Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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The Ominous Future
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Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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Standard Match
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO

Having emerged to the masses with a pleasant response given in return, Anna in a rare change of pace would be allowed to lead the stable in their descent down the ramp with Mizaki and Bea following suite. Mizaki felt it was only deserving that their least skilled stable member be given a reward every now and then - ignoring the fact that it was she set to wrestle tonight, not the other two!
Anna didn't know why but she had been pushed as something as the 'muscle' of the Top Heavy stable of late. Both in a literal manner - in her noted physical strength always being a factor even when Anna lacked all else - and figuratively. Given that for some reason, she was the only member of Top Heavy actively wrestling in-ring at all!

Though the reason may have been lost to Anna, as many things often where, Mizaki and Bea were ringside discussing the very reason why Anna had been so pushed by the duo of late. For there was a simple reason it was solely Anna in ring and not the other two.

In that Anna had yet to get a single, damn win! And naturally, Mizaki felt she was making the entire stable look bad!

"Who is it today?"

"Who is what?"

"Who is she facing?"

"I thought you were checking?"

"Oh, never mind then. Probably another fucking dog..."

The casual back and forth between Bea and Mizaki was as fruitless as ever, though Mizaki did not care. Whoever came to the ring, be it the best of the best or the bottom worst, would suffer at the combined hands of all three busty members of the stable. For Mizaki wasn't simply out here with here cohort to cheer Anna on - she was out here as usual to partake in the match, and damn near force a win in Anna's favor!

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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Manami was told to wait backstage as she was the second to make an entrance in this upcoming match. The Olympic Athlete was basically ready, outside of some very minor things she needed to fix up. Now Manami was just fixing her hair, making sure that it wouldn’t be undone in this match. Okay tie this here, loop this here, knot this there. While doing this Manami would here the crowd cheering in the arena. Which told Manami that her opponent had made their entrance. Meaning she was soon to make her entrance. Finishing her hair, Manami had put on her finger sleeves. All right! All Done! Manami said as she clapped her face and did one final examination of herself in the mirror. After all was said and done Manami left to do her entrance.
Wanting to keep things on the more modest side, Manami didn’t want to do too much for her entrance. As if she was practicing the fundamentals of a entrance or something silly like that.

Next, coming to the ring we have a Olympic Gold medalist, in the form of a sweetheart. MANAMI KUBO!!!
With that Manami came out from backstage with her patented smile at this point. Being infectious enough to fill he crowd with smiles like hers. Manami smiled and waved to everyone watching with her entire body. Showing a level a purity that really only belongs in children. As her music went on Manami was going down the ramp and greeting everyone she was allowed to. Almost wasting time with an entrance like this Manami even signed whatever she could. Hopefully not angering her opponent. Manami eventually reached the ring and climbed onto the apron like a giant and went in between the ropes. Despite being able to walk over the top rope. As one final show before introducing herself to Anna. Manami did one final flex to the crowd, showing off her beautifully taken care of body.
Now looking towards her opponent Anna, Manami finally introduced herself properly. Oh my god! You are so cute! I love your attire! My name is Manami Kubo. She said with a smile that only had to be genuine. Then looking past Anna to see her friends. Manami also waved and greeted them. HI THERE, ARE YOU HER FRIENDS? GOOD TO MEET YOU Manami finished as she kinda felt bad for hogging all of the time.

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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Anna bopped and swayed as Manami made her entrance, with the green haired powerhouse enjoying the funky beat as it filled out the arena! Even Bea found her own hips swaying in rhythm, with the newest member of Top Heavy looking over Mizaki's way to see if their stable leader was of the same mind. She was not, simply put. If anything she scowled some, with the urge building for her to scream out and tell Anna to focus!

Luckily enough she wouldn't need to, for the green haired member of the stable would find focus herself as Manami made her way down to the ramp. Bowing just a bit with a nice smile to her, Anna's motion would turn into a full bow as she greeted the busty beauty before her. A beauty who had her already excessive curves highlighted by that skin-tight attire!

Anna smiled in response to the greeting, with her eyes gleaming as she prepared to compliment Manami in kind. Only for Mizaki's words to come out in place of her own, as the leader of Top Heavy opted to respond for all three of them.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING LOOK OUR WAY, YOU DOG!" She'd quite literally scream, nearly clambering to the ropes as her rage carried her close to the ring!


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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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Manami wasn’t sure what to make of Anna and her friends who were ringside. She wasn’t pessimistic about it, so Manami assumed that they’d be here to support Anna. It was hard to hate Manami at all, but Mizaki was looking to be the one person to hate Manami in this match. Little did anyone know it, but Manami and Anna had more similarities than one would think. Still to Manami, Anna seemed to be nice enough, returning part of a greeting towards Manami.

Only for that greeting to be cut away by Anna’s friend Mizaki screaming at Manami. Nearly getting into the rings in rage, which made Manami a bit nervous if she was being honest. EEP! Oh I am sorry I didn’t mean too, I just wanted to say hi… Manami said as she looked away from Mizaki, who already had this level of tension that was uncomfortable for Manami. Looking back at Anna Wow Anna, your friends are intense… Manami said finishing with a laugh to try and drown out the awkwardness of the situation.

Shaking things off Manmi didn’t want to seem rude despite Mizaki herself being rude. She would extend her hand out to Anna for a handshake. Friends aside, lets have a great match! Manami waited with baited breath before the bell would send them off to slam each other.

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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Anna tried to wave them off, a little literally. She herself was a kind soul, but she'd never tell Mizaki to zip it despite the fact her stable mate was perhaps one of the most hostile people she'd ever met!

Hopefully, the two would become too busy soon enough for Mizaki's nasty words to even be heard - though Anna would never out-rightly say that was her intention, certainly not within earshot of her stable mates. Extending her hand, she'd give a lovely squeeze of Manami's hand before stepping back. She wanted this match rolling as quickly as possible, if only so that neither of her friends could be heard!

Nodding to the referee, Anna would raise her arms with her biceps flexing as she began to circle her foe. It was time to begin!

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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Calling Anna’s friend Mizaki hostile would be an understatement. A little more of… anything really was going to see her storming the ring. Surely she wouldn’t do that and cost Anna the match right? No Manami couldn’t be thinking about that, she would need to focus on the person in front of her.

Anna didn’t seem to start off strong, Manami was similar in that she rarely comes out the gate swinging. So it was nice that she was given some time to pace herself in this match. Raising her arms in response to Anna, Manami slowly brought herself close to Anna. Wanting to lock each other in a power struggle. Something Manami would be more than confident in. Now that she was here, Manami would easily push Anna back towards her initial corner. Absolutely smothering the woman with her strength. If she could Manami would double down and try to press her body into Anna’s. Putting her between a rock and a hard place.

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

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Anna was all about power, but that didn't mean she would automatically win each and every strength based encounter that came her way. Case and point here and now, given that despite the fact she accepted Manami's challenge with gusto - and an even grip established on both sides - she couldn't make headway at all.

If anything, she was slowly being pushed back!

Baring her teeth as Mizaki banged against the side of the ring, Anna would turn her head as she backpedaled with the turnbuckle behind her evidently her foes intended destination! Huge breasts and lovely hips fighting it out, Anna would try to pivot on her feet as she closed the distance - with a burst of power coming out of Anna that wouldn't be held back by Manami. At least not if she had her way, given that Manami would be busy stumbling from Anna's forceful thrust!

One that would leave Manami in the position she had intended Anna to put in! With the green haired gals huge bust weighing fully down on her own!

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

Unread post by Tiamat »

Manami was glad that Anna took her up on the initial test of strength. Usually people look at Manami and make sure they don’t play into her strengths. Anna though was more than willing to challenge Manami. Which told Manami that at least Anna was someone who wasn’t going to be relying on tricks.

Still Manami’s strength is something that Anna could not predict. So instead of a intense back and forth, Anna wasn’t making any headway. Manami was the one pushing Anna back! Outside of the ring though, Anna’s friend was fiercely banging at the side of the ring. As if the psyche up Anna, or take Manami out of her focus. She couldn’t really tell with Mizaki.

Anna despite being the weaker one here just wasn’t going to let Manami have her way. Being quick on her feet, Anna would pivot her feet and bringing Manami with her. Essentially flipping the two, so now Manami was going to the turnbuckle! The sudden shift made things hard for Manami to keep her current foundation. Thanks to her hefty height advantage, Manami was able to drag one set of hands upwards and the others downwards. So in one swift motion, Manami would let go of Anna, letting the momentum take them. At the same time though Manami would latch onto Anna’s shoulder with one arm and the other going towards her leg. Looking to land an exploder suplex to the turnbuckle!

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Anna had used her wits in a rare moment, with her power backing up her motion to leave her busty foe hitting the corner back first! Pushing and heaving, Anna was on target to have this big gal restrained before the match had even really gotten going!

So naturally, she was smiling from ear to ear!

Hearing encouragement from her onlooking stablemates only embedded her with more strength, as she heaved and pushed with the force of a body builder!

A shame it was that said heave would be turned against her, given Manami had little intent of staying flat and upright for her foe. Instead, she'd bring her figure low to hoist at Anna's limb, before dropping the stacked greenette into the corner behind her!

With her motion leaving Anna in a precarious slump, with her body folded - her legs now dangling over the top of her!

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Re: Manami K. Vs. Anna H. - By The Strength Of Our Bodies

Unread post by Tiamat »

Manami was initially taken by surprised with Anna’s move. It relied on her quick thinking and using Manami’s power against her. Despite being somewhat new to wrestling. Manami was no spring chicken, she knew people would plan against her power. So Manami would have to do some quick thinking of her own. Countering Anna’s counter by sending her flying towards the turnbuckle. Leaving her opponent folded over it her legs dangling over her head.

Whew, that was close Manami would say as she let out a sigh of relief. Picking herself back up she would look over at Anna and grimace slightly. Manami could only imagine how much the impact hurt Anna. Still it wasn’t like Manami was in a position to care for Anna’s possible injuries. Going over to Anna, Manami would grab onto her attire, forcing her opponent up. Trying her best to not make eye contact with Anna’s friends. Manami would put Anna on the middle rope and latch onto her waist. Attempting to go for a rope assisted German Suplex! For extra damage.

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