Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

Unread post by BobbyBlue »

Continuing on from here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1491

Match Type: Standard match
Winning Condition: Pin, Submission, KO, DQ, or Ring Out

Amy opened the door, meeting up with the person who was relentlessly banging on the door. "Finally! Took you long enough," He exclaimed. Amy twitched a little, but chose to stay silent. Besides, it would be awkward for her opponent to hear Amy have a screaming battle in the hallway before their match together. "Do you not understand how long I've been waiting here? Your match is coming up, and you should have already been dressed!" Amy looked away at this point, feeling guilty. She knew she was in the wrong, but hated that he was going off at him. Besides, most of it wasn't even her fault, but instead Honoka's, but she listened to him complain anyway. She felt as if she was back in high school again, getting told off by one of the teachers for something that she didn't even do. "Sorry." She replied simply, shrugging a little as she did so. He sighed. "Lets get a move on. There is no use in stalling any longer." He said, then headed towards the stage, and Amy quietly followed him.

They walked through a rather empty backstage, with nothing particularly interesting going on, with their destination being the stage. It was a rather quiet journey, which was to be expected, considering that Amy was told off earlier. But still, despite this, they tried to break the silence between them. "So, are you ready for your match?" He said to her. "I guess" She replied, whilst looking off to the side, simply not wanting to engage in any sort of small talk. She was trailing behind him, as if she was unsure of the directions to the stage, but she understood where she was going. She has only explored the area for a short amount of time, but she already had the most important places memorised.

Soon, they reached the stage. "Alright, the plan was to originally have Honoka enter first, but for some reason, she wasn't in her locker room." He spoke. He was noticeably annoyed. If Amy couldn't tell by his voice, then she could tell by his body language. He seemed rather impatient, and constantly in a rush. "You'll be entering now." He took out his phone, and messaged someone, seemingly telling someone that there was a change of plan. "Get out there, your theme song should start playing soon." He said, whilst finishing off his text message. As soon as he did, he headed back in the direction that they came in, and Amy watched him walk off for a second. She stopped as soon as she heard her theme song, and she jumped a little. It brought her out of her daydream almost instantly. She took a deep breath in, and then out. "Alright, here goes nothing."
Amy walked out onto the stage, standing just by the start of the ramp, and looking around to see the fans. They seemed surprised to see her. She could feel it in the air, and just from how quiet the fans were. It was almost as if they didn't even expect her to emerge from the back. Amy was completely confused as to what happened, since she was in her locker room, but she could only guess that both, hers, and Honoka's themes were played a couple times. "This is a little embarrassing..." She thought. She knew she was probably going to get into further trouble for keeping the fans waiting, but that was a problem for another time. As of right now, she needed to focus on the match.

She walked down the ramp, looking side to side, looking at the faces of some of the fans. It was rather quiet, and some of them didn't seem to be too eager to see Amy and Honoka go at it. She sighed to herself. Her job as a wrestler is mostly to entertain the audience. Leaving them in a state where they don't even want to see them wrestle is a huge no-no. They did pay money to come to the arena after all, and having them sit down, wondering what the delay was must have been fustrating for them. But she tried not to think about it too much.

As she was walking down the ramp, the announcer announced her presense, and the match type. Soon after that, Amy made it to the end of the ramp, and transitioned into a small jog, and slid under the bottom rope. She picked herself back up off of the mat, and walked towards a turnbuckle. She simply leaned on it, feeling uneasy. There was now an unneeded amount of pressure put on both, her, and her opopnent, solely because they took a little to long getting set up. "Maybe I shouldn't have been so nice to the girl." She thought, but she immediately dismissed the thought when she heard her opponent's theme song begin to play. She pushed herself up off of the turnbuckle, still standing close to it, and waited for her opponent to emerge from the back, and get into the ring.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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It wasn't until Honoka was called upon inadvertently by the official solely looking for Amy that she realised just how awkward the scenario appeared. The walls had ears, and whilst she had not been victim to gossip quite just yet within the world of wrestling, a rough encounter with her fellow lightweights lead her to believe fierce rumours could start in her name at the slightest of nudges. Two wrestlers sharing a locker-room prior to a match? She couldn't even conceive what nastiness the meaner names within the world of LAW could cook up!

"Miss Koyabashi? Why are you in here too? Bah, never mind. You look ready, Amy has already gone out..." The evidently frustrated stage hand not at all interested in hearing the long story of events, a hand motion to the watching Honoka would see the pinkette soon following in her opponents footsteps; out of the locker room the two had shared, into the hallway, and before that entrance curtain.

" goes..." She'd mutter, having been through this curtain numerous times before, yet only once under these circumstances. Said circumstances being, the fact she had just been utterly if briefly nude before the woman she'd soon be wrestling! Honoka had no idea if the girl peaked after all!
Raising with her hands high, a smile to her face if put there somewhat falsely given her nerves of what had just innocently transpired, it was only as Honoka made her way half way down the ramp did something dawn on her. And when it did, it made the girl shake a little in nervousness; as her mind suddenly resorted to flashbacks of the last time she was before this crowd. With the synopsis of said event being, she was brought to tears before them all!

Shuddering as her nerves outright controlled her now, Honoka soon stepped upon the ring apron, taking longer than usual to rise to a full stand, before she shakily slipped through the ropes. Hands together, her teeth close to chattering, Honoka would keep her eyes to the floor as she sidestepped to her corner. The referee left somewhat dumbfounded, as it appeared a girl scheduled to wrestle right now was in the middle of a panic attack of sorts!

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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Amy detached herself from the turnbuckle as soon as she heard her opponent's theme, eager to start the match. She looked towards the stage immediately to see her opponent emerging from the back. Amy watched their movements closely, eyeing their every move, then she started pacing a little. She started to walk from one side of the ring to another, eyeing her opponent as she did so, but when her opponent got closer, she stopped. As soon as her opponent reached the end of the ramp, allowing Amy to get a good view of their face, she completely froze. "Is she crying?" Amy thought to herself. "There's no way that she's crying, why would she do that before the match?"

Her opponent soon stepped into the ring, and Amy was able to get a closer look at her face. She was definitely crying. There were tears running down her opponent's face, and Amy was so confused. Thoughts were rushing through Amy's mind, as if they were racing. She was thinking back to everything that happened, analysing it all. She was thinking hard about this, maybe a little too hard. She watched her opponent walk over to their corner, with them avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Amy continued coming up with reasons as to why her opponent would be crying, until she came up with something that made sense to her. Her opponent must have gotten shouted at backstage.

Amy wasn't sure on what happened when she left Honoka alone. The only logical explaination for her opponent to be crying right now would be if they got a rather harsh scolding, and Amy didn't feel right about that. It was Honoka's fault after all. She was the one that entered the wrong locker room, and she was the one that ended up getting them both to dress up late for their match, but despite that, she still just found it wrong to see her crying in the ring. Amy felt defeated. She was looking forward to their match together, but she didn't want to have it if her opponent was crying. It was just weird. The thought of inflecting pain on someone that was already crying just felt wrong.

Amy sighed to herself. She decided that there was only one thing that she could do in this situation, which was to try and make Honoka feel better. She walked up to her sobbing opponent, looking towards the referee as she did so. The referee simply nodded back at her; signaling that they knew what Amy was trying to do. She got in front of Honoka, and attempted to wrap her arms around them, embracing them in a hug. "Umm, t-there there, it's alright." She said to her. "You shouldn't let getting shouted at backstage get to you so much."

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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In hindsight, and likely following the encounter, Honoka would feel both somewhat bad, and immensely silly over her nerves. For Amy, it must have appeared that the pinkette was crying over something to do with her foe for the night!

Trying her best to control her emotions, hiding her hands in her face fully for a good few seconds as she made her way into the ring, she'd find herself peering through her hands to the figure now before her. Amy was close enough now that anything short of a thick cover simply wouldn't cover up that teary face. Never mind the cute whimpers!

Removing her hands just in-time for a sudden hug, Honoka found herself somewhat shocked, as her firm figure was wrapped up gently!

"W..What? N..No!" She'd squirm, patting the shoulders of Amy in a manner that tried to gently defuse the situation. Soon settling for holding Amy's shoulders, she tried to somewhat push the girl gently back yet again, as she caught those tears and finally managed bringing about a end to them.

"Just...nerves...jitters! That's all! I swear!"

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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Amy hugged Honoka tightly for a while. The two of them embraced in the ring, whilst Amy felt awkward doing it. She wanted to wrestle, and she really didn't want to comfort Honoka just because she was crying. But then again, attacking someone that was crying didn't feel right either. They hugged in the ring, up until Honoka pushed Amy away, breaking up the hug.

Amy was a little surprised by this, but at the same time she felt relieved for two reasons: firstly, she wasn't much of a hugger. It was just the first thing that she thought of. And secondly, Honoka seemed to have stopped crying. After they seperated, Honoka spoke up, trying to come up with an excuse for her crying. "Nerves you say?" Amy replied. What an odd girl.

Amy wasn't buying it. She didn't believe Honoka one bit. But then again, she really couldn't pressure her to give her an answer. They were supposed to be wrestling after all. "You're such an odd girl." She said to her. Despite her saying it, the way it was delivered made it seem as if she was deep in her thoughts, and she simply let it slip. She sighed. "Fine, fine. You don't have to tell me." She continued. "Do you think you can get through our match without crying?"

Amy stood up straight, completely void of any physical contact with Honoka. She was waiting for an answer, any sort of answer. This whole situation was bizarre to her, and she just wanted to get started with the match.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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With contact breaking away, Honoka was left feeling somewhat awkward. And then some.

She'd already nearly walked into a scenario where her or her foe could have seen one another nude, and now she was here before her, weeping and mewling like a kitten!

Continuing to pace back, but keeping her ears open for Amy's response, Honoka found her pout growing when it became apparent the girl did not think much of a serious contender of her. Her own fury at the idea made apparent, as Honoka's feet literally stomped on the canvas, just prior to that bell actually being rung!

"Ghh..don't tease me...I'm about to whoop your butt!" Hands raising to her sides then up, Honoka's face shifted from a tearful schoolgirl to ready fighter in but a few moments. She was grateful Amy had taken the time out to see if she was okay moments ago, but now was the time for wrestling!

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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Amy watched her opponent walk backwards, slowly and slowly distancing herself away from Amy. Amy just stood there looking at her as she did so. She didn't get much of a response to her dismay, but it seemed as if they'd be starting their match soon, so she was still satisfied. She shook her head, and walked off back towards her corner, and listened.

As Amy was walking back, she heard Honoka stomping. Honoka was a rather small girl, they both were, and yet Honoka was stomping her foot as if she was Godzilla. Then she heard Honoka call out to her. "Was that a challenge?" She thought. Amy was taken aback by this. She saw no way of her losing this match. She stopped in her tracks before she managed to reach her corner, and looked back to face Honoka. She looked right at Honoka, and saw that she looked determined, and ready, as if she knew something that Amy didn't. Amy smiled at her. "I'd like to see you try." Their match was now finally going to start to Amy's pleasure. She was starting to get impatient. Amy continued walking to her corner.

Amy soon reached her corner and readied herself. She started bouncing up and down on her feet as if she was a yo-yo. She went from left to right, ping-ponging. She kept on doing this until the ref finally rang the bell, and as soon as the bell was rung, she exploded out of her corner, like a rocket.

Amy got close to her opponent, and leaped up into the air, contracting her legs, and rotating her body, before again extending her legs, attempting to hit her opponent in their chest with a dropkick.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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Assuming her battle mode as it were, Honoka's earlier sniffles were now no-where to be seen. On the face of the pinkette laid but a scowl; one with eyes a little clenched shut, as she focused them purely on Amy before her. Simply because the girl had offered her a few kind words, and a opening hug to boot, did not mean Honoka would be taking it easy. She was hardly in possession of a pristine win/loss record after all, and couldn't be throwing away wins for the sake of being nice!

Where as Amy bounced from either side, adopting a more nimble posture as it were, Honoka kept her feet somewhat grounded. Opting instead to rock gently up and down, jiggling her insane curves as her hands balled into fists, the power-based lightweight soon slowly began to step forward, as that battle before her came underway with the ringing of the bell. But where as she had opted for the slow and steady approach, Amy's eager bouncing posture gave away her own intentions before she even committed to them; albeit the pinkette was still left completely surprised, as Amy began to sprint towards her with bad intent!

Barely out of the corner, Honoka's raised arms did little in stifling that blow. Two feet meeting her biceps and pushing Honoka's arms back into her giant bosom, the pinkette hit the corner she had just left as hard as to be expected. Practically bouncing off them, Honoka hit the ground face first with her hands barely able to catch her, as Amy's dropkick hit with resounding success!

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

Unread post by BobbyBlue »

Amy sprinted towards her opponent, jumping towards them, sending both soles of her boots flying towards Honoka's chest. Well, her target was her chest, but she ended up getting her arms instead. This didn't bother Amy though. She was still able to hit her opponent with enough force to send them flying into their corner. Amy watched her opponent bounce off of the mat, and onto the ground, as Amy also fell to the mat. Amy, which was almost out of sheer luck, was able to start off the match with her in control. Amy picked herself up off of the floor and looked at her downed opponent.

Amy wasted no time coming up with a new plan of attack. She bent down, reaching down for her opponent, and attempted to yank her up, and off of the mat. "Up you go," Amy said. She would then grab their wrist, taking a few steps backwards, then she'd swing her whole body, attempting to send her opponent towards the ropes. She would then move away from the corner, walking closer to the middle of the ring to wait for her opponent. Then Amy would try to grab their arm, whilst simultaneously turning around and falling to her knees, trying to throw her opponent over her with an arm drag.

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Re: Amy Howard vs Honoka Kobayashi - The First Encounter

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Having absolutely no time given to her before Amy pushed her assault, Honoka rose from face-planting the canvas with something of a dreary face, as if she had just arisen from a lengthy slumber. Forced to get her wits about her rather quickly, a literal shaking of her pink hair and rather dismayed face would snap Honoka back to reality, just in time for the lightweight to find motion forced upon her. Unable to stop herself however, Honoka found her figure jiggling along the canvas with a rather hefty speed to it, before those bouncy ropes forced her to return with greater pace. Arms wide as she was left literally flailing, Honoka to her joy would not find a strike raised at her as she returned. Instead however, she found Amy latching onto her, before throwing her through the air rather haplessly!

Grunting and cooing as she hit that canvas, hands to her back after quite the fall, Honoka could but lay where she was whilst her feet banged against those mats. Her face a minor picture of agony, given she had yet to pull off even the smallest successful response so far!

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