Her chief task is to serve as Guard Dog. Not everyone deserves the chance to get close to her master, and Phoenix is always there at the ready, straining at her leash, ready at the least nod to go for the throat of any unworthy bastard who pushes their luck a bit too far.
Phoenix has a broader orbit; one master can’t really fill every cranny of an entire life. She still likes to sketch (amateurishly), especially landscapes, and especially riverside scenes; her deep talent and passion for mathematics has followed her from her schooling as an engineer. She has a handful of discriminatingly chosen friends. But at the end of all things, only one hand holds the leash.
Basic Profile
Name: Phoenix Vandrake
Partner: Severa Pavlovna
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 145lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Heel (Lawful Evil)
Entrance music: I Am Ahab
Main Attire
Swimsuit / Hentai Attire
Bondage with Severa (NSFW)
Wrestling Style