Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submision, KO or DQ

Suzume's time with LAW was rather boring for the longest time. No matches were forthcoming, and the ones that were kept clashing with family matters. Finally, however, it seemed she had the schedule down and could properly introduce LAW audience to the exact brand of mayhem they could expect of her. In the sport full of theatrics, big throws and risky jumps she always found that it were people who skipped all that nonsense that drew the most of her attention. After all, what was a better show than outplaying your opponents with ease, and that was exactly what she hoped to do in this and every other fight.

Offering a short prayer to Haichiman, Suzume offered the coming battle as a tribute to the kami of warriors. before her music started and she made her entrance.
Entrance Music
She walked briskly to the centre of the stage, taking a bow and spreading her arms to the side before rising up, hands above her head clenching into fists as a loud cracking sound erupted through the arena, a gout of flame erupting behind her.
"This match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, standing at 5'10 and 152 pounds! The Raimei No Kami herself! Kodama Suzume!"

Her little show and the announcer seemed to do a good job of hyping the crowd as they were cheering loudly by now. To the accompaniment of that, she made her nonchalant way down the ramp and slid inside the ring, making sure, people had what to hang their eyes at as she did, stretching for a bit inside before going to her corner and hopping onto the top ropes, laying across them as she awaited her opponent.

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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The fun, poppy beat of So Far by Feed the Biirds rang through the arena as a kaleidoscope of lights and colors flashed as none other than Sunny Soule came out onto the stage, dancing and rocking her thin, fit body in a lackadaisical motion. The laid-back performer was always looking for a fun time, and was thrilled to get another chance in the ring to show off and share her positive vibes with the crowd. By the time the chorus kicked in, Sunny led the crowd in jumping up and down excitedly, a big smile on her beautiful face as she made her way around the ring, giving a wink and a flirty wave to her opponent.

Then, Soule proceeded to dive backwards into a crowd of fans, still grooving and shaking her body to the beat with a huge smile on her face. Eventually, she hopped out at the advisement of security before sliding into the ring and popping to her knees, dancing her way up to a standing position again, sticking her tongue out playfully to her opponent, Kodoma Suzume, before slowly boogie-ing herself back into her corner as her music stopped. At the very least, Sunny seemed to be having a great time before the match began.

Then, Sunny stepped out of her corner, grinning as she called out, "Suuuup babe? Cute little highlighter sneakers." She preened happily as she ran a hand through her beautiful blonde hair, casually waiting on her end of the ring before turning and facing the crowd, leaning her arms on the top rope and her chin on those arms, bobbing her head lightly to a song that wasn't there. It was all good vibes for Sunny Soule as this match was about to get underway.

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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An opponent like Sunny was certainly unexpected for Suzume. She expected someone steel-eyed and resolute, instead getting a person who seemed to fit more at a rave party than in the ring. Then again, it was hardly the oddest thing one could come upon in LAW. "Thanks..." She replied before going to the center of the ring as the referee summoned them.

"I hope you know what you're in for~" She said with a slight lilt to her voice and the beginning of a cocky smirk. She was so far unimpressed and as the bell rang, she would wait for Sunny to make the first move, beginning to slowly circle her.

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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Sunny Soule had a relaxed smile about her, not seeming particularly amped up the fight. She would, however, meet her opponent in the center of the ring, letting out a giggle. "Babe, I definitely don't know what I'm in for... but like, that's the fun of it, right?" asked the Breezy Blonde, running a hand through her hair.

Then, Kodama began to circle her. Sunny's head followed her as her opponent moved before she squinted at her, looking unsure of what her opponent was doing. "...What are you up to, hot stuff?" asked Soule, letting out a giggle as her head kept moving on a swivel to watch her opponent, not treating this match with any kind of seriousness quite yet as the bell rang.

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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Sunny certainly had a peculiar disposition towards fighting with how relaxed she was, the words she spoke somehow getting on Suzume's nerves. She knew that her opponent didn't mean it as Suzume not being worth enough note to be looked into but it was the first thought that crossed her mind and now that it was here, it would bug her for the rest of the fight. Then when the girl refused to take the first strike, Suzume froze, one eyebrow twitched just slightly.

Then, in a split second, she closed the distance, already turning her body for a full spin that was meant to drive a heel kick to her opponent's temple after which she would take a few dance-like steps as she got back into her stance, replying to her opponent's last question "Not much."

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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Sunny kept her eyes on Suzume, looking amused more than anything at how serious she was approaching this match. The Breezy Blonde, on the other hand, was treating it like it was just a casual get together, and she smirked at her opponent as she clearly didn't like Sunny's demeanor. The tight wads rarely ever did.

But fortunately for Sunny Soule, her opponent had decided to strike while she kept watching her, and if the Hawaiian had anything on her opponent, it was speed. So when Kodama went high with a sudden kick, the impressive reflexes of Sunny immediately went low as she fell right into a split, looking up at Suzume with a smirk. "Uh... Well I mean, it doesn't seem like not much," said Sunny with a giggle.

Then, she would use her hands to prop herself up and attempt a flashy Capoeira sweep, attempting to take her opponent down already with an unorthodox attack!

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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Suzume would be quite surprised at seeing Sunny dodge out of the way of her kick, usually, she had the edge in speed over opponents but it seemed she met her match in that as soon after hearing her opponent speak she would feel her feet be pushed from under her! Tipping her upper body, she would go into a bridge, then into a handstand and back don't her feet to avoid the fall, all of it happening so smoothly it looked like she nearly touched the ground.

"Just you wait till it starts~" She said with a slight lilt, not having to close any distance now and resorting to a more immediate assault as she would try to grab Sunny and start unleashing knee strikes to her abdomen!

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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Sunny Soule was showing off early on, swinging her legs around in a showy Capoeira Sweep, aiming to take out Kodama's legs out from under her. And she had succeeded, to a point. Because it turned out that Suzume had her pretty matched in terms of speed. Maybe. Sunny hadn't really picked up her usual lackadaisical pace yet. But Kodama certainly had skills on her side to stay just as nimble.

There was a key difference between the two that became very clear though. Kodama's aggression far outweighed Sunny's. The Hawaiian was yanked up, garnering a yelp from her until that first knee hit her toned abs. "Ahhhk!" cried out Sunny. A second and third knee followed until Soule managed to get her hands up, blocking the next.

She used that momentum to shove away and propel herself backwards in a roll, giving herself some distance. The Breezy Blonde winced and canted her head at her opponent. "Dude... You need to like, chill. That really hurt," remarked Sunny, keeping a hand over her hurt midriff as she stayed on one knee.

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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As Sunny pushed off and got away, Suzume would shake fo her arms and hop back and forth in her stance before pointing a thumb at herself. "I'm just warming up." Then she would point at her opponent and cock her head. "And you need to pick up the pace. It's a fight, not a picnic!" She finished before making her way forward to her opponent.

Regardless if she would stay on her knees or stand up in the meantime, Suzume's plan was the same. Get up close, fire a quick roundhouse kick to her opponent's side and dart back just enough to aim a snap kick under her chin!

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Re: Gathering clouds - Sunny Soule vs Kodama Suzume

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Sunny squinted her eyes at Kodama as she spoke, looking legitimately confused. "...Why would I think this was a picnic? We're in a wrestling ring dude," said the Breezy Blonde, not understanding. However, that didn't mean she wasn't expecting an aggressive follow up from her opponent, who seemed to be in quite the grumpy mood already. She was quick, so Sunny wasn't about to underestimate that either.

A quick roundhouse kick came at first, ducking down under that, and then as a snap kick came, Sunny was already in motion, doing a cartwheel to the side to rise, the kick narrowly missing her! Once on her feet, Sunny grinned at Suzume and shrugged. "Uh, you missed," said Soule, sticking her tongue out briefly before raising towards the ropes and rebounding, coming back with to attempt to hit Kodama with a Dropsault!

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