Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submision, KO or DQ
Suzume's time with LAW was rather boring for the longest time. No matches were forthcoming, and the ones that were kept clashing with family matters. Finally, however, it seemed she had the schedule down and could properly introduce LAW audience to the exact brand of mayhem they could expect of her. In the sport full of theatrics, big throws and risky jumps she always found that it were people who skipped all that nonsense that drew the most of her attention. After all, what was a better show than outplaying your opponents with ease, and that was exactly what she hoped to do in this and every other fight.
Offering a short prayer to Haichiman, Suzume offered the coming battle as a tribute to the kami of warriors. before her music started and she made her entrance.
Entrance Music

Her little show and the announcer seemed to do a good job of hyping the crowd as they were cheering loudly by now. To the accompaniment of that, she made her nonchalant way down the ramp and slid inside the ring, making sure, people had what to hang their eyes at as she did, stretching for a bit inside before going to her corner and hopping onto the top ropes, laying across them as she awaited her opponent.