[Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
The Ominous Future
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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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Diana couldn't decide what she'd do when she was back in the ring. Her mind was leaning towards crouching in the corner the moment her feet were back upon the canvas, with her rear to the turnbuckle. A spear about now would have worked wonders on the aching blonde, and further agitated those already heaving abs of hers. It wasn't likely to be enough to put Astrid out of it, but it would certainly be enough to set her up for a move that could possibly do the job.

Though as Diana moved to near enough sit in the corner, Astrid's words brought about a stand from her. She was no longer crouching as she listened, with her hands lazily to her side as she shot Astrid a snotty glare. She wouldn't respond verbally to the taunts and roars of her rising foe, but she wouldn't stop her from speaking all the same.

The moment Astrid was standing straight however, she was fair game. She'd get a response from the Italian. And it wouldn't be with words.

For Diana came from the corner with a hard step purposefully given - one done so to tell Astrid she was coming regardless of how hazy her vision was. She didn't want Astrid to dispute the fairness of what was to come next. Diana wanted the blonde to have every opportunity to respond.

So that Diana herself could gloat all the more when Astrid simply couldn't.

Not as the Italian kicked her left foot forward, with her leg now a meter or so away from Astrid as it pulled the rest of her frame in. Her right arm was already raised up and out - with her fist poised at the end of it, as the Italian swung her mitt clean into Astrid's abs.

Regardless of her success, unless she was outright stopped by the blonde, that would not be the end of it.

Not as she straightened herself up following the brief squat, with her left arm now doing the same motion. Only this fist was aimed higher - square at the cheek of an ideally coughing and wheezing Astrid, as to knock the taste out of her mouth.

With a striking combination somewhat reminisce of a Diana Accera who took her matches completely seriously...

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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Contrary to everyone's expectation, Diana didn't say a word. And although at first it caused bewilderment on the faces of most viewers, after just one moment everything changed. Bewilderment was replaced by surprise because instead of any offensive words, the Italian woman took a confident step forward. A wave of excited noise ran through the arena, because at that moment almost everyone felt how much the tension inside the squared circle had increased.

Astrid was in no hurry to share the joy and anticipation of the audience. Just one confident step doesn't mean anything. She still hasn't received an answer. But she was determined to find out who exactly was approaching her right now. The Golden Dragon responded to Diana's step with her own confident step. Yes, she had practically no strength left. But if they really decided to end this match, then she was going to give her opponent every last drop.

When the distance between them was suitable for a kick, the blonde decided to act. Flashing her lavender eyes, she took a quick step forward in order to reach the punch distance. But at the same moment, Diana seemed to disappear from her field of vision. The reason for this was that the former champion took her own quick step while ducking at the same time. Astrid barely had enough reaction to see the fist approaching her abs. The descendant of the great Vikings strained her muscles, but…


It wasn't like any of Diana's previous strikes. Of course, even at the best of times, Astrid's abs would hardly be able to fully absorb the power of the brunette's blow. But when the knuckles cut into her bare skin, it seemed to her that she was rammed with a cannon. Astrid felt a spasm constricting her muscles. Her eyes widened in pain, while her upper body involuntarily leaned forward. This was exactly what her opponent was counting on. Diana didn't even think to stop. This was absolutely announced by her other fist, which crashed into Astrid's right cheek.


Under the enthusiastic shouts of the audience, who clearly found it difficult to believe what was happening, the Golden Dragon's head jerked to the side. Her mouth opened and saliva mixed with blood flew out. For just one brief moment, the light faded from her eyes. Along with this punch, she got pain and ringing in her ears. But not only that. Along with this punch, she got the answer.

It was for this reason that she liked to speak with fists. When she first met Kyoko, almost every word of the purple-haired woman said that she was just a self-confident bitch, nothing more. But her fists told Astrid during the match how tough and strong-willed this woman was in real.

Today, every word Diana said reflected all the vile things that she acquired after the champion belt turned out to be in her hands. However, now her fists said something else. The real Diana was still here. She always was. She just needed a reason to wake up.

Perhaps after everything that happened, many people managed to forget about it, but that's exactly what Astrid wanted from the very beginning. She came here for two goals. She wanted to see the real Diana Accera. And she wanted to become the first openweight champion. The Golden Dragon had reached her first goal. Right now, in front of her was the Diana she wanted. So could she really stop halfway and not try to achieve the second goal too? No…

Astrid intended to move her right leg half a step back in order to stay on her feet. And as soon as her vestibular apparatus felt at least some semblance of balance, she would immediately take a quick step forward, reducing the distance between her and her opponent to almost a minimum. Clenching her fist, she was going to swing her right hand from the bottom up in order to return the favor to Diana and check her abs with a heavy right uppercut. And although she was tempted to compare their pure boxing skills, she still hadn't forgotten that she had every right to use absolutely everything she had to win. And for this reason, if she managed to slow Diana down at least for a second, she would immediately try to turn her torso to the right. For what? To get at least a little extra momentum, and then send a left elbow strike to the brunette's jaw!

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Diana could of continued - hell she was already regretting not doing just that. She could of unleashed a fury of strikes until Astrid hit the canvas, or inadvertently set herself up for the perfect slam to put her down all the same. Whatever submission moves Diana had in her arsenal she felt were now redundant. To utilize them, she'd have to expect more strength than they were worth. She could already imagine herself collapsing from the mere thought of bringing the blonde into another powerful strength or choke.

Instead, the Italian took a single step back, both to rest her fists a moment and allow a brief moment of recollection. Astrid of course was free to do the same, though she had the handicap of having being struck in such horrid fashion by the former amateur boxer. It wasn't enough to put the blonde down - which was the reason of the aforementioned regret for the Italian - but it certainly set the stage for more. The moment would be perfect on the titantron of the Italian, had she indeed found the victory she sought at the end of this fight.

With her fists shaken at her sides for a moment, Diana rose her mitts yet again with no good intention. Though this time she was beaten to the punch - quite literally in fact - as the blonde looked to give as good as she had gotten if not better.

Struck in the abs with enough force to briefly send Diana off her feet, the toes of the Italian would hit the canvas again in perfect tandem with Astrid's next assault. Having swung her body out to add a full rotation to her next attack, Diana was lucky to still have taste in her mouth as the blonde powerhouse made her connection. With a snap of the Italian's head brought on by that elbow strike!

Though it was perhaps the next moment that shocked the masses all the more!

For Diana's legs would turn to jelly as Astrid no doubt expected, but the extreme momentum of her elbow had sent Diana outright stumbling. And not into open ground, nor a turnbuckle!

Body bouncing off of the ropes to the right of where she had made her entrance, Diana's footing only returned to her as she came back to the blonde beauty. With her arm raised, purely on instinct.

Though at the end of it, lay not a fist, but an open palm...

One that would swing out with all the force Diana's tumbling frame could muster, for a cheek-slapping collision that rung out into the nosebleeds. Before Diana's momentum carried her forward all the same, straight onto a knee...

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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It worked. Perhaps even more effective than Astrid had hoped. When her fist crashed into Diana's abs, the brunette seemed to freeze. This proved once again that both of them had exhausted almost all of their reserves. But at that moment, the Golden Dragon didn't think too much about it. Taking advantage of Diana's condition, the descendant of the great Vikings tried to use everything she had in order to make the elbow strike, aimed at her opponent's jaw, as tough as possible.

The force of this blow literally threw the former champion aside. Diana's legs got tangled and she backed into the ropes. For Astrid, who felt a burning pain with every breath, it was a signal. She must pursue the brunette and continue the offensive. That's exactly what she did. She headed towards Diana, confident that at least one more powerful blow and then she would be able to use something much heavier.

"Just a little bit more..." she thought.

And although she expected Diana to bounce off the ropes, given the laws of physics and everything else, she definitely did not expect Diana to do it while simultaneously waving her hand with her palm outstretched. By the time the Golden Dragon started shifting her arms in order to defend herself, it was already too late. The brunette's palm passed over her face like a fucking cricket bat!

First there was a white flash. And then darkness and light began to replace each other in front of the blonde's eyes with such speed that she felt a lump in her throat. Her legs trembled like an aspen leaf and she fell to her knees. Only instinctively she threw both hands forward in order to grab Diana by the shoulders and thereby avoid falling to the mat. But that was the only thing she did.

"Move damn you!" She told herself mentally.

But the ringing in her ears was so loud after this unexpected blow that her brain simply refused to send impulses to her muscles. Astrid's head involuntarily lowered and red drops of blood running from her nose immediately began to fall on the mat. The Golden Dragon was desperately trying to find at least some strength at that moment, but no matter how hard she tried, she just froze.

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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Diana would have loved to have taken control in that moment, given she'd just quite literally slapped the taste out of Astrid's mouth. But the power of the strike that had rendered Astrid so low if temporarily came from the momentum that was thrust on her body from bounding off the ropes. Momentum that carried her further in something of a double edged sword, with Diana falling to her knees in a similar manner to the blonde she had just slapped!

Free hand to the canvas as Astrid gripped onto her side, Diana didn't even turn her head as she put pure focus on getting upright as opposed to attacking or even removing Astrid's grip from her. Though as her hand pushed her upwards onto her knees, she would at least turn to face the mighty blonde, with one hand raised to clutch Astrid's shoulder in return. The last thing she wanted was Astrid locking in a clinch as to ragdoll and slam the Italian silly, with that raised hand now at least giving Diana some means as to resist any efforts at such.

Though even Diana's push fell apart, albeit willingly as she brought her head forward. Forehead would clang against forehead as the two began to push up, with Diana not backing down an inch. Both women would soon be to their feet with nothing pressing but their skulls, as Diana's eyes widened with life. Nostrils flaring and teeth baring, the fact that Astrid's blood and sweat were dripping down her own good looks didn't deter the Italian in the slightest. Not as the two came to a dramatic standstill, as the audience too came alive. Both women were pushing themselves to ridiculous levels, and yet they looked as if they'd barely begun!

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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Fortunately for Astrid, Diana was in almost the same condition as she was. Despite the attack of the Italian woman, which caused a wild ringing of bells in the blonde's ears, the former champion also suffered from the consequences of Astrid's attacks. As a result, both women were on their knees in front of each other. They almost mirrored each other's movements, clinging each other's shoulders.

The only difference was that Diana was trying to push Astrid away, while the Golden Dragon was trying to do everything possible to prevent this from happening. Rationally assessing the situation, the descendant of the great Vikings understood that now the best option for her is to keep Diana close, because it was an opportunity to limit her movements. She needed to catch her breath a little before she could get back into the game.

But then something happened that Astrid did not expect at all. Instead of trying to continue pushing her away, Diana abruptly changed tactics. Their foreheads pressed together. And although the brunette was still putting pressure on the Golden Dragon, things were different now. Now it wasn't an attempt to push her away, now it was like... a challenge?

This made Astrid bare her teeth. Her fingers tightened, digging into her opponent's shoulders. She couldn't explain it, but even though she was still weak, she felt that she just couldn't help but respond to this challenge. How can you give up what you've been waiting for for so long? She saw desire in Diana's eyes. Not just to win in any way, but to prove that she is really stronger and better than the blonde. And what she saw in the eyes of the former champion seemed to awaken a fire in her.

Responding to Diana's pressure, Astrid also tilted her head forward. Despite fatigue and everything, both women began to get to their feet. Like two rams that collided foreheads, they tried to force each other to take a step back. But even when they both straightened up to their full height to the applause of the audience, they both remained standing in place.

As in the case of her rival, the nostrils of the descendant of the great Vikings began to inflate. At that moment, it might have seemed that along with the air from her lungs, smoke with sparks should start coming out. She felt something begin to stir inside her. Something that usually stays in a dream. And although it has not yet opened its eyes with vertical pupils, even this feeling was enough for Astrid to get an irresistible desire to crush Diana in their new round.

The Golden Dragon intended to take a sharp step forward in order to gain momentum. She was going to use this in conjunction with the strength of her arms to push Diana back. No, she didn't want to put too much distance between them. Just one or two steps between them was enough for her.

And if she really succeeded, she would gladly use this opportunity to let Diana know that she, too, has become more serious abouit their confrontation. After all, if she managed to push the brunette away from herself, she would immediately raise her left leg bent at the knee, but only to at the same second straighten this leg and hit the Italian woman in her abs with a simple, but still damn powerful push kick! Astrid wanted not only to knock out her opponent's breath, but also to send her to the corner behind her!

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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There was a lively applause from the audience, with a good proportion even standing up at the sight before them. For a moment, they completely overlooked Diana's disgusting nature of late and were instead just applauding the intensity and drive of two wrestlers out for the top prize. Where this sudden desire by the Italian to fight fairly and without showboating had come from remained to be seen, but one thing was for sure.

This wasn't simply Diana puffing out her chest for appearances. Not as she pressed into Astrid in a completely even manner, matching out that greater size and general strength with raw tenacity.

Though tenacity wouldn't save her from Astrid making the first move in this new 'round,' as she reared up her leg with intent to drive it into Diana's abs. Facing her head on and with her arms so lazily to her sides, Diana's hands would simply slap at the thick thigh of Astrid as that limb came in. In a motion that naturally didn't slow down Astrid in the slightest.

Not as the momentum of the chestier blonde carried Diana the way Astrid intended, what with the push kick she delivered digging itself neatly into the Italian's abs to force a nice gasp of air from her. Before the momentum carried Astrid's leg in further, with there being only one result from such force being driven so clean and true at Diana's body.

That being the Italian's frame coming off both feet for a moment as she was pushed back, with her arms draped over the top ropes either side of her!

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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Yes, the atmosphere in the arena has clearly changed. Considering everything that has happened since their first meeting, the idea has settled in the minds of many viewers that this is a comedy and nothing more. It was worth paying tribute to Diana, she put an incredible amount of effort into this. But no one was laughing now. Now no one wiped tears from their faces as after the next episode of a sitcom. Now everyone was fascinated by the two women, who made it clear with their whole appearance that from now on the match would go on a completely different path.

Even Astrid, who tried to keep a serious face from the very beginning, changed her attitude to what was happening. If earlier she just wanted to win, now she began to feel the pleasure of the match. And so her lips stretched into a satisfied smile when her foot crashed into her opponent's stomach.

She saw Diana's eyes widen in pain. It seems that the brunette did not expect that the Golden Dragon would start a new round so sharply. It was her mistake. However, this was only the beginning. She would find out about it, because because of a powerful kick, she was exactly where Astrid wanted her. Right in the corner and with her hands on the ropes on either side of her.

The descendant of the great Vikings did not hesitate and as soon as she returned her attacking foot to the mat, she immediately took a step towards the former champion. Astrid's nostrils continued to flare. Slightly bending her arms at the elbows, she strained her arms with such force that it might seem to someone that her veins should burst. Some viewers began to increase the noise because it seemed to them that they had once seen something similar. And they were right.

Advancing on Diana like the doom, the blonde stopped right in front of her weakly breathing rival. Her arms began to shake as if something wanted to burst out from her. A red glow ran through her lavender eyes because of the play of light. She slightly raised her arms bent at the elbows and, unable to contain her emotions, let out a low growl.


At this point, the volume of screams from the audience has increased markedly. If they had doubts before, now they remembered exactly when they saw it last time. Her debut. The only difference was that this time it was Diana standing in front of Astrid, not Alison. Everything else was a kind of deja vu.

Astrid threw her right fist at Diana's face. And then I threw her left fist into her chest. Then the right one into her stomach. Then the left one to her head. It could be called anything, but most of all it resembled machine gun fire. Astrid's fists sliced through the air like bullets. In each punch, she put not only strength, but also speed. She didn't give a damn where exactly her punches would land. At that moment, she wanted only one thing. She wanted Diana's body to go limp. If there was a place for special effects, then surely huge flames would have started dancing around Astrid, through which one could see the silhouette of a huge golden dragon. Damn right, it was nothing more, but the dragon's rage!
Last edited by skip-stop on Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

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Diana had the hard ropes burn across her arms and sides, but they would provide no solace. The referee would nearly act out of instinct and raise her voice to bellow for a rope break, only to realize such a rule did not exist in this moment. Perhaps it was the intensity of the moment that had snapped some sense from the official - with the sheer aura cast by the two women distracting her from even the simplest of jobs. Though Astrid's aura would shine over Diana's for a moment as she reared in, with her arms raised.

Diana didn't need it spelling out for her. Astrid wasn't coming into clench. She was about to fire away. And Diana had nowhere to run.

Her own arms clenched, all Diana could do was call upon her experience in the world of amateur boxing to save her. But even then, it could only do so much. For Astrid's superior size meant that Diana had little experience in said boxing world against a woman of her scale. She'd had plenty of wrestling matches, but she couldn't imagine Astrid being convinced to slow down so that Diana could recall that knowledge instead!

Tilting her body in the opposite direction to every strike Astrid threw, with her raised arms further adding to her defense, Astrid would chop away at Diana all the same. Her fists would connect equal parts with Diana's arms as they did her torso and head - with as many of her shots missing and hitting nothing but air as were connecting. But even this motion soon began to become more than it was worth, which was saying something given the pain being thrust upon her!

Body turning all the redder, Astrid couldn't be stopped by anything short of a gunshot at the rate she was going, what with her knuckles pinging off the meaty flesh of the Italian the longer the combination went on. At this rate, Diana was going to be broken whilst standing!

With her body alight in the moment, both from the sheer agony Astrid was still thrusting upon her and the fire of the moment in general, Diana shot out with her right as if it were on a spring. Astrid was launching punches beyond counting, but Diana only mustered one even as the blonde kept firing off.

A desperate one, needless to say. For it was a hook aimed square at the cheek of Astrid...

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Re: [Last Woman Standing Match] Astrid Arvidsson vs Diana Accera - For abs, booba and the Openweight Title (Apex Match)

Unread post by skip-stop »

Oh. Besides the fact that now in front of Astrid was Diana, not Alison, there was a difference in something else too. Despite the fact that Alison also tried to resist the furious punches of the Golden Dragon, she quickly went limp, unable to withstand the might of the descendant of the great Vikings. Diana, in her turn, coped with it much better.

Astrid's brakes seemed to have failed, causing her fists to move back and forth like jackhammers. But at the same time, the Italian woman was equally good at avoiding part of the punches and at blocking them. Because of this, only a small part of the punches caused real damage. Was it worth saying that it was a challenge for Astrid?

Wanting to break the former champion, the Golden Dragon intensified her onslaught. She felt pain every time her knuckles slammed into her opponent's forearms. But she was sure that a little more and Diana would not be able to stand it anymore. With fury in her eyes, the blonde tried to do everything possible to break Diana's defenses.

It seemed that she was beginning to make progress in this. Perhaps the audience could not feel it, but Astrid definitely felt that the brunette was starting to weaken. Despite all Diana's skill, even the strongest defense will sooner or later fall under such wild blows. Therefore, the Norwegian woman let out a growl in an attempt to squeeze even more power out of herself than she had already demonstrated. But then...


They say that the most dangerous punch is the one you don't see. It was one of those punches. Astrid had no idea where this punch came from. But the fact remained. Diana, catching a split second between Astrid's punches, found the strength to counterattack. At that moment, Astrid completely lacked any defense, because she was focused solely on the attack. And so the result was obvious...

When Diana's fist crashed into the blonde's cheek, her head jerked with such force that she literally staggered to the side. A white flash ran before her eyes. Saliva and a few drops of blood flew out of her mouth. At that moment, the muscles of her neck were relaxed and therefore it was not surprising that Diana's punch stunned her.

Amid the screams of the audience, who clearly enjoyed the fact that the advantage was like a slutty girl changing hands, Astrid involuntarily dropped to one knee. Her flame went out as if at the snap of fingers. She was breathing heavily, still not fully realizing where the hell Diana got the strength for something like this...

"Pull your damn self together..." she commanded herself.

Gritting her teeth, Astrid raised her head and looked at her rival. Yes, she definitely liked this Diana more. Looking at this Diana, Astrid wanted only one thing. Reach the limit of their capabilities and see who will eventually stay on their feet.

"GO DOWN!!!" She roared.

She forced herself to her feet, taking a step toward her opponent. The fact that she missed the punch from Diana hurt her pride. And now she intended to repay it. Clenching her right fist, the Golden Dragon threw a right cross into the brunette's chin in order to knock her down and emerge victorious from their boxing competition!

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