DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle
Match Type:
Standard Match
Rules: Winner must pin, submit, or knock out the loser.

The lights dimmed in the arena in preparation for the next match up, a driving guitar riff playing before a loud voice shouting "BOOM LAY! BOOM LAY! BOOM! BOOM LAY! BOOM LAY! BOOM! BOOM LAY! BOOM LAY! BOOM! BOOM LAY! BOOM LAY! ...BOOM!" Diamond Eyes by Shinedown was in full swing as "Diamond" Deanna Duncan ran out onto the stage, nodding her head enthusiastically to the song. She clapped along with the song, encouraging the crowd to join her as she grooved her way down the ramp, taking the time to slap hands with those in the front rows, a big smile on her face as she let the music heighten her already bombastic mood.

When she got to the bottom of the ramp, Deanna would then charge and slide under the bottom rope. Taking off her jacket, she would throw it out towards the ring announcer, doing laps around the ring with a hand in the air. She had a singles match up now and was eager to get another win under her belt. The platinum-haired girl, now standing in her short vest and skirt would then find her corner and leaped up, sitting across the top rope like it were a hammock, reclining comfortably as she bobbed her head to the beat until her theme song went out. Duncan didn't know much about her partner, but she knew it was a debut. To her, it didn't matter. She'd trounce this chick and look damn good doing it. But she would patiently wait for her entrance as she lay across the corner, resting her hands behind her head.

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Tonight was the night. The night that Danica finally got to show off what she could do in the ring. Her brother Vesper already had the chance to show off his skills while she was going near crazy from pent up energy and a desire to put someone down. Luckily she was getting her opportunity tonight. Checking her gear and making sure it was on correctly Danica would nod to herself while her brother piped in from across the hall.

"Well someone is psyched up, just be careful I heard this Deanna chick is kinda crazy." He warned but Danica just shrugged it off as she began walking down the hall with Vesper following. "Hopefully it is it'll make things more interesting." She shot back confidently as they made it to the entrance ramp where her entrance theme would start to play for her entrance.
Standing and posing proudly at the top of the ramp Danica would smirk as she showed off her powerful and curvy body for a moment, despite getting mostly boos for her part in her brothers debut. Unbothered by the boos though Danica would strut casually down the ramp, her brother trailing behind her till she made it to the ring. Hopping onto the apron and then stepping through the ropes Vesper would stay on the outside as Danica now stood across from her opponent, practically towering over her with a smirk on her face as she mentally prepared for the match.

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Deanna Duncan briefly watched Danica Donelle make her way to the ring with a grin on her face. And then, eventually, she decided to start grooving to her theme song, doing shoulder shimmies, head bobbing, and a few other stationary dance moves. She figured she may as well have a little bit of fun while she waited, or else she'd get restless. And she didn't need to be restless before the match started.

The Diamond kept watching Danica make her way to the ring though, and smirked back to her giving her a wave. Then, she looked over to Vesper who was on the outside. Deanna crouched down, waving to him as well between the ropes. And then she popped up again, heading to the center of the ring to get ready for the start of the match.

"Heeeeey! Cute friend. I didn't know this was a plus one, or else I would've brought my cute friend too. Cheyenne could use more friends," said Duncan, rolling her eyes as she looked away. And then snapped right back to look at Danica. "Cute outfit though. But crazy thing: did you realize both of our initials are DD? And we both have platinum hair? Crazy!" Then, Deanna continued, not allowing Danica an opportunity to reply. "But best of luck! May the best Double D win--that's initials, not bra size. Although you may have me beat there too!" And with that, Duncan finally stopped speaking, holding out her hand for her opponent to shake.

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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As she entered the ring fully Danica would take a look over of her opponent. In terms of physical stature and build Danica definitely had the advantage which alone made her even more confident, but seeing the girl dance and vibe to her entrance just further boosted her confidence.

'I definitely got this.' Danica thought to herself with a smirk as Deann began to talk and Danica would have responded if not for being cut off by Deanna as she went on and on, about Danica's outfit, their similar initials and hair and so on. '..What does she have ADHD or something?' Danica thought to herself before chuckling when Deanna finally stopped and held her hand up for a hand shake.

"Done?" Danica asked amusedly before continuing as she lifted her own hand up. "Trust me, our chest size isn't the only thing I'll have you beat in." Danica said as she grasped Deanna's hand... Before pulling her in suddenly and lifting her arm up in order to try and bash it it roughly against the woman's chest with a surprise clothesline before the bell!

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Deanna smiled brightly at her opponent, letting out a laugh at her retort. She seemed nice enough at least. "Oh, we'll have to see about that. I'll have you know I'm very--" said the Diamond before she was cut off with a big clothesline, sending her smacking into the mat. She cringed, holding her chest with both hands. Suddenly, Danica didn't seem as nice as she thought.

Reaching out a hand as if to ease her off, she said in a more strained tone, "The bell..." And almost on cue, the referee sounded for the bell, signaling the official start of the match as Duncan settled her head back with a groan. "...I think I get how this match is going to go," muttered Deanna Duncan, noting that her opponent would, in fact, take any unfair advantages she could. And she certainly had one right now.

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Danica smirked softly after smashing her arm into Deanna's chest, taking the girl off her feet and clearly knocking some breath from her. Just as Danica had wanted, her eyes practically gleaming with evil intentions as she stared down at the girl. "Guess you have some knowledge on social cues after all." Danica said sarcastically as she bent down, trying to grab hold of Danica's shoulders and haul her up to her feet. If successful without being attacked than Danica would switch one of her hands to the girl's waist, attempting to heft her up before turning and throwing her down, trying to land a bodyslam!

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Deanna Duncan nodded, her face scrunched up in pain as she lay there. "Mmhmm. A little bit," replied the Diamond quickly until she was starting to get brought up by Danica. "Now... hold on..." said Deanna as she was brought up to her feet. And then suddenly, she was being hauled off of her feet for a body slam! Letting out a loud yelp, she immediately began to shimmy and try to break free. She had only taken one move--a move that hurt and she didn't expect--but there was still a lot left in Duncan's reserves.

Before Donelle could slam Deanna to the mat, she had managed to slip out and behind her ill-tempered opponent! Almost immediately, she grabbed hold of her under her legs and then tried to hit a basic school girl pin, looking to roll her up and attempt an early pinfall in this match, if only to put her opponent on edge due to the danger of losing the match early!

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Managing to successfully land in her sucker punch of a clothesline on Deanna right out of the gate Danica would smirk down at the girl before grabbing and hauling her up into the air, preparing to body slam her down to the mat! Unfortunately however Danica seemed to have overestimated how much damage she had done with the initial move since the girl managed to escape her grasp and end up behind her!

'Shit!' Danica thought, her legs getting taken out from under her as she was brought down with Deanna pinning her with a basic pin! "Grrr get off!" Danica yelled out, thrusting her hips up with massive force to kick Deanna off of her with force!

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Deanna Duncan managed to put a little hustle into getting the first pinfall off the match! Surprising her cheap shotting opponent, she had managed a school girl pin, that after a one count, she was immediately shoved by upon the kick out. Rolling back to her knees with a grin, Deanna shrugged. "You know, I think I almost had you. I can surprise you too--and I don't need to break the rules to do it. You're not slick!" explained the Diamond with a chuckle.

Then, Deanna would stand and start backing up into the ropes to get herself a running start. She wanted to get things roaring, the only way she knew how. By... acting! It wasn't much forethought involved. It's how Deanna Duncan worked best, and she implemented that by trying to send a running knee strike towards Danica as she was getting up!

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Re: DD vs. DD: Deanna Duncan vs. Danica Donelle

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Managing to kick out of Deanna's quick little pinfall attempt out of the gate Danica would roll herself over and her feet under her relatively quickly, pushing herself up onto her feet relatively quickly. Turning and watching as Deanna came in towards her Danica would smirk softly. "Neither are you!" Danica said, dodging to the side while pushing down on Deanna's leg to avoid the move.

If done sucessfully Danica would pivot and make a dash at the ropes that Deanna had just bounced off of, bouncing off them herself to come running at the Diamond with an extra bit of momentum to her before she leap up while turning to the side, intending on coming crashing into her foe with a running crossbody!

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