Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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Standard Match

A non-title match might not be how many people saw a champion starting things off, if they were used to bum champions who didn't make a showing now and again. Too afraid of a non-title match that might ruin their image if they lost once they weren't able to pick an opponent they knew they could beat. Kyoko was ready to be different from either Middleweight champion that she already felt superior too. While she knew she couldn't put her title on the line without notice and the first PPV was the best place for her first match while she waited for people to respond to her open challenge Kyoko would take some time to remind people how dangerous she could be now that she wasn't in Apex anymore. She told management to give her an opponent, any opponent at LAW and she'd be ready for them.
Kyoko's music played through the arena, triggering a reaction from the audience that had seated themselves to see Kyoko in action and it grew louder once she arrived on stage. Both her Belly belt and her Middleweight belt around her waist and for once completely obscuring her famous abs as she did a strut to the ring, basking in the limelight she felt she richly deserved. The championships around her waist would be pulled off and raised in the air once she got to the ring, holding both up despite neither of them being on the line tonight. Shortly after that, she grabbed a mic so she could speak. "As stated, the first title match for the Middleweight champion will take place in late June at We are LAW 6. But that doesn't mean that I'll be doing nothing until then. I've wanted to get a fight going soon anyway and I'm not waiting a whole month to do it, consider this a warm up for whoever is fortunate enough to be the first defense against the greatest Middleweight champion LAW will ever have. I know that no one can hope to match me on the best day, which is why for whoever LAW management has given me I have a gift." Kyoko said before reaching down her top to pulling out a shirt, one of her own 'servant of the queen' belly shirts that she held out. "These are my best sellers and I already know now that I'm champion they're about to get a lot hotter so as a thanks I want to make sure that my opponent tonight feels like a real servant of LAW's brightest star. As for the rest of you who have to buy this shirt. Macaque's Athletics is selling them at a discount if you buy 2 of them, so think smart and make the trek, let her know I sent you! Now without further ado, bring out the champs opponent!" Kyoko said looking at the entrance and demanding her opponent show herself.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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Aika Sakata watched backstage with an overly worried look on her face that only grew increasingly concerned as Kyoko Akan spoke. She knew she was in for something intense now, but she was quickly realize just how serious her opponent was and how she would surely be out of her depth. "Oh wow, she seems legit," said Capri Clarke behind her, making Aika nearly jump in surprise as she was so fixated on Kyoko's speech.

"...Y-yeah. She kind of is..." said Sakata, glancing behind her before focusing on Akan again.

"I mean, not that anyone we haven't faced haven't been legit, but I mean, she's super legit. She's a champion and everything. And I don't know anything about this still, but I know if you're a champion, it's probably because you're pretty good at this thing," said Capri, casually scrolling through her phone.

Aika's mouth creased, nodding. "...Mmhmm."

There was a brief silence before Capri spoke up again. "But I mean, if you beat her then it's probably a huge deal."

"...Yeah," said Aika, smiling a little hopefully behind her dread. "If I beat her, maybe it will help us."

"But she's probably going to destroy you," stated Clarke before taking a selfie of herself.

Any optimism was dashed there as Sakata let out a deep sigh and hung her head. "...Probably. Thanks..." said Aika, heading to the stage entrance.

"No problem!" shouted Capri Clarke, taking another selfie as her partner went on to make her entrance.

Knock Me Out by Street Drum Corps started to play in the arena as Aika Sakata shyly walked out into the ring in her small black top and orange shorts with her black thong sticking out. Her outfit screamed confidence as it showed off her muscles and her chiseled abs, but her demeanor was giving off the opposite. She shielded her eyes briefly as the lights flashed all around her before slowly walking down to the ring, waving at the crowd. Everyone was watching her and she was not handling it well. With a squeak of fear, she would make her way down the ramp. She was ready for her next match, and she didn't feel much more prepared for it than before.

Before she went up the steps, she looked down at them and gulped before walking up to the apron. Sakata went to go under the ropes, but she felt it was too uncomfortable, and then tried to step over the top ropes, letting out a soft, frustrated groan. Once more under the bottom... but that still didn't feel right. She was too tall. So finally, she pushed down on the top rope and the stepped one foot over it, then the other. She would then stumble as she tried to clear it with the second foot, staggering forward before balancing herself.

The Japanese girl would then look around at the crowd again, waving bashfully once more and trying to get herself together for the upcoming match up. She did whatever she could to not even look at Kyoko Akan, who had already intimidated her with pure presence alone. She figured she could try not to show it by not looking at her, but it was surely showing the complete opposite. Aika Sakata didn't want to say she thought she was defeated already before the bell even started, and she wanted to try to be optimistic, but the idea of facing the new Middleweight Champion now? Well, that was difficult for someone of her skill level. She went to her corner first before going to the center of the ring, looking down as she waited for this match to start.
Last edited by Dubski on Mon Jun 05, 2023 6:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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When the music started playing Kyoko got herself ready, putting her belts down and watching and waiting for whoever came down. She was surprised when she saw a big and strong looking girl come down...and even more surprised when despite her large build she looked like she'd never been here before. She wasn't showing off, she acted scared of the crowd and hurried herself to the ring like she was afraid the crowd was going to jump at her. Then when she got to the ring she seemed nervous and struggled to enter, trying to go through or under before finally going over with some difficulties. It wasn't until that last part that Kyoko felt her eye twitch as her confusion had become anger through the entire display she just witnessed. "You mean to tell me that for my first match as champion...Even if it's non title...Those idiots sent me a rookie so green she acts like she hasn't had a single lesson at the Young Lioness dojo?!" Kyoko screamed before she marched over to the girl, only knowing her name thanks the announcer having said it before Kyoko was soon right in front her.

"Hey ms. muscles! How long have you been here and how many matches have you done? Answer me!" Kyoko demanded despite not giving Aika any time to answer. She wasn't even looking at her and Kyoko had to resist the urge to grab her face and force her to look her way. She wanted answers and she wanted them now, refusing to back away at the refs request until she got them.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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Aika Sakata finally looked up when she was addressed--or rather being spoken about. They were very harsh words. Mean ones. And definitely ones she probably deserved. But it didn't meant that Kyoko had to say them. They stung her already low morale she had already. With a soft whine, Aika bit her lip, only jerking to attention when Kyoko spoke to her directly, her whole body stiffening as she stood straight. She towered over Kyoko, but it was still very clear who the alpha was here.

Steel cleared her throat and spoke up more quietly. "Not... long. And, um... two matches... so far," said Aika, trying her best to keep her voice from wavering. "I'm trying really hard to get better though," added Sakata. She felt like she needed to add that, as if it would help lessen the blow or allow Kyoko to show a little more sympathy to her.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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There was no mistake about what Aika said once she actually looked at her, it was not what Kyoko wanted to hear. Worse, it wasn't surprising to hear it since she now sounded like she was going to cry before Kyoko hit her. Two matches only, and Kyoko could guess by the rest of what she said that did not win either of those matches. Now she was really mad, but instead of showing it she started to look calmer.

"So you have almost no experience and they tossed you out here to fight me?.........Okay. Good luck." Kyoko muttered, malice in her voice despite how calm she sounded before she turned around and went back to her corner. Aika looked like someone who could put up a fight, with several years of training and plenty of matches to help her learn. A future that was too far away to save Aika right now once that bell rang and the very calm Kyoko proved she wasn't very calm at all running in and throwing a dropkick to knock Aika back into her corner.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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Steel's lips tightened after Kyoko had spoken up once more. She gave a small nod of acknowledgement at her words and squeaked out a tiny, "Thank you. You... too..." Obviously Akan didn't need any of the luck here. Aika Sakata was the one who needed all of the luck of a miracle here to stand a chance. She looked down once more as Kyoko was in her corner, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm herself. The bell had rang and Sakata picked up her head, seeing that Kyoko was running right at her.

Showing surprising nimbleness, likely out of sheer panic, Sakata was backpedaling quickly towards her corner, holding her arms out. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" sputtered Aika in a panic, but Kyoko had caught up with her and blasted her in the chest with a dropkick that sent Aika painfully staggering back into the corner, nearly falling entirely had her arms not been caught on the top ropes. Her height had helped her there at least as she let out a groan of pain, wincing from the very first move in this match. It wasn't an ideal start to her match, and she didn't anticipate it getting much better from here.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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She moved the moment she heard the bell and caught Aika trying to tell her to back up, likely out of fear that getting close to Kyoko was bad for her health. Even though she showed some surprising speed for a woman of her size, in her panic she didn't use it and couldn't escape Kyoko's dropkick that knocked her in the corner. When Kyoko got up she looked over at the rookie and smiled when she saw she was still standing by hanging on the ropes, keeping those abs in the Belly Queen's sight. Just like before Kyoko moved in and would throw a quick punch to Aika's belly, hitting her hard and then going for another belly punch that went even higher.

"Let me give you a lesson to learn, when that bell rings we're done waiting." Kyoko said before hammering Aika with another punch to her belly. She really had an impressive body it was a shame it was in the hands of a rookie or she'd have more fun destroying it, even if she was still going to have fun doing so now. "Has anyone done this to you before? Am I the first person to pick these abs apart?" Kyoko asked, giving two questions while throwing in two more uppercuts to keep working on Aikia's belly to punish the body of this beefy rookie until she couldn't take anymore.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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Aika was resting in the corner, stunned from the sudden impact. And before she knew it, she was hit in the stomach, shooting her eyes wide as she gasped out loud, and then another followed as her legs went weak from the higher impact of the punch to her abs. She seemed like she was barely even able to keep standing after the first two devastating punches, even with assistance from the ropes as she gasped, looking worried with whooping breaths of air.

Anything Kyoko had to say to her was instantly drowned out by the worry and struggle to breathe. Hands trembling as she gripped onto the top ropes, she took another punch, sinking her body back into the corner. Her backside was nearly sitting on the middle turnbuckle as she let out a whimper, her top half lulling forward as her breaths came more desperate, gasping.

Kyoko never got an answer, but the Belly Queen was, in fact, the first one to pick her abs apart in this way. Aika Sakata was stunned at how overwhelmed she was by these strikes already. And when two more punches came to her abs, she nearly heaved over, collapsing over onto her knees as one arm hung over the middle rope. She was turned to the side, coughing and gasping as tears were leaking out of the corner of her eyes. She was desperate to breathe, desperate for air, and the searing burning in her stomach overcame literally everything else at this point. She had never felt like this before. Aika's mind had no idea how to deal with this onslaught, and all she could do was struggle for air first.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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Aika's abs couldn't handle Kyoko's punches, Aika had no idea what she was dealing with and was quickly being overwhelmed by the Belly Queen's relentless attacks. Kyoko watched Aika struggle to stand up until she eventually had to fold up and turn to the side to try and stop Kyoko from carving her up any longer, and would push her into the corner forcing her to face Kyoko again before she would bring her leg out and start to stomp on Aika.

"Can't get out of the corner can you? I can tear that body to shreds here as easily as I can anywhere, and you aren't good enough to stop me." Kyoko said pressing her boot down on Aika over and over again, until she started to go down, stopping only when she was in the bottom corner. "Truthfully, no one can stop me. That's what happens when they put cute little rookie's like you against champs. Do you understand?" Kyoko said, mocking Aika in a time when she had to feel completely helpless.

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Re: Aika vs Kyoko - A Taste of a Champ

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The labored breathing from Sakata was coming in wheezes. She had no idea what to do in this situation, but she absolutely couldn't do anything in her state. She wasn't aware if Kyoko would show a shred of mercy to allow her to catch her breath. But that pain in her stomach was just too much right now, and Aika was struggling to even cope with that. But then boots came, stomping Aika down. One after another, she was slowly pushed down into the corner further, letting out a loud yelp with some of them.

All she could do was listen to Kyoko's taunting on top of it. She had no words to say to it. She didn't know what her deal was, or why she was so aggressive right now. But Sakata grit her teeth, biting back the pain as she reached for Kyoko's boot, grasping it for lack of anything else to hold while she was practically laying on the mat in the corner. "Please..." said Aika, not sure what else to possibly say against her cruel opponent. Her breathing still came in bubbling struggle, desperately trying to suck in air into her lungs.

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