Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

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Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

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Match Type: Standard, with Bloody Paradise rules
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, or KO. The opponent must be made to be bleed before either is counted against them. There are no disqualifications, and falls count anywhere.
Jessie Hellberg made her appearance just as her entrance music played, clad in simple attire: A white LAW t-shirt with a thick black sweater that was wrapped around her waist, denim short shorts, and black ankle-length steel-toed boots.
Her General Appearance
The pink-haired cutie greeted the crowd with a big, sugary sweet smile and a wave. In her other hand was a baseball bat that was wrapped in enough razor sharp barbed wire to make Cactus Jack proud. At first, it rested over her shoulder, but she took to carrying it behind her back as she skipped her way down to the ring.

She had the air of a child at recess. The last few hours with all those books had seen her bored to tears, and now she'd finally arrived at the best part of the day: Getting out to playground and seeing about her next adventure.

Jessie joined LAW for the violence. The most grueling that they could throw at her, against the meanest and the craziest they could find.

And this Larissa Saito sounded like she was at the top of the list. "Violence Incarnate"! She was a fellow debutante, so Jessie had nothing to go on. But she'd been promised hardcore by the recruiters, so hardcore, she was sure to get! Just as she damn well should: These were her rules that they were fighting under, after all.

She slid underneath the ropes jumped right up onto her feet, backing up against the ropes as she turned to face the stage. Her anticipation could barely be contained, and she would work some of that energy out with back and forth pacing, idle twirls of her bat, and the occasional bounce on her feet during the few seconds she was able to stay in place.

"Violence Incarnate". She could hardly wait!
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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

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Larissa was backstage herself preparing for a bloodbath. Most matches that took place had minimal injuries outside of bruises. None of that excited Larissa, she lived for combat, and what was combat without blood. That confirmation of knowing your blow struck true, a moment that your opponent will never forget. Understandably so most people would rather not match with Larissa giving her mannerisms. Luckily her opponent tonight seemed to be of the same mind. Someone who lived for the glory of combat. Someone who yearned to see the blood of their opponent. While Larissa was content to find someone like minded. Larissa was keen on seeing her opponent bloodied her her hand.

It would be now where she would be announced to all present. Larissa would wait patiently as she was given the cue to make her entrance. The lights suddenly went dark, and a low hissing sound was being made. This would be coming from several fog machines spewing a blood red mist. Now that the song had reached its climax, Larissa would explode from the backstage to two fountains of blood on each end of the entrance ramp. Just water with red food coloring BWAHAHAHA YES IT IS I THE BLOOD DEVIL Larissa said with an infectious yet mad laugh. The two fountains on her side would splash over Larissa slightly. Giving her the image of a bloodied killer. Larissa cared very little for the people watching, they were only here to witness her. Nothing else and nothing more.

Bypassing the audience Larissa reached the ring and jumped onto the apron. Larissa purposefully stood over the ropes as she pulled the top rope down and walked over them. Giving a menacing smile to Jessie, Ah yes, a fellow true combatant. Unlike all the other pretenders here. I YEARN FOR YOUR BLOOD, FOR THE GLORY OF COMBAT WE SHALL CREATE A PARADISE IN THIS HELL Larissa said as she spoke like a maniac to her opponent. While usually wearing a different color scheme. Larissa chose this idea as to match the blood that would be coming.

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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

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Jessie stared in...well, "awe" didn't feel like the right word as Larissa wiped herself clean of the "blood" that had been sprayed upon her with the towel provided by the ref who directed the action in the interest of fairness. She could just hardly wait to start swinging. Normally, she would've seen an entrance like this as one of a tryhard, but the "Blood Devil" carried herself like someone who was actually about That Life. She spoke like it, and she sure as shit laughed like it.

And her laugh would indeed prove infectious. "You sound fuckin' nuts! I love it!" Jessie gave her bat another whirl and brought it back up to resting on her shoulder, waiting for the other woman to finish. Once the ref had deemed her to have made an acceptable level of progress, she swung for the fences. The bell hadn't even been rung yet, but what was the ref going to do? Disqualify her?
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue May 09, 2023 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

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Larissa may have gone a bit over board with her entrance. Not many people would expect fountains of blood for an entrance, but it looked like people were all for it. Many people were all going with Larissa’s act of being the Blood Devil. If only they knew that this was not an act. Well hopefully in this match people will learn oh so much about Larissa. Thankfully Larissa’s opponent was all in on her entrance as well. Calling Larissa nuts, but in a good way. While Larissa wiped herself off from her crazed entrance. Jessie brandished her bat, showing off what she had in store for Larissa in this match.

I adore the lack of fear in your eyes! Larissa said as she through the towel to the side. Not even waiting one second for a bell or ref starting. Jessie came in swinging with her barb wired bat for Larissa’s head! Eyes widening slightly, Larissa smiled as Jessie proved to be so bold. Not shying away or running away, Larissa would meet Jessie halfway and catch the bat half way before reaching its mark. Now leaving the two struggling over the bat. Yes yes yes! More of that! Now Larissa’s smile was looking more and more deranged. Standing tall over her opponent, Larissa was the stronger of the two. That would make things easier going forward. First she would kick Jessie in the stomach, hopefully this was enough for Larissa to take the bat away from Jessie. If this worked Larissa would toss the bat away. Now for the actual move, Larissa would hook Jessie’s arm and place her head in between her thighs. Setting the stage early in this match with a pedigree!

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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

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She might've taken the swing, but Jessie was hoping that Larissa would either avoid or catch the bat. This wouldn't have been any fun if she got all busted up from the jump. Not for the pinkhead and most certainly not for the Blood Devil. She would've made damn sure of it.

Jessie tugged hard. "Barbie and I are...flattered but...we don't do that...polyamory...shit!" And then a foot was practically rammed into her guts, weakening her grip every time it happened. "But!" Another. "As they say-" Another. This one, she was pulled into. "There's a first time for ev-" And again. At this point, she was barely holding on. The kicks weren't rapid fire, but they were still close enough together to rob her of the breath she needed to continue the fight over the bat. Jessie smiled at her and kept talking anyway, however weakly. "Keep...Keep kickin' me like that and I'll talk her into trying it, yeah? She'll do anything I-" And the kick that followed did it.

The loon was brought down to her knees, and her weapon tossed to the side, out of the ring. This was going to be a fun scramble for blood.

Larissa got right on her while she was sucking some precious oxygen into her lungs, pulling her head in between her legs and hooking her arms behind her back. Whatever Larissa had planned, Jessie wasn't about to just take. Yet.

She turned her head and bit into the woman's thigh like she was trying to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, hoping it would get her to let go.
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue May 16, 2023 2:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

Unread post by Tiamat »

Larissa knew better than to let her opponent run around with a weapon. It would only be a matter of time before the named barbed wire bat was used on Larissa. If anything Larissa would rather the bat be saved for later.

The initial struggle over the bat told Larissa all she needed to know about the power difference between them. Ah yes if needed Larissa could power her way and pummel Jessie into a bloody mess. All that was left was to start things nice and violently. Just as Larissa was kicking Jessie she kept talking how the bat, herself and Larissa would be an item. Larissa was surprised as her opponent kept her tone despite the coming attacks.

Still Larissa got what she wanted, Jessie on her knees, bat removed and Larissa standing over her. Just as she wanted, placing her head in between her legs. Larissa hooked onto Jessie’s arm to stop an escape attempt. Jessie though was surely going to make this match a memorable one. Taking a bite out of Larissa’s thigh intensely. AGH…YES, YES STRUGGLE AS YOU SHOULD! Larissa said as she was undeterred, still jumping up and hoping to spike Jessie’s head onto the mat with a pedigree.
Last edited by Tiamat on Sat May 20, 2023 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

Unread post by DSX93 »

Up and over in between her thighs, and BAM!

The crowd let out one big, collective "OH!" as Jessie's head was spiked into the mat. Of her lower body, her knees would be the first to touch down. She swayed back on them, looking like alcohol was the thing that had her slammed instead of the pedigree. And then suddenly, she reached out for two handfuls of Larissa's hair, using them to pull the Blood Devil's face right into the forehead that practically leapt at the chance to meet it if she got them.

Hellberg's head has taken a lot of abuse in her few years in the business. Chairshots, DDT's from the top rope, brass knuckles, piledrivers through tables, on cold, hard, cement, sledgehammers...Nothing you can avoid after you've stepped into the hardcore wrestling life. She's spent enough time in hospitals to know the nurses and doctors on a first-name basis.

Well, they'd still insist on being called "Nurse" or "Doctor" first, but that was just them being bores.

But that's beside the point.

It's been said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And it's true: All of that shit was like steroids for her skull. Now that Jessie's gotten a little taste of the punishment that Larissa could dish out, it was time to see how she could take it!
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat May 20, 2023 4:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

Unread post by Tiamat »

The smile that came from Larissa was one that is shared by a psychopath. Spiking Jessie on her head would just be the beginning of this blood match. Still if Jessie’s earlier ramblings were any indication, this would not be enough to finish her off. Larissa was happy to be right in that regard. Just after being spiked on her head, Jessie was able to bring herself to her knees. Not only that her first instinct was to grab onto Larissa’s hair and pull her in for a nasty headbutt. Gah! Larissa let out in a pained grunt, still her smile persisted despite the headbutt.

Not even caring about Jessie grabbing onto her hair. Larissa would meet Jessie on the same terms. With the distance between the two practically being nothing. Larissa would send boxer like uppercuts to Jessie’s chin. Hoping that Jessie’s tenacity would prove to be her downfall. Otherwise Jessie would be eating a barrage of uppercuts aimed at her chin!

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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

Unread post by DSX93 »


She took the blow and pushed on through, offering Jessie excellent service with a radiant smile that would prove even more infectious than her laugh! Delicious boxing flavored uppercuts that the hardcore masochist did nothing to avoid. If Larissa wanted a brawl, she would have it. Starting with another meeting of their minds after that first uppercut threw her head back, Jessie would trade blows with her. Every uppercut would be met with a headbutt or a punch of her own in turn, thrown harder and harder as the Blood Devil's fists wrapped her head in that fog that really wasn't. Gave her that warm, fuzzy feeling that let her concentrate like nothing else could.

Concentrate on getting the blonde to drop. Or pushing her to make her drop. Either result would leave her satisfied. For the moment.
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Stepping Into Paradise (Jessie Hellberg (D) vs Larissa Saito (D))

Unread post by Tiamat »


Not only was Jessie not running away from the challenge. She was facing Larissa head on, not trying to out think her or out wrestler her. No it was simply about who could enact more violence on the other person. Despite Larissa purposefully eating blows that she traded with Jessie she smiled. The crazy girl would even throw headbutts despite her head being the point of Larissa’s attack. Well Larissa would not be satisfied with such a display. No, more violence needed to happen.

After Jessie came back with one of her own blows, Larissa would grab onto Jessie’s hair. Forcing her opponent to stand up with her, but this was not done with any sort of kindness of sportsmanlike behavior. Larissa did this all so that she could try and slam her arm into Jessie’s chest and spike her back down onto the mat!

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