The promise of excitement was all around the L.A.W. arena for that night. Having a hentai match with a punishment round was always sure to cause a stir in the audience, but having it between a now well established wrestler against a fresh newcomer added a new layer of mystery to it. The mix of something known and something that was an enigma was enough for the air to become electric in excitement.

After some seconds waiting the announcer started hyping the debutant’s first appearance so everyone became on edge. “And now introducing the first wrestler, hailing from Cairo comes a sensual beauty eager to challenge the most powerful and sexy women of L.A.W! Please give a big round of applause to Hathor the Golden!!!” Layla’s entrance theme started echoing as she made her entrance, floating with dignity and elegance down the ramp in between some roaring from the crowd and lots of whistling to her body. When reaching the ring she would strike a bellydancer’s pose that got some more cheering from the crowd. She knew that her rival was well known by the fans now so she had to make all she could to get some people on her side. After her theme faded Layla retreated to her corner eager to see her cowgirl rival appearing on stage.