A Colossus in a Lawless Land

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A Colossus in a Lawless Land

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

The following music begins to play.
<Drake Benton is obscured by shadow, his face comes into view.>
"My journey to professional wrestling didn't begin in a ring. It began in a rink... with a k."

<Pictures of a large teenage Drake Benton in hockey gear flash across the screen>

"It was hockey and the mean streets of Milwaukee that forged me into the warrior I am today."

<Video clip of Drake in a hockey fight, dominating his opponent>

"It was amateur wrestling where I honed my craft."

<Video clip of Drake doing a takedown and securing a pin in collegiate wrestling>

"And it was professional wrestling where I found my calling: Beating people... and telling them that I beat them."

<Video clips of Drake dominating in a local match in Milwaukee. The music picks up in tempo.>

"From the moment I came to LAW, I made an impact. I live in their heads rent free."

<Clip flashes across the screen of Oscar being powerbombed through a table and then flipped over on his gurney, with the commentators screaming in shock.>

"And now I'm making history. I am the first man in LAW to challenge for a championship. And when I win the Lawless title at Do or Die, I will make history as the first male champion of LAW!"

<Selectively edited footage of Rylie Marshall with her baseball bat facing off with Drake>

"Rascal Rylie Marshall, every time you challenge me it's after I've destroyed one of your friends in a match. When I face you this Saturday I will be fresh and ready to destroy you! Just like I destroyed your giiiirlfriend!"

<Clip of Drake crucifix bombing Moira onto a pile of chairs. The music hits a crescendo.>

"The Barbarian: Destroyed. The Druid: Destroyed. The Ninja: Destroyed."

<Scenes of Drake's carnage play out. Oscar and Katrina bearhugged into unconsciousness. Moira slammed through a table.>

"Do you know why I'm called the Colossus? Because when I stood in the hockey goal, like the Colossus of Rhodes, no puck got past me. Rylie, you're next! I’m undefeated in LAW. Ain't no ant, or bee, or cat, or wombat, or armadildo, or raccoon, or whatever other <bleep> animal women this place throws at me IS GONNA CHANGE THAT! I'll destroy all of you weirdos! And this Saturday, I will stand tall as a champion of LAW like the Colossus I am!"

<Drake flexes and silently roars for the camera>

Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Meanwhile, sometime before the promo airs...

Rylie and her girlfriend Moira, just finished shopping for the idea of having a little apartment style match between each other before returning to Rylie's apartment, which between her and Moira, was a little more spacious due to this being an apartment that was overlooked by April Starling, who allowed Rylie to stay as long as she would pay off her debts. Rylie was clad in a purple lacey bra and panty set complete with a garter belt that had thigh high stockings attached to it. She took a drag from her black cigarette before pulling it from her lips and exhaling the smoke as she put the cigarette out at the night stand as she then took some perfume and sprayed it over her breasts as she put the perfume down and crawled onto the bed the purple sheeted bed as the wide screen t.v. was left on in the back ground as she bit her lip gently, curious on how Moira was going to look when she arrived to the room as Rylie didn't even bother with the racoon tail or the ears for tonight, just being a hundred percent Rylie for now.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

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Moira stood in the bathroom, having changed into her lingerie and perfumed up herself. She looked at herself in the mirror to take it all in. It was the same lacey bra and panty set as Rylie, except it was green instead of purple. Moira had never worn anything like that before and hoped she looked good. She breathed in deep to build up the courage to go out there to Rylie. Moira finally opened the door and walked out, standing before Rylie, who was lying on the bed. "You look lovely. Shame I'm gonna have to submit you," she smirked.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

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Rylie was on her hands and knees on the bed as she noticed Moira standing in front of her, she blushed as her jaw literally dropped looking at Moira. "Gawd damn, my girlfriend is sexy. Dude, you showed show your legs off more often!" She teased as she then smirked at Moira and brought her hands up in front of her and wiggled them, motioning for Moira to come at her. "You're going to wish you could submit me. Let's test that luck of the irish!" She teased with a grin as she was ready to tussle.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

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Moira smiled mischievously at Rylie. She then crouched, making sure Rylie got a good view of her cleavage. Moira then pounced on the bed and the Rascal. The two rolled around the bed. Moira’s belly pressed against Rylie’s amazing abs. Eventually, Moira began wrapping her arms around Rylie’s torso, trying to lock her in a (playful and sensual) bearhug.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

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Rylie planted her hands on the bed in front of her, bending over to give Moira a full view of her cleavage as well as she licked her lips enjoying the view Moira presented to her as well. She then let out a shriek and laughed as Moira pounced her as they rolled around on the bed. However, before Moira could lock in a bearhug, Rylie managed to grip one of Moira's arms to keep it away before managing to twist her body while also pulling on that arm to get into a position to where she would snake around behind Moira as she would then attempt to lock Moira in a sleeper hold while her legs would then latch around Moira's waist in a body scissor.

As this was happening Rylie then heard a Law Promo in the background as the T.V. was still on. She then heard the announce mention Colossus as Rylie eased her grip on Moira as she turned her head towards the T.V. "Ugh, not this asshole." She muttered out and then listened to his promo, she snickered at his rink with a k comment. "I'm honestly surprised he knew how to spell it properly." She then got serious when he showed flashbacks of Oscar and Moira being bombed. Moira could feel a slight jerk of Rylie noticeably flinching with the impact of both of those bombs on the screen, having a negative reaction to seeing her friends harmed. She then heard him call out her friends by their D & D classes. "Yeah? Well you haven't went against the fighter yet...piece of shit..." She was quietly audibly growling a this point as the promo continued. He then mentioned the animal women. "Actually I'm pretty certain Honie Bee can kick his ass...maybe even Antonia." She then released Moira with one arm to extend her middle finger to the screen as his promo ended as she then let out a sigh of concern. "No pressure right? I mean, what if he does end up defeating me and becomes the first guy to win the title? How embarrassing would that be? I think I would have to quit wrestling all together." She stated as she let out a nervous exhale.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

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Moira thought she could overpower Rylie, but the Rascal had been training and her technique was only improving. She turned and slipped behind Moira to lock in a sleeper hold with bodyscissors. Considering they were having fun, Moira didn’t want to elbow her girlfriend to escape (then again, Rylie had locked in the sleeper so well she probably couldn’t even if she wanted to). Moira struggled in Rylie’s grasp, but the Rascal had it locked in deep. Moira was both too proud to tap and honestly enjoying being choked and smushed against Rylie, so she continued to take it in. Rylie’s perfume smelled sweet as Moira’s vision blurred and darkened at the edges.

The Irishwoman stopped struggling and was fading away until, before she knew it, Rylie eased her grip. Moira came to, still in the sleeper, but lightly. Moira instinctively was about to take advantage and escape until she realized what was on the TV: Drake. She stopped and watched, snuggling in extra close with Rylie and holding her hand (while still in the sleeper).

Drake’s promo was a piece of work. Seeing Oscar and Katrina bearhugged out and mercilessly beaten upset her same as Rylie. ”That fookin’ muppet.” When Rylie let go of her, Moira joined her gave the TV the reverse peace sign (European version of the middle finger). Upon hearing Rylie talk about losing to him, Moira turned around and hugged her tightly.

“Hey, don’t talk like that. I’ve lost more than I’ve won here in LAW. And I’ve lost plenty of bar and street fights too. And don’t you repeat that to anyone!” Moira chuckled and playfully pushed Rylie before going back to snuggling. ”Kat Smith. She was my nemesis in the indies. She beat me three times in a row. KO’d me with a bearhug even.” Moira grabbed her phone and scrolled through her pics. She found the one she wanted and showed Rylie.
”But I kept fighting until I got her. You’ve faced so much and come so far in wrestling. In life. You got this. He hasn’t faced a true fighter like you. You’re gonna action surge him and overwhelm him,” she smiled.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Rylie giggled when Moira threw up the jog on sign that she knew from Hot Fuzz, she then allowed Moira to twist around in her grip to hold her as she adjusted both of her arms to wrap around Moira's neck to hold her close to her as she looked into Moira's eyes with all seriousness when Moira was trying to encourage her. She then noticed Moira reach for her phone on the night stand and leaned in so she could reach it. She then looked at the image she pulled up as she bit her lower lip gently. "That makes three Kat's you and me know. Damn, that's quite the strong grip she has on you. Glad you ended up getting your revenge." She mentioned as she smiled as she got the gist of what Moira was saying to her. "I got this, in fact, he's in my element, so surely I'm going to set up some traps around the arena and lure him to fall right into it. Speaking of bars, I was thinking of luring him to the one across the street. With any luck, he can get hit by traffic." She joked as she chuckled a little.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

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Moira hugged Rylie close and smelled her perfume. ”You’re damn right you got this,” she pulled back. We’re gonna fuck that asshole up. I got some ideas. Lead him to an ambush point…” Moira got off the bed and opened up the closet. “And I’ll strike.” Moira pulled a trash can full of weapons and dropped it into the room with a THUD. “I figure I tank him and you flank him. Focus on taking him off his feet together. Then he’s done for.”
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Colossus in a Lawless Land

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Rylie closed her eyes and smiled as Moira held her and gave her a good sniff. She then blinked in confusion as Moira pulled away from her and walked over towards the closet. She then smirked before then giving a mischievous grin as Moira was bent over collecting something as her while Moira wasn't looking at her she brought her hands up in the air clenching and bending and straightening her fingertips a few times as she held her hands up as if looking like she was squeezing Moira's butt cheeks from a distance before bringing her hands back down with a sudden shift of her expression back to a neutral one as she got off the bed herself and strutted over towards Moira, wrapping her arms around Moira's waist from behind and pressing her upper body firmly into Moira's back as she rested her chin on Moira's shoulder to look down at the trash can of weapons. "As much as I want to see you get revenge on him sweety. I need to prove that I can defeat him on my own." She then smirked in a mischievous manner again. "However, there is a way you can still help me." She then whispered her plan into Moira's ear and after she was done with that gave that ear lobe a gentle nibble as she gave Moira a firm sensual squeeze in her arms.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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