Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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LAW Apex Match/No Disqualifications: The winner of this match enters the running to become the Inaugural LAW World Openweight Champion. The loser forfeits her chance to become Inaugural Champion. There will be No Disqualifications.

Match ensues from Piper's ambush on Aurora. The match is already in progress.



It was like watching a car wreck play out in real-time. With the help of LAW's Assistant General Manager, Piper Sherwood staged a vicious attack on LAW's own Galaxy Cat! The rivalry between Piper and Aurora ran deep. It would only run deeper from here. The lightweight blonde was bent on completely dismantling and dominating Aurora. And that started with robbing her of perhaps the biggest match of her career! A match that could have put the beloved luchadora in the running for The LAW Openweight Championship!

Piper had laid Aurora out with several swings of her metal bat, including a low blow! With the cherry on top being her finisher! Aurora was down and out cold, sprawled out in the middle of the ring! The crowd was ablaze with boos and cries of dismay! Of course, Piper drank it all in! The cocky blonde rubbed this moment in the fan's faces, and in Aurora's! She stepped on the side of Estrella's masked head! With Aurora's head turned to the side, all she could slightly make out from her blurred vision was the scene of the Assistant General Manager Angie Defoe taking off. To Aurora, it played out in slow motion in front of her. Angie walking up the entrance ramp, and a reluctant referee speed walking down the ramp. Her eyes closed. The referee got in and began slapping the mat and counting. Loud "no" chants could be heard from the crowd.

Piper posed arrogantly over her. The one-count came. Then the two-count. She was done.....


Maybe it was the fact that Piper didn't pin Aurora properly. Maybe it's because it took time to get a referee out there. Maybe the referee was counting just a tad too slow. But she raised her hands high, with only two fingers up. The commentators called it as a 2.9999 count! Aurora flopped over onto her side. She tried to press her palm against the canvas. She tried to push herself up, but Aurora merely collapsed again! And yet, despite looking like she was just seconds away from defeat, the POP from the crowd for her kicking out could make the whole world stand still!

"No...." Was all Estrella could weakly exhale.

She could barely even open her eyes. But even in her daze, The Galaxy Cat denied the increasingly wicked Piper, and her mission to destroy her!
Last edited by winner3 on Tue May 30, 2023 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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Piper smirked maliciously, a evil glint burning in her eyes as she pinned Aurora down into the mat, asserting herself in a cocky, yet dominant pin that was definitely more for show than effectiveness. Something that showed when Aurora managed to kick out, despite the amount of damage she had taken over the course of the bout. Unbothered by this though the blonde would casually toss her hair back as she stood up over the masked wrestler as she tried and struggled to get up.

"Hmph don't know when to give up do you? That's fine, I don't mind using you.. like the stepping stone you are." Piper said her word choice specifically being used to harken back to their first match. After speaking though PIper would bend down, grabbing Aurora by the afro puff and lifting her up before throwing her face down against the mat in an aggressive fashion!

If this worked than the blonde would brace her hands on the Galaxy Cat's shoulder and hip respectively, using one foot pressed into the mat to keep herself upright, while lifting her other up before dropping it down, spiking her knee into Aurora's side! An action she'd repeat, again, and again, and again to cause even more damage to that area of her opponent's body!"

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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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Most any wrestler would have been done right then and there. Even Aurora took several seconds to piece together the fact that this match wasn't continuing just by virtue of whatever tenacity she could muster, but by Piper's own ever-growing arrogance!

The commentators remarked on how Sherwood could have ended it with a proper cover. But she chose this. She chose to keep it going because imposing her will on Aurora was, in a twisted way, gratifying to the blonde bully!

Aurora was still on her side when she heard Piper's words. She could see how callously and how casually her rival was handling herself right now, Aurora would be appalled. But right now, she could be much of anything at all! The luchadora was barely cognizant of what was going on around her.

"Stepping....stone...." Aurora whispered the words she heard. Her own words were barely audible. Where had she heard those words before? What was happening around her? These questions crossed her mind as her consciousness faded in and out. In reality, Sherwood had declared since their very first match that she had every intention of using the tag team champion as a stepping stone! And right now, in front of a full arena of several thousands of fans booing her louder and louder with each passing second!

"Ungh..." Aurora would let out a groan as Piper pulled her up by her prominent afro puff! The referee complained about it, of course, but Piper the striped shirt girl no mind.

Aurora's heterochromatic irises shimmered as her eyes fluttered. The scene of Piper smiling devilishly while looking into Aurora's semiconscious eyes, holding the girl up by her afro poof would be visual the fans and management would use time and time again!

Piper would have her way with Aurora! She used the Galaxy Cat like a practice dummy! Sherwood would brace Aurora, grabbing the ebony wrestler's shoulder and hip, obscuring the star tattoos as she lifted her knee into Estrella's gut over and over and over again!

"NGH....! GAH....! UUUF!" There was no defense from Aurora. Her cheeks puffed as Piper knee'd the air out of her!

Aurora would eat a good 7 or 8 knees before not being able to take any more! Some of the blows were hard enough to lift her up to her tiptoes!

After the last blow, the luchadora would collapse and fall onto her front! Once again, she'd be sprawled out and motionless! Some Aurora chants could be heard as fans tried to will her back into this! But there was no response from Estrella! She remained limp on the canvas in the center of the ring! And the boos continued to flood out nearly any and all other sounds!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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Piper was in her element right now. The crowd's full attention was on her, granted none of it was positive but she didn't care. Attention was attention, it energized her as if she was surrounded by lightning and it fueled her as she drove knee after knee into Aurora's side, making the boos greater, and in turn increasing her fervor. Like an endless feedback loop that Piper could have kept going off of all night had Aurora not collapsed under her. Smirking down at her opponent the blonde would hold her arms up in a 'oops' pose clearly not at all bothered by what she had done, and in fact she looked quite proud of it.

Bending down and grabbing Aurora once again Piper would roughly pull her to her feet once more, pinching chin under her fingers to make her look at the blonde for a moment as Piper sneered down at the woman. "Now the real payback begins." Piper said before forcing Aurora to bend over. If successful than Piper would leap up, sitting on Aurora's back the blonde would hook her legs over Aurora's arms before throwing herself forward, pulling Aurora up and over herself to land the Lunar Eclipse! Aurora's very own sunset powerbomb move!

However stealing the move wasn't good enough for Piper, no she wanted to corrupt it to suit her needs. Thats why, rather than go for a pin Piper would instead scoot back, pulling Aurora's head and shoulder onto her hips before lifting her legs up, looking to hook them over Aurora's before pulling out to the side to transition the position directly into a shame hold, exposing Aurora's lower region to the world!
Last edited by Bare on Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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From the beginning of Piper's promo to the opening and closing bells of this match, it seemed there would be no moment where Aurora wasn't facing extreme discomfort and pain! It was baffling to her. The more time she and Piper spend in the ring together, the further Piper tread down the dark path. Even now, she could still remember the perky, smiley, even bubbly blonde that stood across the ring from her before the bell in their first match. Aurora could still remember a time when she thought she might find a friendly rival in Sherwood.

This memory shattered when The Galaxy Cat was pulled up roughly and forced to make eye contact with Piper again! Aurora was fading in and out of consciousness here. She could feel Piper use her hands to cup her chin and hold her in place. Once again Aurora's eye fluttered. Her arms hung limply. Somehow, she could finally hear again. The boos were deafening! And yet, she could still read Piper's lips!

"F-fun...?" A hurting Estrella was still trying to process it all. But there would be no respite, no opportunity!

Piper had her way with Aurora! She was using the luchadora like a practice dummy at a LAW gym! Sherwood continued her efforts to work Aurora over good and well in this Apex match! The commentators remarked- even yelled when Piper bent Estrella over and leaped forward! The blonde bully had the gall to user Aurora's own finisher against her! Aurora's whole world turned upside-down and she came down with a thud when Piper flipped forward to pull off the dynamic Powerbomb variation!

Aurora was folded up in a heap! She wasn't moving! The referee dropped down in anticipation of a need to count! But, of course, Piper would deny the chance to end it here!

Sherwood was always so deliberate in the ring. She knew exactly what she was doing when she chose to pull a folded, passed-out Aurora up such that the ebony lightweight's shoulders and head rested on Piper's own thighs and groin. Aurora continued to show no resistance and no signs of life! Piper effortlessly pulled her own legs up and used them to part Aurora's own! She pulled off a humiliating take on Aurora's own move by transitioning it into a Shame Hold!

The hold stretched Aurora some, but the main selling point was the compromising position that Piper was able to put the luchadora in! Aurora's leotard strained to barely cover her sensitive Aurora's! Her plump backside was skyward, pointed up, and fully accessible to Piper! Even her surprisingly full breasts slumped while the luchadora was upside-down and stuck in Piper's clutches!

When Aurora watched this match back later, there was no doubt that she'd be filled with frustration and embarrassment! But right now, she wasn't even cognizant of the humiliation that Piper was putting her through! Many fans whistled and cheered the display. But they were drowned out by the chorus of boos that chastised this conniving woman for taking every shortcut and every shady route that she could in order to ambush, squash, humiliate, and utterly destroy the reigning tag team champion!
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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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Saying that there was heat on Piper was an understatement. In fact it was more accurate to say that there was a whole inferno surrounding the ring given the boos and rain of jeers coming down. Who could blame the fans either? Not only did Piper insult and belittle Aurora, but made a pact with management to force her into a massively important match with no rules or restrictions specifically meant to make Aurora look bad, and Piper herself look good! It was working too. Move after move from her initial assault Piper was working Aurora over, using any and all opportunities to lay into her opponent.

However the match that truly started the inferno going on as is was that of Piper forcing Aurora up only to land the Galaxy Cat's own finisher move on her! Even worse though was Piper's.. corruption of the move, using it to directly transition into a shame hold to stretch Aurora's legs out and humiliate the woman, something that caused a sprinkling of cheers among the derisive sound of the fans above.

Smirking as she held the move for a few moment Piper would chuckle softly. "Aw what's wrong Rora? Cat got your tongue?" Piper asked mockingly before raising her arm up, using Aurora's position to her utmost advantage to bring her arm down, elbow first directly into Aurora's crotch for a brutal low blow while her crotch was fully and completely exposed!

Untangling their legs after the move Piper would let Aurora drop down to the mat before getting up herself, bending down and grabbing Aurora by both her afro puff as well as the back of her singlet. Very deliberate decisions to cause as much discomfort as possible by pulling her hair.. and her leotard up to essentially wedgie Aurora as she lifted her up!

Dragging the woman over towards the ropes Piper would smirk. "Lets see if you remember this one." Piper said forcing Aurora's face against the top ropes before walking, dragging Aurora's face against the rope to apply some rope burn to the woman just like in their first match! As she did so and approached the corner Piper would push the woman's head forward, smacking it off the corner! Reaching to grab the woman's afro puff again Piper would pull back violently yanking Aurora off her feet and down to the mat.

"Get ready this next one is gonna hurt." Piper said with a devious grin on her face before turning to the corner, grabbing the top rope and pushing up, bouncing on the bottom up onto the middle, and then the middle to the top, then with that Piper would leap backwards, performing a 'better' version of Aurora's own finisher move the Drops of Jupiter, but with a bit of extra flash on Piper's part as she aimed to come crashing down on Aurora's body!

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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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In her daze, Aurora would suffer through the compromising position of being put in Piper's Shame Hold! The boos never stopped. The masked lightweight would pant heavily and shut her eyes. Aurora wanted it to stop. But having been worked over the way she was from moments before the bell up until now, she wasn't putting up any kind of meaningful fight! And no one could blame her!

"Ngh..." Estrella groaned as she continued to suffer in Piper's clutches! The LAW commentary team at the announce desk chided Piper. There had to be no one condoning this behavior aside from the most unsavory individuals at LAW- no one aside from the scheming Assistant GM that helped stage this assault for Piper!

"ACK!" Aurora's pained and embarrassed haze would be interrupted with a blatant elbow to the groin from Piper!

The referee complained. Aurora jolted onto her side and brought her hands between her thighs! It was a dirty, honorless display! But it was all legal in this match! Of course, there was no shame and no remorse from Sherwood! The sadistic, conniving blonde proudly stood up and looked to continue her systematic dismantling of the tag champ!

Piper shamelessly pressed her advantage! And she showed off the fruits of her time spent training under veterans like Ayane Yamamoto as she did so! With one hand gripping The Galaxy Cat's afro puff and the other hauling Aurora's lower body up by the fabric of her leotard, Piper showed off the fact that she was more than strong enough to womanhandle her rival and effortlessly throw her around! She subjected Aurora to a visible wedgie! The lower part of Estrella's leotard nearly disappeared between her plump, ebony cheeks as Piper hiked it up and lifted her!

One look at the sight of Piper keeping Aurora bent over like this made it clear to many that Piper was getting much more than simple catharsis out of this. Aurora's arms dangled limply as she was bent over. Her mouth was agape, her pretty eyes half open, her butt nearly pointed skyward and her back arched as Piper walked her to the ropes! The heat from the crowd intensified as the vicious blonde pulled Aurora's head by the hair and dragged the luchadora's face across the ropes!

"AUGH!!!" Aurora would cry out in pain as her masked face was met with friction against the steel cables!

Fans the commentators remarked on how Piper had done the exact same thing to Aurora in their first match! And somehow, the move was even more reprehensible and more sadistic now than it was in their first match!

Aurora continued to cry out in pain! She tried to get a grip on the ropes to put a stop to this, but the petite ebony wrestler was still in no shape to contest the cerebral and sadistic Piper Sherwood! Piper continued to have her way with Aurora! After dragging her opponent along the length of the rope of the ring, she rammed Aurora's face into the turnbuckle!

"Ngh!" Estrella let out a grunt as her face met the turnbuckle pad! The impact didn't even make her bounce back. She slumped up against the corner, still bent over and motionless! Piper grabbed her by her afro once more, messing up the lightweight's hair as she pulled back violently and allowed Estrella to fall backward and collapse onto the canvas on her front!

This display drew nothing but boos from the fans! And yet, even now, Piper wasn't done! She had designs to set up yet another move featured in her first match with Aurora! With her rival laid out near the corner, Piper skillfully ascended the turnbuckles, hopping onto the bottom ropes, then the middle, and finally the top ropes in quick succession!

Sherwood soared through the air admittedly skillfully, as much as anyone would hate to admit it! She rotated in midair and came down onto Aurora with her own take on Aurora's finisher: The Drops of Jupiter!

Aurora's arms and legs would flop up off the mat before falling back down lifelessly! She'd be sprawled out underneath Piper as Piper connected with her dead-on! It was becoming difficult for folks to watch this match! The longer it went on, the more apparent it became that this was a setup from the start! That Aurora Estrella didn't have a hope or a prayer here!
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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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Splashing down right on top of Aurora's body with a modified version of her own finishing move, the very same move that had finished Piper off in their first bout against one another. Now between the brutal pre match assault, and hitting Aurora with two out of three of her own finishing moves, Piper seemed primed to end this bout once and for all.

Turning herself over around onto Aurora's body so that she was straddling the woman's waist, staring down at the masked woman's face. Laying herself down chest to chest with the Galaxy Cat Piper would pin her down nice and firmly, much to the boos and jeers of a furious crowd that absolutely detested the heinous actions Piper took to get here, but it was happening none the less!



"THR- NO!"

Just like what happened a few minutes ago when the match had officially started the pin count was broken at the last possible second. Unlike before however it wasn't Aurora who broke it.. Instead it was Piper herself after raising herself up and yanking Aurora by her afro poof up so her shoulders were off the mat! Grinning out evilly at the crowd as a fresh rain of boos came down Piper would chuckle as she got into a kneel next to Aurora while holding her head up.

"Awww they don't sound too happy, they must have really wanted to see you get beat there huh?" Piper asked mockingly before shaking Aurora's head via her afro. "I bet you're more disappointed than anyone, but don't worry this won't take much longer." Piper said as she got up into a standing position, dragging Aurora up until she was on her knees before pulling the Galaxy Cat's face forward, pressing her up against Piper's abs in a dominant display!

"See? This is where you belong. Like the stepping stone that you are." Piper said with a wicked smirk finally releasing Aurora's poof and pushing her head down so that her head was against the mat and Aurora was made to be prostrate in front of Piper. If successful in doing so than Piper would casually walk around to Aurora's side... Before swinging her leg straight up in the air, letting it rest for just a moment to build anticipation, like a executioner's blade suspending in the air before dropping...

Drop it would though as Piper brought her leg down, aiming to drive her heel right into the middle of Aurora's spine, looking to flatten the girl into mat with an absolutely brutal axe kick that would surely wake anyone up with the amount of fresh pain it would cause!

Digging her heel in afterwards with a sadistic grin Piper would then move her foot to rest next to Aurora's arm, bending down to grab the luchadora's wrist and bend it around her leg before dropping into a one legged knee, locking her arm in place... Before reaching for Aurora's leg, looking to grab it by the ankle and lift it up.. Before bringing it down knee first into the mat over and over again, battering Aurora's knee ruthlessly with sheer violence in mind that even briefly got the crowd to stop their booing in favor of shocked, horrified silence.

Silence that would make what came next even more poignant. Namely in that Piper would then pull Aurora' leg back for a submission known as the Tequila Sunrise... Or as Aurora called it for when she used it as a finishing move.. the KCM!
Last edited by Bare on Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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From a time even before the bell had been rung to this very moment, it was all Piper. The sadistic blonde was having a field day. It was written all over her face and in her body language. By hook or by crook, arranging the circumstances of getting to squash a tag team champion, her biggest rival Aurora Estrella, in perhaps the most important match of both their careers seemed to be the stuff of dreams for Piper!

Sherwood savored every moment! Only a mind as twisted as hers would take such a chance to repeat the highlights of their previous match together! Only Piper would capitalize on a premeditated assault before the bell to use Aurora like a training dummy and bombard The Galaxy Cat with Piper's own takes on Estrella's signatures and finishing moves! It was hard to watch. The fans were incensed! Their reactions grew louder and louder as Piper scaled the turnbuckles and flipped through the air! But no matter how much they booed Piper and cheered Aurora, The Galaxy Cat didn't move!

Piper connected with her own showy version of The Drops of Jupiter! She quickly floated over and covered the luchadora! Piper got chest to chest with an unconscious Aurora! The two were nearly face-to-face! Aurora offered no fight and no resistance! The tag team champion wanted badly to kick out but Piper had mopped the floor with her to the point where Estrella simply couldn't summon the power to kick out!

The first count came!

Then the second!

And just when the commentary team had called the match a win for Sherwood- just when some of the more professional LAW staff calling the match breathed a sigh of relief over this public execution of a wrestling match finally being over, Piper once again grabbed Aurora's hair and lifted the ebony wrestler's head and shoulders up off the mat!

Once again, Aurora's eyes fluttered as she lay there helplessly! Piper got up and hauled the tag champion up to her knees! Aurora slumped up against Sherwood's thighs! But Piper pulled her more upright! Aurora's face and cheek slumped up against the blonde's abs!

"P...please...schtop...." Was all a battered Aurora could manage to answer with. To which, Piper assured her that she was exactly where she belonged!

The conniving blonde pushed the slumped-up luchadora down by her head and hair! The referee had been complaining about the hair-pulling all match, but in a match with no disqualifications, in a match with Piper Sherwood, those complaints would fall on deaf ears! Estrella would fall onto the canvas! Having still been on her knees before being pushed down, the tag champ would end up face-down and on her knees with her backside pointed up for all to see! Aurora paid there haplessly! She was an easy target for Piper. Sherwood surely could have ended this farce of a match by now. But that wouldn't satisfy her cruel and sadistic tendencies- it wouldn't quell her insatiable urge to dominate Aurora in particular! Rather than pin Estrella, Sherwood raised her leg high and held it there, demonstrating her flexibility and gymnastics background! Like an executioner's axe looming overhead, she delighted in building up suspense and anticipation! Poor Aurora would only barely react. It took several seconds for The Galaxy Cat to paw at the canvas and push herself up to all fours! And the moment she did, Piper's Axe Kick returned her front to the mat and brought her down back to the familiar position of being underfoot beneath her rival!

Aurora went down without a word! But that soon changed when Piper began to literally dig her heel in!

"UNGH!" A single cry of pain left Aurora's lips!

She had been on the receiving end of a cruel and insidious beatdown! It seemed there were no limits to the savagery Piper could accomplish with Angie backing her! In no time at all, Sherwood transitioned! She seemed to delight in Aurora's cries of pain! And she wanted more! She wanted to continue making statement after statement! The merciless lightweight kneeled down whilst hooking Aurora's arm over her calf! She reached for Estrella's leg!

The commentary team remarked on how excessive this was! Aurora was in no condition to fight back! It was clear that Piper was mocking her by stealing the only finishing move of Aurora's that she hadn't yet sullied! Piper lifted Aurora's leg! Aurora lay there with her free arm at her side limp, her cheek pressed against the canvas as she lay there beneath Piper with the side of her face against the mat! Once more Piper let the anticipation build! And when it came time, rather than simply lock in the SWAT Cat's signature submission hold, she rammed Aurora's knee into the canvas over and over and over again!

"AGH! MMMF! AAAAA!" Aurora's screams would fill the ring! This scene of this brought forth such strong feelings of shock and concern that the fans were stunned by it! Once again Piper made this public execution of a match hard to watch! Once again, the girl relished in the act of callously picking the fan-favorite apart with whatever shady and humiliating means she had at her disposal!

It felt like ages before Sherwood finally locked in the hold proper! Aurora's screams quickly faded! Aurora lifelessly laid underneath Piper as Piper torqued her leg, her back, and her arm! There was no movement from The Galaxy Cat! The referee was beside herself! It wasn't a stretch to say that Piper had gone to further lengths here to destroy a rival than she ever had in her LAW career, maybe even her entire career!

Commentary remarked on how the worst part of this was that even if the referee did call the match, in Piper's view there would be zero incentive for her to stop! She continued dominating Aurora! She'd certainly continue to keep this up, bell or no bell! As that realization set in and as hope all around the arena seemed to dwindle only to be replaced with disgust and concern, the footsteps of another luchadora could be heard blazing down the entrance ramp!
Circus Cat
In no time at all, The Circus Cat Tracy Canon barreled her way down to ringside! There was no music. There was no pomp or circumstance! None of the usual fanfare that accompanied The SWAT Cats! With a desperate look on her face, Tracy grabbed the bottom rope and screamed at the referee!

"STOP THE MATCH!" Tracy roared! She immediately ran to the announce desk!

She pushed past the doctor and rifled through his supplies! In no time at all, the worried redhead urgently collected a white towel from the man's belongings!

"I SAID! STOP! THE! MATCH!" Tracy marched over in the direction of the ring! She chucked the white towel up and over the top rope! And the female official calling the match immediately acquiesced to Tracy's request! She called for the bell! And the moment she did, Tracy would slip into the ring to try to aid the referee in separating Piper from Aurora so that she could tend to her best friend and tag partner!
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General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

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Piper had done it. Was it clean? No. Was it fair? Hell no. It didn't matter to Piper though. Whether Angie helped her or not, whether she had blindsided Aurora or not, none of it mattered to the blonde, cause she knew no matter what this was the result that would happen. All she did was expedite the results a bit. Despite having Aurora just about knocked out though Piper wasn't quite done yet. No it wasn't enough to just beat Aurora, she had to humiliate her. Something she had been doing a good job of so far, punishing Aurora by recreating spots from their first match while corrupting Aurora's own finishers to use against the luchadora.

Though the successive blows had left Aurora all but drained and koed beneath her. All that was needed was a finishing touch, and she knew just the way to do it to finally end this match on her terms. As such she hooked her leg around Aurora's arm before pulling Aurora's leg up in a painful hold! Well... not before bashing the Galaxy Cat's knee into the mat a few times just for funsies. After performing the hold though Piper would smirk sadistically, not even hearing anything behind her, but was unbothered by it, instead she just kept pulling and pulling, as if she was determined to rip Aurora's whole leg off!

Unfortunately for Piper though, she would look up just in time to see another familiar masked cat coming down to the ring. 'Oh great.' Piper thought to herself while her eyes tracked the Circus Cat, her free hand going to Aurora's tail and ripping it from the fabric of Aurora's leotard just as Tracy threw the white towel in, effectively quitting on behalf of her teammate. Something that made Piper grin enthusiastically even as both the referee and Tracy both moved to get Piper off her now former opponent.

Not wanting beef with the Circus Cat despite being almost totally fresh Piper would release her hold and step aside, holding the torn tail of Aurora in her hand to display the trophy loudly and proudly. "Awww poor Aworwa, needed her teammates to quit for her. ohhhh." Piper said mockingly in a baby voice before standing up straight and smirking. "Get that loser out of here and lick her wounds clown cat, it's my time to shine and I don't need that stepping stone dulling my luster." Piper said cockily to Tracy, not at all afraid of the woman... But all the same moving closer to where she dropped her bat and using her foot to kick it up into her hands all the same... Just in case.

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