Newbie vs royalty! Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

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Newbie vs royalty! Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

Unread post by Dabi-blueflames24 »

Last edited by Dabi-blueflames24 on Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

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Muffette erupted from the backstage to Paul Cook’s drumline. In spite of the speed, she did not run. She held her back unbent, kept her arms loose, all under the shade of a parasol of pastel-pink canvas that glittered in the spotlight. The effect was to make her look unnatural, like a ghost translating horizontally through space.

When she reached the ring, she did not grab a rope. Instead, she lifted one enormously long leg, let it rest in the ring, and pushed herself up until she stood by the ropes at her full 6-foot height. Her eyes did not once leave Leo. Not when she collapsed the sunshade and hung it on the rope; not when she settled and let her ass rest against the ringpost in her corner.
Her Majesty the Princess
In the front two rows of seats around the ring, twelve people of all different backgrounds, skin-color, gender, and modes of expressive facial hair sat in two rows of six. Their costumes varied and drew from various European historical contexts but shared in common a commitment to black and white. As the Princess preened, they gave spattered applause.

”Make a note, Siegfried.” One of the twelve pulled out a black leather notebook and began to scribe. Still the Princess did not permit her eyes to lift from Leo’s. ”Today's conquest is Leo Masters. A Young Lion. On his debut. Hmmmph.” She sank further back into her corner, crossing her legs and her arms as a pout formed on her lips. Her brow creased with irritation. ”Off the record—” Siegfried's hand immediately went still. ”This is a really, really stupid joke.” The princess glared at Leo. The longer she stared, the angrier she seemed to become, as her chin arched down, her fingers tapped along her shoulders, and her long black eyebrows formed a kind of v. ”You agree, right? Mm! I have an idea.” She snapped her fingers to emphasize her moment of inspiration. ”You give up. As soon as the bell rings. It'll be a...punishment for management for booking us like this. How's that sound, mmmm, Leo?”
Last edited by Malkavia on Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

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Leo was admittedly taken a bit by this statement, his eyes widened by a centimetre or so as he remained in the same spot he arrived in. The audience learning in with anticipation, awaiting the young lions response.
Leo wasn't going to allow his confusion to last however as he narrowed his eyes towards his opponent, huffing slightly as he crossed his arms and stood confidently opposing her.

"sorry to break it to ya princess, but I worked too damn hard to get here just to be talked down to and waved off by some arrogant snob!"

These words earned quite a number of "oohs" and excited gasps from the audience, even the announcer was getting slightly intrigued by this ongoing confrontation.
He knew quite well that things were soon going to get heated, Leo remained in his stance, staring into muffettes eyes with an expression that showed he wasn't going to take any of her insults lying down like some weakling. He's going to make sure that he isn't gonna be taken down easily, he'll show her that he's someone worth fighting. Even if he near breaks himself doing so in this match.

It felt as if time itself had completely frozen, the music was thought to be muted by the thick tension in the air, bright neon lights blared across the arena as both fighters remained still in their corners. Their eyes locked onto one another, Both awaiting their opponent's to have the balls to make the first move and approach the other.

The bell rings, insisting that the fighters immediately get moving. Leo decided to take the first step and slowly make his way to muffette, making his Footsteps as loud as possible as an interesting means of intimidation. He now stood in the centre of the ring, raising an eyebrow as he crouched slightly and entered a fighting stance. Now challenging muffette.

"your move..princess.."

Now the war may begin..

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Re: Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

Unread post by Malkavia »

Muffette’s cheeks puffed, round like a chipmunk’s. ”Hmph!” With an angry flick, our Princess tossed her crown in the air, let it land and spin on her parasol tip, and flung first the crown and soon thereafter her parasol over the ropes. Retainers jumped like it was whack-a-mole to catch them.


Leo thundered across the mat, a hundred and thirty three pounds of muscle and Young Lion bravado. Muffette locked her fingers together, stretched them until all her knuckles cracked. Then she grabbed her head and twisted until her neck popped. Then she took hold of her ankle and popped her knee—and kept going through to the other knee. Leo delivered a challenge, and Muffette lifted her nose.

”Subjects! Here and abroad.” Muffette flung her high, quavering voice to the arena’s rafters, chin held high while she loosened her body. ”There comes before us a twit, who says he’ll never submit, and so our regal message to wit—is lick our royal clit.” Muffette lifted a finger, lowered it at the confident young stag’s face. A grin like a wicked clown had painted the royal face. ”If you won’t surrender, then our conquest will be to see you smother between our legs. Leo.”

The ultimatum hung in an arena gone quiet. Then, Muffette stepped into battle. Her long legs carried her across the mat, arms loose behind her, as she darted towards her smaller opponent. When she got close, she’d hop to his side, aim her round royal rumpus, and try to slam her hips into his—mountain come to hip-check a mole-hill!
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Re: Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

Unread post by Dabi-blueflames24 »

Leos eyes widened by the sudden movements, he needed to be quick, the princess' rear was so close to him already, he certainly needed to improve on his reaction speed. That is if he doesnt want to be brought to his knees so early on in the match.

*shit! She's fast!*

Before he could even move, muffets behind made contact with his hip, slamming directly into it and knocking the young wrestler away by a foot or so and down on one knee due to his loss of balance.

He noticed how muffet was still in the same position, inly slightly altered from her just now knocking him down. This was his first chance to get her back, so he knew he had to take it. The audience were going wild from the match beginning and the first move being dealt.

"I'm not done!"

He dashed behind herald wrapped his arms around her upper back, his left arm on her right arm, and his right leg in front of and in between hers.

"you won't be smothering anything just yet 'princess'!"

In a blink of an eye he swiftly moved his left legend the rest of his body in front of her, his back facing her front and the arm positions the same as they were before. He yelled out as he put as much strengh as possible into this move and threw muffette over his back and sent her crashing to the ground on hers with a loud thud. Her body bouncing a few centimeters due to the impact and she yelped out from the pain and shock.

Leo groaned and strained, now feeling the impact and backlash of muffettes blow to his side. But he rubbed it for a second and tried his best to ignore the pain, cracking some knuckles as he noticed muffette getting back up.

"hmph, how's that for a "twit" ?"

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Re: Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

Unread post by Malkavia »

Clink. Muffette’s hip struck Leo’s like a wine-glass toast—but with the momentum of her Highness. Of course he went sprawling. Stunned, no doubt. She took her time lifting her leg, rotating, preparing her axe-kick to crack his neck and…

But he wasn’t there. Her frown deepened, leg still suspended like a Damoclean sword. And then his arms took her around the waist. Her hands darted to clasp Leo’s. ”No, absolutely not, that is totally—” The lock around her waist tightened, clasped with such force that breathing became not uncomfortable but…tight. Her foot fell to the mat. She felt pressure on her ribs. Her feet began to lift from the mat. ”Oh you fork-tongued slithering…Hold on.”

But by then she was on her arc. Up and over! She flailed the whole way. Her hands waved to and fro like flowers in a storm. Her head clacked up and down like a frantic puppet. Her feet kicked like a royal wrestler very much not fond of third-rope heights.

The sound she made when she hit the mat started as a squeal and ended as a gurgle. Ooooh… The crowd cringed from the suplex that left her twitching, silky skirt-panties exposed as her ass pointed up.


The princess rolled onto her side, where she remained for several heartbeats, before, blearily and with rolly-polly ankles, she tried to find her feet again.
Last edited by Malkavia on Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

Unread post by Dabi-blueflames24 »

Leo was still hissing in pain fron the blow she dealt, however he could not afford to let that disstract him in this fight. A single mistake could cost him a point, which would further fuel the princess' ego, and he refused to let anyone who underestimates him get away with it Scott free.

He decided he would go in for a running european uppercut while while was vulnerable and getting back to her feet, he wanted to make her pay for thinking he was weak.

He growled and dashed towards the princess, leaping In the process at a low height so that the positioning of his arm would be perfect to ram into her face. He twisted his body mid air to land after the blow is dealt, and then he struck her in the face with a fist facing downwards.


he whacked the princess with his arm, sending her down crashing onto her back once again. However he landed on his side that was already damaged, so muffette wasn't the only one who received pain from the attack. Leo was quick but certainly not the most durable.

He got back up and prepared to strike again, panting a little bit from dealing two consecutive blows to his opponent, "crap!" speed is his greatest advantage, if he loses out on stamina he already might as well be done for.

However if he can now grapple muffette and pin her to get a point, he could earn a tiny bit of time to recover. It's not much but it could save him.

He prepared to attack his opponent once again, but will this move prove successful..?

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Re: Newbie vs royalty! Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

Unread post by Malkavia »

She was up!

And a fist crumpled her jaw. Teeth clacked and her eyes rolled up in her head and her back slammed back to the mat.


But the drool–the drool, the drool, the drool! It pooled at her cheek. Unacceptable. Wiping her jaw, she slammed one, then the next royal hand into the mat and pushed. Back to an upright position.

Ah—but, sweet music! Our Young Lion is panting for breath! The princess’s head turned, owl-like, to sneer at the young man.

”Are we ssssstruggling my…”

And then his arms were around her. And he was strong—strong enough to fold her over and bend her leg like rubber over her head. Her mouth popped open.

“ONE…!” The referee slammed the mat.


And with that, the Princess aimed a fist at the boy’s liver.
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Re: Newbie vs royalty! Leo masters vs Princess Muffette Schwarzenbach

Unread post by Dabi-blueflames24 »

"I may look struggling, but just have enough fight in me to take your arrogant ass down!"

Lunging towards her majesty, wrapping his arms around her and folded her over.

Leo put as much force as he could on the hold to fully show muffette he wasn't playing around and he wanted to win this thing.

"c-come on..!!- No!"

His efforts were merely met with unfortunate failure as muffette rammed her fist into his liver. This caused the boy much pain and forces him to scream in anguish.


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