Collei vs Lumine

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Collei vs Lumine

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Lumine was one of the newest members in the faction called 'Slayer Squad', who was waiting for the right time to make her debut match until the day came. The young Scottish girl was hyped, but nervous at the same time because of her fear about failing and/or making and giving a bad impression to the fans around. 'Lumine' is already in the ring because she doesn't have an entrance song yet. She was just standing in one of the corners, waiting for her first opponent and for the match to begin.
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Re: Collei vs Lumine

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Collei had been in LAW for about a months, and curiously, she had never been told to take part in a standard wrestling match. At first, she thought it was due to her looks, and people more wanted her to do the lewd matches, but that seemed to not be the case as she was soon called up to fight another newbie, a young Scottish woman known as Lumine. Collei was understandably nervous, having never done such a match before, but she had to learn by doing, so she agreed to do it. Once she was told of the location, she briskly went to the arena, and awaited her callup. Soon enough, the ring was flooded by Collei's entry theme
Entry Theme
As her theme played, she stepped out into the ring, with a decent amount of spectators there. She didn't garner much attention, but that was natural, she WAS a debutant at this style. Wearing a makeshift outfit that she was forced into making, as her specially made outfit from India had not been made and shipped out yet.
Wrestling Attire
Soon enough, she reached the ring, and she vaulted over the ropes to meet her opponent. She saw her opponent, and they seemed somewhat closely matched. Though looks can be deceiving. Collei walked over too her corner to stretch a little, before the referee invited them both to the centre of the ring. When she arrived there, she reached a hand out to her blonde opponent.

"Hello there, my name is Collei. Nice to meet you" She said with a light smile as she hoped her opponent would accept her friendly introduction.

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Lumine waits patiently while doing some stretch warm up in Collei's entrance, but notices how nervous she was because of this match being a standard one, and takes that in count for their next encounter. However, Lumine wanted to meet her opponent but she was patient for the entrance to end. Later, Lumine got impressed by how she vaulted the ropes... with the bare feet!

"Nice to meet you Collei. I'm Amelia, but friends and family call me Lumine, and everyone can as well." The blonde girl said to Collei with a soft and cute smile, taking her hand out to do the shake as accepting the introduction, before the match starts.

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Collei smiled at Lumine after the warm introduction. The nerves that she had in her were slowly easing, as she shook Lumine's hand and then moved back to her corner, doing some light stretched and a warm up, preparing herself for this match.

After the warm up, she moved up, waiting for Lumine to meet her in the ring. She held her hands out in a test of strength, smiling at her again, before saying "Well then, shall we get started Lumine?"
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

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"Of course, whenever you want." Lumine replied with a smile to Collei's question as holding her hands out, slowly approaching until she locks fingers with her in the center of the ring.

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Collei knew that she had to start off strong. Due to her lack of physical strength, she had to win via wits, or get completely destroyed in the ring. Once the two of them locked up, she would swing her left leg towards Lumine's right left hard and fast, in an attempt to send the blonde hurtling to the mat.

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Lumine was locking up with Collei in the center of the ring, with the blonde having the initial advantage... which gets interrupted and cut by Collei's leg swing. After the strike, Lumine falls and lands against her back on the canvas, grunting softly.

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

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Collei quickly unlocked her fingers and jumped up, before attempting to elbow deep onto her opponent by flexing her arm and aiming it at her opponents abdomen

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Lumine gets quickly released from the grip but she gets hit in the stomach with Collei's elbow and grunts again.

Lumine thought she was someone new at this, but now, she has to think twice about what to do.

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Re: Collei vs Lumine

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

As Lumine whinced from the pain in her stomach, Collei took the opportunity to try and sweep her opponents feet from under her. If this works, she would jump on her opponents stomach with the full weight of her body.

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