The following music begins to play.

<Pictures of a large teenage Drake Benton in hockey gear flash across the screen>
"It was hockey and the mean streets of Milwaukee that forged me into the warrior I am today."
<Video clip of Drake in a hockey fight, dominating his opponent>
"It was amateur wrestling where I honed my craft."
<Video clip of Drake doing a takedown and securing a pin in collegiate wrestling>
"And it was professional wrestling where I found my calling: Beating people... and telling them that I beat them."
<Video clips of Drake dominating in a local match in Milwaukee. The music picks up in tempo.>
"From the moment I came to LAW, I made an impact. I live in their heads rent free."
<Clip flashes across the screen of Oscar being powerbombed through a table and then flipped over on his gurney, with the commentators screaming in shock.>
"And now I'm making history. I am the first man in LAW to challenge for a championship. And when I win the Lawless title at Do or Die, I will make history as the first male champion of LAW!"
<Selectively edited footage of Rylie Marshall with her baseball bat facing off with Drake>
"Rascal Rylie Marshall, every time you challenge me it's after I've destroyed one of your friends in a match. When I face you this Saturday I will be fresh and ready to destroy you! Just like I destroyed your giiiirlfriend!"
<Clip of Drake crucifix bombing Moira onto a pile of chairs. The music hits a crescendo.>
"The Barbarian: Destroyed. The Druid: Destroyed. The Ninja: Destroyed."
<Scenes of Drake's carnage play out. Oscar and Katrina bearhugged into unconsciousness. Moira slammed through a table.>
"Do you know why I'm called the Colossus? Because when I stood in the hockey goal, like the Colossus of Rhodes, no puck got past me. Rylie, you're next! I’m undefeated in LAW. Ain't no ant, or bee, or cat, or wombat, or armadildo, or raccoon, or whatever other <bleep> animal women this place throws at me IS GONNA CHANGE THAT! I'll destroy all of you weirdos! And this Saturday, I will stand tall as a champion of LAW like the Colossus I am!"
<Drake flexes and silently roars for the camera>