert. Ruby didn’t harbor any negative emotions towards Alizeh. But its never easy looking at someone or talking to someone who beat you in the ring.

The emerald haired girl would make the first move at a greeting. Waving and calling Ruby out by name. This instantly taking Ruby out of her focus and looking away from her phone and at the person calling her. Immediately Ruby made out the person to be Alizeh and her widened a small bit. (Aghhh, why is she here?!? Okay Ruby, calm down…don’t be weird…just be “normal”)

Oh hey there! Alizeh was it right? How are you? Ruby said as she waved back at Alizeh trying to be somewhat cool. Ruby turned her phone screen off, as to try and focus on the woman who came to talk to her

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Alizeh noticed the slight widening of Ruby's eyes as she looked up and noticed her. Something Alizeh made note of, sure it could just be surprise from seeing her out of nowhere, but something told Alizeh there might have been more to it. Either way she wouldn't let it alter how she spoke to the girl. "Heh you should know the name of the gal who beat ya Ruby." Alizeh said jokingly with a wink, watching as Ruby put her phone down before continuing with her response towards the younger girl. "I'm good though, finally able to get back in the gym again after my apex match. Dunno if you saw but it definitely took a toll on me ya know?" Alizeh asked with a small chuckle while unconsciously rubbing her stomach that had been brutalized so much in her apex match.

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Ruby wasn’t like Yang in the sense where punching someone in the mouth was a greeting for some people. Ruby was still uncomfortable in social settings, even though she can completely function fine with millions watching her wrestle. Adding on to that Ruby was talking to the girl who had beaten her in the ring some time ago. Of course Alizeh would be in higher spirits she’s the one that won! Ruby wasn’t a sore loser, just a awkward person that doesn’t know how to operate in these situations.

Thankfully Alizeh lightened the mood with a tease of Ruby’s lose. Yeah sorry bout that, maybe just blocking out the trauma Ruby joked, even laughing along with it as awkward as it may have been. Alizeh then would go on about her previous apex match and talking about the damage she had taken. Practically gesturing to her stomach, which shows that it may have been a target in that match. What gonna tell me now your abs need work? You already are good at everything else…

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Alizeh chuckled softly hearing what Ruby said and leaned back a bit with her hands on her hips. "Hehe, fair enough, but sooner you embrace it the better you get." Alizeh said jokingly with a wink towards the girl before smiling a bit more bashfully at what Ruby said, partially cause of the compliment, and partially cause of being called out so directly.

"Well after having my stomach used like a speed bag its hard not too want to work on em a bit. But really this is moreso a warm up gym session. Something to help me get back into the swing of things." Alizeh explained before looking Ruby up and down. "Speaking of..." Alizeh said a more teasing grin returning to her face once more. "I'm noticing some work being done here. You look a little... more cute than the last time I saw you. Any particular reason or goal in mind?" Alizeh asked curiously while leaning in a bit.

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Ruby was keen to keep a move on, but Alizeh still hammered in the point of her loss. Let me be a sore loser for a bit- Ruby said pouting as Alizeh continued to tease her. Though it seemed to be a two way street as Alizeh would be a bit more bashful from Ruby’s own compliments. Not that someone as socially inept as Ruby could tell that fact.

Afterwards, Alizeh would explain her reason for being in the gym. As her abs were subject to a beating, and it doubled as a workout. So it was all a matter of hitting two birds with one stone. Ruby listened along intently, up until Alizeh would change the mood of the conversation. Looking Ruby up and down and even getting close to her face. Calling Ruby cuter compared to the last time they’ve seen eachother.

Just like in their match during a certain moment. Ruby’s face would fill up with red tint with Alizeh’s close proximity and words. Cute!?!-no-nothing-crazy-I-just-came-here-to-get-better-maybe-put-on-some-weight-nope nothing-crazy Ruby said nearly as one word as she bolted through the sentence. It’d be incredible if Alizeh was able to piece together even a little bit of what Ruby sped through saying.

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Hearing what Ruby said Alizeh would chuckle a bit as she stood up straight. "Hehe alright alright fair enough." Alizeh said waving it off easily with a smile before moving on to ask Ruby what her plan was at the gym. After all she could tell the girl was more than fair bit defined than the last time they met, and going off the weights around the girl she was definitely doing major lifting, the question though was why?

Though it seemed that Alizeh's particular phrasing, especially capping Ruby cute may have been a bit flustering for the girl since she went into full speed talking mode and rushed through her answer. Luckily Alizeh was paying attention and caught most of it. She thinks. "Ohhh I see. More weight? You looking to move up to middleweight level or something? and better in what? Submissions? High flying or wha? Cause I can probably help you out in that area." Alizeh said casually offering the help to Ruby if she wanted it.

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

Unread post by Tiamat »

Ruby was someone that rarely could take teasing well. Especially when the teasing was “suggestive” Alizeh knew what she was doing. Though she probably didn’t expect the result out of Ruby. Speaking a mile a minute in full embarrassment. Those close to Ruby would even have a hard time understanding her rambling. Thankfully in all her speedy embarrassment, Alizeh was able to pick up some of what Ruby said.

Even worse for Ruby now was that Alizeh was able to pick apart the important bits of what Ruby was saying. Hence the further interrogation, leaving Ruby in a spot where it was hard to lie considering the obvious. Yeah…yeah… Ruby simply responded defeatedly as Alizeh knew mostly what Ruby was looking for. Though not an ego like her sister Ruby in a low and shy voice would call out to Alizeh. Would you help me?

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Re: Pressure makes Rubies

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Alizeh was strangely used to interacting with people with low self esteem, and as a result got pretty good at reading rushed and nervous responses, like what Ruby just gave her. Managing to understand it Alizeh gave a quick and easy response to the girl that seemed to further discombobulate her. Not that Alizeh minded as she flashed a grin at the girl. Then when Ruby asked if she really would she just gave an affirmative nod. "Yeah absolutely, just tell me what you want to work on girl." Alizeh said easily, wanting to try and make Ruby feel just a bit more at ease.

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