The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Best of 3 fall

Tonight, Ambre was once again going to play a difficult match. Even though her opponent was making her league debut, she had learned that her opponent was a mountain of muscle. Obviously, the match was going to test the endurance of the women but also their tolerance to blows.
Ambre was still very excited to find herself facing a woman as powerful as her, she loved to fight against women of her size and she was going to be served tonight.
"Make way for the first arrival, measuring 5'8" for 188 lbs, the muscular French, AAAAAMBRE BRAUUUUULT!"

Ambre walked towards the ring by greeting the public, always by posting a radiant smile. She continues to greet them until she finds herself in the ring, striking a rather sexy pose that shows off her muscles. She then settled on the corner of the ring, eagerly waiting for her opponent to arrive.
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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It had been quite some time since Camilia had stepped into the ring. Her time as of late had been spent recovering from a recent drunken ambush. Her mind is still hazy from that night but she recalls the face, the voice. She can feel her anger surge, like a burning hatred attempting to overtake her and make her rampage like her namesake. Clasping her worst she shakes herself away from that thought. The two weren’t one and the same, her opponent tonight had nothing to do with it, a sigh leaves the bull’s lips as she calms herself.

In her pursuit for revenge, the Latina pushed herself to her limit feeling the pressure of it all on her shoulders until she built up her body from the ground up. Her mothers gift which she wore with pride was now too small to slip past her shoulders. Even so the Bull laid it over her shoulders, content with this at least now the threat of damaging it is off her mind. Her usual shorts were gone as well, replaced with with tights and her usual brown snake skin boots were replaced with white boots, adorned with snake skin. Pleased with the results but an outcome she didn’t expect.
Her fingertips settle over her left eye, covered by a patch as it heals for how long? Not even she knows that. It had been difficult at first bumping into things outside her peripherals, focus askew but over time she managed to overcome it and built her confidence in a strong foundation. When she returned and received the invitation, Camilia was ready for action, not even the recent attack could keep La Toro Blanca down.

With her locker door shut, she heads out adorning a hat her brother had sent as a get well gift. Camilia was eager to get her life back together, the one piece she had been missing for so long with it now just within reach. Following the symbolic yellow brick road, she arrived just to see her opponent settle into the ring as their theme died down. Only for her own to begin.
The drum roll leads into a blast of trumpets signaling for her to appear. Like an explosion, The white haired Latina bursts out from the curtains the crowd mixed with fans old and new shout in surprise and admiration to see the familiar face. Standing there, taking it in, this was the life she missed and just down this ramp was the part that would tie it together.

Camilia didn’t showboat at the entrance like her usual self, instead she’d head down the ramp, focused and collected. This was definitely out of the ordinary but she felt a good first impression had to be made with results not poses. Nearing the ring, the Latina would inspect her opponents build, rather impressed with her physique that matched her own. She supposed she did say she wanted a challenge well here they were, prepped and waiting for her arrival.

Climbing those steel steps, she’s reminded of the matches before, this would be her rebirth, her night to be alive again. As she slipped into the squared trap, she makes no effort to pose or gain any brownie points with the fans. She could feel it, this one wasn’t someone she could take lightly. With a beckon of her finger, the official steps up to her. The Latina in one shift motion removes the jacket, handing off to the referee for safe keeping before placing her hat in their head. ”Could you do me a huge favor and make sure nothing happens to these? They’re super important.” she explains with a gentle nod from the red who quickly folded it up and tucked it away.
She grins as she turns to get another good look at her rival for the evening. Roughly the same height, bulky just like her, she could tell from a mile away that this was going to be difficult. Then again, no one said this job was easy. ”Hey there, chica, guess it’s you and me tonight, eh? Don’t let this eye patch fool you, La Toro Blanca is [ready to go]. Camilo couldn’t help but slip into her mother tongue when she was pumped. She extends a hand to shake, showing her pure intention for a friendly match. ”Let the best woman win, right?”

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Ambre could see the incredible entrance that her opponent had, this is the first time she fought against someone who stripped naked during osn entrance to reveal their true match attire. She could finally see her ready opponent when she stepped into the ring and could notice that they were quite similar whether tonight in size or build. The big difference between their two bodies was that her opponent had scars and one eye less, Ambre was totally impressed and couldn't hide how much she was a fan of her opponent's physique.


Ambre didn't know what to say after listening to her opponent, she needed a little time to translate everything in her head and banged her fist on the palm of her hand, as if she had just understood.

"Oh, you speak Spanish! It's a really sexy language I think!"

Ambre then approached her adversary, first sticking her forehead against her then her chest, smiling defiantly at her.

"Yes, tonight it's you against me, the Spanish against the French, the white bull against the black pearl..."

Ambre lowered her gaze slightly and noticed the magnificent abs her opponent had, she adored them. Her abs were almost a joke in front of hers, she couldn't help but be jealous. She was lost in her thoughts and then began to speak in French without wanting to.

"Eh bien, on va aussi voir qui à les meilleures abdos... Hmph~"

After several seconds of sticking against her opponent, the referee decided to intervene by forcing the two women to return to their corners so that the match could begin. Ambre pouted slightly but was unable to complain. She then joined her corner silently, already thinking about how she was going to beat her opponent because the fight was going to be really difficult.
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Camilia could see her rival take to her just a bit, the pumped expresssion, the fist shot directly to their palm as if signifying she’s ready for it. The Latina offered her hand again as Ambre stepped closer but instead she was met with an invasion of space, their forehead pressed against her own as their bodies clashed. Was this some kind of initiation? Did Ambre already have a problem with her? The Latina was definitely sensing some mixed signals here, she wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that. La Toro Blanca could feel a bit of pressure on her when she opened her mouth to respond.

You think Spanish is sexy?” she asked a bit bewildered by the statement. Sure it was a Romance language but she had never thought of it like that before. Camilia’s crimson gaze was met with a defiant smile, one she wore herself when the going got tough. ”When you put it like that, makes it sound like we’re going to war.[Is that what you’re saying?] She asked with a bit of a grin herself.

Following their eyes, she noticed them look down, but what exactly was looking at? Her scars? No, they weren’t wandering like the usual glances she gets, Ambre was looking somewhere else. It didn’t take Camilia long to figure out it was her own chiseled abdomen. Was the Frenchwoman sizing her up? This probably where having the power to read minds would be amazing, but the Latina had to consider the possibility of hearing everyone’s thoughts and that seemed to be too much of a bother. Her brow raised as the Pearl spoke in her own tongue, her French wasn’t as good but she could pick out a couple words although coming up with a sentence and it’s leaning was lost on her.

color=#ff3300]”Uh, sorry. My French isn’t that good, I only got “see” and “abs” what were you saying?”[/color] She asked, only to be interrupted by the officials hand pressing against her abdomen, attempting to separate the two. Camilia didn’t resist but a quick look made it very apparent she didn’t need the help. Heading to her corner, she was formulating a plan to take down the Pearl but she stopped and smiled. This was her beginngs, whatever plan she was about to come up with, she tossed the notion aside. The Bull was going to do what she wanted, concequences be damned!

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Ambre wanted to respond to her opponent, noticing that she had spoken in French unintentionally but as the referee imposed herself between the two muscular wrestlers, she couldn't tell her. She was therefore forced to tell her during the match, she didn't mind talking a little during the match but it was going to be boring... A funny idea then came to her mind to make her understand what she was up to. had just said.
Ambre then showed a little playful smile when she was in her corner, she waited patiently for the match to start in order to execute her plan.


The bell rang and the game began. At the same second, Ambre threw herself towards her adversary at full speed, still displaying her mischievous smile, she had something in mind that you could see.

"I was saying...."

Ambre began to put her plan into action, slowing down as she got dangerously close to her opponent and clenching her fist harder and harder before punching her opponent in the stomach.

"We're also going to see who has the best abs!"

She said cheerfully after executing her plan. She still hoped that it didn't annoy her opponent too much because she just wanted to have fun with it, trying to provoke her into several challenges to find out which of the two was the stronger.
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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The sound of the bell was like a feeding bell going off, it was time to get to business as she left her corner, she could feel confidence and pride well up from her being. Ambre stepped out with what looked like the same conviction as the Bull, her steps were quick, aiming to close the gap and met the Frenchwoman a second time, the encounter would be the one to start it off. Camilia’s sense of danger was skewed as of late, her usual edge dulled so when Ambre was upon her with their devious plan, La Toro Blanca was none the wiser.

An explosion overtakes her gut as she back pedales, clutching her abdomen. The scene playing out in her mind again like a bad movie. Just as Camilia would go to extend her hand, Ambre had closed the gap rather quickly only slowing down as the heavyweights stood before one another. Her hand waiting to be greeted was instead met with a solid punch to the gut. Her back pedal only took her a few steps back, she could easily recover this distance but now she could feel her anger building.

”Is that how you say hello in France?” She asked with a grimace, her gaze narrowed as she rubbed her aching center. A SuckerPunch like that couldn’t be forgiven, nor would she ever. La Toro Blanca plays to get even, if said retribution was more then the son itself? So be it.

Camilia wouldn’t waste any time whining or complaining, she hardens her core as she rubs what little of the pain she can away. Her free hand was clenched tightly but she purposefully steps closer, hiding it by her waist side until she’s in range. If Ambre was bold to approach her, the Latina would step forward with a bound, stomping the canvas’ face as she prepares herself. With a guiding momentum, Camilia would pivot her foot, shifting her weight and cocking her hip. As she throws her punch, she sharply twists her hip to throw her weight into the blow. Her aim? That open cheek looking to take the Pearl down a peg.

If her punch connected, La Toro Blanca would stand a bit defiantly, her crimson gaze filled with a burning fire. ”That’s how we say hello in [Mexico].” She’d declare from her prideful grand standing.

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Amber's plan was executed perfectly, the match started as she wanted by answering her opponent's question with a punch on the stomach, giving an example of what was going to happen in the rest of the match.
Amber was particularly smiling after having given her blows, the spectators applauded her seeing the match start so violently but the party did not last too long because Amber also took a hit.


A punch on the cheek, incredibly powerful. Her opponent knew exactly how to strike and it showed in the reaction of Amber who took two steps back while wiping her lips with her arm. Luckily she had her neck warmed up, she could have ended up in the emergency room because of a twisted neck following such a blow.
The smile of the brunette with golden braids disappeared for a few moments while she caressed her cheek before returning more dazzling than before.

"That was.... AMAZING !! Let's keep banging like this miss mexico!!"

Amber didn't know her opponent's nickname so she gave it to her in the middle of the match, under the excitement of the match. She loved to compete against such strong women and the punch she had just received excited her enormously, enough for her to put herself in position for her next blow.
She clenched her fist and took a half step back before rushing forward, holding on to one leg and leaning all the weight and body forward to deliver a punch with all her might, in the direction of her opponent's face.
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Camilia put a good amount of force into her strike, earning a slight backpedal for her efforts. That felt good. It’s been a while since she got to actual fight and that was a good wake up call. She immediately felt a sense of dread, maybe she threw to much force into it and hurt their neck, just as she was coming to take a look Ambre was up. More then up the Frenchwoman was actually excited. The Bull was a bit confused, surely no one in her mind would be happy to take a hit like that, especially when the reward were utterly dwarfed by the risks. She stood still, a bit perplexed with this development though, it wasn’t often she met people willing to match her blow for blow, maybe this was an oppurtunity.

”What’s that? You want more? Well, believe me when I tell you I’ve got more where that came from. [Hope you’re ready lady, cause this is gonna hurt].” Camilia states as Ambre approaches her again, she winds up her fight, using her other this time around, the pair would exchange blows , her own aim, looking to snap their neck in the other direction to even it out.

Their knuckle connected with her check harshly, a rough grunt escapes her lips as she takes the brunt of their strike. Camilia steps back once, her balance was unsteady and forced her back another step, but she wanted more. She was feeling rejuvinated after recovering for so long. She steps back inward, rearing her fist back to make another decisive blow, she draws her limb in close to her side. The Bull prepares herself as she steps in on her left foot, following in with her right, she closes any space between her and the Frenchwoman created from the the second meeting. Her fist rockets itself forward, gudining by Camilia’s waist, her punch would drive into the woman’s center just below her ribs if she managed to get in close.

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Ambre sighed softly and smiled seeing that her opponent remained standing after taking a punch with all of her might. She was certainly impressed but it seems that the two women agreed to let themselves be hit each in turn, it amused the French who was going to completely let it go, this kind of dangerous competition pleased her enormously.
She watched her opponent carefully and the slightest movement to guess where she was going to get hit. With the distance, she noticed 2 possibilities, an uppercut to the jaw or to the stomach. After a little thinking time, Ambre decided to tighten her abs to prepare for a blow on her stomach, it was very useful.

Indeed, her opponent had opted for a powerful blow on her stomach. Ambre's small guard wasn't enough to block the blow but to cushion the pain, she could get up faster. A long breath of pain escape from the lungs of the French in addition to leaning forward, holding her stomach because of the pain. Luckily for her, she was already able to take this kind of ocup during a belly punch contest and it helped her to strengthen herself.
She looked up and noticed that her opponent was still so close, she didn't back down and neither did she. Perfect, so she could respond quickly and maybe take her opponent by surprise.
She groaned softly before roaring and straightening up, swinging her fist at the same time to deliver an uppercut to her opponent's jaw, she hoped this blow might stun her opponent slightly so she could recover some more strength before get attacked again.
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Her fist drives into the Frenchwoman’s stomach and although the blow is solid, Camilia could tell they tensed up those muscles. It was a smart move but not good for La Toro Blanca who was now in range for a new blow of Amber’s own making. In hindsight there was no reason behind this contest of blows but for Camilia it was a warm up to what was coming. She’d let the Frenchwoman get her fill before she went to work but what she didn’t expect came in the form a a jaw dropping experience.

Just as the Latina was ready to go in for another strike, the Pearl had beaten her to it. Her stance was cemented but as soon as their fist met her jaw, she stumbles backwards. Taking a massive step back, she widens her stance to keep herself standing. Her hand instantly rubs against her aching bottom jaw. Her brain was rattled for sure but she had a rep to maintain and she wouldn’t let this knock her down.

”Nngh, not bad, didn’t see that coming.” Camilia began, rubbing her jaw once more as her brain settles in her skull. She can still feel the effects of their uppercut but she’s far from out. ”As much as I love beating the hell out of each other, how about we move on to something else?” She asks, grinning ear to ear like a mad woman.

La Toro Blanca wouldn’t give Ambre a second to respond, if the Pearl wasn’t focused, Camilia would charge forward. Her arms extend outward, shoulder width apart and her palms open. The Bull’s expecting a test of strength but if she doesn’t get that, she attempt to instead tackle the possibly unsuspecting Frenchwoman to the mat for some punishment of her own design.

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