Peaches vs Amy Gardner

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Peaches vs Amy Gardner

Unread post by Pow17 »

Type of fight: Submissions Match
Victory Condition: Opponent Taps or KO

Peaches would be excited for a another match in LAW as this would be her first time in a submissions match! Usually back in her hometown of Lumpkin, Georgia all of her matches would end either by Pin or simply by KO, but never did she attempt to make someone simply tap out. This was certainly a weak spot in her wrestling as she was facing someone who had a lot more experience in the ground game than she did. However she always told herself, "You'll never learn if you don't try something new!". This would be something very new for her as she tried to watch a few submission moves from matches and even ask other wrestlers what moves should she try for her upcoming match.

Peaches got herself in front of the doorway in anticipation to go out to the stadium. She would adjust her green baseball cap and give herself a little smack on the cheek to get herself pumped as she would make her way through the curtain to hear the roar of the crowd and the announcer present her:
"Ladies and gentlemen! May we have your attention please...Coming from down south at Lumpkin, Georgia...Standing at 5'5" and weighing in at 155 lbs...
Peaches Entrance Music
The crowd would erupt in cheers as Peaches would have her signature country smile as she would walk towards the fans closest to her and give them high fives as she would make her way to the ring as she would slide underneath the bottom ropes. Entering in the ring she would go to the corner and stand on the second rope waving to her fans as she would be ready to have her first hand experience in a match of this format.

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Amy Gardner had already made her debut before the LAW crowd, and the student of the very popular Ducky Williams had gained something of a fanbase for herself as well, no doubt thanks to her ties to the previously mentioned blonde! Of course, another large part was Amy's looks and her underdog status, and so she was feeling much more confident than she had in her debut as she prepared for her match tonight, a stipulation that she might do even better in thanks to Ducky's teachings! And so when she was ready to get out there in front of the fans once again, she would depart from the locker room, making her way out to the entrance ramp where she would step through into the limelight once more!
"Uh, hello everyone!" Amy chirped atop the ramp as she smiled and waved, before beginning to make her way down to the squared circle, a slightly nervous, but still happy smile on her face! It was the first time that she had entered the ring without Ducky by her side, but she wouldn't let it get to her as she eventually ended up reaching the ring climbing onto the apron and slipping inside!

"Hello there! I hope you're ready for our match!" Amy happily greeted the blonde woman inside of the ring, her foe being a very pretty looking southern blonde, and hopefully a friendly face instead of a heel who would look to bully the newbie heavyweight! Still, all of that remained to be seen, so Amy would take her place in her corner, doing some light stretching as she prepared herself for the match to come, butterflies in her stomach as she awaited the ringing of the bell to start things off!

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Peaches would see Amy up close and personal to see she's a nice gal, but definitely showed signs of nervousness. With her country smile in full display she would wait in her corner as she would start stretching as well. The ref would ask both girls if they were ready and as soon as they said yes the ref would signal for the match to start with the bell of the ring. Peaches would hop out of the corner as she would attempt to reach her hand out to handshake Amy, "Hello there sweetie! Being in a match like this just dills my pickle! Let's have a good match ok!" Hopefully Amy would be more relaxed with the southern hospitality Peaches was showing as she would soon afterwards want to do a test of strength with her to get a idea of how strong she is.

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Once Amy had entered the ring, she would be met with a busty blonde, a familiar thing for her given her status as Ducky's student, but this was a different woman entirely, and Amy had no clue what she was like! Fortunately, the southern belle seemed to be quite the pleasant woman, happily greeting the heavyweight and offering her a handshake, one that Amy would accept with a smile on her face! The woman's words caused a slight raised eyebrow, as "dills her pickle" was a term she had never heard before, but nevertheless, she'd offer some kind words of her own!

"Hey there! I'm excited for it, and I know it'll be a good one!" Amy said, and before any more time passed, the bell would ring and the pair of women would be off to the races, as they moved towards one another for a lockup! Amy would grab hold of Peaches and begin to push as much as she could, using her size advantage to attempt to shove her foe all the way back and try to move her towards the corner of the ring!

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Peaches with the lockup as the two would be struggling for position as at first it seemed like the two were dead even. Amy would soon be making Peaches get closer to the corner, but with a big smile on her face Peaches would attempt to give a big push at Amy making her fall back first on the canvas. Doing so Peaches would stick her tongue out with a playful smile as she would be showing off her muscles for the crowd as she would signal Amy to get back up for attempt number two. "Don't let my size fool you hun! This is country strength right here. Gonna have to try harder than that ok?"

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Amy would meet Peaches in the center of the ring for a lockup, but it seemed that Peaches was more than ready for the size difference between the pair, as after a brief bit of pushing between the two, she would give a hard shove! The push would send Amy stumbling backwards before she would end up tripping and falling onto her rear end, caught off guard by the amount of power that Peaches had packed into her shove!

"Uuugh... alright, I can do that..." Amy groaned, her words having a bit of promise to them, as she pushed herself back to her feet! And this time, she'd suddenly charge towards Peaches, aiming to gather some momentum before crashing into the blonde to send her staggering back!

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Peaches would give a light chuckle as she heard Amy's nervous promise as she would await for her next move. With a little surprise look to her Peaches would see Amy charge towards her as it would send the country wrestler back leaning against the ropes. Peaches would take a moment to gather herself on the ropes as she would stare towards Amy with a little smirk as this is exactly what she was wanting in this match. With a little crack to her neck Peaches would get off the ropes and give Amy a nod as she would say to her, "Well, slap my head and call me silly! I reckon you had some strength in ya, but that was a little more than expected! This is gonna be fun!" After that comment Peaches would attempt to put Amy in a hard headlock as she would try to wrench the neck a little to make her a little tired.

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Running into Peaches with all the speed that she could muster, Amy would succeed in throwing her foe backwards against the edge of the ring, surprising Peaches with how much she was able to send her reeling backwards! Of course, this would cause Amy to let a sly smile cross her face as she managed to throw off the blonde southern belle, but before long, Peaches was back on top of her, closing the distance between herself and Amy and yanking the heavyweight into a headlock, pulling her in nice and close! But Amy was prepared, and so she's wrap her arms around Peaches' waist from behind, getting her foe nice and snug against her own curvy frame, as she let another smile cross her face!

"I am ready, and there's more where that came from!" Amy said, before suddenly attempting to lift Peaches up and off the ground, using her grip on her foe's waist to lift her off of her feet! And with a sudden movement, Amy would swing the southern woman up and over, slamming her upper back into the ground with a belly-to-back suplex!

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Peaches would be caught as Amy would wrap her arms around her waist as the shy wrestler had a good grip on the hold. With no time to reverse the move Peaches would feel her feet leave off the ground as she only had time to say one thing, "Oh biscuits....." As soon as she would say the back of her body would be slammed on the canvas making a thudding sound that would make the crowd shocked of the impact that Amy delivered. Peaches legs would be covering her chest and face as she would be stuck in that pose until Amy would decide to let go as she would only be groaning from the slam she took.

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Re: Peaches vs Amy Gardner

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Once Amy had managed to get ahold of her opponent, it was with a quick movement that she would grab hold of the blonde and hoist her up and over, swinging her into the canvas with a sudden slam that would shake the ring! The suplex had worked, and Amy had managed to steal momentum away from her phone and back for herself, and once Peaches was down on the mat Amy would roll over and attempt to gather herself to keep this show on the road! And she attempted to do that once she was back up, moving over to the downed blonde with a wry smile on her face!

"Alright, here goes nothin!" Amy said with a smile, before she would suddenly leap up into the air and attempt to spread her limbs out as she threw herself at the downed blonde! If successful, Amy would come crashing down hard on the southerner, squashing her underneath Amy's thick frame and pounding the air out of her to leave her breathless on the mat!

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