Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Sigma Morgan
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Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Match type: Hardcore
Rules: Win via pinfall, submission, or knockout

Alexandra was in the locker room warming up, doing push ups and stretching before she put on her ring attire for tonight. This was going to be her fourth match in law, another hardcore match against a fellow heavyweight. Alexandria walked out of the locker room and onto the stage as her theme began to making a pose and showing off her muscular body to the crowd before making her way to the ring.
Upon reaching the end of the ramp Alexandria climbed up the steel steps walking along the edge of the ring apron to the center before jumping over the rope to show the crowd her athleticism before walking to the corner and crossing her arms as she waited for her opponents entrance to begin.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Jun 13, 2023 2:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Sana makes her entrance after Alexandria did hers. As usual, with no theme song. She walks towards the ring and gets inside to stand in front of her opponent, with a serious expression while looking at her before the match starts.

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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Alexandria stared back at her opponent giving her a glare as she waited for the match to begin.
Alexandria stepped out of her corner raising her arm and challenging her opponent to a test of strength. "Lets make this interesting shall we" Alexandria said as she waited for her opponent to accept the challenge. If her opponent accepted Alexandria would drive her boot into into her opponents stomach to drive the air from there lungs early.


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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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"You asked for it." Sana replied to Alexandria after the bell rang and goes for a test of strength, clashing with her opponent. Sana saw the boot going to her stomach and stops it quickly to pull her close and counter with a clothesline, as her right arm impacted on the chest and throat.

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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Alexandria was knocked to the ground by her opponents clotheslines line. The women were the same height and muscular but she was about twenty pounds heavier so this match was going to be very interesting Alexandria thought in her head as she roll on all fours waiting for her opponent to try and reengage her so she could tackle Sana to the ground.


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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Sana looked at Alexandria going to the ropes and returning towards her for the shoulder tackle, a move which she expected to happen. But when she got the shoulder clashed with Alexandria's, she fell to the canvas and gasped in shock because she didn't expect the result of it.

Although, Sana rolls quick and stands up on both legs, looking at Alexandria and daring her to make the next move.

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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Alexandria got up and glared at Sana, Alexandria had no intention of letting her opponent get the upper hand knowing Sana was planning something for if Alexandria moved into attack instead Alexandria stared at Sana circling her once before stopping. "How about you show me a real fight?" Alexandria said taunting her opponent as she got ready to grapple with her opponent in a collar and elbow tie up if successful Alexandria planned to back Sana into a corner.


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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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After Sana gets up, she rushes towards Alexandria to start grappling with her into a collar elbow tie up, with both girls clashing forces. It seemed to be equally done, until Sana gets pushed back against the ropes by her opponent for some seconds. The space woman seemed to be in trouble until she moves forward as pushing Alexandria, with both going back to the center of the ring.

When realizing that the grapple came to a moment which got pointless, Sana breaks it by giving a knee to her opponent's gut, then she instantly continues with taking her to a corner, in which she would try to slam her head against the upper turnbuckle.
Last edited by The460Slayer on Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

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Alexandria gritted her teeth as she was pushed back before letting out a grunt feeling her opponents knee hit her stomach as she stumbled before her opponent sent her head into the turnbuckle stunning Alexandria. "Ugh" Alexandria let out as she was stunned in the corner.


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Re: Sana vs Alexandria Holland

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Sana smiled after the knee and the head slam against the turnbuckle of the corner worked. The next thing she does is turning her opponent to look at her and delivering few straight kicks to the stomach, before grabbing her by the arm and attempt to whip her at the opposite corner.

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