Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The 'Orchard of Gold', Carmelita De Leon vs 'The Ring Rocker' Mic Chick
Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, they will be disqualified after a ten count. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.


"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"

Carmelita entered the arena alone, arriving to a mix of boos and cheers...A few more people seemed to grow fonder of her after her intensive and devastating match against 'Red Hot' Chiyo Hamamoto...A brawl that brought Carmelita to a new limit, one where passion and talent collided. It was a brutal, exhausting fight that changed the Spaniard's perspective. With a new mindset in place, she wanted to try and find that sense of inspiration again, following Chiyo's advice by giving it her all and allowing the flames of passion to grow and burn...maybe, if she did well enough...Chiyo might acknowledge her again. The thought intrigued Carmelita...It made her feel all warm and happy. Of course, she wasn't just doing this for Chiyo's approval, but-...It would be nice to see Chiyo again and tell the pink-haired Japanese wrestler about how hard she had been working. Regardless, it was time to kick things into gear!!! With a confident, but not arrogant, look on her face, Carmelita struts down to the ring, slipping through the ropes and into the ring. She posed for the cameras, briefly giving the people what they wanted before moving toward her corner and waiting on her opponent's arrival...

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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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A sudden, loud rock and roll scream from a woman roared out, cutting through the noise of the arena, turning all attention to the stage. One brief guitar riff rang out, followed by a second longer one. And then Rockstar by Blue Stahli continued on Mic Chick ran out onto the stage in her red and gold outfit, sliding out on her knees as the pyro exploded around her to the music. Slapping a hand on the stage, the Ring Rocker stood up and nodded her head a few times as the song continued, sticking out her tongue and looking completely thrilled to be out there.

Mic Chick walked down the ramp, pointing at her opponent with a smirk before starting to high five the fans and posing for pictures for them as her theme continued to rock out throughout the arena. As she got to the end of the ramp, she ran around the one corner, holding out her hand to high five those close and ready before running at the ring and leaping on the apron, kneeling on it as she threw up the horns. Chick waved her arm, rallying the crowd to get even louder before stepping through the ropes and into the ring.

She walked past Carmelita, giving her a grin and a wave before turning away and going to the ring ropes and jumping up on the middle rope, motioning for the crowd to scream louder, which they gladly obliged. While that happened, the referee approached her with a microphone, giving it to her as Chick jumped off the ropes and snatched it. The music ended and the crowd continued to be loud for Mic as she waited a bit for them to get a little bit softer. "ELL AYYYY DOUBLE-U... LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE NEW GOD DAMN THEME SONG, ALRIGHT!?" screamed the Ring Rocker, earning another loud response from the crowd.

The singer got to the middle of the ring and smiled happily before continuing. "That's what the hell I'm talking about!? Because now I'm in the mood to kick ass! It doesn't matter whose ass it is, really. Because I got that adrenaline pumping through my veins and that ripcord has been pulled and I'm just looking to get my boot shoved up some girl's backside!" The crowd roared again as she then turned and looked over at Carmelita, grinning broadly. "Hey baby. That means you, unfortunately."

Mic winked at her opponent, turning to face her entirely. "Lucky for me, there's more than enough backside for me to kick, kudos on what I'm sure are plentiful squats. You just caught me in a mood, all fired up. I'm just feeling it, you know? You ever been there? Where you just want to kick somebody's ass? I didn't even have a bad day! I'm just in that mood. My manager hasn't even texted me all day--at least I don't think he has because I turned that shit off after I woke up this morning, because I don't want to sing today. I don't want to dance. I don't even want to look sexy. I'll do all of that anyway, and I'll look damn good doing it, but what I even look better doing is beating the ass of other pretty women."

Putting a hand to her chest, she recoiled back a few paces. "Now I've been to Spain before. Muy precioso! Muah! But there was one night where I was kicked out of a bar for--well, being me at three A.M. at a bar. And I took great offense to that. And Carmelita... I regret to inform you that I've appointed you the spokeswoman for all of Spain there, and I can't move past that night until I kick the head of the head of Spain in." Mic Chick put her hands together with the mic sticking out, then bowed her head. "Thank you for your service. It's time to rock."

Grinning cheekily, the Ring Rocker then tossed the microphone over her shoulder as the crowd got rowdy once more as she walked back to her corner. She held onto the ropes there behind her, stretching out a little bit as she kept her eyes on Carmelita. She waited for the bell to ring, looking fired up as she would take the time to motion for the crowd to keep staying loud for her, not wanting them to let up for even a moment until the match started!

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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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Carmelita's opponent sure was an...interesting character...

The Spaniard was overwhelmed by Mic Chick's sudden intensity, trying to keep her composure as the woman put on an entire rock ensemble for her entrance. She was aware of how fired up people could get, but this was her first real interaction with a more performative member of LAW's ranks. Regardless, the Spaniard would keep herself focused and motivated. Her goal was to win and find that fiery passion within her once again...Thanks to Chiyo, she now had a brilliant understanding of what it felt like to fight like a proper wrestler. There was no way she was going to give that feeling up. Chiyo's words and actions had set a bright fire within the Spaniard's heart, and she would stoke the embers until that flame burned bright again. So, after Mic Chick finished her tirade, Carmelita simply smiled and brushed her hair back. With a mighty pose and a haughty laugh, the woman found the confidence to stand her ground and make her proclamation.

"Ohoho~...Such bold statements...fitting of a talented rock star. Your words certainly match your outstanding levels of moxie, but make no mistake, my fierce opponent. I shall not fall so easily, nor will I yield to the likes of you. I've made a promise to someone close to me, and I intend to keep it. So unfortunately for you, I'll have to cut your little encore short by pinning those shoulders to the mat!!!" She said, pointing at Mic Chick directly...This was her first real promo in the ring that WASN'T coming from a place of malice, contempt, or arrogance. She was genuinely trying to act like herself in a much more toned-down way, trying to put on a performance that made her seem confident and optimistic instead of arrogant and delusional...To be honest...Carmelita was afraid of Mic Chick. She was scared of not being strong or skilled enough to handle her. But-...She didn't allow those thoughts to stop her. It was too late to turn back now!!! With an eager smile, Carmelita got her stance and gestured toward the referee. Seconds later, the bell rings, and the match is on!!!

Last edited by Misfit_Alien on Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

Unread post by Dubski »

Mic Chick watched Carmelita, raising her eyebrows as she began to speak. The Ring Rocker squatted down in the corner to stretch a little bit, looking rather confident still even as the Spaniard stated she was going to win. With a chuckle, Mic leaped up and then got herself ready for the start of the match, shaking her head as the bell rang. She looked almost amused by what Carmelita was saying, and she quite certainly had to make her thoughts on it known. "Hey babe, I promised my mom I wouldn't do anything dumb tonight in the ring, so it sounds like we're both going to be breaking promises. Now bring it!" shouted Mic, quipping with her opponent before she immediately began a sprint towards Carmelita.

The brash rockstar wrestler would waste no time as she rocketed towards her opponent, with adrenaline pumping and ready to get things off to a rip roaring start! She would simply start by trying to throw forearms directly towards De Leon's head, looking to just overwhelm her with sheer strikes. A speedy, stinging start to the match that Mic Chick was more than used to going with, and she was setting the pace of the match early and daring Carmelita to try keeping up.
Last edited by Dubski on Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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Carmelita would stand firmly against Mic Chick's words, not allowing herself to dwell on the idea of letting Chiyo down. After the bell rings, the Spaniard stands firm against the rockstar's opening assault. She keeps her arms up to block Mic's volley of Forearm Strikes. They hurt the semi-untrained Spanish beauty like hell to defend against, but Carmelita wasn't allowing herself to be taken down so easily. She tried to remember Chiyo's words and inspiration, wanting to find that inner fire again. With a stroke of luck, Carmelita attempted to grab one of Mic's arms and counter an incoming Forearm Strike with an Arm Drag that would send the woman over the shoulder of the Spaniard and tumbling across canvas...Of course, that was if Carmelita was lucky enough to seize the opportunity. If not, she would be on the receiving end of a forearm crashing straight against her jaw...
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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

Unread post by Dubski »

Mic Chick sent forearms flying in Carmelita's direction, wanting to just go to an electric start that will put her opponent on the defensive immediately. She wanted to see what this girl was made of, and she wasn't about to back down from it. But after enough strikes, her arm was grabbed and she was then thrown over top of the Spanish girl! The Ring Rocker landed on the mat and rolled, pushing up on her feet as she was stumbling back on her heels until her back hit the turnbuckle! Not looking deterred, Mic's gazed narrowed at Carmelita as she held an arm out at her and kicked off of the turnbuckle pad, sprinting directly for De Leon!

With a loud cry, Mic Chick would then leap in the air as she came close, looking to hit a Spinning Wheel Kick! She wanted to crash Carmelita in the face with a quick strike as she went as fast as she could, putting a ton of force behind it. She was rocketing at the start of this match, and a little arm drag wouldn't be enough to stop her right now! It was go time, and she wanted Carmelita to even try to keep up now.

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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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Carmelita felt such success after landing her Arm Drag against Mic Chick, redirecting her foe's momentum against her and sending her TUMBLING across the ring. The Spaniard realized her goal; it was in sight now!!!. Her new mindset and outlook on wrestling were beginning to pay off, and her training magnified her results...if only Chiyo could see her now!!! The Orchard of Gold had a fire in her belly and was looking to capitalize on her opponent's stumble...However, Mic Chick was quick to recover, the rock-and-roll wrestler bouncing right back to steal the spotlight from Carmelita as she returned the favor with a Spinning Wheel Kick, something Carmelita wasn't prepared to deal with. She hesitated when Mic Chick came rushing at her, attempting to duck and dodge out of the way, only to be caught in the shoulder and head by the Ring Rocker's attack, sending the Spaniard down to the canvas with a harsh grunt, leaving her sufficiently rattled as the crowd was cheering for Mic Chick to continue with the show now that she was in charge.
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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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Mic Chick was a master of throwing her momentum in the right way, even when it came to taking a move like an Arm Drag. So when she was able to send that into rolling to her feet, she launched herself with great speed right back towards her opponent, smashing the Spinning Wheel Kick right into her shoulder hard! Mic went back down to the mat before sitting up and slapping her chest and sticking out her studded tongue with a thrilled expression on her face. The Ring Rocker was having fun now, even this early on.

Then, she would push herself up, wanting to take full advantage of her position now with Carmelita down. Twirling her fingers briefly, Mic would then stand to the side of the Spaniard before looking down at Carmelita once, taking a big breath. She was ready to do another flashy move.

She leaped into the air and spun around before attempting to land on top of Carmelita's body with a Corkscrew Senton! A fancy move that would be certain to blow the air out of Carmelita's lungs when she landed! She wanted to put on a show, and there weren't many better at it.

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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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Out of nowhere, the Spanish beauty had been rocked and sent rolling across the canvas after taking such a direct hit to the head. She hadn't anticipated her opponent to be so skilled at recovering her momentum. Mic Chick really knew how to roll with the punches...what she knew even better was how to dish them OUT. Before Carmelita could even regain her focus, the blonde superstar was upon her!!! With a swift execution, Mic hopped into the air with a stunning leap and twirl, landing a spectacular Corkscrew Senton, which BLASTS the air out of Carmelita's lungs, the Spaniard letting out a deep, pained wheeze as her eyes twitch and water from the pain before her body goes slack across the canvas from the recoil.
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Re: Rock n' Roll Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Mic Chick

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Mic Chick had already been able to show out now with a big Corkscrew Senton, letting her body twirl in the air beautifully before landing on top of her opponent! With a big grin, Mic sat up, brushing off her shoulder with a confident grin. She got a loud cheer from the crowd, only setting the pace for her going forward. Getting onto her feet again, she would instead grab hold of Carmelita, dragging her up with her as she was struggling in pain.

"Oh baby, we're just getting started!" shouted Mic excitedly. She was so amped to continue this fight, this time throwing a stiff forearm strike towards De Leon's head to stagger her! Then, she had full intent to keep that air out of her foe's lungs, this time lifting her up into the air for a body slam position. Instead though, Mic would attempt to slam her down with a Falcon Arrow, wanting to keep her winded with this attack!

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