The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Arturo smelled blood in the water. His opponent had taken a lot of punishment. Arturo saw him writing to his side and decided to go in for the kill. He strutted over to Matsuo, preened for the crowd, raised his elbow, and came down on him with an elbow drop. If successful, Arturo would cover Matsuo with a crossbody pin.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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"Grrrraaggghhh!" Matsuo let out a cry before groaning out in pain from Arturo's elbow drop. Arturo would go for the crossbody pin as the red quickly slides in to count.

"ONE! TWO!" However before the ref could get the three count, Matsuo would sneakfully reverse the pin by kicking his entire body and reversing the position by getting on top of Arturo and getting the quick cover.

The referee started to count again but this time for Arturo.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Arturo’s eyes went wide as he suddenly found himself rolled up on his back. He felt the ref’s hand quickly pounding the mat. Arturo instinctively kicked with all his might and broke free at the last second. He quickly rolled away to the ropes, attempting to get to his feet. ”Joder!”
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Wed May 24, 2023 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Arturo kicks out of the suprize pin as Matsuo rolls away back to his feet. He had a smile on his face indicating he was having a good time with this match. The two wrestlers were back on there feet as Matsuo waits for Arturo to get off the ropes before dashing at him with great speed, as expected from high flyers, and jump up to knock Arturo down with a drop kick!

The crowd cheered as Matsuo quickly got back the advantage as he points at the ceiling before dashing to the ropes that Arturo was at before making another run to the opposite ropes for more momentum. As he gets close to Arturo he would start doing a handstand before jumping up and attempting to hit Arturo with a back elbow.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Arturo got to his feet, but didn’t have enough time to react. As soon as he left the ropes, he got nailed in the chest with a dropkick and knocked back down. Arturo momentarily had the breath knocked out of him but recovered. As Arturo got to his feet, he saw Matsuo going for a handspring back elbow. This time, Arturo was ready. He jumped forward, planted his feet, and caught Matsuo as he came forward. Arturo wrapped his arms around Matsuo’s torso chest to back. He then flung Matsuo backwards with a German suplex!

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Matsuo's own move would backfire in him as Arturo catches him mid-air and slams him down with a German Suplex Counter.

"Uggghnn" Matsuo would groan out as he lays down on his front side and completely looking dazed.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Arturo pounced into action, not wanting to lose his momentum. Arturo picked Matsuo up and pressed his chest against Matsuo’s back. He slipped his arms under Matsuo’s armpits and clasped his hands behind Matsuo’s neck, locking in a full nelson. Arturo ratcheted up the pressure and cranked Matsuo’s neck. After a few good squeezes, if he was able to maintain the full nelson, Arturo would fling backwards and slam Matsuo onto the mat with a snap dragon suplex.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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"Whoa!!!" As soon as Matsuo realized what was going on, Arturo would have already wrapped his arms, underneath his armpit for a full nelson.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Matsuo started to shout out as the pressure was coming from his neck and shoulders and all he could momentarily do was endure the full nelson. After a while Arturo would slam Matsuo with a snap dragon Suplex! The impact causes Matsuo to fold his body as he rolls to his four's and desperatelytried to crawl away from the surging Arturo.

As Matsuo was crawling to the ropes he would slip underneath the bottom and stand on top of the ring apron behind the ropes. He leaned his head down looking a bit exhausted from the exchange.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Arturo wasn’t going to let Matsuo catch his breath. Matsuo fled under the ropes and stood up on the other side of the apron. The Spaniard didn’t want to get too close with Matsuo having cover, so he opted to give his opponent a taste of his own medicine with an aerial maneuver of his own. Arturo sprinted towards Matsuo and leapt in the air with both feet forward, attempting to nail Matsuo with a missile dropkick.

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Re: The Lion and the Flyer: Arturo Hernandez vs. Matsuo Yozo

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Arturo comes charging in at Matsuo with a missed dropkick. Thus would knock Matsuo our of the ring and when Matsuo landed on the soft mats he ended up landing on his tailbone area which causes him to cringe in pain as he sat up to rub his tailbone before laying to his side and kicking the mats in pain.

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