Pride and Confidence II

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

Unread post by Weonna »

With Alaina raising to her knees, Christina wanted to keep the offense flowing as she would grab Alaina and wrap her head underneath her armpit. Christina would make sure that Alaina would land in the center of the ring as the Filipina would attempt to lift the Amazon briefly and preform a snap Suplex!
If successful Christina would roll back up to her feet and flow right into another attack ad she would grab Alaina's hand and do a Kamigoye knee strike to a pin attempt!

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Alaina was yanked up and her big body lift, flying through the air before crashing hard to the canvas! The amazon groaned only to get pulled up and smashed in the face as she limply fell back to the mat and groaned as she weakly shook her head. Alaina moaned as she felt her eye throb as that took the worst of the hit. She was in a daze as Christina took her down hard.



Alaina jerked hard to the side and lift a shoulder at two but she was still in a daze and her eye looked a bit black from the hard hit as she struggled to recover.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

Unread post by Weonna »

"Damn your tough..."

Christina commented as Alaina would kick out of the pin. The Filipina would take a few breathers before standing up and grabbing the Amazon by her hair. Christina would rush and drag Alaina to the nearest corner, smashing her head in the top turnbuckles before smacking the Amazon's chest with a knife edge chop!


The noise could be heard in the gym as the staff members cringed at the hard smack!

"Come on Alaina! Fight back!"

Christina taunted as she would try to go for another knife edge chop!

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Alaina grunted as she was yanked up and had her head bashed off the turnbuckle and then chopped hard across the chest! She groaned and stomped as her thighs shook. However Christina telling her to fight back made her scowl a bit. She shoved Christina back and then stepped out sending a chop of her own! "Okay fine! Let me know how you liked that one!" Alaina shouted as she smashed Christina with a chop then slapped her own chest and tensed up daring her to hit back!

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Christina stepped back away when Alaina retaliated with her own chop to the Filipina's chest! Christina looked at Alaina with a smirk,

"That's what I'm talking about let's fucking go!"

Christina was pumped up as she would come forward and hit Alaina with a Forearm shot to the chest. The Filipina expected to be hit back as the two wrestlers would have a striking match in the center of the ring! Christina would try to hit Alaina with a Forearm shot to the head as the Filipina was backing away slightly with each shot she took from Alaina.

'Damn she hits hard' Christina thought to herself as she was being slightly outpowered by the Amazon.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina took the hits and stumbled back a step again. She shook her head and let out a shout as she stepped back up smashing into Christina with the hardest forearms she could! One.... two to the chest! If Christina swayed or looked open Alaina would follow with more to the chest capped by a spinning forearm right to the head! She wanted to show Christina why strike or slam contests with Alaina were often discouraged by any trainers or analysts when she had matches.....

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

Unread post by Weonna »

The volunteer ref watched in awe as the two women were going at it with a striking battle. The Ref thought this was going to be a Sparring session but now it has devolved into an actual match!

Christina would Forearm strike back at Alaina but each time she does so the Amazon was coming back with the heat and eventually became to overpower the Filipina, who despite losing the exchanges was having some fun with it as she gave Alaina a grin before getting forearmed right on the face causing Christina to go down on one knee!

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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"All right Christina you wanted slams earlier so how about now!" Alaina shouted as she grabbed hold of Christina scooping her up and slamming her down hard! Alaina stomped her abdomen a couple times before yanking her up, scooping her up into the air and slamming her a second time! The amazon would jump up and crash down on Christina with a big leg drop before rising, deadlifting Christina up again! She held Christina and spanked her a few times then delivered the third slamigo, flexing her biceps and strutting around the ring afterward!

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

Unread post by Weonna »

The Filipina was gonna have a taste of Alaina's vicious rampage as Christina was lifted up and slammed down hard by a Scoop slam!


Christina arched her back and let's out a groan before being stomped repeatedly on her abdomen! All the Filipina could do was endure the stomps before being scooped up again for a second Scoop slam. Alaina would follow up with a leg drop (hulk hogan style) as Christina's body flopped up. Christina rolled to her side...breathing heavily as she was getting beaten up by Alaina. The Amazon didn't stop there as she deadlifted her opponent up to her feet, lift her up on her shoulders, spanked Christina's back a few times before delivering one final powerful Scoop slam!

Christina landed with a loud thud as she remained on the canvas in a supine position. Her eyes were struggling to keep open and her chest was heaving heavily.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina finished the slams and jumped up before splashing down on top of Christina! She hooked a leg and pressed down on her opponent, going for a pin. She wanted to make a statement and wondered just how much her slams took out of Christina at this point especially considering they began with a slam contest before the spar.


The official counted and was going to continue as Christina was still down!

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