Swing the other way

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Swing the other way

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Harmonia Edelstein lived the life many people dreamt of. She was a worldfamous Ex-Model and businesswoman, had travelled all over the world in her teens, met famous people and was invited to big and important parties. Her face graced the covers of magazines, billboards and tv commercials. And through her wits and clever business sense, the farmgirl from the Austrian Alps had managed to become filthy rich. All in all this could have been her life now. She could have retired with barely twenty and live off of her money and the rights to her names and products.

But that was not what she was and she knew that all of what had happened until now was just a prelude, amuse bouche to the main course. Because since she was a child her true calling was that of becoming a wrestler. Day in and Day out she and her cocky twinsister Finella had watched all the big shows, dreaming of becoming as big as their idols. And they never let go of this dream, even talking about becoming a Tag Team after they finished school. But life did'nt accept any schedules and so, after many turbulences, Harmonia finally made a step into the wrestling world by the age of 21. She had former training before but she was all but a rookie when she entered the ropes and being an Ex-Model did'nt help her cause either as no one of the bigger names was intrested in wrestling another "Bimbo Model who thought she could wrestle" and so Harmonia had to start from the bottom.

She started with mud, oil and hentai matches, seeing as nothing more then a sexy sight with nothing behind her. But as soon as Harmonia turned those rather unimportant matches into spectacles, showing off her skills, drawing in more and more numbers, the managers and suits of the company finally saw potential in the young woman.

As Harmonia started to rise in the ranks, even getting her own rivalry with a woman named Amirah, she knew it was time to change things for good and went to the legendary Dana Ashford, Matriarch of the Ashford Family and her famous "Shadow Fortress", to train her. And with her natural strength, charisma and will, Harmonia Edelstein became the gem of thr Fortress only topped by her sensei. Whatever record there had been, Harmonia was ready to break it, whatever opponent came, Harmonia would pull through and made even losses feel as if she had won.

Harmonia was ready to hit it big, everything was set in motion. And then...Molly came. And suddenly everything turned upside down and around. After meeting the British Bunnies in a Capture the Flag Nations Match, Harmonia and Molly, in contrast to their feuding sisters, had found something in each other and after a turbulent date in the snow, she and Harmonia fell in love with each other.

None of the two could have imagined what impact that the fact they were a couple now would have on their careers. First Molly was only planned to Harmonias Manager but after a short while both decided that it would much more sense to integrate Molly into the Superstar Gimmick and turn them into Superstar H and Superstar M called, unsurprisingly "The Superstars".

From then on it was a success story like nothing else. Harmonia had seen Mollys talent and watched her older matches, this had given her a feel for what Molly excelled in and what she lacked and so they used their time ubtil their debut as Tag Team to shape Molly into something else, with the help of Harmonias training experience at the Shadow Fortress.

And as their career excelled after a grand debut against Irish Oldschool, so did their love grew every day. Molly even moved in with Harmonia and both spent their days with training and all the nice things money could buy them.
And everything they went on to touch seemed to become gold as both of them were now nothing less then the hottest competitors for the LAW Tag Team title.

And to top it all, to round up all this fame and glory, Harmonia had decided that it was time to tie the knot, with them being together for almost two years. And at Astrid Ostbergs big wedding in Norway, Harmonia had uses the chance of Molly catching the bouqet to propose to her and now the two Blondes, who were travelling in a luxurious Audi were together, both wearing their beautiful engagement on their fingers.

After some matches and many public relation gatherings, Harmonia had decided that Molly and her needed a well deserved vacation. And after looking through the internet, an exclusive and expensive Onsen Resort two hours from Tokyo, set in a beautiful coast town, was exactly the place Harmonia was looking for. She just loved to spoil Molly, showering her in presents and treat her like the Queen she was.

And Molly was so ever grateful for everything. That was what drew Harmonia to her. Everyone who ever had shown intrest in Harmonia saw either her beauty or her money and nothing else. Every relationship she had until now had been shallow and built only on her fame. Not so with Molly. Harmonia knew that if she went broke over night, Molly would not leave her side. Molly would be there for her with the same love and compassion that she always had. Of course, being extremly cute and stunningly beautiful helped Harmonias decision too.

They reached the resort that seemed to have every luxury available and checked in. And after getting aquainted with their bed and showers, the two stunning Blondes took a nice dinner before hitting the nightclub.
Harmonia had an arm around Molly and gave her a kiss as they sat in a booth, overlooking the classy club.
"You are happy, Molly?",Harmonia asked, slightly tipsy and with a little blush over her nose as she clasped their hands together so that their rings rings were next to one another with them both looking at it.
"I am so very, very happy my future, Mrs. Forster-Edelstein.",she grinned and looked into Mollys eyes.
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Re: Swing the other way

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Between the two Superstars, Harmonia wasn't the only one who had come from seemingly nowhere, and witnessed a meteoric rise to fame and fortune. Molly Forster wasn't even supposed to be a wrestler. Never in her life did she even consider it - she had never been the most athletic sort; even if she stayed fit, it was to keep herself in shape for her photoshoots when she was working as a professional cosplayer, bringing the characters from the manga and anime series she had long been in love with to life. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision when her sister Chelsea announced that she was going to start training for the squared circle - Molly insisted that she wanted to get in on the fun too, citing the many examples of two-sibling tag teams in the history of the wrestling world. Chelsea hadn't even intended to entertain her whims, but when she was as insistent as she was, she had no choice but to give in, agreeing to train Molly. They'd had a respectable run on the indies, but when it came time for Molly to move to Japan for her studies, it was time that the British Bunnies entered LAW.

And, once they were there...not much happened. They were relegated to the middle of the card - among the sorts of wrestlers who no one doubted were talented, but not quite attaining the presence or the attention to make themselves into championship material. That was how they had entered LAW, and it seemed like that's what they had to look forward to - they never had any big victories or main event matches. They did make it onto We Are LAW 3, headlining the pre-show in a long-awaited tag match against the Carnival Girls - but that was a match they ended up losing. It seemed as though the Bunnies had hit the glass ceiling.

Even that Capture the Flag match was intended to be little more than a diversion, piggybacking on the then-ongoing football matches between England and Austria. No one would have expected it to kick off the cascade of events that it heralded. Not only sparking one of LAW's most enduring rivalries...but one of its most heartfelt romances, too.

Molly and Harmonia quickly found they had more in common with one another than anyone could have imagined. For as glamorous and mature and sophisticated as Harmonia might have seemed, deep down, she really just wanted to live out her passions and to experience life to the fullest. And Molly made her feel that way - like she was appreciated for who she was, not for her image. Soon, Molly too found that Harmonia could see a bright future in her. She was willing to look past her less than impressive record and her cutesy image and see the passion in her, that drive for success that went far beyond being a manager who occasionally wrestled as the second string of a tag team. The two of them realized that, if they put in the effort and committed to their training, they could become something bigger and better than ever. And, as they emerged from the crucible of the Shadow Fortress, both of them were ready to take on the world - as Superstars.

Now, Molly was on top of the world. She was part of a fan-favorite tag team that headlined shows and took on champions. She was doing sponsorship deals and promotional appearances. She got to travel the world in style - at the side of the woman who was now her fiance, and she had no doubts that their relationship could only go further.

Even to be in such an exquisite resort in the mountains of Japan was something beyond Molly's wildest dreams. When she relaxed into her booth, she looked down at the glittering ring on her finger, and her smile grew even wider - to think of how far she'd come, and how much further she would go.
She twirled a drink in her hand, but when she looked up, she saw Harmonia leaning closer across the table - and, with a grin on her face, Molly leaned in closer too, taking the Austrian's hand and giving it a squeeze. "Of course I'm happy, Moni..." she said with a nod. "To be here with you, in a place like this, it's...it's like a dream come true!"

Even then, though, the Englishwoman blushed hard at the next word out of Harmonia's mouth. Molly knew it would come true some day, of course - but to think of her and Harmonia actually being married seemed almost too good to believe. "O-Oh, come on, Moni...that's still a ways off, isn't it?" With a nervous chuckle, she glanced aside, scanning the room for other patrons in sight.
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Re: Swing the other way

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Meanwhile, across the bar, another couple was having a considerably less wholesome conversation.

"Whyyyy didn't you let me dress up?" whined Seunyoung Ko, leaning her head back onto her girlfriend's shoulder. "I mean, look at this place!" Her arms splayed out wide towards the splendor of the bar. "It's so fancy I could die!" An ornate dress, a sexy power suit, even a ballroom gown would be more at home in this bar than her off-the-shoulder sweater.

"'Let you?'" asked Juliana. "I don't think I have the power to 'let' you do anything. We thought 'hot springs resort' first and 'fancy beachside resort' second, yeah? When our yukata got delayed, I was right there tossing some cute shit in our luggage with ya. Besides," she pressed a kiss onto her lover's forehead. "You're the eye-candy here. I've got my tits half out, and you're still the star of the show."
Juliana Oliveira (pretend she still has short hair)
Seunyoung Ko
Seunyoung had no response but to cuddle and mumble into her girlfriend's neck. "Shush, you. We're both the eye-candy." She sighed dramatically. "Now I just feel underdressed."

"Relax, Seun. This is, like, the fanciest room in the whole joint." Juliana wiggled her eyebrows, taking the opportunity to run her hand up her lover's thigh. "Besides, if all goes well, you'll be dressed even less real soon, babe."

The idol laughed. "You're right. Still, it'd be better if we had our yukata..." Both women sipped their drinks -- a Blue Hawaii for Seunyoung and a Caipirinha for Juliana. Unfortunately, it looked like the high price point this place prided itself on made it a little less functional as a pickup bar. There were fewer people here than the idol and her roadie had hoped.

Seunyoung let her gaze wander the bar. She adjusted herself so that her legs swung over and across her lover's. Now she could look at the far side of the room, where two blondes sat cuddling in a booth, quietly chatting to themselves. After a moment, the Korean nearly choked on her drink. Before Juliana could check up on her, her eyes went wide in recognition. "Hey, is that-?"

"Damn, looks like it." Juliana let out a low whistle, taking another few sips of her drink. She couldn't quite place their names, but she knew who Seun was talking about. "Imma try to catch their eye." Not that she had to do anything different than what she already was. The Brasilian simply turned on the smolder a little more, knowing damn well her girl was doing the same. Both partners eyed the blondes hungrily, Juliana's gaze like a panther's growl in the jungle and Seunyoung's like a siren song above the water. Good cop, bad cop, in the sultriest of ways.

If either blonde looked their way, the couple's intent wouldn't be hard to pick up.

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Re: Swing the other way

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia smiled and brushed some hair out of Mollys forehead, softly stroking her cheek with one hand. "Hey,first of all we have to celebrate your engagement and secondly we deserve it. Soon its back training, interviews, commercials and matches. We should enjoy this little vacation as much as we can.", the Austrian nodded and leaned her head against Mollys.

"I read that this is a very romantic place with many surprises, so who knows what awaits us. Lets wait and see what they mean by that.",Harmonia said, oblivious of what the word "romance" in this particular case meant. If she had read any further she would have seen the paragraph about the "Swinger" theme of the hotel. An exclusive swinger hotel, built in the japanese mountains for evenly exclusive people to visit.

Harmonia let her gaze trail around the bar as she met the hungry gaze of two women on the other side of the bar. "Oh, look Molly. Fans. Tough, if I would have to judge their gaze, they rather would rip our clothes off and have fun...",she chuckled and waved at them,when something hit her.

"Say...how did the special training with Kennedy go? Must I be worried that my Bunny grasses somewhere else?",she teased her fiance with a smug grin.
"So, you are ready for...a hentai tag match, maybe? Remember, it could end with us two getting fucked and humiliated. I won't ever force you to do it but...after what happened with Barbara...", she whispered to Mollys lips.
"...that was...exciting, was'nt it Molly?"
Last edited by RedShinigami on Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Swing the other way

Unread post by CaptainL »

Molly nodded her head to Harmonia's description. "Yeah, true, but...we mght as well enjoy this place while we can, right?" Biting her lip, she let out a short sigh as she thought back on the hustle and bustle of her daily routine, one that was becoming all the more demanding when she and Harmonia had emerged as top media personalities, forcing the two of them to balance their training with promotional appearances, interviews, and other events. Sometimes, it could get a little overwhelming, but Molly trusted her fiance to handle it; she had to be well versed in these things if she had built herself a business empire from the ground up, after all. For now, though, none of that mattered. Now, Molly was content to take a step back from it all, and enjoy fine food, comfortable amenities, spectacular views, and of course, the company of her beloved Harmonia, without a care in the world.

As she and Harmonia took to their drinks, Molly's eyes wandered around the room, and she too would catch sight of their fellow patrons. What first drew her eye was how comparatively casually they were dressed, for the extravagance of the resort. "Guess this place doesn't really have a dress code," she mused aloud - but, the longer she looked at the two women, the more she felt like she had seen the one with green hair before. In fact, the more she thought about it, she realized she had seen her before - or at least, she had listened to her songs plenty of times. At the thought that she had come here of all places, to the same resort she and Harmonia were celebrating their engagement? Molly's heart practically skipped a beat with excitement!

"Oh my god! Moni!!" She fidgeted excitedly in her seat. "That's CLOUDY, I think! She was a big idol a while back! If she's here...there must be a bunch of famous people who come here!!" She already knew that she and Harmonia had achieved widespread fame, but if they were sharing this space with names that Molly recognized? That told her that they had made it somewhere, and it made their stay all the more glamorous to think about!

...of course, Molly's enthusiasm was quickly cut short when Harmonia brought up...other things on her mind. Almost immediately, Molly's face lit up a brilliant red, and she sank back in her seat, covering her face. "M-MONIIII-!!" She might have been getting herself more accustomed to sexual competition, and preparing herself for hentai matches...but she wasn't sure if she needed to think about it now, when they were trying to get away from the concerns of work. Harmonia's teasing didn't make things any easier!

...though, Molly had promised Harmonia that she would stay by her side no matter what, and support her in everything she did. She knew that Harmonia wanted to take part in hentai matches, and when she did, Molly wanted to be right by her side for it. Besides, the idea of being alongside her fiance as they fought to dominate their opponents sexually and physically was...well, it was a little weird, but it was exciting, too. Especially when, as Harmonia reminded her, they had done the same thing to Barbara afer Molly had beaten her in an apartment match officiated by Harmonia herself. That had made Molly feel vindicated that she had overcome a woman who had been a constant thorn in the side of her and Harmonia alike, and something about it made her come away feeling closer than ever to the Austrian - that they had done it all together.

Molly parted her fingers, peering back at Harmonia through a crack in them. The look in her eyes softened, even as her face flushed behind her hands. "...It...was exciting..."
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Re: Swing the other way

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

And yet. Both beautiful blondes took the time to look their way, but apparently neither picked up what Seunyoung and Juliana were putting down. They were in their own little world, making lovey-dovey eyes at each other. At another time, in another place, Seunyoung might've squealed at seeing one of LAW's most publicized couples doting on each other in public. The only difference here and now was that she was trying to get laid -- and to get her girlfriend laid. Plans were in motion! They didn't have time for googly eyes -- at least not before that couple became a four-way!

Denying a pair of pretty girls the time of their life! How dare they. Seunyoung pouted. "Hm... I don't think they're noticing us..."

"Something tells me you're not gonna let that stop you."

"As if!" The chipper idol hopped up out of her seat with a playful scoff. "You know me so well, babe. Just follow my lead?"

"You go, I follow," Juliana nodded. Always and forever.

Seunyoung grinned. That was a bad sign. Or maybe a great one. "Good," she said. Then she turned her eyes towards the Superstars. "Oh. My. Gosh! Is that the Molly Forster?" She speedwalked across the room until she stood at Molly and Harmonia's booth, bending over to take the British girl's hands into her own. "I just loved your Pokemon cosplay series. That Lisia you did? Just perfect." She flashed Molly a wink. "If you're up for it, I can give you a few tips to really make those armsleeves look like clouds."

After giving Molly enough space to respond, Seunyoung turned towards Harmonia. "And you! Did you really think a woman like Harmonia Edelstein could walk into a place like this and not draw every eye in the house? With her beautiful girlfriend, no less." Her hand flew to her chest, and she gave a gasp. "Ah! Sorry, I must look like a creep-o fan. Been there! I'm Seunyoung, and thiiiiis..." Juliana walked over behind her, right on cue. Time for some lovey-dovey eyes of her own. "Is the love of my life."

"Yo." Juliana flashed a peace sign. "Name's Juliana. Nice to meet ya both. Tell ya what, Seun's shown me both of your pics, all over those magazines and stuff. You two really know what you're doing in front of a camera, huh?"
Last edited by FreestylePoet on Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Swing the other way

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Molly might have been a weaboo first and foremost, and her playlist consisted mostly of J-pop, but that didn't mean the crossover into other countries' output wasn't there. And when she recognized CLOUDY among the crowd, it would only confirm her wildest dreams - that she and Harmonia had the opportunity to spend an unforgettable vacation at the sort of famous, exclusive resort celebrities would flock to! Never would she have ever believed that one day, she would count herself among their number. But if she was able to share the company of a famous K-pop idol, she clearly had to have shattered all her expectations of where she'd one day end up. This, to Molly, was the greatest sign that she was every bit a Superstar as she hoped to be. Or it was, until Seunyoung came up to her table!

At once, Molly's eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped in a gasp. Could it be? Did someone she used to listen to recognize her now!? A million emotions were flooding to Molly's head, but first among them was excitement, and when she spun around to face Harmonia, her eyes were practically sparkling. "Oh. My. GOD! Did you hear that, Moni!? She knows who we are!!"

Even better was the fact that Seunyoung knew her for more than just her wrestling work! Her popularity in LAW had all but eclipsed her prior output as a professional cosplayer, but Seunyoung still recognized her for her prior efforts, which only sent her heart even higher aflutter. That told her that Seunyoung was way more invested than she could have guessed. Molly hardly needed to be prompted; she grabbed hold of both of the girl's hands, giving them an almost too firm squeeze. "Oh, thank you soooo much!! I got the most comments on my Elesa, actually, but I'm so glad you liked the others! You gotta show me what you do for the sleeves, too," she added with a nod. "I actually looked at a few of your concert outfits for inspiration, but I couldn't figure out how you made them so...fluffy, and see-through at the same time!"

When Seunyoung brought Harmonia into the conversation, Molly just blushed harder. She knew that the Austrian had, probably, the most pre-existing fame of either of them, but she was more than flattered to know she was gaining all the same attention. "More than that, actually," she pointed out as she held up her hand to show off her ring. "We're engaged, now. It's honestly all so exciting..."

And when Juliana entered the discussion, too, Molly hugged her fiance a little tighter. "Both of us have done modeling work before, but Moni knows stuff I never would've dreamed of. I honestly don't know if I could have gotten where I am without her help. Not that I don't put in all the work myself, of course!" She punctuated her statement with a wink and a flash of a peace sign, just to seal the deal. She wouldn't have made the impact she did without being photogenic herself!
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Swing the other way

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Harmonia eyed the new women that came over to their table. The Blonde couldn't tell why but she had been into this game long enough to tell that this was not just an approach of fans who wanted to talk nice. Sure, this place here was very exclusive and only people like Harmonia or this famous K Pop singer could afford it but especially the look in the eyes of the brown haired woman, Juliana made her question what was really going on.

Seunyeung and Molly hit it off quite well and the Austrian smiled as Molly went into fangirl mode again. But she was also proud that Molly, even when she was fanfirling, understood her strength and status and didn't just became a squealing and giggling fan but also a dressed how much she had grown.

Harmonia nodded to both of them and reached out to shake their hands. "Seems there is no introduction needed then, but my good austrian manners won't let me go on without introducing myself. Harmonia Cecile Edelstein. It's nice to make your acquaintance. Seunyeung, Juliana.",she as she wrapped one arm around Molly.

She took a deep breath and listened to her beautiful fiance presenting her ring and making sure to tell the other couple everything they needed to know about them. And then it was Harmonias part to talk. And she came straight to the point.
"Don't get me wrong, I would be pleasured to have you too having a drink or two with us. But something tells me that the pleasure you are seeking, meine zwei hübschen Fräulein is something more then a few trankerl...",she said, charmingly mixing her language a little while giving the two of them a questioning look out of halflided eyes, her hand softly stroking up and down Mollys thigh.

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Re: Swing the other way

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

"A-ha!" Seunyoung squealed. "I knew it! Iknewit iknewit iknewiiiiiit!" She rocked back and forth in her seat! Kicked her feet up and down! And pumped both fists in the air with glee! All to celebrate her be-autiful detective ski-

"Ma'am." A terse voice cut in from the bar. Seunyoung and Juliana looked over just in time to see the bartender give them a nod -- stern, but kind. Guess it was time to quiet down. "Ehehe... Ah, sorry about that," mumbled Seunyoung, red blooming across her face. "Anywayyy!" she not-so-whispered. "I knew you two were moving to the next step! Granted, I'm sure you two have already done your cute little announcements, or at least got caught by the paparazzi. Buuuut..." she sighed, "Juliana and I don't really keep up with celebrity gossip these days..."

Her girlfriend nodded. "Bad history with the whole thing. You understand. Which -- honestly, that's why we're here right now." Juliana leaned forward just a scooch, the deep cut of her jacket showing a barely-tasteful amount of cleavage. "Place like this? No paparazzo's gonna get within a mile of here." She raised an eyebrow, letting her voice drop lower. "And that leaves chicks like us free... When the press is away, the hotties'll play, yeah?"

"So, gatinha..." Juliana continued. She leaned back in her chair with a playful shrug. "To answer your question?" She hummed. "You see how we've been looking at you. It's not a secret, right? But that's the thing: It doesn't have to be, and that's the beauty of a place like this. No pretenses, no masks... Unless you're into that." Juliana raised her drink, and Seunyoung did the same. "If something happens, it happens. We can just take it patient, get to know each other and see how it goes?"

"So, what do ya say?" Seunyoung chirped, fruity drink still high in the air. "To taking full advantage... Of Japan's most exclusive and discreet swingers' resort."

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Re: Swing the other way

Unread post by CaptainL »

Molly had been eager to break the big news that she and Harmonia were taking the next step in their relationship, and yet, despite it all, when Seunyoung practically exploded with joy at the mention, the Englishwoman's face lit up a brilliant red. She clasped her hands over her face, shrinking back into her seat. She couldn't help it - considering that she was being recognized by a famous singer, especially one who she'd just discovered had been a fan of her work, and now that same idol was congratulating her on a successful engagement, she was quickly starting to feel overwhelmed with the attention. She never in her wildest dreams expected that she would one day be famous enough for CLOUDY to follow her, and now that she was faced with a reminder that, yes, she really had made it that big, she was hardly ready for it. Still, when she peered back through her fingers to look back at Seunyoung, it was with a smile and a nod of her head. "T-Thank you..!" she said with a short bow. "Really, thank you-! To hear that from you means a lot..."

When Juliana began to speak, however, Molly turned to face her with...curiosity, if anything. Her eyebrow raised higher as she looked back warily, unsure of what the Brazilian was going on about. Why was she being so...open about this, knowing that Molly and Harmonia were not just together, but celebrating taking the next step forward in their relationship? What was all this about pretenses and masks? If she was trying to come on to them, then why was she being so casual about the whole thing? "Err...what are you-" Molly began - only for Seunyoung to abruptly drop the revelation that made everything make sense. And when it did, Molly fell silent, her eyes wide and her face red. This was a swingers' club!?

She didn't want to say anything. She was still in shock - and, at the same time, she was afraid to even fess up to the fact she was in shock, and make the whole thing any more awkward. Her eyes flit nervously back and forth before settling on Harmonia, and there she whispered a few words.

"Moni. Did...did you know, or..?"
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