Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

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Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

Unread post by Dabi-blueflames24 »

Standard match

Victory can be achieved by pinfall, knockout or submission

Iruma kun was standing backstage as the neon lights blared through the gaps in the walls. Admittedly He was pretty nervous, he has fought in many wrestling tournaments in his time as a wrestler. But this was his debut in THE L.A.W, the big leagues, he needs to make his first appearance a bug one. Even if he loses, he needs to do his best and prove himself as a wrestler.

"phew, okay iruma. You can do this.."

His best friend Valac Clara and his grandfather sullivan were with him backstage to wish iruma luck.

Clara kept her usual enthusiastic attitude present as she smiled brightly.

"you've got this iruma!"

Sullivan adjusts his glasses and smiles.

"remember, wether you win or lose. Well be proud of you just for doing your best."

Iruma wanted to thank them but he heard the main chorus of his music playing, showing it was his time to enter. He could only wave back at them as he left to enter the arena.

The announcer stood in the center of the ring as she held the microphone to her mouth.

" here he is Making his L.A.W debut! The grandson of sullivan, The cerulean Demon, the devilish sweetheart, Iruma suzuki!!"

Iruma stood by the ramp, smiling and waving to the audience who cheered for him.

He ran down the ramp towards the ring while high fiving the audience who held their hands out. He reaches the ring and climbs the ropes, jumping into the ring with a small flip and striking a pose as he finishes his entrance

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Amity was already in the ring when Iruma was doing his entrance, waiting patiently for him while standing in the corner, looking at the demon boy. The Little Miss was doing some pull and stretch with the ropes as a short warm up exercise until he gets inside.

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

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Iruma stretched his arms out a bit and cracked his knuckles, exhaling as he looks at amity. He tried to keep a serious intimidating face but to be brutally honest he looked pretty adorable, but he was still serious nonetheless.

He made his way to the centre of the ring and extended his arm out to amity, gesturing for a handshake as a show of hood sportsmanship.

"Heya, let's have a good match."

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Amity was fixing her knee pads before looking at him, then she noticed his attempt to look serious and intimidating and walks closer to him.

She was a heel, but when he offered his hand, Amity accepted and smiled before walking back to her corner.

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

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Iruma was happy she accepted the handshake and didn't attempt any cheap tricks. Returning to his corner so that the match could commence.


With the ring of the bell, iruma got into a stance and prepared to defend against any attack little miss perfect will throw at him. He was a defensive fighter after all.

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Amity hears the bell and takes off her shirt, then she starts walking in circles before getting into a stance and go towards Iruma to go behind and take him by the waist, with both arms wrapped around in a waist hold, making it a little tight and hard to break.

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

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Amity grabbed him from behind before he could react, wrapping her arms around him to his surprise.

"huh?! Gh!"

He tried to escape her hold, thrashing his upper body around to loosen her grip and get out of it.

" h-hey! What the-!?"

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Seeing that he didn't liked getting taken by the waist from behind, Amity changes from that move to a side headlock, wrapping her right arm around his neck as making the hold tight with both of them. And to make a little more effective, she kneels with one knee against the canvas while looking ast him.

"Let's see if you can get out of this."

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

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Irumas groans from his efforts to escape were muffled by amitys side. Her lowering to her knee placed iruma below her,making his struggles even more futile.

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Re: Cerulean Demon vs little miss perfect (Iruma Suzuki vs Amity Blight)

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Amity was doing a good job at the start by taking him into the side headlock, getting Iruma caught there for a while, with one knee down to make it more effective. But she seemed this a little pointless so she let him out of the hold and steps back with both arms raised.

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