The Underground Ring, a place devoid of the usual sportsmanship that defined the League of Anime Wrestling. Perhaps it was that reason that many of the spectators found it surprising who the two fighters that would duel in the sensual cage of pain and pleasure. Two fighters that had a bit of a fan reputation for being cutesy had been pitted against each other by the organisers. Perhaps it had been the gap moe of it all, or the attractiveness of the two ladies, but the seats of the ring were filled with eager spectators as the first of the fighters made her entrance. Loud, taunting music began to blare from the speakers. It had always seemed odd to many of her fans, but in a setting like this the song of superiority, the declaration of war, could not have been more fitting to set the atmosphere of the coming duel.
Entrance Music
As the aria of war coiled through the air, Shelby strode out. The Little Dollie had done her hair up in a cute little pair of braids that few of the viewers expected to remain by the end of the impending battle. As she strolled out into the ring, sashaying her hips to get the crowd excited, she slowly unzipped the parka that she was wearing to reveal the goods underneath. Amidst the roar of catcalls and the calls for blood, the pink haired wrestler waved at the audience, playing up the character that she had meticulously crafted for herself over her time at LAW. She held out her arms, allowing the jacket to properly slip off of her onto the floor behind her and displaying all of herself for the audience's enjoyment. She pretended to be embarrassed, a wan smile painted across her face, but in truth she was basking in the attention as she made her way to the ring.
Little Dollie

"Wish me luck!" She called to the crowd in a higher pitched voice than she really had. "I'll do my best for all of you!" She played the part of innocent maiden almost flawlessly, but to the opponent that was soon to join her in the ring, her mannerisms were clearly as fake as her voice. She blew the crowd a few kisses, making sure to take on suggestive poses that accentuated her figure. Eventually, though, the roar of her entrance music would fade, and a new tune would begin to blast through the arena. The whole stadium felt like a paradox from her spot in the ring, the music of her foe mixing with the electric buzz of the stage lights and the tiny beads of sweat that were already threatening to form from the lights shining directly on her clashing with the chilly air conditioned setting of the room itself. She took a breath to steady herself and clear her mind for the victory that surely would not come easily in a ring like this. She allowed herself only a moment of peace, though, before she turned with a faux nervous expression and awaited her rival for the night.