Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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It was a buzzing night in the arena, with the fans once again ready and waiting for some hard-hitting action. What they weren't expecting however, was for the unfamiliar sounds of fast paced techno music to hit the speakers. The lights begin to pulse with blue and purple tones when suddenly, a masked figure wearing a veil over their face and dressed in scantily clad gear appeared on the stage.

The figure struck a pose as a spotlight shone down on him, revealing his bright Cyan hair and muscular form. The figure took off his mask to reveal himself as Milan Zerudo!
The fortune teller was making an unexpected debut it appears as he made his way down to the ring, the fan's not entirely sure what to make of him as he took no hesitation, sliding under the bottom rope and pointing at the announcer for a microphone.

His music stopping, Milan patted the microphone as the fan's quieted down, interested in what he had to say.

"So, for those that have not had the utmost pleasure....I am Milan Zerudo. Some may call me mystic, other's....illusionary." Milan beckoned, taking in the crowd as he did so. "Nevertheless, I've been backstage taking in the lay of the land, biding my time and waiting for the right person to make my first spectacle..." He continued as he suddenly looked towards the entrance ramp.

"So with that being said.....Isaac Clarke!" He beckoned. ""I know you are back there, and I know you're someone looking to make his presence I'm offering you that chance. 2 out of 3 falls, a battle of pure strength and wits....don't disappoint me." Milan finished with a smirk, throwing the microphone out of the ring and wrapping his arms around the top rope, stretching his upper body and shouting for a referee to enter the ring as he eagerly awaited his opponent's response to the open challenge!

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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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Isaac lounged about backstage. *No matches tonight... Might as well enjoy... I mean study this next match...* He flipped to a shot of a scantily clad young man tapping on the mic.

The blue haired boy laid down a mysterious promo. Isaac was at first bemused and then shocked when his name was dropped. "Yes!" He pumped his fist vigorously. Truth was Isaacs preference was to face young slender gladiators like Milan. He would be a fun challenge but Isaac felt confident their age and weight gap would secure him the victory.

Before Zerudo could change his mind Isaac quickly slipped out of his clothes and into a tight fitting red speedo. He looked down and blushed. It was a bit early to be this excited...
He sprinted down the ramp and slid into the ring. Isaac casually leaned against the ropes, huffing and puffing, his body slick with sweat from rushing to the ring. "Oh hey... I heard your challenge... I guess I could clear my schedule for ya!"

The bulky young man extended a hand toward Milan. "I'm ready when you are buddy!" He said with a dumb trusting grin...

Match Card:
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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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It took a few moments, but eventually the man that was Isaac Clarke made his appearance as he sprinted down to the ring, clearly taken by surprise from the challenge. Watching as his opponent-to-be slid into the ring, Milan couldn't help but chuckle as Isaac tried to prepare himself for the match.

Chuckling as he looked down at Clarke's...."revealing"....ring gear, Milan raised an eyebrow and said "My my, someone's eager to get started aren't they?" as he teased the beaming redhead, taking a moment to admire his admittedly impressive physique.

And just like that, the referee called for the bell and the match was officially underway. "Let's give them something they won't forget, what do you say?" Milan said as he extended his arm out for a friendly handshake, winking at Isaac as he did so.

If Isaac was to accept the handshake, then Milan was about to teach him a very important lesson, and would try to pull his arm in and smack a heavy forearm into Clarke's face! He would then attempt to follow it up by taking a few steps back, bouncing off the ropes and try to follow it up with a jumping knee to the face!

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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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Isaac clasped hands with the slender Egyptian. "Ya... I don't think I'll forget it either..." He said with an embarrassed shrug. He relaxed his grip and tried to pull away but the young lion locked his grip and lassoed him in.

The tall redhead ate a forearm to the face. He staggered back hand to his chin. Isaac could sense Milan flying towards him but his vision was still blurred. Suddenly the blue Adonis lept into the air. The lights of the arena blinded the hunk and allowed Zerudos knee to find it's target.

The collision sent Isaac flailing onto his back before his limp limbs sprawled out on the canvas. His eyes rolled back slightly as he huffed and puffed. The concussed cutie looked up at the Milan. His golden accessories glimmered in the arenas lights. A drunk grin spread across his lips. *I'm in trouble...*
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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Milan couldn't help but grin as his plan came to fruition. The poor Isaac was more than happy to shake the fortune teller's hand as he thought he would, and Zerudo responded in kind as that forearm planted deep against his face. Wasting no time, the cyan haired beauty would bounce off the ropes and follow it through with a beautiful flying knee, soaring through the sky as it planted right into Clark's face!

"Oh my apologies...we all only get the one chance to make a good debut....I'm sure you'll understand...." Milan said in a mocking tone, showing his true intentions as he grabbed Isaac by the back of the head, looking to drag the redhead back up to his feet.

If Milan had stunned the lumberjack enough, he would hit a sharp punch to his abdomen to try and keel Isaac over, and then lock his head underneath his left arm, squeezing tight!

"I knew you'd make a nice practice run for me....don't forget to smile for the cameras! ~" Milan would smirk as he used his other arm to grab the back of Isaac's speedo, giving him a makeshift wedgie and showing his buttcheek as he hoisted him upwards, getting his feet to point to the sky!

He would hold Isaac securely and pace around the ring for a few moments, showing off his strength and allowing the blood to rush to Isaac's head, before aiming to fall backwards and land a hard hitting suplex in the centre of the ring!

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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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The young Adonis dragged the groggy redhead to his feet with surprising ease. "Understand What?" Isaac pondered before Milan sunk his fist into the big man's exposed gut. *OUGH* Air spewed from his lips as he keeled over, face pressed against the young man's abs. He had just a moment to savor this before Zerudo seized him by the neck.

"Practice run!?" Isaac fumed. Milan was supposed to get the plucky Jobber! Yet after being given an atomic wedgie and lifted for a vertical suplex he wasn't so sure...
The cameras began to flash rapid fire. Some to capture the suplex and some zooming in on Isaacs tightly pressed bulge and round creamy cheeks.

Zerudo finally brought him down, his head and shoulders nailing the mat first before the rest of him flopped down with a terrible thud. Isaac was laid out like a starfish, groaning sleepishly. His toned pecs rose and fell rapidly as he huffed and puffed. And to top it off his erection was dangerously close to poking out of his stretched out speedo.

A particularly eager fan shouted out "Fuck ya Milan! Pin Him!"
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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Holding the lumberjack high in the sky, Milan was enjoying every moment of how the bout had gone so far, with Isaac's exasperated rebuttals to his claims only fueling him more as the thunderous sound of Isaac's body slamming the mat could be heard reverberating around the entire arena!

Wiping his hands as he sat up, Milan heard the crowd member cheering him on for the pin, and the fortune teller pointed to him for a moment as if to acknowledge his statement, as he looked down at the exhausted redhead and said "you might want to do yourself a favour and stay down for this one, if you do, I'll try make the second fall not hurt....much."

Milan would then tease the clearly excited Isaac further, straddling his waist and leaning over his chest, pressing his forearm down hard against his cheek to pin his cheek to the mat, rubbing his muscular glutes against the erect bulge barely hidden in his speedo. The blue haired beauty whispered "Oh I'll be sure to give you more than your fair share of fun as a reward..." into Isaac's ear, tensing his glutes as the referee began to count as he attempted to play some mind games!


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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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Milan spread himself over Isaac like butter on bread. The sleepy man groaned with pain and pleasure as the young mystic roughly mushed his face against the canvas. The cocky kid even had the nerve to taunt him! "Don't get cocky" he wheezed quietly.

The redheads body shivered as Milan's repeated rubbing made every joint and muscle relax...

Isaac suddenly convulsed, maybe to kick out. Or maybe Zerudos "Massage" had sent a jolt to his brain.

Still under the young Egyptian Isaac could only stare up at him warily. Mentally preparing for his new attack...
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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The fortune teller had the plucky Isaac Clarke right where he wanted him, pressing his forearm down hard against his cheek as he was straddling the redhead, glutes pressed up against his crotch as he would teasingly wiggle against it, trying to continue on his mind games.

The referee hit a second count when suddenly Isaac's body jolted up, breaking the count! Milan took a moment to look around at the crowd and then up at the referee, almost in disbelief that the rookie had the gall to kick out.

Pressing his forearm down slightly harder, Isaac growled "now that wasn't smart..."as he raised himself to his feet, grabbing at Isaac's head to pull him back up to his feet once more.

Gripping his opponent's arm tight, Milan would confidently utter "don't say I didn't warn you!" as he looked to launch his opponent back first into the corner turnbuckles of the ring! If his attack hit, Zerudo would sprint right after him, looking to fly through the sky and hit another knee to the face and send him loopy!

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Re: Milan Zerudo vs Isaac Clarke - 2/3 Falls!

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Isaac was desperately scrambling his brain for a new strategy when Milan seized him by the arm. "Don't Say I didn't warn you!" With suprising ease the smaller wrestler sent his heavier opponent swinging into the turnbuckles. *THUD* Air squeezed from his lungs as he deflated against the firm yet somewhat comforting padding.

There was no time to relax, however. Zerudo was right behind him. With a small grunt, he hopped into the air and smashed his knee into Isaacs's jaw. *CRACK* He gasped from the shock as he slunk to his buttox. His arms lay by his side as he tried to keep an eye on Zerudo through his fading vision. "Stand up Isaac, Do something!" Yet the only thing standing right now was Isaacs ever-present erection, stretching his tights and pointing right at Milan.
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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