Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Match Type: Best Two Out Of Three Falls

If one was asked about Suzumi Ishikawa, you would probably have people more times than not identify as her an actress instead of wrestler. After a series of crushing losses, it seemed to be a repeat of the past where Suzumi was doomed to only achieve middling results in the ring and thus remain in comfort as an actress. However rather than let these disappointments sweep away, the Tsunami decided to return to the ring again after a year of inactivity. Anyone keeping up with Suzumi was predictably bewildered by this decision, since one can only test their trust before they are cast out of acting due to unreliability.

Even a few tense family talks didn't prevent Suzumi from deciding to wait backstage with her worn classic attire. However she wasn't in the best of spirits exactly, neither excited or fearful. Any eavesdroppers could only glimpse a cold expression on the past Wrestle Angel's face. She didn't dwell heavily on the match type or her opponent beyond that they were supposedly a rookie. The only thing on Suzumi's mind was proving to the wrestling world one last time.
As soon as she was given the heads up, Suzumi didn't take long to reveal her face to the watchers. Most remained neutral about the upcoming show since to them there wasn't any huge talent about to be displayed. Marching along the aisle with a poker face, if Suzumi wanted to be seen as a no-nonsense fighter then she accomplished it. Reaching the ring without any interruption, she slipped between the middle ropes and immediately stationed herself in a near corner, prioritising a readied body than spectating her opponent's entrance.

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Catalina was excited! Well she was almost always excited and bubbly by nature, thats just how she was. But she had been getting a lot of positive buzz since her debut in LAW! The fans really seemed to like her, which in turn meant that management rather liked her as well which led to her getting more and more matches despite how new she was to the promotion. Now tonight she was set to face off against someone a bit on the older side who was returning after being out of action for a bit. "Ok! Let's do this!" Catalina said to herself after smacking her cheeks to hype herself up before heading to the entrance ramp as her music started to play.
As the guitars started up the crowd waked up a bit, cheering loudly upon recognizing the name being announced from the speakers. Coming out Catalina would pop her hips and strike a pose for the fans who cheered in response as she did a spin and quick dance for the crowd before walking down the ramp with a spring in her step, smiling brightly, her attire shining under the lights and amplifying the positive energy that emanated from her and matched the grand yet exciting music that accompanied her.
Making it to the ring Catalina would hop onto the apron before turning and striking another pose with one arm up in a high angle and the other pointed down, showing herself off a bit before throwing a leg up and slipping between the ropes to enter the ring. Turning to her opponent Catalina would smile brightly at the woman. "Hola! I can't wait to face you ma'am!" Catalina said brightly as she extended her hand out for a pre match handshake.

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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As soon as the music began to spin, Suzumi would only halt her routine for a split-second knowing that she only had a minute until showtime. Relying on the sound of alternated chatter, she could at least tell that Catalina was a beloved enough rising star and a quite bit showy, something familiar enough for the Tsunami. Eventually she couldn't hang in the shadows forever as her opponent approached for a brief conversation.

Accepting Catalina's handshake gesture immediately was only for a different Suzumi, so the older fighter only returned with a mild glare. Perhaps if Catalina left a significant impression she might reconsider, but for now only the necessary words. "I have been waiting for a long time..." Her words trailing ominously as if there was a ghost ready to pop out. This was followed by Suzumi readying her arms into a combat stance, hoping that Catalina wouldn't pressure her and instead back off moments before the bell.

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Upon entering the ring and greeting her opponent Catalina expected something. Not necessarily positive but preferably not negative, but still something. Against Suzumi it was.. basically nothing and truthfully Cat wasn't really sure how to take it. Still she offered the woman a hand shake, as a offer of good sportsmanship! Yet.. once against Suzumi only replied with a glare and cryptic comment making Catalina pull her arm back and shrink away awkwardly.

"Oh uh.. Si Si..." She said back to the woman, putting her arms up as Suzumi did the same, that being the universal language for 'get ready to fight.' A language Catalina was very well versed in. 'Ok if she doesn't want to show respect I can make her!' Cat thought to herself, waiting patiently before the bell rang starting the match and prompting Catalina to shoot towards Suzumi and duck under any attempts to catch her from the woman. If successful she would try and run to the ropes behind the woman and bounce off them before flying back at Suzumi and leaping up, trying to catch the woman with a crossbody!

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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While unsettling her opponent with neutral mannerisms, it didn't extend the pre-match stage severely. Seeing no point in responding to other words or confusion in the stands, she held up the defensive stance while staring at Catalina until the proper signal. As soon as the bell rung, she would capture a stronger image of her foe.

Trying to trap the newcomer in her net only spelled minor discontent as lightweight soared past her. Rather than mentally drown, Suzumi adjusted to the quick swerve and spun around with a backup plan in fruition. Just as Catalina prepared her crossbody, the Wrestle Angel would instantly draw her arms out, attempting to catch the rookie by her shoulder and waist midflight. If she managed to prevent contact, Suzumi would instantly follow up while the Catalina was horizontal, tossing the lightweight overhead with a fallaway slam.

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Catalina wasn't quite sure what to make of her opponent. Suzumi didn't seem to be the friendly type, but she also didn't seem particularly cruel or villainous, but the stone face of the woman made deciphering anything at all nearly impossible. That being said though it was fine. Cat was not one to dwell on ifs and buts, no she would take to action, dashing past her foe and at the ropes, launching herself right at Suzumi!

Unfortunately however the woman was both observant and strong enough to spot what Cat was doing and catch her right out of the air! "Wha?" She asked in suprise at being plucked from the air before getting turned over and slammed roughly into the mat! "Aghhh!" Cat cried out loudly in pain, arching her back and holding it gently with a scrunched up look of pain on her face from the impact!

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Diving into the mind of her fierce past opponents aided Suzumi in this abrupt counter. Turning immediately after to oversee the results, she deduced her opponent was the fragile type, but that didn't impede the Wrestle Angel from stomping over towards the prone woman.

Reaching down to grasp the crying Catalina's shoulder with one hand, the newcomer would be forced to her feet only to be pummeled by Suzumi's speeding fist. After the third punch, the more experienced wrestler thought it was time to transition into something more debilitating. If the lightweight wasn't too winded, she would be forced into Suzumi's clutches through a ribcrushing bearhug!

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Catalina was a naturally small and more lithe fighter. Someone that relied more heavily on speed and agility than toughness and raw power. Which was why after getting taken out of the air and slammed into the mat with a hard fall away slam it did a real number to the Argentinian girl! Attempting to push herself up Cat would only wince as she was then grabbed and forced up to her feet!

"What are yo-NGH! AGH! GAH!" She cried out in pain as she was pummeled by Suzumi's fist, leaving her dazed and groaning in pain, and would have stumbled back if it wasn't for Suzumi holding onto her. A position that Suzumi would be quick to follow up on, wrapping her arms around Cat's waist for a bearhug! "AGHHHHH!" Cat cried out in pain, pulling and clawing at Suzumi's arms, trying to loosen her grip while kicking her legs about in agony, trying her best to desperately fight out of Suzumi's clutches!

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Ensuring that specialities were used at Suzumi's maximum. Her opponent's agility would remain a non-factor if Suzumi boxed in the rookie at every possible opportunity. While she plained to wail on Catalina's gut from the beginning, the rookie's protest provoked a more irritated expression. One of the Tsunami's signatures followed, more than willing to split her rival in half.

It definitely felt like wrangling a feral cat as those claws sunk into her skin, releasing a few whines from the seabeast's mouth. One well placed kick struck Suzumi hard enough in the gut to make her drop the rookie. "Hmph..." However she was far from tamed as the elder wrestler suddenly shoved Catalina back into the ropes, hoping to toss around with a back body drop upon the rebound.

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Re: Cat-astrophe - Suzumi Ishikawa vs Catalina Vicente

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Catalina groaned and yelled in pain, desperately struggling and fighting against Suzumi's clutches, needing to free herself from Suzumi's bear hug as soon as possible. The crushing feeling around her ribs leaving her breathless and agonized, not having many other options but to thrash and kick wildly in a effort to get free. Luckily it wouldn't last much longer before she was dropped. But that didn't mean that she was out of the woods just yet.

Forced back up to her feet she was sent running at the ropes, forced to move with the momentum, bouncing off the ropes and towards Suzumi, only to be launched up and left to drop against the mat with a big impact! "AGHHH!" Cat yelled out in pain, arching her back and turning over in utter agony, kicking her feet against the mat as she held her now massively hurting spine, breathless from the non stop offense!

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