Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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Match Type: Hentai
Rules: Achieve victory by making opponent orgasm and completely strip them.

Tonight, the moon is full, visible through the thick dark clouds, thunder could be heard from far away. Before getting into the arena, Ichika did some warming-up in the backstage, jogging a little, stretching her arms, then took a deep breath. Tonight is her first match since she joined this career, she wanted to leave a deep impression for everyone, including her opponent. Ichika looked down and inspected her attire, checked every parts to make sure her stylish appearance won't be ruined. "Hmmm... That's it, perfect!" Ichika smiled to herself, as she finished admiring, no, checking her outfit. However, that was not all, as the girl looked down onto an extra "accessory" for this match, a small shoulder bag. Opened it Ichika grinned as she took a look at items inside, all the gadgets, small weapons, and of course some special "toys"... All these were Ichika's preparation towards her opponent tonight, who was said to be something inhuman...

As Ichika reached the entrance of the arena, all the lights were suddenly turned down until the entire place were in complete darkness. Suddenly, several spotlights were turned on, focused on one point, where a girl with blue hair and devil's wings was standing.
This is a grand entrance decided by Ichika herself, as she wanted to let everyone know, she was not just a ordinary newcomer. Coincidentally, once Ichika was being shown in front of the audiences, a loud sound of thunder could be heard from outside, as it began to rain hard outside. "Hehe, good timing." Ichika thought to herself, as she did two forward somersault in the air, to show a little of her gymnastics skill, then quickly ran jogged to the ring. She did a horse-vaulting jump, yet another gymnastics moment, to vault into the ring, threw her bag to the side for now and waited in her corner. Ichika waited patiently yet nervously, she was too curious about what will her first opponent be look like.

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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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Today was her first match! It seemed like management wanted to put on a big spectacle because it wasn't every day when they had a fantasy match on their hands. Unfortunately, it was against a human which Yuki did not entirely understand why someone of her strength and speed was being put up against a human of all things. She didn't exactly understand why they put her up against a human of all things. They're so fragile and weak! She was confident that she was going to win. So confident in fact that she didn't even stretch or warm up before the match began!
After her opponent's entrance was done, sparklers would light up the entire arena as Yuki's theme music came on as the wolf girl stepped onto the stage. Pointing towards the audience with a toothy grin on her face, her tail wagging happily as they cheered for her and she ran out using her enhanced speed and leaped over all three ropes and into the ring, showing off her agility and jumping strength while pointing at her opponent with a lick of her lips before waving to the crowd.

When her entrance was done, she would run and lean against the ring turnbuckle. She doesn't seem like she's interested in this girl at all.
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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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"Oh well here she comes..." Ichika whispered to herself upon hearing the sudden blast of the music, shaking the entire arena. The blinding light made her eyes closed for a second and as she could open her eyes and focus again, she would notice a shadow was approaching the ring, as the shape of the ears on top of the shade was clearly telling that she was really fight someone more that human tonight.

As the shadow climbed into the ring and moved to the opposite corner, Ichika could take a good look at what her opponent, who they called Yuki. Aside from the fears noticed from before, the tail and the white fur further showed off this girl was probably a kind of werewolf or sort, but either way it's always better to be very careful against a supernatural being like Yuki. Ichika thought, at the same time she also noticed Yuki's expression and motion, as if she wasn't interested in her or something. Ichika grinned a little, as she had a feeling that this girl had a trail of arrogance, which she probably could use it as her own advantage in the match. For further proving this, Ichika would clap her hands to gain attention from her opponent, "Hey hey she wolf! I'm over here!" Ichika taunted with a smile, while picking up the bag she brought, "I prepared some treat for you! Wanna find out what's inside? Come and take look after the bell rang!" It was a risky move taunting an opponent like that, but Ichika would still try if her guess was right, that if her foe could be easily manipulated verbally.

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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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As Yuki leaned against her turnbuckle, her ears shot up in attention at the girl’s voice, causing her to look in the human’s direction. ”What is it?” she asked, still a bit uninterested and even disappointed in what she saw. She was clearly looking down on her opponent. She sniffed the air. She didn’t smell much therefore she was only semi-interested in what the girl had to offer. But she was always the curious one and just as Ichika had predicted, pretty easily manipulated verbally.

So when the bell had rung out, Yuki did not just sprint forwards to aim for a slam like she had planned earlier. Instead she trotted over to Ichika and had planned to look inside the bag. This was one of her few mistakes she would make in the match.
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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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Ichika tried to hide the excitement on her face as the bell rang, not because of the starting of the match, but how Yuki wasn't trying to attack first. It was obvious Ichika successfully hooked Yuki's curiosity, just like what she expected. "Hehe! Seems you are curious now..." Ichika slowly walked towards the center of the ring while carrying the bag in her hand. Upon almost reached the center, Ichika would reach her hand inside her bag while making a questioning face: "I wonder what's inside too... oh got it!" Ichika turned her eyes towards Yuki at the same time in a flash of a speed she pulled out her hand from the bag and raised up to show off what she just took out, and to many audiences' shock, she just took out a... piece of dry meat? "Come now, take a bite! I'm just trying to make a friend here!" Ichika said in a light voice as she reached the meat towards Yuki's direction, she knew a wolf like her won't resistance to this free "treat".

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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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Yuki’s tail started to wag a little bit. For someone who’s about to get the crap beaten out of them and bred like an animal, she was a good sport. Were a lot of other wrestlers in this place just like her? She reached down, taking the large piece of dried meat and put it in her mouth, viciously chewing it before swallowing.

For a bit she hadn’t felt much until a few seconds later when she felt a hot sensation run through her body, her eyes widening as she hunched over, her cheeks flushing a deep red while her ears flattened. ”Wh-what did you do to me!?” she asked beginning to pant before she fell to both her hands and knees.
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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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Hehe, seemed everything went according to the plan! Ichika thought of this the moment Yuki took the meat from her hand. She was a wolf after all, and no wolves could resist the smell of such a free threat. Ichika would watch Yuki put the meat in the mouth, chewed it, and finally swallow it. At that moment, Ichika could finally burst out a laugher, as she couldn't help the fact that this girl was so easy to fool! It only took few moments until she saw her opponent's changings, as the wolf girl seemed start losing control of herself, confused and with her face turned red, "HAHAHAHA! Forgot to tell you, I just added some special ingredients to the threat!" Ichika put the bag to the side and walked towards Yuki who now fell down on her knees, before pushing Yuki backwards to make her lay on the mat. "It's something enhance your sensation on, well, certain pleasure! Which I'm going to give it to you now!" Also got down on her knees, Ichika would place her hand on one of Yuki's knees, then she would slowly bring her hand up following the curve of Yuki's leg, slowly and gently touching the skin of the wolf girl, until her hand reached right between Yuki's legs. Ichika would then gently grab onto Yuki's womanhood and slowly touch it with her fingers, while looked down at Yuki's face "Feeling good yeah? Just giving you a heads up of what to come next!"

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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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In her weakened state, Ichika would shockingly be able to knock Yuki back onto her baccm, the wolf girl whimpering while the fast movement caused her large breasts to bounce. She stared at her dirty opponent with an annoyed look while her womanhood was grabbed onto, causing her hips to thrust upwards in sensitivity. ”A-ahn!” she yelped while her hands tried gripping onto Ichika’s hair and attempting to pull her off. She was still strong but it was obvious that she was much weaker than she would be at full strength and this became a MUCH fairer fight for a bit now until the Aphrodisiacs wore off.
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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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"Ouch! Hey! Don't be like this!" Ichika felt the little pain on her head as her hair was being grabbed, despite the "medicine" had weakened Yuki and that grin didn't do much damage, but she could still feel it was the strength coming from a superhuman being. Tho Ichika still didn't care much about that as she knew she was controlling the match right now, "Now let go of my hair, I may go easy on you... about this!" Ichika would suddenly tighten her fingers gripping Yuki's womanhood a little, as she would begin rubbing the girl's nether region under that layer of leotard, she would first play with the flesh slowly, then suddenly fast up the rubbing, and then slow down again. At that moment Ichika was putting her action in such loop as the kickstarter of pleasuring her foe. "Hehe! Does it feel good?"

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Re: Ichika Yui vs Yuki Inue (D) - To Tame a Wolf

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The poor wolf girl would continue to let out her sounds of pleasure, her hands slowly loosening around Ichika’s hair before falling to their side. After a bit, the wolf girl felt like she needed a moment to retreat, so she would turn around since she wasn’t being pinned and attempted to crawl to the edge of the ring in desperation. Unfortunately from this position, Ichika could see her work on Yuki’s sex in full view, her wetness having started to show.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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